Author Topic: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting  (Read 36506 times)

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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #50 on: January 13, 2015, 04:21:16 pm »
Bump :3))

"Trust my rage."

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #51 on: January 13, 2015, 11:48:04 pm »


Status; Injured and Being treated

(Currently With Gable)


Status; Confused, Injured

The forest's chorus fell quiet into a distant hum as Ruben stood alone in the clearing. His crystalline gaze remained fixed on the short sprouts of greenery scattered about. The palm of his hand warmed the tiny bottle of liquid defeat as his fingers tightened around it. Immediately the wound on his side began to heat up, and his eyes closed in despair. She wasn't bluffing. Thin lips parted, his chest releasing a deep breath unconsciously held within him. A day. That wasn't long at all, and Ruben knew it. Slipping the bottle into his pocket, he gazed about as if unsure what to do. As if searching for any witnesses to the occurrence, someone he could perhaps ask help from. Yet, even if someone had witnessed something, he knew he wouldn't ask anything of them. For moments, he stood still in the clearing. His eyes shut, his breath calm.


Klania gazed at the closed door. The medics chambers were now empty besides her. Gable had managed to interrogate her, but her answers remained the same. She always was a skilled liar. A deep sigh escaped her lips, and she turned to make her way to the back room. Her back turned to the balcony, she froze at the sound of flapping. Only once it fell silent did she turn. He stood as he always did. Tall, sharp, his ebony hair slicked back and his unwelcomed wings against his back. Ruben's gaze of anger and annoyance no longer showed, and instead an emotion That sent chills down Klania's back. Fear. "You didn't.." she whispered, her own eyes growing weary. Ruben opened his mouth to speak, but instead gazed away with despair. "I told you not to push her, long?" She questioned. "A day."

Klania's chest tightened, "Did she offer a deal?" Ruben paused, would he? "Course not." He conjured, gazing away from her. A sudden look of defeat crossed her visage, "There's a way. There always is." Ruben met her desperate eyes, the figure he'd grown to look at far different than others. She was one of the few to stand by him. "And if anyone can find it, you can." Ruben managed a false smile. Reassuringly, Klania nodded, before turning on her heels and reaching for a bookshelf no doubt to begin her research.

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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #52 on: January 15, 2015, 03:29:04 pm »
My apologies for my absence! My internet here hasn't been great. I PMed Phrogress about my situation but it should be completely fixed by tomorrow))


He furrowed his brow slightly in thought. This girl was rather clever. "I can see that." He replied to the girl. As she walked away, he had a feeling she knew that Charlie would follow. He needed information. Coming back to the King with nothing wouldn't be the 'best' work day for him. Her job? Charlie let his hands rest at his sides, one finger tapping on his leg. "Your job, huh?" Charlie spoke up. "And who, pray tell, is your employer?" He walked forward after her at a leisurely pace, a calmness still resting on his face. Charlie's deep brown eyes raked over the girl carefully. She was rather tall and slim. Not quite his height. He simply studied her. Charlie wasn't sure where all her strength came from, but assumed she relied on agility due to her stature.

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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #53 on: January 15, 2015, 05:32:54 pm »


Despite her exhaustion Selene still had a maid's duty to fulfill so, after cleaning the cut on her cheekbone, she exited her room and made her way to the kitchens. Every time she caught sight of one of the other maids, her guts twisted but she held her head up high. As she entered the kitchens, the familiar scent of baking settled her nerves as she slipped into line at her usual working table. Glancing at the list hanging from the wooden beam just above her head, she rolled her sleeves up and got to work. The food had to be understandably perfect to the last detail for the Princesses birthday and the quantities for even the smallest of snacks were large. She could feel the other servant's curious eyes on her, but the brunette managed to ignore them and slip into the hurried rythm of her work.

As she cut tiny leaf shapes from an array of tropical fruit, her mind wandered back to her first year here. She had, at first, loved the fact that she was living in the actual castle and would marvel at the seemingly endless riches within. That was until she had started work. Selene had not been used to waking up earlier than sunrise, but all servants were expected to wake up at 4am sharp and she had struggled to force her fatigued limbs from the creaky bed that she slept in. In the early days of her maid's job, she would follow Greta around everywhere, picking up on the smallest of things in the castle that the servants would do. For example, it was expected for any servant to turn away if any guest or resident of the castle passed them in the corridor and not draw attention to themselves. The younger Selene had asked, why should they act like merely a peice of furniture, but the older servants had just laughed at her naivety.

