Author Topic: It's all gone.. [Dragon RP | Open and Accepting!]  (Read 3970 times)

Offline duna the killer

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It's all gone.. [Dragon RP | Open and Accepting!]
« on: October 25, 2014, 12:28:23 am »


Our home. All gone.

For the last century, humans have been spreading their villages all over medieval Europe. Dragons everywhere have been forced into hiding or killed by the humans. Now only several thousand are left.
We have retreated into a secret world of our own, called Tammabuku. A huge, noble dragon named Volos named himself Lord of all dragons. For many years he led the dragons, keeping them safe from the tyranny of humans. But when he grew weak from age, two dragons came forth. One was an ambitious, powerful, Fire dragon named Fraener. The other was a wise Ice dragon named Ryuu. When Volos did pass away, the Fire and Ice dragon both gathered followers, trying to convince them to make them lord. But when Fraener attacked Ryuu, Ryuu's followers, called Kirafiki dragons, tried to fight back. But Fraener's followers included the Guards and more than half the army, called the Tamaa, had easily defeated Ryuu and his followers. Any surviving Kirafiki dragons went into hiding. Tammabuku was ruled by Fraener, who was just as greedy and evil as the humans. He killed any dragons who opposed him. He built a dark tower in the center of Tammabuku. Fraener even banned the words "Kirafiki", "Ryuu" or "Rebellion".
 Then, 4 dragons met in secret. They planned a rebellion, to try to Overthrow Fraener. Once they gathered an army, they launched an attack. But they lost. Fraener had a powerful army, led by powerful generals and strategies. He killed the four dragons, and the land became littered with Tamaa dragons, who attacked everything that moved, ally or not. They even set the trees and ice on fire, which angered most of the Nature and Ice dragons. But those who ally with Fraener are promised land, and he says they will gain land and riches, once he rules the entire Earth.

Which side are you on: Fraener's side, or the Kirafiki Dragons side?

Types of Dragons
Volos has created a 'region' for each dragon type.

Fire Dragons

They are the most powerful types of dragons, and the biggest.
They are muscular and strong. They are the best fighters. Fire Dragons have scales ranging from maroon to bright red to Orange. Black is a rare scale color, but it's happened. They usually have red, orange, yellow or gold eyes. They have powerful wings and strong tails. Fraener is the largest Fire Dragon. They live in the Southwest corner of Tammabuku, which is a fire region dotted with volcanoes and guysers. The Fire Dragons are supporters of Fraener. Caves and large burrows provide homes for the dragons.

There are currently 2 fire dragons: Ahaz and Vienna

Ice Dragons

Smart and quick on their feet, Ice dragons are third largest of the four Dragon types. They have the hardest scales, making them have the best defense of the four types. They have scales ranging from light blue, to silver, to grey to white. Their eyes range from sapphire blue to white. They live on the Northeast region of Tammabuku. This region is freezing cold, and unless you are an Ice dragon or have a constant source of heat, you won't last long.

There are currently 0 Ice Dragons

Nature Dragons

Nature dragons are the second largest dragons. They live on the Southeast region of Tammabuku. They have the ability to heal themselves. But if the wound is too grave (Throat slashed, ripped stomach etc.) they won't be able to heal it all the way. Nature dragons have scales that match the forest colors: Green, brown, golden and maybe even red. They mostly have Green or brown eyes. They usually don't fly, preferring to walk. They have thick claws, made for digging. The Nature dragons also have powerful beaks/jaws for snapping tree branches, and dragon legs if needed. These dragons are the type that usually give homeless Kirafiki shelter.

There is currently 1 Nature Dragons: Fumo.

Cloud Dragons

Cloud dragons are the smallest, fastest of the four types. These dragons actually live in the sky on Floating islands, on the Northwest corner of Tammabuku. They prefer flying over walking. They have huge wings, long tails, and long legs. These dragons are covered in usually fluffy down or feathers. They range from white to grey to even red. The Cloud Dragons oppose Fraener, and have sometimes even taken in Kirafiki dragons.

There is currently 1 Cloud Dragon: Cloudrunner.

« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 11:55:53 am by Dunasaur »

Offline duna the killer

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Re: It's all gone.. [WIP Dragon RP]
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2014, 01:49:38 pm »


Fraener, the evil Fire Dragon Lord, has been sending evil Tamaa to all regions. Tamaa dragons have black armor, showing their loyalty to Fraener. Tamaa dragons have been ransacking dens and homes. If they are to find any hidden Kirafiki dragons, they are killed, or brought to Fraener as prisoners.

