Author Topic: Ilithyia Rhea Malva and Regina Shea Irving  (Read 2427 times)

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Ilithyia Rhea Malva and Regina Shea Irving
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:08:55 pm »
Regina's bio can be found

 Illythia was named after the Goddess Ilithyia; she is known as the Goddess of children and birth. It is believed that there were once two Ilthyiae, but over the years merged into one goddess. Illythia grew up in Ancient Greece, living life as a fortunate upper-class citizen. She was daughter to Alexandra and Theron. As Illythia grew older, she became well known across Greece. Living up to her namesake, Illythia was loved by women and children alike. It wasn't until 480 BC that Illythia's seemingly perfect Athenian life turned sour.
    Her father, fueled by fear, attempted to revolt against Athens; he tried to rally fellow citizens, assuring them that joining Persia was for the better. Angered by his defiance, the Athenian leaders ordered the death of Theron and his family. The seventeen year old Illythia had been away from her home at the time, walking along the town borders. Upon entering the city, Illythia was dragged to the town square, where she and her mother were forced to drink arsenic, and her father was burned at the stake.
    It was then that Illythia was brought to Olympus. She had been chosen to become what was known at that time as a Daemon. Illythia was to be a spirit guide; she was to walk the Earth in various forms, inspiring humans in their trade, and invoking their faith in the Gods. For several decades, Illythia faithfully and unquestioningly did her work as a muse, and she enjoyed it. Over the years, she had come to know an Elder Daemon known as Eirene; She had grown to love her as she loved her own mother, and to think of her as such.
    Nearly a century after Illyhia had become a Daemon, whispers of rebellion spread through the ranks of the spirits. Despite the pleas of the Elders, the younger Daemons' whispers reached the ears of every spirit. Most of these spirits sided with the young ones; their reasoning being an eternity of servitude with nothing in return was not a 'gift', but  slavery. It was the Daemons who kept the faith in the Gods alive, and it was they who inspired the humans. In their minds it was they who deserved to rule over Olympus.
    As the whispers grew louder, Eirene and the other Elders knew it would reach the ears of the Gods, and greatly feared the outcome. Having grown attached too Illythia, Eirene took her to Earth, where she did what even the Gods thought taboo. Eirene split Illythia's soul in two, sparing her from the wrath of the Gods. Though, Eirene was not so lucky; In the following days, the Gods destroyed the Daemons, leaving very few, who were given the chance to redeem the Daemon reputation.
    Illythia and her 'brother' now inhabit wolf bodies; their markings are that of traitors. Illythia has a grey pelt, mimicking that of her Holy counterpart. Her pelt color showing wisdom, her black tail showing her hate. Her markings, while branding her as a traitor, are a silver in color, showing others of her hope. Illythia's eyes have remained the same from her human life: A clear crystal blue color. Her eyes also match the pendant that she wears around her neck. This pendant is what connects her to her brother. Should this token break, both halves of her soul will fade away.
    Due to Eirene's demise, Illythia despises all mentions of Gods in any form but, she still holds hope that one day, she will be able to rejoin the Daemons, and perhaps her soul become whole. Illythia is hot tempered, though, not as much as her ill-mannered 'brother', and has little to no patience at any given time. She tries to tolerate the Nocte that the pack seems so fond of, but won't hesitate to express her anger towards other gods. She tries her best to keep her emotions hidden, but occasionally, they surface.

    Illythia was killed by The Death Children. Had they only killed the body that hosted her soul, she would have reincarnated as an even more bitter and angry form of Kakodaimon, however her necklace was shattered as well. When the necklace was broken, both Illythia and Gailin's souls were torn from their hosts, and merged into a whole once again. Their soul was pulled to Olympus, where Zeus, along with Eirene, reinstated Illythia as a Daemon, and gave her the proper name of a Goddess. Eirene, who had visited the Mammon pack before convinced Zeus to send the reincarnated form of Illythia back to her pack, with the task of banishing the darkness that hung around their religion, and cleanse their souls. While both Eirene and the previous Illythia know this will never happen, Zeus ordered Ilithyia to stay with the pack for as long as it took; in other words, forever.
    Though Ilithyia knows that she is a Daemon, and knows that her charges are the members of Mammon, she is still a confused and frightful spirit who is struggling to gain control over both halves of her previously torn soul. Gailin, who was the murderous and hateful half, has a strange darkness attached to his spirit, and Illythia's spirit has a deeply embedded loyalty to the current ways and thoughts of those in Mammon. Though Ilithyia is a peaceful being, she may lash out from time to time at those who confront her from a demonic origin.   

Update #2
The loss of her beloved Bruton and now three of her pups has taken its toll on the dame. Ilithyia is half starved, and her mind has faded to the point of pure insanity. Beware. Her dimmed mind has made her more likely to attack all but three in her life now, as she can no longer differentiate friend from foe, or living from dead. More often than not, one can find her roaming the Golden Wood, or even the remnants of the pack's home in fluorite searching for Bruton, muttering to herself as she tries to determine if she's in Hell or if she is in fact still alive in the mortal world.