Author Topic: Solar's Deep Almost Daily Journal!  (Read 1297 times)

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Solar's Deep Almost Daily Journal!
« on: November 15, 2014, 04:20:56 pm »
WARNINGHello my floofs! I want to warn you, in this journal IT GETS DEEP!

I have a lot of serious topics in my life that I feel like I need to get out. I am not lying about anything I say here, and I am not trying to get attention. I just feel like people should know... Let us move on.
I will not tell you my name, though many could have guessed. Lets just call me Solar!
I live in Illinois, but that is all I'm gonna tell you. I go to a great school, have plenty of friends, some that are annoying, and my life is pretty good. In fact, later, I'm gonna go to my friend Tortilla's birthday partay. Yes, I purposely called her tortilla.

I made her a pretty good piece of art, but I can't seem to find my video footage from a video I made earlier...
I'll quickly slap together a FH video. She doesn't get to see stuff like that a lot, she'll be happy with it. I just don't know what to make it about...

I'll make it about my struggles trying to find something to do for her! I may need a few actors, but that won't be a problem...

So yeah, there is that... And now we move onto the deep stuff.

My Birthday is on the Monday of Thanksgiving week. We have school Monday and Tuesday. Joy. I have this teacher I hate on Monday and Tuesday as well. Only Monday and Tuesdays. So that sucks.

But the best part is our Thanksgiving plans...

We plan to have a feast with me, my mom, dad, and my sister. That's it. We aren't going to see any family. Why, you ask?
My sister has to get brain scans the day before Thanksgiving. She had surgery last summer. A tumor in her head was partially removed. It was making her have seizures where she would just blank out for a minute. They ARE kinda funny though...

Once, she walked into my mom's room and just started walking in circles. Once she dropped her water and tried picking it up with her hands. Once she dumped her tomato soup on the floor. She was still holding the can, her arm just dropped to her side. So yeah, you get the point... We also think she has anger management issues. Not gonna go into that...

But wait! There's more!

My dad has to be on call for his chemo therapy. He has a very rare cancer. Lets just day he takes a lot of medicine and drinks really nasty herb tea to help the chemo. He is in a lot of pain...

And then there is me...

This isn't really crippling me or my family, but I though you may want to know. I have a very subtle case of asthma. I take a prescription inhaler ever day. They say I'll grow out of it in high school, but I don't know... If you were curious how subtle, I'll tell you.

At random times, I'll have trouble taking a deep breath. You know how satisfying it is to take a breath after you've been underwater? It's like that breath isn't satisfying and it just doesn't come. This has only happened twice when exercising ever before. Usually it just happens when sitting down...

And now you know about me! I'll tell you more about me in 2 days, as this is an almost daily journal. Any questions or comments are welcome, as long as they aren't hateful. Thanks mai floofs!
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Re: Solar's Deep Almost Daily Journal!
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2014, 05:21:49 pm »
Aw, ma cherie! I am so sorry to hear about your father! <3 Enjoy every moment while it lasts.
Other than that, this is very well-written, it's good to journal out what is goin' on in one's life. c: Just make sure you know your limits of what is appropiate and what is not. ^^
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 05:24:23 pm by Wolfie_Okami »
stinky dog coming through, don't mind me!