As the years had passed, Selene had grown accustomed to the hardships of a servant's life and each day found the back breaking work ever-so-slightly easier. Now, cleaning out the stables would only take her an hour at the most and preparing the countless amounts of extravagant foods for the Royals would be almost enjoyable. When no one was looking, she would often take a truffle or two and smuggle it out for after dinner. It was little luxuries like this that kept her smiling and her usual curious self.

"Trust my rage."

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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #54 on: January 15, 2015, 07:18:49 pm »

Arnarra 'Meriel' Azariah
"The sensation of falling was the worst part."

Age: 21 years old.
Gender: Female.

Species: Elven.
Rank: Outsider.

Description: Long, coconut-brown, straight hair, which reaches the end of her spine. Most of the time she has the top of her head braided in a line, two straps of hair being held out in front of her shoulders. Rather pale-skinned woman. Tall, slender body, hazel eyes. Most of the time she wears long, green cape with same color vest, dark brown leggings and same color boots. Always carries brown bow with slightly lighter arrows.
Personality: Meriel has sweet personality and never wishes anyone bad. She is very friendly and nice to those whom desire to act the same way, but she'll never back down from a fight: either way it is word or an actual fight. She is very intelligent and smart woman, always uses her own strategies than the ones who was told to use back in the day. Brunette hates being told what to do, and is quite stubborn at some points, but she never got hated by her personality, or judged by it. Every insult that she gets is like a joke for her, since she never really takes it too seriously. Those who correct her mistakes aren't enemies for her, she'll try to become their friends in any possible way.

History: WIP
-Trolled- I'll write something later. xD
Relations: None that anyone knows of.

- Playing with one of her arrows.
- Taking short routes AKA travelling like a Tarzan by using trees.

Magic: She has currently learned the magic of fire, but tends to learn the magic of ice (idek. There has been told that Elves have knack for learning magic, so I assume it's any magic that is possible. If not, can you please explain how the magic goes for elves?)

- She managed to escape the city. Probably, not the only one. (I don't know if this is allowed. <.> Still kinda confused).
- Superior agility, swiftness and she has mastered the skill of archery.

Grulhann Stonebeard
"Ye better give me some ale, without it me ain't me!"k
History: Meh.
Relations: Friend of Arnarra.
Habits: Talking about beer or tavern, being very stubborn.
Power: N/A.
Other: Welp.


Meriel looked at the royal guard blankly, she didn't felt scared, or okay with his structure lingering around. Though, she didn't felt like leaking information she is tend to keep hidden to the royal guard. These pesky lil' brats form the city are nothing but trouble and problem, like a homeless dog who got attached to you. Yes, Meriel is indeed equalizing the royal guard with a dog. It's obvious she hates royal guards for her own reasons.

Meriel just stood there, sighing softy before she would cross her arms on her chest. "My employer is a very colorful unicorn with great, purple wings. Why do you think I will tell you, hm? Just because you're a royal guard for me you have no power outside the Castle's territory, nor inside of it," she mumbled rather coldly, glaring at him like the man in front of her is nothing less but an unwanted enemy.

Meanwhile the tavern's door shot open, loud laughs which were heard inside echoed out even loudier, causing Meriel to glance over royal guard's shoulder just to see Grulhann walk outside with a large mug in his hand. "Oi! Mer', th' tavern will soon end! Ye better get some of that ale!" the dwarf yelled to the woman, knowing she's around somewhere, but he only saw glass wings attached to a weird man which was standing in front of the elven. "A royal guard! Mer', ye didn't make up wi'h a royal guard!" the man dropped the mug on the ground, his brows narrowing down his eyes as he quickly reached for his hammer. Swinging it off his back, he held the large weapon in his hand as if it's nothing less but a feather. "No, I didn't. He just wanted to know what 'Go away' means," she gritted her teeth coldly to the royal guard, before walking past him towards the dwarf. "You dropped your mug," she mumbled quietly before she would crouch down, then jump into the air, grapping roof's top and use it to throw herself up on the building. "If anything you'll know where to meet me, StoneBeard," she said loudly to the dwarf, looking down at him just as he nodded his head. "I am going back to drink ale, lass. See ye later," he picked the mug off the ground, carrying it back to the loud tavern. He was obviously on edge, seemingly, he hated royal pesks too.

