Author Topic: Cimreh Cackle(Hyena Group)  (Read 1339 times)

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Cimreh Cackle(Hyena Group)
« on: December 12, 2014, 08:04:29 pm »
Cimreh Cackle

The Cimreh Cackle

It's a new-ish, sort of Realistic Hyena Cackle

And I'll explain the new-ish part

It's new-ish because it's actually been around for... Over six months? And I'm trying to reboot it.
Because I can't let anything die

Anyhow, it recently got a new map(It may be getting a second one, because, ya'know, plot progression), and we primarily use that(Though in a rare occurrence we'll just use public maps).

The level of Roleplaying 'required', is Moderate to Advanced.

'But Warkat, what is Moderate to Advanced!?'

I'm glad you asked
It's basically semi-literate to literate, but it's using words correctly.

Now, it also has a site and it is REQUIRED to join, unless there is a legitimate reason as to why you can't.

Here is the link:

And there it is, if you have questions, it will more than likely be answered there, and feel free to browse the rules and ranks there

There's really not much else I really feel the need to explain, but if you have a question or wish to join, either respond here or just PM me, on here or the site

P.S. There will be no gray Hyenas here. Ever.

i don't know nothing about mopeds
have a question? just ask - Rubricae#6972