Author Topic: Ideas, Critique and Opinions  (Read 1435 times)


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Ideas, Critique and Opinions
« on: April 08, 2011, 07:32:19 pm »
Yo, Werebereus here. Been playing for about 2 ours and got some thoughts to express.

Opinions first
The game is alot better than Impressive title. Though I will miss the fight option...
As I'm playing, I'm enjoying the feel of being a character that was merely a drawing or a bunch of words(namely Amri) or creating Designs for deleted characters(Mheetu for instance). However there should be something to do besides RP...

But i'll get to that in the suggestions page.

Lots of them. May have Probably been said before but then again, I've never seen any other suggestion threads to know for sure(hey that rhymes!). Here they go:

For creating the Character the following options should be added(I think):

Dorsal stripes(See Zira)
Outlander Claws(See Scar, Zira, Nuka, and Vitani)
Eye dots(See dotty and Spotty)
Whiskers(See all male lions)
Back sweeping mane(see Scar and Ahadi)
Unkempt, scruffy mane(See Nuka)
Dipped nose bridge(See all outlanders)
Scruffyness(See all outsiders)
Ear rims(See Simba and Kovu)
Ear strips(See Zira)
Nose Gradient(See Mufasa, Simba, Nala, Scar and Zira)

Things that should be added:

Thicker manes(See Mufasa, Mohatu and Ahadi)
Sweeping manes(See Scar and Ahadi)

Huntable Prey/enemies. I've seen members getting bored with just randomly running around.
Rouge non-player controlled lions


The run/walk Cycles:
Need some work. They aren't lion or wolf at all, actually more horse like and can be greatly improved. Lions walk: right front paw, righ back paw then immediately follow up with left front paw, left back paw. Masai Mara - Young Male Lions (Part 2)
While running the lion pushes off it's hind legs, lands on it's front left paw, then right paw, then it's back left paw pushes off the ground followed by it's back right paw.
African Lions Hunting

Actually lots of this need improvement, mainly the landscape graphics but this game is fairly new so i won't  pester Kovu to much. :)

« Last Edit: April 08, 2011, 08:26:43 pm by Werebereus »

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Re: Ideas, Critique and Opinions
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2011, 01:35:29 am »
I agree! It does need some improvement.. But it is a rping source XD I would really like if they added some animals to hunt..