Mini Plots:

Don't abuse your powers please
Fraener is NPC, so don't apply for him
For the time being, I will allow you to have up to 4 characters. I might change this later
If you arent active for 1 week with notification, I will remove you from the rp
Ask the owners for permission before killing their character
This is my rp, if you don't like what is going on, message me and I will try to steer it into another direction
Don't be a gary/mary sue. Not everything revolves around your dragon(s)
Please at least post 2 sentences. This is semi literate, so no 'he walked outside and saw a tama dragon oh no he yelled and ran back in'
Put 'Tammabuku' in your application to prove you read the rules

Offline duna the killer

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Re: It's all gone.. [WIP Dragon RP]
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2014, 10:54:41 am »

A picture of Fraener

- Terminology -

Solar cycle - 5,000 years
Lifetime - 2,000 years
Astrocycle - 1,000 years
Semiastrocycle - 500 years
Shadowcycle - 100 years
Half blood - A dragon that has a parent from one region, and another parent from another. (Ex. Mother from Ice region and father from Cloud region)
"Holy Volos!" - A term used instead of 'Holy Cow!'
"As horrible as Fraener" "You're just like Fraener." - The worst insult anyone can call a dragon.
"Rotting flesh." "As bad as rotting flesh." - A common insult, used to describe horrible things/ideas
Kirafiki - Dragons who oppose Fraener
Tamaa - Dragons allied with Fraener


Hatchling - A dragon aged from hatching all the way until ten years old
Adolescent - A dragon aged from 10 years until 25 years
Young Adult - A dragon aged from 25 years old until 60 years old
Adult - A dragon aged from 60 years old until 1,500 years old
Elder - A dragon aged from 1,500 years old until 2,000 years old.


Fire region

Ice Region

Nature region

Cloud Region

Yes this is Sky's Rim

Fraener's Palace

« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 11:56:40 am by Dunasaur »

Offline duna the killer

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Re: It's all gone.. [WIP Dragon RP]
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2014, 02:19:40 pm »

Code: [Select]
[img] Picture here [/img]
Age: (Hatchling, Adolescent, Young adult, Adult, or Elder)
Type of Dragon:
Personality: (2 descriptive sentences)
Appearance: (At least 2 sentences)[/color]
Hatchlings: (Children)
Hatchmates: (brothers or sisters)[/color]
[color=grey]Does your dragon oppose Fraener, or ally with him:

My app

Name: Cloudrunner
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Type of Dragon: Cloud Dragon
Personality: A fun-loving, energetic dragoness, Cloudrunner is a young sweet Dragon. Cloudrunner is a non-violent dragon, preffering words over claws and teeth. But Cloudrunner also is a bit on the stubborn side, sometimes refusing help when she obviously needs it. But, with Cloudrunner, is is easy to make friends, and she will always have your back.
Appearance: Cloudrunner is a solid white dragoness. She has soft down on her neck, shoulders and tail, keeping her warm in the  winter months. Cloudrunner has large wings and a long neck. She has bluish grey eyes, with the slightest hint of green.

History: Cloudrunner is your average dragon. She was hatched at her groups local hatchery, and had one sister and 2 brothers. Cloudrunner was born during Fraener's rule, and was taught to hate Fraener and enemy Tamaa dragons. When Cloudrunner was about 25 years old, her family group was attacked by a patrol of Tamaa dragons. Cloudrunner was the sole survivor. She struck out on her own, trying to survive. When Cloudrunner was thirty, she claimed her own floating island, which was about 100 km in diameter. It had a tiny forest with a stream running through it. Cloudrunner is currently living on her own.
Mate: None
Hatchlings: None
Parents: Rain (Mother) Thunder (Father)
Hatchmates: Esther (Sister, Dead) Meteorite (Brother, dead) Tornado (Brother, dead)

Does your dragon oppose Fraener, or ally with him: She opposes him
Other: Tammabuku

- Characters -
[Name - Type of Dragon - Player]

Cloudrunner - Cloud Dragon - Dunasaur
Ahaz - Fire Dragon
Vienna - Fire Dragon - Concern

You all are allowed to form groups/family groups. The groups consists of A leader, Second in command, and normal dragons.
For RP purposes, I will not allow any groups until later in the rp.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 10:21:36 pm by Dunasaur »

Offline duna the killer

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Re: It's all gone.. [WIP Dragon RP]
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2014, 02:26:59 pm »

Other info

Time of Day - Sunrise

Time - Approx. 8:30 AM

Weather - Foggy, Cold. Will most likely warm up later

Season - Fall

Recap - 1

Will come later

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: It's all gone.. [Dragon RP | Open and Accepting!]
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2014, 12:49:49 pm »


Adult (450 years)


Type of Dragon:

Ahaz tends to be both proper, and aggressive. He does not take kindly to strangers, enjoying being alone. His fuse is short, and he usually is more serious than not. Though he cares little for others, he is fiercely loyal to Fraener. He does tend to be a bit sadistic, making fun out of scaring opposers. Though he's loyal to Fraener's rule, he still does enjoy his space, and will even blow up his own fellow Tamaa if pushed. He is quite proper, but his impatience and intolerance for others sometimes overrides that.

Ahaz is an enormous fire dragon. His scales shine a deep crimson, with a dark gold underbelly. He has no use of his right eye- the right side of his face is skinless as if melted, the eye pupil-less, the remaining scar of a conflict with another dragon. He has large tallons and huge leathery wings. Because of his huge size, he is not as swift of a flyer as smaller dragons.

