Author Topic: ~Overflowing Stars Pack~ xXOPENXx  (Read 1580 times)

Offline wolfauthor

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~Overflowing Stars Pack~ xXOPENXx
« on: November 09, 2014, 07:11:40 am »
Hello floofies! I like to stall, so now I'm not. Please enjoy, and maybe join!

Welocme to the Overflowing Stars pack! We currently have 7 members. (They aren't in the group section yet, I always forget.)

We are a semi-literal, Sky Wolf, fantasy based, roleplay pack! It is fun. Lots and lots of fun.
The basics is that we are a fantasy RP group at a semi-literal level. All characters are Sky Wolves, and we RP with only
those characters. We also RP in flourite plains, and we are clearly unmapped, but we may be in the future.
(files are confuzzling)

Get it? Good. Because the storyline may confuse you.

It all starts in the Sky Wolves original floating island home... As lore tells, Sky Wolves fled from their home, and formed
packs upon the ground. These groups, quickly grew large and hard to handle. Eventually the groups shattered. However, one
leader rose once more, and made a small pack. The pack thrived, until today. Prey has been disappearing, and nobody knows
why. Will you discover the truth? ~Overflowing Stars Pack~
I actually have the entire plotline planned out, with several endings. LOTS AND LOTS OF ENDINGS.

So now that you know a little about us, lets talk to you about our daily lifestyle.
Early early morning: Pups wake up, mothers and pup watchers gather and begin work.
Early morning: Hunting patrols are sent out.
Morning: A wave of warriors are sent to patrol the border.
Late Morning: The rest of the pack may awaken.
Early early afternoon: Pup watchers change shifts. Hunting patrols return.
Early Afternoon: Warriors return. Trainers and trainees are sent out to train.
Afternoon: Hunters set out again. Warriors set out again. Mages gather supplies.
Late Afternoon: Extra wolves at camp help scent mark areas close to camp.
Early early sunset: Trainees return. Mages Return.
Early sunset: Warriors return. Pup watchers change shifts.
Sunset: Hunters return.
Late sunset: Pack meeting.
Early early night: Tommorows plans are disscussed between alphas and mages.
Early night: Pups prepare for bed.
Night: Nightly pack howl. Pups go to bed.
Late Night: Pack goes to sleep.
Rinse and repeat...
Of course every day is different, that is just a basic schedule.


Howloween: Pups find strange soft sticks near water that taste sweet under their paws when they wake up the day after
Howloween. It is said spirits roam that night, and you can make ammends with the dead. (Halloween)
Fresh Start: Wolves celebrate the new year with a large pack howl, an all pack hunting party, and a feast. (New years)
Mates Day: A secret wolf is chosen to be the match maker that day. (They will have a speacial charrie.) They will attempt
to find at least one match within the pack or face feeding the entire pack for a day. (Valentines Day)
Day of Luck: Prey and anything one truly wishes for is said to become found on this lucky day. (St.Patricks Day)
Day of Jokes: The day the pack isn't serious. Anything goes. It is an ooc RP. (April Fools)
Egg Day: The pack attempts to find eggs so they may give them to the pups. The pups smash the bird eggs. If you participate
you get a year of luck, if not, a year of bad luck. (Easter)
Formation Day: The day the pack was formed. Sky Wolves swap jobs randomly that day. At the end of the day, a feast is
happily held. (July 13)
Thanks Day: A day to celebrate what you have been given with a feast. (Thanksgiving)
Giftmas: A random Sky Wolf will be chosen to make a santa wolf charrie! They must hide gifts for good pups on Giftmas night
while he gives good pups a mouse, rabbit or something extra, bad pups get rotten tomatoes! Don't get caught, or face a day
of feeding the entire pack!


Alpha: There are two alphas. Male and Female. Currently there is only 1 however. Alphas are leaders, and make the pack's
Beta: Deputies to the alphas. There is also one male and female for this. They make second desicions and are chosen by the
alpha pair.
Mage: Healers of the pack. There are only 4. 4 ONLY. They also play an important role in desicions.
Warriors: They guard and patrol the pack's borders. They are first in line for battles.
Hunters: They gather food for the pack. Simple enough.
Pup Watchers: Babysitters for the pups of the pack, they help the moms.
Mothers: Mothers to pups.
Elders: Retired members of the pack. They are respected and treated well.
Rouges: Not needed. Consider joining the group chat we are in, but not joining the pack. They are fought and will be
treated like a rouge. Free roamers. They do not have to be Sky Wolves. We currently have 2.

All of the FH rules.
No drama.
No Mary Sues, Gary Stus, OP, or other characters of that sort.
Please stop powerplaying. Now.
Be fair to others.
I think that practically covers it...

And there you go! If you still want to join, imma ask you to read this link here...
and to fill out this form!
Simply post this form down below, and we can negotiate a rank, and see if this pack is really for you! Also, I will quiz
you to see if you read the Sky Wolf post through PMs, so actually read it.

Character Name:
Rank Desired:
RP Example:
How Sweg am I?:

Also feel free to PM me this form if use see me in game!

Thanks again!
« Last Edit: November 11, 2014, 05:55:34 pm by Abby »
wolfauthor is my ign

Don't you just wish you were a banana?
Profile picture made by MEH <3