Author Topic: "Feralheart.exe has stopped working"?  (Read 1540 times)

Offline ...Potato...

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"Feralheart.exe has stopped working"?
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:29:48 pm »
I just got a new Dell computer for Christmas. My uncle (Who is very good with computers) put anti-virus on it and set it up. My computer is a Dell powered by Windows 8.1 (Their newest version), is a Inspiration 15, and touch screen. So I recently downloaded Feralheart on my new computer. I opened Feralheart and got past the Startup menu, and I clicked OK. The black screen came up, and it crashed. I came here and looked through the Forums. I looked to see what I could do. I have tried everything - Opening ogre.cfg with notepad and changing the Rendering Subsystem, Unintalling and redownloading not forgetting to throw away the folder, running as an administrator and opening it, and tampering with the properties. - and nothing worked. If anyone knows what to do, please help me. :(
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 11:44:34 pm by Kily »


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Re: "Feralheart.exe has stopped working"?
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2014, 10:23:13 am »
It could be because the antivirus is stopping the game to work properly.
But you can try this little tutorial


Hello hello hello. I am going to help you today with a very common problem. I'm going to post this in the tutorials as well, but I thought his would be a good place to post this since people will search this forum for solutions to this problem. So, what problem am I talking about?

The ominous....


*cue dramatic screams**My leeeeeg*

Ssshh ssshh don't panic! It can be fixed!

First order of business....WHEN is your feralheart crashing? This is like a "choose your own adventure" book because, heheh, you go to section two if you...heheh....

Okay! Go to section 1 if it's crashing on startup, and section two if it's crashing after choosing your character!

Section 1

THE MOST common cause of the crashies at this time is duplicated particles, so before you do anything else, try this:
Find your Feralheart folder. It should be in your C: drive, if it's not that means you installed it elsewhere and you should know where it is then.
Now, look for anything with a _0 or _1 and henceforth after it's name. For example, one that does it a lot for me it my "autumn leaves" particle. It shows up as "AutumnLeaves_01" for me. The reason that FH crashes when this happens is it is a duplicate file, not just a copy of the file, but it's actually a duplicate in placement as well, and most programs, such as FH, don't know how to handle that and go KABOOM.
Make sure you check your objects, sky, and particles folder...or any other folder that may have a particle file in it!

Second most common problem has something to do with an export or preset you have. Exports and presets re-write the coding in FH to do something, which is show you a map or preset. Sometimes, this can screw things up. So, try copying your exports and presets folders into your desktop, then clearing them of files.

Third, it could be in your media. The easiest way to fix this is to backup your stuff, then do a clean re-install, which I will get to later in section three.

Now, probably equal to the second most common problem is problems in your CFG files. If you don't know what I'm talkign about "CFG files" then this most likely isn't your problem. I put this one last because you will most likely KNOW if it's a problem with this. If you changed any of your CFG files, be it markings or music or anything, then it started crashing, this is your problem. The easiest way to fix this is to somehow get the correct CFG file online (which I'm making possible!) or backup your settings and do a clean re-install.

Section 2

So your FH is crashing after chosing your character? People give solutions out there, but from my experience, the only thing you can do is do a clean re-install. I'm fairly smart heheh but I honestly don't know why this happens. If any of the solutions in Section 1 aren't applicable or don't work, then a clean re-install is the best option.

Section 3 - Clean Re-install

This is important.
I've noticed that the majority of FH doesn't even use the terminology "clean re-install" and I'm not sure why. It's used in WOW, LOL, and SL, just to name a few. So I dunno!

So, what is a clean re-install?

A clean re-isntall is removing absolutely everything about a program from your computer that you can.

However, there is a middle-ground for FH, a re-install without wiping everything.

FIRST, try a standard re-install. Just simple uninstall the program from your control panel in your computer, then re-install it without wiping everything. This saves your settings and everything, at least for me.

THEN try a clean re-install.

Uninstall FH from your programs and features panel in your control panel in your PC (sorry Mac users, don't know how to do that with a Mac.) Then, go to your C: drive or wherever you have FH installed, and click and drag you any folders you have changed within the main folder to the desktop, backing up everything you have. Usually this will be media, exorts, etc. Then, go and right click the FH folder within your C: drive...and just delete!

This doesn't sound effective, does it? But, sometimes the problem can have absolutely nothing to do with YOUR settings and whatnot, and could be an inaccessible bug.

If none of these helped, feel free to shoot me a PM, find me in-world, or comment here! I'll try my best to help!

Offline Teardrop15

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Re: "Feralheart.exe has stopped working"?
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2014, 11:36:28 pm »
Yea, well I tired all of that and it didn't work.
My problem is when I get into the game and I type a message then press *Enter* The whole game completely crashes. Sometimes It will let me type a small message like *Hey*. But after when I try sending another one the game crashes.
I really hope I'm not the only one that has this problem. :(
Thanks for you're help. :D

Offline Vespian

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Re: "Feralheart.exe has stopped working"?
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2014, 12:09:03 am »
Yea, well I tired all of that and it didn't work.
My problem is when I get into the game and I type a message then press *Enter* The whole game completely crashes. Sometimes It will let me type a small message like *Hey*. But after when I try sending another one the game crashes.
I really hope I'm not the only one that has this problem. :(
Thanks for you're help. :D
Please don't post on another's help thread if ye' have not a suggestion to give. Ye're always free to post a topic in the Game Help section of our boards if ye're in need of assistance yerself.

Aside that, it sounds to I that yer keyboard is the problem. Is it an English keyboard? I ask this cause FeralHeart tends to only work correspondingly with English keyboards so if yer keyboard is not one of 'em, the game will most certainly crash once ye' press particular keys. T'is how it's programmed.