Ahaz was abandoned as a hatchling, hatched in the warm confines of a volcano.
It was there when he was found alone by a Tamaa guard. Taken in by the individual, he grew up around the Tamaa, and around Fraener, his mind filled with their ways and molded as he grew and developed. He was trained with his fellow Tamaa, which is where he gets his fighting skills. Once he reached adulthood, he left the confines of their layer and set out on his own. While he is still loyal to them, and does participate in raids when told to, he lives alone in a large cave on the side of the volcano where he was born.


Hatchlings: (Children)


Hatchmates: (brothers or sisters)


Does your dragon oppose Fraener, or ally with him:


« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 11:38:14 am by JimMoriarty »
In-Game as: Jackkdaw
On DeviantART as Jackkdaw
sig by me

Offline RedRedRose

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Re: It's all gone.. [Dragon RP | Open and Accepting!]
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2014, 05:04:14 pm »
Have to join this :3 I hope the history's okay. If you want me to change it I will ^^

"It means pure. How ironic."

"And still young."
Adult; 300 years old.

"Excuse me?"

Type of Dragon:
"Isn't it obvious?"

Vienna is definitely unpredictable. To sum her up in one word, that word would be a question mark. Her sarcastic, snappy comments and hot-headed nature immediately lead people to assume that she's your typical Fire dragon. She is much more independent than she seems and won't take orders from anyone but Fraener himself. She is often seen as cruel and manipulative, having the ability to find out other's weaknesses in a matter of seconds. A lot of dragons tend to underestimate her because of her size and just the fact that she is female, but that is one big mistake. She is ruthless when it comes to killing and is seemingly a sociopath towards others she does not care about. It is extremely difficult to get on her good side; but she does have one and the effort is often more than worth it.

Vienna is remarkably small for a fire dragon; she is roughly the size of your average ice dragon. This lack in size often aids her in her speedy flying and quick attacks. She has deep red scales and black feathers running from her head to the tip of her tail, her wings are surprisingly large, tipped with a claw containing lethal poison only a nature dragon can be safe from. Her most noticeable feature is her bright green eyes, rimmed with black to make them stand out all the more.

Vienna was brought up by one of the only Kirafiki fire-dragon family. She was taught that it was Fraener that had brought death and destruction to the lands. That was until her 20th birthday and her family were attacked by Kirafiki themselves, obviously assuming them to be followers of Fraener. Everyone was killed except her, escaping within an inch of her life. It was Fraener himself that had found her knocking on deah's door. Seeing potential in her, he nursed her back to health and trained her to hate every single Kirafiki dragon and how to kill effortlessly.

"I don't need anyone but myself."
None. Subject to possibly change.

"Do I look motherly to you?"

"They're gone. Thanks to them."
Scarlett (deceased) and Teivel (deceased)

None that she knows of.

Does your dragon oppose Fraener, or ally with him:
"What kind of a question is that?"
Very much allied with him.


"Trust my rage."

Offline duna the killer

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Re: It's all gone.. [Dragon RP | Open and Accepting!]
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2014, 10:17:53 pm »
You're both accepted! One more person and we will start rping!

Offline greenart6

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Re: It's all gone.. [Dragon RP | Open and Accepting!]
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2014, 11:19:49 pm »
((Tell me if I need to change anything c:))

Name: Fumo
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Type of Dragon: Nature Dragon
Personality: Fumo is a bit of a shy and cautious dragon, and usually likes to hang out by himself. He hates the idea of fighting, but when absolutely necessary, he can turn out to be a skilled fighter. Any friends of his may learn that he is not very loyal to anyone, and sometimes will come off as selfish and unkind.
Appearance: Fumo is not very large, he's a quite skinny and medium-sized dragon. His entire body is leaf green except for his underbelly, which is a grey-yellow color. His wings are small, due to him not needing it quite as much as other dragon types. He has deep brown eyes.

History: Fumo was born to two forest dragons, out in a shaded section of the land. They tried to keep him away from other dragons and outside of their little den, not wanting him to be hurt or hear of Fraener. But, eventually he had heard some dragons talking about him, and his parents had to explain who he was. From that point on, they discouraged Fumo from siding with him. Years later, he left his home with his parents to go off on his own.
Mate: None.
Hatchlings: None.
Parents: Two nameless forest dragons
Hatchmates: None

Does your dragon oppose Fraener, or ally with him:  Fumo opposes Fraener.
Other: Tammabuku

Offline duna the killer

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Re: It's all gone.. [Dragon RP | Open and Accepting!]
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2014, 12:54:09 am »
(You are accepted! Let's start! Also guys, I will make Fraener currently controllable, but not as a character. I will also add some more things to the map.)


Cloudrunner was flying through her floating island. Cloudrunner was a young dragon, only about 35 to 40 years old. But she had her own island! And it was actually pretty good sized one two! Cloudrunner had found it by accident, when the owner was dying and needed to give it to another dragon. Cloudrunner lightly landed and explored a bit. After all, it was so big some parts were simply unexplored. After a while she came across a bush of berries. She plucked a few berries and popped them into her mouth.