Author Topic: Imanu Pride  (Read 6157 times)

Offline ScorchedDemon

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Imanu Pride
« on: November 01, 2014, 09:55:52 am »
Hello strangers and friends of old! Welcome to the Imanu pride! This is the creator, Mchumba(ScorchedDemon), speaking!  I'm here to advertise and post my group/pride on here since I do not know how to make a website for it.  Lets get down to business, then get to the fun stuff! ;) Have any suggestions or questions?! FEEL FREE TO COMMENT! x3

Oh, one more thing before I forget! This pride is a semi-lit. - literal, semi-real - realistic, UNmapped, Nomadic, UNsited, ranked group! :) We are located in the Fluorite Plains! I will be as active as Life lets me, for those who aren't active EVERY day don't worry! I understand completely!!!


P.S- I will update this as much as I can! :) Thank you for reading! ^^

  • The Dominate Male/&/Female chooses the Sub-Males.
  • When the Dominate male role is changed, if the male has a mate the Dominate female is forfeited to his mate. HOWEVER, the mate can refuse to take the role as Dominate Female and pass it back onto the female before her.
  • If the new Dominate Male does NOT have a mate, then the current Dominate Female STAYS the Dominate Female. She just doesn't mate with him.  IF the male does get a mate AFTER taking his new role, she does NOT automatically become the Dominate Female. You have to wait another month and hope you mate wins the Dominate Games again.
  • The Dominate Male is the 1st line of defense, so give him 1st dibs on food! Yes, even if he doesn't help with the hunting. He's putting his life on the line!
  • Adolescents(1year - 1year, 11months) are somewhat independent but WILL run away when confronted by an adult lion(2+ years).
  • Cubs, please no drama. Stay near the safety of your mother and father.
  • Cubs are NOT brave or independent, they will flee to the safety of the tall grass or relatives when danger occurs. Only when the cubs are chased/cornered can the cub lash out in defense, but only a scratch and run! It does very little to no damage!
  • Cubs are hard to find in tall grass, so don't be looking for 10 seconds and miraculously find them! Why do you think real lions hide their cubs away in thick brush and tall grass when they go off to hunt!? They are almost impossible to find!
  • Hunting: 1-2 lionesses hunting have a very low chance of catching anything unless it is a small animal or the lions are older and more experienced in hunting! Not every lion wins!
  • Hunting: 3-4 lionesses hunting have a decent chance of catching something! Even if they aren't very experienced or old, there is a good chance you'll be able to feed your pride!
  • Hunting: 5-6 lionesses are bound to catch something while on the hunt, and have a good chance of getting ANOTHER kill! So come on males and females, join in the hunt and work as a team to fill your hungry bellies! (TIP: hunting at night, gives your lion and your hunting party the advantage! Prey can't see you in the dark... but you can see them.)
  • Do NOT kill a person's character without permission. This will put you into exile!
  • No one sub, or dominate lion can make a decision that will affect the pride! I will be notified and have a say in all the decisions affecting this pride and group. End of story. The ranks are for roleplay use ONLY.

Rank (For roleplay use ONLY!)
  • Dominate Male: Leader, can be mate to Dominate Female. How many? 1 ONLY! Changes monthly. ADULTS ONLY! (2+ years)
  • Dominate Female: Leader, can be mate to Dominate Male. How many? 1 ONLY! Changes monthly. ADULTS ONLY! (2+ years)
  • Sub-Male: Second in Command, Dominate Male's guards! How many can join? 2 ONLY! They are the 2nd line of defense when attacked! Dominate lion(s) chooses whom. Changes monthly. ADULTS ONLY! (2+ years)
  • Hunters: How many can join? Unlimited. ADULTS ONLY! (2+ years)
  • Cubsitters: How many can join? Unlimited. Mothers will have to balance out their chosen ranks with this one. You have cubs to protect! ADULT FEMALES ONLY! (2+ years)
  • Medics: Ratio- 1:2 Too many Medics, not enough hunters... not good! ADULTS ONLY! (2+ years)
  • Scouts: Ratio- 1:3 Too many scouts, not enough hunters... not good! ADULTS ONLY! (2+ years)
  • In-Training: How many can join? Unlimited. ADOLESCENTS ONLY! (1year - 1year, 11months)
  • Cubs: How many can join? Unlimited. CUBS ONLY! (0days - 11months)
  • Rogues: Ratio- 1:8 We don't want a lot of rogues to come in and bring too much drama and chaos in here!

