Author Topic: To All Them Special Floofies  (Read 2442 times)

Offline StarrieNova

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To All Them Special Floofies
« on: December 12, 2014, 12:00:47 pm »
Hello everyone Domino here.\
I wish to grant praise for some really amazing floofiez right now. I go..

For those of you who nominated me for MOTS...I just wish to say thank you from the all over in my heart. When I saw and read what Moontwist, Raphilion, and PrettyReckless put..I swear to you I cried from joy. You special floofiez have made my day. You guys have made my week. I have been having the most awful of weeks, and I felt just really down. Seeing you guys nominate me though just brought me so much joy none of you have any idea on how happy I am. I wish I could do something special for you all, and would love nothing more than to give you all a big huggles. I did send each of you guys a +Floof when I saw the nominations. Thank you so much. I just don't know how to express how happy you guys have made me feel.

To Whisperingwaves. Hun I know your internet is causing you issues, and you might not see this until later, but thank you for being such an amazing friend, and sticking with me through so much crud. You are the most amazing person I have met. It has been more than an honor to be your friend for two years. You have made so many days go from bad to amazing. You brighten my whole life, and help inspire me to do so much around Feral Heart. You are one of the few people who inspire me to keep my attitude high and happy. To never look down on another or see someone as just some stranger, but as a potential fluffy friend. Thank you so much.

Sura..again I wish to thank you. You have been one of the most amazing people I have ever seen exist in the world of the internet. You have such a big and kind heart. I know lately you have been a tad upset about some of your close friends leaving Feral Heart, and I feel your pain when I see amazing faces leave too, but I am always going to be around for you if you need someone to talk to. I love your amazing fluffyness, and enjoy seeing you at all the parties I go to. I hope a friendship does grow between us because I'd be honored to be considered a friend by you.

Vespian. You are so...I don't even know the right words to say. You just make my gloomy days awesome. Every time I have something on my mind or troubling me you are there for me to confide in. In every moment I feel in the dark or my heart feels torn you help patch it up with cupcakes, and sprinkles. I could never thank you enough for all that you do for me. You provide companionship and the most amazing friendship. I love you so much Vespian you are one the best friends a girl could ever have.

Kongafire....I am not sure if you will see this or even respond to it, but I am going to say it anyway. WOW YOU ARE WAY COOL! Girl I have only known you for a short time, but you just instantly give me a smile. Your fun and silly ways. The fact that you are so relaxed. You are amazing. I enjoy talking to you on Skype when I can, and enjoy cuddling your silly antlered lion. I know she's not supposed to have antlers, but they are there and I love them anyway. I enjoyed cuddling with you the other night when my boyfriend, brother, and brother-in-law were around. You are so amazing, and hope there will be more times we can hang out. If you ever wanna find a role-play count on me to find you an awesome one!

For right now..these are the only floofs I could think of. You guys are so amazing, and I love you all. Thank you so much for giving me a bright light to look forward to in my life.

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Re: To All Them Special Floofies
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2014, 02:01:02 pm »
How kind-hearted ye' are, madam Domino. Many days ye' have improved for those ye' have mentioned, myself included. If ye' mind not I murmurin' a few words in return,

Nobody asks ye' nor expects ye' to write such praises yet ye' do selflessly. It's easy for one to make out that ye' mean what ye' say as well, that this isn't just another everyday Thank Ye'. Though regardless, still nice. On my behalf, I am grateful to have crossed paths. Ye're not one of negative judgement and ye' see the better in most every user. Polite ye' are and well collected in spite of all that ye' have endured. To be truthful, ye're an inspirin' one. Idol even to I bet another though ye' may not come to realize. While I may not speak to ye' 24/7 of every day, ye' still feel the comfort in comin' to I whenever burden weighs heavy. Personal or business wise. That means more to me and is even a bit surprisin'. The bonds mere words can form but even in silence, it can grow ever so.

I'll cease myself there else my tongue can continue for a while longer. Merely returnin' the kindness by throwin' out a piece of Vesp's own heart. Thank ye' much for the praise.

Offline StarrieNova

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Re: To All Them Special Floofies
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2014, 03:22:22 pm »
Thank you so much Vespian your words have brought me to tears. You are such an amazing friend, and I treasure you so much. Seeing these words of kindness in return just makes me smile. I must admit you have me smiling so much I look rather silly. Thank you for always being here. ^^

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Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: To All Them Special Floofies
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2014, 09:45:26 pm »
I really do appreciate your kind words hun <3 You have no idea how much your lovely little messages warms my heart. Indeed I have been feeling a little out of it lately but it means a lot when users such as yourself notices my subtle mood changes and tries to cheer me up. Those are the makings of a good friend <3 I do hope to get to know you better eventually as well. You seem like a really sweet girl. Thanks for the mention <3 :3 +floof

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Re: To All Them Special Floofies
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2014, 12:55:23 am »
When I first joined FeralHeart, I had been a noob, running around, rping, and then I met you c: We rped, and hadn't found each others true friendship until maybe a month after we met. I have never had a friend like you, always there to listen when I need to rant or just need someone to talk to. Domino, you are my senpai.

These words mean so much to me, and just made my day alot better. Not only am I your friend, but your mine, and will be until the end. If it's our goofy conversations on skype, or just the role-playing together that holds us together like glue, we are one floofy pair. Thank you so much meh gusta ;0;

~ Whisper <3

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Re: To All Them Special Floofies
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2014, 01:07:13 am »
You're just one of those truly awesome people that really do deserve the MOTS title. I wish I could have nominated for more cause there are a few more members, for whom I didn't vote for, which deserve the title as well very much!
I basically explained in the thread why I believe you deserve the title.

But thank you for the mention. It wasn't really necessary though but thanks anyway XD
Thank you as well, for your friendship and those derpy Skype calls we sometimes have.

-Nuzzles and snuggles-

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Offline StarrieNova

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Re: To All Them Special Floofies
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2014, 10:56:01 pm »
@LordSuragaha You are one of the most amazing people I have ever met. Thank you so much for your words. Your words helped with bringing me tears of happiness and joy. I look forward to seeing you more often floof. I hope to brighten up your day to make it shine brighter every time you come around.

@Whisperingwaves Hiden you are not like a friend to me. You are more like my best friend and sister. You are so amazing, and oyu love me for all myflaws. You have had my back through think and thin. I love you so much, and girl please never quit Feral Heart. This  game would lose that goofy whine if you ever did.

@Raphilion Hun you made me so happy. When you helped nominate me I never thought I would ever see my name there. I have very low self-esteem on myself, and when I saw that I just couldn't stop crying. I felt noticed. Like was a somebody on this game, and you just had brightened my dreary week. You made me so happy. Thank you so much. No matter if I should thank you or not I am going to thank you. I wuvs chu floofy. You are one of my best of all friends on this game.

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