Author Topic: Darkky's Story place (WIP Forever) Updated 1/2/15  (Read 1063 times)

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Darkky's Story place (WIP Forever) Updated 1/2/15
« on: January 01, 2015, 08:18:37 am »
This is a place for my short or unfinished Stories.)
The Unnamed story.

Note: This first story may contain spoilers of a Comic I was working on until my computer died. If you were interested in that and dont want to possibly have things spoiled please do not read any further! Second this story has nothing to do with Darkky and contains possible theivery and murder. Stealing and Murdering is bad kiddies please do not do it!)

  Bones woke up and yawned. He stretched slightly and looked around his messy bedroom groggily. He partly slid and partly fell off the bed and walked to his bedroom door opening it. His siblings bedroom doors were already open so he figured they were already up. Bones yawned and walked down the hall and out into the living room. His sister Julie was stretched out across the couch eating a bowl of cereal and His brother Jack sat on a chair watching T.V. Julie and Jack were both older then Bones whose actual name was Adam. Bones sat on the floor infront of the t.v. "There's cereal in the kitchen." Julie said while she ate. "No one cares." Bones said to her narrowing his red eyes. "Adam calm down you'll care when you're hungry." Jack said a bit annoyed. Bones turned to him "When I said I'd Drown people in a Kiddy pool if they called me anything but Bones I meant it!" He growled angrily at his brother. "Yea well then you'd go to prison for murder." Jack replied he continued watching the t.v. "So." Bones said shrugging. (WIP)

Vahl, Jewel and Rena work at Freddy's.
(Vahl is a Kahjit and character I have in skyrim and this story is simply put out of boredom. It should amuse you. Rena is a Renamon and Jewel is a Telekinetic/ Psychokinetic cat.)
Vahl sat in the cair in front of the desk spinning around boredly. Rena glanced at Jewel "You think she's ADHD or somethin?" she asked the purplish pink cat. Jewel shrugged. Vahl looked at them "Don't think I won't or can't put you out in the hall." She hissed coldly at the two sitting on the desk. Jewel was silent Rena rolled her eyes. "Okay okay miss Dragonborn please dont throw us in the hall the immobile robots might eat us!" Rena pleaded jokingly. Vahl grinned "Thats right and don't you forget it!" She replied as a joke. Jewel made a sound that was either choking or some sort of startled cry. She was staring at the left door her hand on the light button. "Oh crap I tempted Fate!" Rena said jumping back. There standing in by the door was Bonnie. Vahl glared at the mechanical rabbit about to say or shout something when Rena jabbed the door button quickly. Vahl looked at her. "I hardly think a normal door would keep out an Automaton." she commented. Rena and Jewel face palmed "One its an Animatronic. Two thats a steel freaking door. And Three You are not in Tamriel any more! You are in America in a Pizzeria!" Rena hissed at their dragon slaying friend. "... But..." Vahl began before Rena cut her off "No! No Ifs, Ands, Or buts!" Jewel snickered and Rena shot her an angry look. "Vahl we are not chopping up some animatronics, You are not Fus Roh Dohing them through the walls. We will close these door and wait until bloody 6 AM then we will go home!" Rena said angrily. "But we would run out of power.... plus ah... shouldnt someone see if the rabbit is gone?" Jewel said quietly. Rena looked over and nodded. She clicked the light button and didn't see Bonnie's shadow so she clicked the door button. Jewel tossed Vahl the monitor "Here." She said. Vahl stared at it "This... is a box with a moving picture."She said slowly "Its the cameras Vahl. See this little design here on the side?" Jewel said pointing out the mini mapping of the rooms on the monitor. "Okay I may not understand the Twenty First century but if I can learn Thu'ums I can see a stupid drawing on these... cameras..." Vahl hissed heatedly "Okay Okay. Well its the mapping of the rooms. Click one of these little boxes to check that rooms camera." Jewel explained clicking Cam 1C She blinked seeing the curtain parted to reveal a Fox like animatronic. It looked a bit like a Pirate Jewel thought. Vahl looked at Jewel "Whats important about the Cameras?" She asked. "To know where the animatronics are." Jewel answered simply. Vahl huffed clicking the cameras. Rena clicked the light on the door. Vahl clicked Cam 1C not realizing she should probably tell the that there was nothing there anymore but she didnt say anything. She clicked the hall camera and saw Foxy running down the hall "CLOSETHEDOORCLOSETHEDOORCLOOOOOOSETHEDOORRENA!" She shrieked quickly Rena and Jewel jumped "Do What?" Rena asked but it was too late. Foxy was in the room. Rena and Jewel screamed and Vahl glared "Fus... ROH DAH!" Vahl yelled at the animatronic fox. Foxy went flying back out of the room and Vahl slammed the door button. Rena and Jewel stopped screaming they stared at Vahl. She looked at the two "What?" She asked (wip)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 06:19:11 am by Darkky_cat »

Signature drawn by Me