Friends & Foes (Want you or your pride to fill in a gap or two? Request it online or in-game! Whisper ScorchedDemon)
  • Friends:
Prides** None.
Rogues** None.
  • Foes:
Prides** None.
Rogues** None.

Events & Holidays
  • Coming of Age Ceremony:
For adolescents turning 2 years of age! They will be able to:
Choose their Rank!
Go on their first hunt!
~This is a great honor for it means both the Adolescent and the pride itself has succeeded in helping a cub grow into an adult so that the species will live on!
~The new adult lion will receive small gifts for trinkets from his/her fellow members! (See list under the "Easter -> Easter Lion" section!)
  • Tooth-Furry(Tooth Fairy):
I know what you're thinking... do cubs/adolescents/adults even lose their teeth? Yes! Cubs have "milk teeth" that they lose!
~The cub must put their milk teeth under their paw, when they wake up the next morning a field mouse or other small animal will be their replacing it!
  • Dominate Games:
Fight for the right to become the Dominate Male for a Month! Everyone has a chance to rule a pride!
~Starts on the 1st of EVERY month.
~Strictly 1 on 1!!!
~All adult(2+ years) MALE lions allowed. Rogues of the pride are welcome to join.
~All fighters will randomly be given an opponent. Last brute standing fights the current Dominate Male!
~Winner becomes the new Dominate Male!
~Medics will be there to help heal the wounded and the bruised.
~NO CLAWING, BITING, OR KILLING! Only Tackles, slams, stomps, kicking, tugging, and swiping!
~Be fair! Give everyone a fighting chance!
  • Little Leagues:
Adolescents training for the big Leagues!
~Starts on the 1st of EVERY month.
~Strictly 1 on 1!!!
~All adolescent(1year - 1 year, 11months) lions of BOTH genders that are in the pride can join.
~Rogues are forbidden!
~All fighters will randomly be given an opponent. Last adolescent standing wins!
~Winner receives a random toy, food, or baby animal they get to kill on their own! :)
~~Medics will be there to help heal the wounded and the bruised.
~NO CLAWING, BITING, OR KILLING! Only Tackles, slams, stomps, kicking, tugging, and swiping!
~Be fair! Give everyone a fighting chance!
  • Casanova Day(Valentines' Day):
Cupid** A random lion is chosen to be Cupid for a day! Gather some "Love Shrooms" and throw them at your target! Spread some love! But be sneaky about it or else you'll be found out!
~Starts Feb. 14th.
~Love, not Lust
~"Love Shrooms" are soft and bouncy, they will not harm you.
~When hit/infected by the shrooms, the first object or lion(1+ years ONLY! ANY GENDER!) you see you will instantly become infactuated with!
~Lions at the age of 1year or older are affected by the shrooms. Lions with mates are NOT affected.
~Cupid is NOT affected by the shrooms.
~Effects only last a Real-Life Day, but it can affect the most grumpiest and unsocial to shy and nervous of lions! :)
  • Easter:
Vulture Egg Hunt** All the ADULT(2+ years) lions gather overpopulated animal eggs, Vulture, Ostrich, etc etc, paint and scatter them about for cubs and adolescents to hunt for and feed on! YUM!
~Be nice!
~If you see a cub or adolescent that couldn't/didn't find any, SHARE!
~Don't be selfish and hoard all the eggs to yourself! Don't go stealing any eggs either! You WILL get caught!
Easter Lion** An ADULT(2+ years) lion is randomly chosen this role. During the night the "Easter Lion" gives toys and treats to the cubs and adolescents of the pride! Just things for the cubs and adolescents to chew, claw, and play with.
~Role lasts 1 night(s).
~Toys & treats list:
Chunk(s) of Meat
Field Mouse(Mice)
Rough Hide of a Large Animal(s)
Small animal carcass(es)
Small Bone(s)
Wildebeest Horns
Zebra Hoove(s)
Zebra Tail(s)
  • Halloween:
Day of the Dead** Ghosts of lion's passed have come back to haunt/watch over the members of the pride! Give them food to appease these troubled souls! Spend some time with your ancestors too!
~Starts Oct. 31
~Ghosts are roaming all over the place! What is your reaction to seeing an old friend, relative, or ancestor you've never met?!
~Lions of all ages and genders must go out and hunt! Then when the day is almost over, give them the prey to  calm their souls and bring them back to the afterlife.
~Cubs and adolescents CANNOT hunt big animals. TOO DANGEROUS!!! Hunt for small animals; small birds, field mice, meerkats. Your ancestor will be proud of you either way! :)
~Good luck for a year to those who participate and appease their ancestors, bad luck for a year to those who don't! CHOOSE WISELY!
  • Feast-Giving(Thanksgiving):
Like the "Day of the Dead" lions of all ages and genders must go out and hunt! When everyone is done, put it all in a pile and feast to your hearts content!
~All friendly non-member carnivores welcome! (Wolves, Rogues, members of other prides, etc.)
  • Claws-mas(Christmas):
Santa CLAWS**: Similar to the "Easter Lion", but if the cub or adolescent has been bad they will be given "Stinky Shrooms!" You won't be able to smell for a week!