Meriel glanced at royal guard, before she would turn around and run towards the forest, attempting to flee from the royal guard.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 07:53:17 am by Phroghress »
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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #55 on: January 15, 2015, 07:56:59 pm »
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 02:45:51 am by Taylor »
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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #56 on: January 16, 2015, 12:35:58 am »


Status; Injured and Being treated

(Currently With Gable)


Status; Confused, Injured

As the days hours passed and the glorious halls of the castle soon feel lit only by the lights within its walls, Ruben's condition dramatically worsened. By the time the royal family gathered within the dining hall for dinner, he was absent. Gable and Divinity sat side by side while Samuel seated himself across from them and Valencia made herself comfortable standing at the tables edge, toying with the tables decor and cloth. "Where is your brother?" Divinity questioned, raising a brow at Samuel and Analyse. Samuel glanced about as if just noticing Ruben's absence. "I haven't seen him since this morning." Divinity's eyes flashed with worry, but subsided at Gables voice, "Leave the boy be, love. He's struggling with himself. He'll return when he's ready." The room filled with the fluttering of Valencia's tiny wings as she turned excitedly towards the doorway. She released some inaudible squeal before stumbling to the figure that entered the room, dragging a sense of ill being and pain with him. Nonetheless, Ruben swept the Child up into his arms without missing a beat, though his face scrunched as if in pain at her boisterous jump into his arms. His pale skin seemed even paler, and dark circles painted beneath his dull eyes. "Goodness, Child. Are you ill?" Divinity questioned. Ruben held the child on his hip, gazing at her with a Weak smile. "Tired, simple lack of rest." Ruben mumbled, stroking a hair from the smiling girls face. He bent down, placing her on the floor. As her feet hit the marble floors, Ruben seemed to gasp in pain, gripping his side as nonchalantly as he could conjure. With that, he managed his way to the table, sitting heavily in the chair beside the small girl.

(Accepted, of course its fine!)

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #57 on: January 16, 2015, 11:53:23 pm »

{Thank you, may I get a quick re-cap?}
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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #58 on: January 17, 2015, 12:26:36 am »
(The kingdom celebrated the youngest princess' birthday where Arnarra shot Samuel with an arrow and Charlie went after her and her friend. Nathaniel revealed he's secretly hurt and Selene found out. The kingdom has a traitor somewhere in it's midst but its not a large threat yet. Now the royal family is seated at dinner where Nathaniel showed up, after being given a deal by asecret woman and has 24 hours to live .)
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Re: The Fallen (Remake: Fantasy rp) Open&Accepting
« Reply #59 on: January 17, 2015, 02:39:44 am »

I was wondering if I could reserve a spot for a princess? I believe I was in the older version of this roleplay as a princess, or it was one quite similar. I was hoping to bring my character back.

Princess of Nosric

"You don't need to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. You can't be a master of your future if you're still a slave to your past."

As usual Analyse had gotten up earlier than most in the castle. There was no reason to it she just seemed to be an early riser, which to her was a good thing since she didn't miss anything and was always ready in case something was to suddenly come up. If she remembered correctly she had overheard her father speaking with her mother and a few of the advisors about a meeting being held today, Ana wasn't completely sure why but she had overheard some gossip that yet a few more citizens has been murdered. Like most news she found out Analyse kept it to herself, not telling her bothers or sister and nor her friends. The only creature she actually told was Stanton. Having the ability to talk to animals and all did have its advantages. As she was getting dressed she was warned about the meeting starting in several minutes, meaning she'd have the last few minutes to put on her dress whilst they got her steed ready to ride along side her family. Even though this was a serious meeting, she was rather exciting for her. Not only would she be out the her family but she'd be able to see all of the towns people. A smile was sprawled across the young womans face as she danced around her room; twirling and whirling around, her puppy barking as she done so. Chuckling she knelt down the pet the young canine before heading towards her large wooden wardrobe and getting out a beautiful white dress. Grabbing it out she quickly pulled it on, one of the maids came in to her assistance and laced up the back "Thank you Gwenith, is my father ready for me now?" she smiled as she brushed down the dress "Yes m'am, they're are bringing your horses to the yard." the dark haired woman spoke softly as she smiled. Nodding Ana pushed herself up from the bed "Thank you. Could you make sure you keep and eye on Kobe and Indie, they love getting up to no good..." she chuckled as she left the room.

Hurrying down the many flights of stairs the young woman passed several members of the palace, dipping her head respectfully and muttering a simple, yet polite 'Hello' as she passed them, although it was rather rushed as the others were already mounting their horses. Keeping up the quick pace she managed to get outside before they had already left. Sighing in relief she approached the large black stallion known as Stanton. "Hey boy, excited for the big day?" she spoke softly as she hurled herself onto the equine "Sure am, I love seeing the towns people!" many people would see her as crazy when having conversations with the animals, because all they were able to hear way the neights, woofs and other sounds the animals would usually make. Nodding her head she smiled "It is quite amazing" she agreed as she roughly patted the equines sides. Soon enough they set off. She swayed and bobbed up and down gently in the saddle as they set off towards the gates, which were growing larger as they drew closer. Her eyes lit up as the gates were slowly opened, revealing the crowds of people.

