Author Topic: Warriors The Secret Alliace - Literate, New, Unique WC RP / seeking for admins  (Read 1568 times)

Offline Silver-Skyress

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Warriors The Secret Alliance (or WTSA for short) is a literate, realistic, soon to be mapped, sited, rivaled, plotted, unique and hopefully active roleplay based on a book series by Erin Hunter, Warriors. A big piece of this roleplay is currently work in progress and we are seeking for 2 active and loyal admins and leaders of the clans.

Summary of the plot - You can find the full version of the plot on the website - This roleplay is happening 15 years after the original book story. Area of this roleplay is a hidden island Ayries placed somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. On this island were formed 2 clans, which are following the regual warrior code, and other 2 clans, which are following their own code or also the Order of the Shadows. There is also a war betwen these clans.

Falcon Clan
Following - Warrior Code
Leader - Open
Deputy - Open
Medicine Cat - Open
Medicine Cat Apprentice - Open
The FalconClan cats have an excelent speed and sight. Their attacks are normaly very fast, however the damage is sometimes quite small, this can be their possible weakness. Sometimes they can be cocky and quite more proud, they normally take their job seriously, however their naughtiness can be sometimes their weakness. They normally eat mice and rabbits.

Following - Warrior Code
Leader - Open
Deputy - Open
Medicine Cat - Open
Medicine Cat Apprentice - Open
The LynxClan is known for their impressive defense moves, their warriors can stand a lot of damage from their opponents. These cats normally attacks with their tails and paws, quite rarely with claws and fangs, however they can do many amazing things with their paws and tails, it can deal a fatal damage to the opponent. Their weakness is their speed, well they're not the fastest cats on the Ayries Island. Their artifice is also very low. These cats seems to dislike war and violence, they are normally very peaceful. They normally eat mice and fishes.

Following - Order of the Shadows
Leader - Silverstar (Silver-Skyress)
Deputy - Open
Medicine Cat - Open
Medicine Cat Apprentice - Open
The most mysterious clan on the Ayries Island. They are strongly following their rules, also they are extremely loyal to their leader and clan. They will normally attack from the shadows of the tall grass or tree. Also these cats have a very sharp fangs and claws. Maybe they are fast, but their defense is not the best and fighting in a terrain, where's nowhere to hide ? That is their weakness. There are many bad rumors about this clan. Most of the rumors says that they are assassinating the lone cats and It's a very cruel clan. Maybe they look cruel, but the RavenClan cats are friendly to each other in their clan or at least trying to be.

Following - Order of the Shadows
Leader - Poppystar (dragonegg)
Deputy - Open
Medicine Cat - Open
Medicine Cat Apprentice - Open
Medicine Cat - Open
This clan have a strong sense of honor and pride. These cats are good at swimming and climbing, they are a very good fighters in the forest or near the lake. Their fighting techniques are quite similar to LynxClan, but TigerClan cats are not using tail, but mainly fangs and claws, like RavenClan. And their defense techniques are worse than the LynxClan's. Also they have a strong nose, which can easily find a hidding cat, ready to attack them. They have a quite good artifice, but they are sometimes very clumsy, this can turn into their weakness.

If you are interested in being a leader of LynxClan or FalconClan don't be shy and write it down, whisper Silver-Skyress in Feral Heart or send an e-mail ([email protected]). This roleplay is currently closed for accepting normal members.

If you want to be an admin, please complete this template and send it to us.

FH username -
Your character's name -
Desired Clan -
Your character's personality -
Abilities/  Disabilities of your character -
How active you can be ? -
Other roleplays ? -
Do you have a knowledge about the Warrior Cats ? -
There are two players breaking the rules, what would you do ? -
RP Sample -
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 10:25:20 pm by Skyress »