How to Join
  • In-Game:
WHISPER ScorchedDemon! :)
  • Website::
Fill out the sheet below!
Species: (Lions only please)
How Active?:
Are you able to get In-Game?:
RP Example:
Additional info: (This is optional, of course.)

Offline ScorchedDemon

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Re: Imanu Pride
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2014, 02:01:06 am »
  • "Dominate" ranks have been deleted.
  • "Dominate Games" has been deleted. Battle Games has been created!
  • Some Rules have been deleted.
  • "Tips & Optional" has been created!

  • Adolescents/Teens(1year - 1year, 11months) are somewhat independent but WILL run away when confronted by an adult lion(2+ years).
  • Cubs, please no drama. Stay near the safety of your mother and father.
  • Cubs are NOT brave or independent, they will flee to the safety of the tall grass or relatives when danger occurs. Only when the cubs are chased/cornered can the cub lash out in defense, but only a scratch and run! It does very little to no damage!
  • Cubs are hard to find in tall grass, so don't be looking for 10 seconds and miraculously find them! Why do you think real lions hide their cubs away in thick brush and tall grass when they go off to hunt!? They are almost impossible to find!

Tips & Optional
  • Hunting: 1-2 lionesses hunting have a very low chance of catching anything unless it is a small animal or the lions are older and more experienced in hunting! Not every lion wins!
  • Hunting: 3-4 lionesses hunting have a decent chance of catching something! Even if they aren't very experienced or old, there is a good chance you'll be able to feed your pride!
  • Hunting: 5-6 lionesses are bound to catch something while on the hunt, and have a good chance of getting ANOTHER kill! So come on males and females, join in the hunt and work as a team to fill your hungry bellies! (TIP: hunting at night, gives your lion and your hunting party the advantage! Prey can't see you in the dark... but you can see them.)
    Do NOT kill a person's character without permission. This will put you into exile!

Sub-Male: Second in Command, and guards! How many can join? 2 ONLY! ADULTS ONLY! (2+ years)
Hunters: How many can join? Unlimited. ADULTS ONLY! (2+ years)
Cubsitters: How many can join? Unlimited. Mothers will have to balance out their chosen ranks with this one. You have cubs to protect! ADULT FEMALES ONLY! (2+ years)
Medics: Ratio- 1:2 Too many Medics, not enough hunters... not good! ADULTS ONLY! (2+ years)
Scouts: Ratio- 1:3 Too many Scouts, not enough hunters... not good! ADULTS ONLY! (2+ years)
In-Training: How many can join? Unlimited. ADOLESCENTS/TEENS ONLY! (1year - 1year, 11months)
Cubs: How many can join? Unlimited. CUBS ONLY! (0days - 11months)
Rogues: Ratio- 1:8 We don't want a lot of rogues to come in and bring too much drama and chaos in here!

Events & Holidays
Battle Games:
Fight for the honor of being the strongest warrior!!!
~Starts on the 1st of EVERY month.
~Strictly 1 on 1!!!
~All adult(2+ years) lions (OF BOTH GENDERS, NO ROGUES) allowed.
~All fighters will randomly be given an opponent. Last (fe)male wins!
~Medics will be there to help heal the wounded and the bruised.
~NO KILLING! Only Tackles, slams, stomps, kicking, tugging, swiping, clawing, and biting!
~Be fair! Give everyone a fighting chance!

How to Join
WHISPER ScorchedDemon!  :)

Offline wolfboy2

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Re: Imanu Pride
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2014, 12:12:04 pm »

Offline ScorchedDemon

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Re: Imanu Pride
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2014, 03:17:02 pm »

P.S I love you wolf XD

Offline TheApplePie

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Re: Imanu Pride
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2014, 03:46:43 pm »
Name: Diesa (Dee-sa)

Age: 3 years and 4 months

Gender: Female

Species: African Lion

Rank: Huntress (Lead if possible, please.)
Appearance: Diesa is a dark tan and brown female with a few scars and hazel eyes. She has ripped ears and black pads. She is also missing a part of her tail, making it shorter than average.
How Active?: 7

Are you able to get In-Game?: Yes.

