Author Topic: Most annoying things about groups  (Read 7231 times)

Offline Muffin

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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2014, 08:57:36 pm »
I agree with the statement above, I mean some people are technologically challenged and can't figure out how to download the markings and item packs. Or maybe their computers can't handle the capacity of the markings or the item packs (me.) in the game.

I also dislike that some groups seem so cool, and you have to go through a big long roleplay sample to join, and you have to wait to be approved by three or more leaders, and then they just go quiet. The leader(s) aren't on, or no one in the group is ever on, or they're all on just on different characters. I mean I understand they're liable to have more than that one character, but if you're a leader of a group like that, you kinda need to keep track of when your members are online and try to be on to give everyone an opportunity to roleplay, and same with just the normal members.


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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2014, 12:01:20 am »
Hmmm....I think the most annoying thing bout groups is getting ignored like Turtle said, or the drama, like Vesp said. I cannot remember the last time I was in a group o3o...Idk just how bad some of the groups have gotten. I know there are too many groups though when I search them and I know that over half of them are probably not used a lot because people are offline so often, the RP died because no one was interested, etc. Oh, but another thing is when you join an RP specific group and all they do is talk IC....that....bugs me....

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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2014, 03:26:22 am »
The thing that I really get annoyed with groups are the ROLEPLAYING. I mean really? Just because your not literate you cant join a group?! And then you have to send a ROLEPLAY REVIEW? What the heck?! It's annoying. Also, another annoying thing is that you have to have like certain PRESETS and ITEM PACKS and MASS MARKINGS.. Its annoying? What if you can't download them? Boom. Kicked. From. Group.  >:(
(Sorry for butting in, I just felt like I needed to mention this!)
The thing is, some people just prefer RPing with people who are literate, or at least about the same skill level as they are. Most of the time nobody really has anything against you- they'd just like more detail or the like. The RP sample is to tell if you're about the same level as them. There are plenty of semi-lit RPs around, you've just gotta catch em on at the same time. Same with the items/markings; most of the time you can't see some of the group's characters if you don't have the item packs.
Again, sorry for butting in, I just wanted to say that it's not supposed to be rude, it's just a preference. ^^

As for what I think is the most annoying? Definitely the fact that most groups rarely have people on. I don't remember where I saw it, but someone once said that a lot of groups are advertised as active, and then you get on, and... nobody's ever on. Even at the advertised most active times. Along with feeling excluded considering I enjoy playing loner-type characters (being somewhat of a loner myself), it can get a bit frustrating sometimes, like you've gotta fight and be lucky to strike up an RP. And even then, when people are online, they're RPing with others... Idk, it just bugs me sometimes.

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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2014, 02:24:17 pm »
Hmm, I agree with FoyTheFox as I've been in two big packs and at first when I joined then
They just sat in their little groups and totally ignored me like I weren't there!

Also when we have to rp and everyone seems so good at it using wolf speak and your there just listening to them and thinking how bad at role playing you are even though that you got past the Role-play sample.
The pressure ~

I preference usaly making up my own pack and let people join it since then I won't be left out
And not talked to ~ As for new recruits I try and interact with them as much as possible so that they'll get used to
Us and interact with me and the rest without being asked to ~ Then again, whenever I try and make a pack with a good bio and forums, nobody joins! I know that it'll take some time for people to gain interest and join, but I've been waiting for ages ~

My only pack which was successful was like 2 years ago when I was still a bit of a 'noob' to the whole game.
I made the usal hyena markings and black fur and underfur character (don't make them anymore ~ ) and somehow got loads of people to join it ' UnfortinTely after a while I deleted a lot of my nooby characters Inorder to replace them with
My newer and cooler ones. So I lost the pack <~>
« Last Edit: December 31, 2014, 02:32:26 pm by kasia,., »
hi hello

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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2015, 10:55:39 pm »
Well this is a very annoying thing about owning and maintaining a group.

So I have a very unique group (as you can see in my siggy, ehe) and we've been here for about a year and after lots of maintenance and hard work we're thinking about starting to recruit again and get into the more popular tier in group standings.

However, the cookie-cutter Clans and packs suck all the members up and we hardly get any interest whenever we visit SB. (Not bashing Clans or packs, they're great and all and some of them are pretty interesting but honestly it's so much of the same thing over and over again)

I just dislike how people don't appreciate originality most of the time.

Also, I dislike how people join and then never show up again. I mean, if you're going to go through the effort of creating a character in order to join a group, at least try to be active. If you join and figure out it wasn't such a good idea and you don't really like the group once you've seen more of it, just politely and discreetly leave. Don't just... never sign on again...

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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2015, 03:45:21 am »
I get irritated with people who are staff in the group and think they can be jerks because they have a whole group on their side. And the bad thing is, they get away with it too. They can be rude, and you can be rude back, and you'll get in trouble because you're the minority. I don't think its fair at all.

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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2015, 10:37:17 pm »
Plotted Rps.
Now when I mean those, I mean the ones that are so well plotted and the leaders have a clear idea of what happens, it means that some characters get overlooked or ignored and sometimes kicked for trying to change the direction of it! It drives me up the wall!

Rumble, OUT!

Tomoko ?

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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2015, 12:07:04 am »
Vespian dislikes how in almost every group, unneeded drama arises. This is typically caused by:

Users bringing IC drama into OOC
The Alpha/creators of the role-play don't have a firm command of their members; thus, end up walked upon/manipulated
They waltz around thinkin' that they own everythin' just because they're a popular group


This riles Vespian's nerves and is the main reason why I scarcely join role-play groups anymore. Don't get me wrong, some groups are not like this so I'm not addressin' this to all. Only those that I've witnessed throughout my years of FeralHeart life. I don't mind IC drama at all (lord knows Vespian's full of it) but what I do mind is users takin' what was supposed to be a time of fun and thrivin' imagination close to heart and then hurt/ticked emotions fly every which way. Hatred, despair, irritation, selfish greed, etc. Vespian's heart cannot withstand all the tension there nor can my tolerance.

I 100% agree with Vespy. I dislike that in groups as well, and in all honesty I just tend to not join groups unless I have to. I mean if I wanna role-play I just go to the current groups I am in, and know that drama can be taken care of easily. Other than that I don't even do much anymore. I just sit about in the game running about helping players. ^^

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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2015, 08:48:19 pm »
I honestly can't stand joining a group. You have a nice start, everyone's welcoming, you have a nice roleplay. but the next day, everyone's inactive and no one ever comes back to roleplay or check back on the group. Without warning the new group I've joined is inactive.. And sometimes when you join a new group no one really notices you are listens to what you're saying, they say welcome and that's sometimes just it.

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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2015, 08:05:48 am »
This is mostly the reasons as to why I just run about on my strictly OOC characters, and enjoy just hanging out with my friends. Or I go to a role-play I know is active. Other than that I just enjoy my OOCness ^^

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