Author Topic: The Taxidi Brothers (My two OCs)  (Read 1904 times)


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The Taxidi Brothers (My two OCs)
« on: February 14, 2015, 04:18:06 am »
OCs Argyros and Alexios
Two of some of my most favorite characters I have in-game.
These two are brothers of different mothers, sharing the same father. This explains why they look so different from one another. Their father, Agathos, is known as the Elite Alpha of Taxidi Province (A map pack I'm working on currently), also known to be a cannibal. Neither of the brothers have ever eaten one of their own kind, though, but have almost resorted to such extreme as a famine ravaged the province, cutting down the wolf numbers extremely. They are two of the few wolves left in Taxidi Province, making themselves the Elite Alphas of the land.

Now, on to each one individually:

Argyros (Argy)
This big floof, known as The Brute, is obviously known for his large size and great strength. He is almost twice the size of an average wolf, a size not even his father could compare to. This makes him the more dominant of the brothers, and good thing, too. This furball is power-hungry, but selfless. He's more focused on looking out for his brother, Alexios, and fellow pack members, but refuses to let anyone best him and take his place as Alpha, wanting to be the one in charge.
Argyros is rather cold towards strangers, but once warmed up to, it's discovered that this serious and aggressive brute actually has a sense of humor and great generosity.

Alexios (Alex)
A rather small wolf, even compared to the average height of a common wolf. This brother, taking after his mother more than his father, unlike Argyros, is rather thin, quick, and smart. He's known to outsmart his brother a lot, making it seem he should be alpha instead, but luckily, the two share the position, which has many positives, but some negatives as well. Since, well, brothers tend to quarrel between one another.
Alexios is quiet, not speaking much. In fact, unless he knows someone enough, he doesn't speak at all, leaving some to question if maybe he hides secrets. He doesn't have much of a sense of humor as his brother, and is rather slow to understand jokes unless he's heard it before. But he shares his brother's generosity and kindness.

That's all I have for them for now. Alexios doesn't have a preset, because his markings in-game are close enough to his actual markings. Argyros's preset was created by me, and I'm quite proud of it! <3
I'd like to know what you guys think of these two, appearance, personality, and story wise. I'd much appreciate your honest opinions!


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Re: The Taxidi Brothers (My two OCs)
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2015, 04:27:17 am »
Very awesome characters! I love the preset <3 lovely characters once again, love the stories as well


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Re: The Taxidi Brothers (My two OCs)
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2015, 01:58:32 am »
Very awesome characters! I love the preset <3 lovely characters once again, love the stories as well
Why, thankyou! <3 I did spend a couple days on that preset, I'm happy it turned out so nicely.

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Re: The Taxidi Brothers (My two OCs)
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2015, 11:21:52 pm »
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so fabulous

Offline xXHoodiXx

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Re: The Taxidi Brothers (My two OCs)
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2015, 04:09:16 pm »
I like the preset and your characters.
Under new management.