RP Example: As the scent of young prey lingered among the lions, Diesa got up slowly, a yawn escaping her large maw. She flicked her tail in annoyance as the flies buzzed around her, and being the dry season it was crucial to gain the meat for herself and her family. Optics narrowing, the lioness paced towards where the zebra herd was, newbords flashing in front of her. It was time to get them running and tired.

Additional info: Diesa is quite firm and has little sence of humor, yet her eyes pop and attract many. (Not super attractive, she just has nice eyes.) She is also quite good at hunting since when she was with her original pride, her mother was the sub-lead huntress and spent hours on end teach her the ways of killing. She is bulky and looks a little 'chubby' but in the muscle way.

let's be emo in a gerard way

Offline ScorchedDemon

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Re: Imanu Pride
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2014, 03:54:13 pm »
Name: Diesa (Dee-sa)

Age: 3 years and 4 months

Gender: Female

Species: African Lion

Rank: Huntress (Lead if possible, please.)
Appearance: Diesa is a dark tan and brown female with a few scars and hazel eyes. She has ripped ears and black pads. She is also missing a part of her tail, making it shorter than average.
How Active?: 7

Are you able to get In-Game?: Yes.

RP Example: As the scent of young prey lingered among the lions, Diesa got up slowly, a yawn escaping her large maw. She flicked her tail in annoyance as the flies buzzed around her, and being the dry season it was crucial to gain the meat for herself and her family. Optics narrowing, the lioness paced towards where the zebra herd was, newbords flashing in front of her. It was time to get them running and tired.

Additional info: Diesa is quite firm and has little sence of humor, yet her eyes pop and attract many. (Not super attractive, she just has nice eyes.) She is also quite good at hunting since when she was with her original pride, her mother was the sub-lead huntress and spent hours on end teach her the ways of killing. She is bulky and looks a little 'chubby' but in the muscle way.

Accepted :) The tag for Hunter is IH please add it to your lioness' name in-game. If you would like I am getting on right now. Whisper me and I will add you to the group! <3 Sadly no one is online right now <:3

Offline wolfboy2

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Re: Imanu Pride
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2014, 01:13:00 pm »
Speed bump XD

Offline ScorchedDemon

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Re: Imanu Pride
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2014, 04:32:45 am »
We now have 40+ members in-game! CONGRATS EVERYONE! <3
  • 3 new allies
  • 1 new rival
  • A new rank has been added!
    • Warriors: How many can join? Unlimited.  One of the stronger lions and lionesses. They can still hunt for themselves if they wish.  This isn't looked down upon because they rule the battle tournements! ADULTS ONLY! (2+ years)

    Friends & Foes
    • Atarangi (Lead by (I have to go look it up ene))
    • Pride of Regress (Lead by TastyColors)
    • Darkest of Dawns (Lead by NightMare2336)
    • .:Yoruko Pride:. (Lead by Runes)

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    Re: Imanu Pride
    « Reply #8 on: November 08, 2014, 02:21:31 am »
    I can do this!

    Name: Adisa
    Age: 2 years, an exact adult.
    Gender: Female
    Species: Lion. Need I say more?
    Rank: Huntress cause why not.
    Appearance: A light tan brown with a darker underbelly. Her dark underbelly matches her tail tip. Finally, she had dark amber eyes.
    How Active?: I'm able to get on twice a week AT LEAST. For an hour every session. If in the week, only a half hour.
    Are you able to get In-Game?: Yes.
    RP Example: Adisa's paws stopped. Dust filled her nostrils, yet she lay there blank. No. A tiny whisper fought through her still mind. No. Her mind said it again, louder. "NO!" The roar flew out of her throat, whipping the dry grass wildly in front of her. Death was the only thing on her mind. Images flashed through her mind of her mother. Killed, by a male lion. Killed defending her cubs. Adisa rose, shaking her pelt clear of dust. She pad forward. Leaving to start over was the only reasonable thing to do. Isn't it? With the sun beating on her back, Adisa looked forward. "Time to find another pride." (That was deep...)
    Additional info: Adisa is a fairly average. Average looks, average strength, average everything. Her personality however... She is a warm person, and can't stand to see a cub in harm. She is quickly annoyed however, and sarcastic. Get on her bad side, and you better watch it.

    I hope I get accepted, though if I don't, that's okay.
    wolfauthor is my ign

    Don't you just wish you were a banana?
    Profile picture made by MEH <3

    Offline diabhan

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    Re: Imanu Pride
    « Reply #9 on: March 13, 2016, 08:27:19 pm »
    Is the pride still active?