Author Topic: Most annoying things about groups  (Read 7186 times)

Offline ShadowPaws3

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Most annoying things about groups
« on: December 27, 2014, 05:55:03 pm »
We all know that ingame groups can be fun, but sometimes annoying. I think its annoying when your the Alpha and people call you things that you never respond to.
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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2014, 06:24:18 pm »
Well to me the most annoying thing about Feral heart groups is that eaven if they start swearing you can't report them or anything.
Plus if your the ''newbie'' in the group, you just randomly sit near them while they're chatting. So basically no one is paying any attention to you. I think that is really rude, I mean I joined your group to make new friends and do a good roleplay not to sit beside you and take screenshots of 'ohlooknothingisgoingon'..
I also 'hate' when I join a group and no one says at least 'hi' or 'welcome'. This gives their group a bad reputation at the begining.
One more thing I dislike about feral heart groups is when they think their group is the best one in the world. I do understand they love eachothers and they are like a family or something, but seriously, you don't need to brag so much about it, there are also many new groups that would like to have members!


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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2014, 06:37:22 pm »
The most annoying this about groups? Whenever groups decide that you should join and constantly spam group invites until you accept it. -.- I mean, at least ask first. Geez.

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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2014, 07:16:08 pm »
Most annoying? Um, I wouldn't put it that way but I don't like how everyone sucks up to the alpha to get high ranks. I mean like jeez, I saw something and they agree nearly instantly. Every. Single. Time.

But w/e what do I know? Pfft. Well yeah, that's it basically for me. ouo

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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2014, 08:40:22 pm »
I'd say the most annoying thing about groups is the fact that so many people will be left out, particularly in larger groups. They just stay in the background and roleplay by themselves, trying pretty desperately to get someone to roleplay with them by creating their own drama or something. I am usually this person, just wandering off in the back roleplaying my own characters, and it's very annoying.

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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2014, 10:19:53 pm »
What I have found that is the most irritating is when as, Yognaught stated above me, users suck up to the Alpha just to get a higher rank, status or reputation, for that matter. This is quite unfair, for there are thee loyal members of the group that are much more enthusiastic about earning rather then begging.
There be me' two cents on thy subject.
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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2014, 10:34:52 pm »
Vespian dislikes how in almost every group, unneeded drama arises. This is typically caused by:

Users bringing IC drama into OOC
The Alpha/creators of the role-play don't have a firm command of their members; thus, end up walked upon/manipulated
They waltz around thinkin' that they own everythin' just because they're a popular group


This riles Vespian's nerves and is the main reason why I scarcely join role-play groups anymore. Don't get me wrong, some groups are not like this so I'm not addressin' this to all. Only those that I've witnessed throughout my years of FeralHeart life. I don't mind IC drama at all (lord knows Vespian's full of it) but what I do mind is users takin' what was supposed to be a time of fun and thrivin' imagination close to heart and then hurt/ticked emotions fly every which way. Hatred, despair, irritation, selfish greed, etc. Vespian's heart cannot withstand all the tension there nor can my tolerance.

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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2014, 04:03:48 pm »
The most annoying things in a group I can think of would be pride, drama, and leadership. (Hm, now that I think about it, I want to start something, this is going to be called, The P.D.L. of Feral Heart groups. Yeah, I wanna see if this catches on.)

The pride in a group can sometimes be over-the-top or just unnecessary. As Yognaught and Okami maintained about the sucking up to an alpha, this can be included into the pride scenario as well. People who feel the need to agree with anything and everything the leader says can be silly. There are plenty of times they could be corrected for their behavior or ideas, even I have had very interesting advice from my own members when I start a group. To be fair, I don't entirely blame the leader for this, I look at the members who encourage it.

Added to pride, I dislike how some people thing they're better than everyone else because of their species, role-play style, and ect. We join groups to interact with others in the intention to have fun. Not to compete over the out-of-character nonsense. Whether you're a wolf or a blob of slime, a newbie or an experienced member of the community, this pride is unhealthy. 
Now to drama, in short, is going to happen. Yes, there are times you'll be lonely and want someone to play with you. Yes, there will be times when you have a bad day and want to talk about it out-of-character. However, if there is really something you want to change or let people be aware of, just say it.

For example, if you notice there is many people online in your group and you don't feel like you're pitching in, just tell them. Don't be over dramatic and "kill" your character, wrecking the mood of the role-play. Just let them know you're feeling left out. Understand, when people are engaged, they usually don't notice other people straight away. Pointing yourself out is the best and friendly way to go.

In real-life drama, of course, is different. If you've had a bad day or someone has hurt you, don't get online. If you want to be alone, don't get online. If your dog has died, don't get online. If you broke your ear because a kid thought it would be funny to hit you with a bat, don't get online. It's alright to be away from people for a while until you feel you're comfortable sharing about it later on with your group (if you feel you need to). However, just ranting about it to others is rude and inconsiderate.

Again, understand, no one want to be sad or angry. Once you bring this drama, now everyone's day has been dampened and people who want to say something can't. Mainly because they feel like it would be rude, when ironically, you're the one being rude. It's not fair to your group members and it's not fair to you to have friends expecting drama from you. Tone it down, spend some time away, don't get online.
Leadership, the one we've been waiting for. I say leadership not for in-character purposes mainly because you can be whatever as a leader, a jerk, a noble one, whatever. I mean, out-of-character wise in leadership. We like to host groups, it's fun if done right. Whether it's for a short term or long term. For this instance, I'm talking about leaders who don't fit into the "lead" in leader.

When I think of a person of example in a group and it's expected to be, I observe the leader. Why, because they're a reflection of the overall group. You'll have leaders of their members who are friendly towards their players and encourage consideration of others. Then there are leaders who behave as bad as the occasional troll. I've joined a few groups that had this type of leader and it's often embarrassing. Not only are they representing themselves, but their group also. If you want to be in a leading role, do it as it should be. Be the bigger person in the occasional problem or misunderstanding. In-character leadership is easy, out-of-character, it takes some work. 
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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2014, 07:24:51 pm »
I agree with everything that has been said above. One annoying person is irritating, but then you get a whole group of them together and you want to tear your hair (or your roleplay character's fur) out. One thing I've found annoying in groups is excessively long roleplay posts. I've seen people making individual roleplay posts up to 4 or 5 chat posts long. Now, I don't mind this occasionally, but there are people who do this with EVERY roleplay post! Then they label someone a bad roleplayer for accidentally post-cutting, but, even when the other roleplayer waits, they never get a chance to post their own roleplay. I think it is very inconsiderate because it excludes other members of the group so some people can showcase their so-called "roleplay skills." Also, it sets the wrong standards for good roleplay (as in, long=good). I like to keep my roleplay posts short and simple, but apparently that isn't good enough. Oh, I accidentally let this turn into a rant, didn't I?
It's been three freakin' years and I have no idea what I'm doing.

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Re: Most annoying things about groups
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2014, 08:46:01 pm »
The thing that I really get annoyed with groups are the ROLEPLAYING. I mean really? Just because your not literate you cant join a group?! And then you have to send a ROLEPLAY REVIEW? What the heck?! It's annoying. Also, another annoying thing is that you have to have like certain PRESETS and ITEM PACKS and MASS MARKINGS.. Its annoying? What if you can't download them? Boom. Kicked. From. Group.  >:(