Author Topic: That Diaper-Wearing Baby Moment  (Read 2008 times)

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That Diaper-Wearing Baby Moment
« on: November 19, 2014, 07:57:40 pm »
I've had a thought about situations where people do things without thinking it over. Then there are times, you do think about it beforehand, but it still turns out unfavorable. Then, those moments where people would try to help you out, but you're too much of a hot-head to heed them.

Next thing you know, you're sitting on a rock, whining like a baby for someone, anyone to give an opinion. As for myself, I've had a number of moments where I've been proven wrong or didn't take someone's advice. These days, I'm always for that word of criticism or correction. It took time in my early days to realize people were just trying to help me from an embarrassing and narrow-mindedful fate.

How about anyone else? Ever had that moment or event where you were acting like a know-it-all baby or just being a baby in general? Or had that time where you tried to be the one to help a fella out?
« Last Edit: December 19, 2014, 07:31:51 pm by Red »
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Re: That Diaper-Wearing Baby Moment
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2014, 10:29:03 pm »
I've been on both ends of this. I don't believe i did much whining on feralheart as i did wolfquest, but doesn't mean I'm innocent.

Many of the times where it has happened with me is when i was in a depression, mainly during middle school and the beginning of highschool. I'd be complaining about, lets say in this case since it was around the time, my parents splitting up. Many told me to voice my opinion of wanting visitations with the other parent, though i never actually bothered heeding his advice. Why? Im not sure. I suppose just the tenseness of the situation frightened me a long while ago and i didnt want to seem as if i favored one over the other. Though it wasnt just that, I would always be a 'pity me' brat about it. I would exaggerate most of the time, merely for attention as much as i hate to admit it. Im pretty sure i annoyed my close friends to death with all of it.

Then again, I was quite young at the time and thought i knew everything. Now I'm currently 19 and i just look back at some of those events thinking, 'what on earth was wrong with me?' I usually dont crave attention anymore. If anything, i try to avoid any sort of acknowledgement since it isnt in my personality to be in the spotlight.

There's been many times with friends and others in game, even my family has done this before, where they acted like a selfish baby. I have a really high tolerance though, probably more than i should and normally just try to calm whoever down. And when it doesnt work, i think of a way to change the subject, make them laugh, etc. At least if they were being too stubborn to help, i could always joke around with them and make them smile, even if its only a little.

So don't feel bad for being one. I'm quite positive we all have at some point. Some of us matured beyond that point, some of us stay in that mentality for a bit longer.


Offline Kastilla

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Re: That Diaper-Wearing Baby Moment
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2014, 11:21:03 pm »
Oui, oui - je suis d'accord.
I've encountered this, both myself personally and being a witness.
I used to act like such a baby, whether it be for someone to talk to me, or just for the attention.
I am shy, so it's hard for me to really get my whole point across and to carry on a conversation - until I turn into that baby, then I can't shut my doggone mouth.
I have matured since then, I am quite different than I was. I am able to understand things a bit better.
I can be a know-it-all, I try not to be... but others think I am, when I think I'm not. Happens in real life, in my classes... "Show-off", "over acheiver", and many other names.
 Heh, they're just jealous.
stinky dog coming through, don't mind me!

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Re: That Diaper-Wearing Baby Moment
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2014, 05:22:23 pm »
Mercifully, I joined FH at 22 and had long, long grown out of my immature teenage phase. I'm usually the one to offer some friendly advice-- and to generally have it flung back into my face.

Even then, I definitely was a bit of a whinge when I was 14/15 and roleplaying across various forums and MMOs.  Most of it was arguably attention-mongering; I had a pretty rough time at home and struggled horrendously with mental illnesses. It definitely doesn't excuse what I did-- I wholeheartedly admit I was a selfish nitwit! Even then, I do struggle when I see people acting up in game; I generally just leave them to it. Years later, they'll look back on their behaviour and grimace or laugh-- as we all do! It's something everyone grows out of eventually.