As she wondered through the gates upon horse back with the rest of the palace members she rasied her hand and gave it a slow, gentle wave. A smile had grown across her face once again revealing her nice, white teeth. Whilst doing so she also nodded her head at the citizens in another form of a greeting. Suddenly they stopped, her eyes wondered around as she examined the area. Letting out a sigh she hurled herself off of her horse "I'll be back before you know it." she spoke quickly kissing the horses snout, after she had been lead up the long flight of stairs and up onto a balcony with the rest of her family - her and her two brothers were stood in a line whilst their younger sister seemed a run around, however she chuckled once Ruben snatched her up. Her gaze turned back onto the crowds below who seemed to now be silent as her father spoke, now and then people would cheer and jump up, waving their hands and shouting out one of the royals names to get their attention. Even though they were to remain still, Ana would wave at the younger ones who called out 'Princess' which brought a smile to her face. Standing in a rather calm manner she listened to what her father told the fellow crowds below.

{Skip to now and thank you for the recap}

It had only been a day or so/few hours(?) since her brother had been wounded whilst at the meeting. She hadn't seen anyone at the event, and she didn't even notice until the crowds began shoving one another and few began to panic. She had been questioning since to why would anyone want to shoot her brother? She knew they had enemies who probably wanted them dead, but how did they get into the kingdom? This did annoy her as her brother was completely innocent at the time, and she would sure venture out some time to find this foul being, but for now she'd remain around the kingdom in case her assistance was needed for anything. Whether it be helping at around their home, helping her brother, looking after the palace pets or looking after her little sister - she didn't mind which she'd still help out. Analyse was outside in the courtyard accompanied by Kobe and Indie and of course her trusty steed Stanton. The palace guards would often try and reason with the lass, but also slightly lecture her about allowing her horse to wonder around the courtyard without being tied up, but she didn't take much notice, he was well disciplined and done what ever she told him to. Besides he was no trouble. The pups were more danger than him. Watching the stallion carefully trot around the yard with the pups she chuckled. Indie and Kobe seemed to be bickering as to who was bigger, faster and stronger - Stanton also being involved but the older creature just laughed it off. Her eyes wondered onto the distant forests and she tilted her head, soon she would venture out since she hadn't in a while. Since she had been outside for several hours she decided to go indoors for a short while.

Lifting herself carefully onto her feet she looked towards the playing creatures, who came to a sudden stop in front of her. Grabbing the horses snout she ran her hand across "I'm going inside now and taking these rascals. just go around as you please, or your usual antics of visiting the horses in the small yard paddocks. Being a flirt with the mares..." she chuckled roughly patting his neck "I'll take you out later!" she quickly added. Nodding his head Stanton then stomped a hoof and reared up "Sure, just whistle!" the horse called before shooting off down one of the paths which lead towards the horses yard. Analyse quickly entering the house with the two pups, who then bolted down the corridors pushing and shoving one another, still playfully bickering. Chuckling at the duo she continued her way down the large halls, humming peacefully to herself.

Hearing a be ring the young womans eyes widened as she realized the time, this was when the family usually gathered for dinner. Looking down towards the two pups she coughed to get their attention "You two hurry along to the kitchen, I'm sure Gweneth will have your lunch prepared..." she smiled waiting for the two to hurry off "Food? Let's go!" the two barked whilst looking at one another, then quickly bolting down the corrido . Chuckling to herself she turned left and excelled into a quick jog, no one was outside of the room so they had more than likely already entered. Within minutes she arrived at the large wooden doors. Placing her hand on the hard surface she pushed one open and quietly entered the large dining room.

The corner of Analyses lips curled up into a smile as she placed her hand onto the heavy seat and pulled it out. Luckily the family hadn't began to eat, so she wasn't too late. Settling herself down in the seat she placed her hands on the side and pulled herself in, stomach now inches away from her stomach. The room remained in silence until their stepmother questioned the presence of her brother. Raising a brow Ana glanced arouns, now just noticing her brother wasn't here. Parting her lips to answer the womans question she was then stopped as Ruben spoke up, but she just simply nodded in agreement. Analyse sat for a few minutes glancing around, then quickly pulling her elbows off of the table she glanced towards the door. Samuel came wondering in looking rather I'll "Samuel, are you feeling any better? " she questioned, rather concerned for her brothers well being.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 01:41:55 pm by Taylor »
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