Author Topic: Lavina Laroux  (Read 955 times)

Offline PartyyRockinn

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Lavina Laroux
« on: February 22, 2015, 05:59:49 am »

Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alias: Lav
Mate: None, but looking
Height: 3'
Weight: 95 lbs
Birthday: October 22nd
Zodiac: Libra ?

History: Lavina was raised in a very close pack, but was never very close to her family. She always found herself sneaking off and letting her curiosity get the best of her. There were several near-death experiences due to her inability to stay with the pack, which left her packmates quite angry at her. Eventually she got tired of it and abandoned her pack to become a loner and be able to do whatever she wanted.
Personality: Fun loving and never seems to be serious. Mischevious and always accidentally getting into trouble. She loves to explore and wander off without even really realizing what she's doing.

Appearance: Extremely fluffy (super bushy tail) with completely white fur, and grey on the tip of her tail. Light blue eyes.
Build: Small but tall build, very light and perfect for sneaking.
Strengths: Sneaking, finding specific things, hiding, swimming
Weaknesses: Combat, aggression, any type of fighting.

I'm currently looking for one-on-one roleplay for Lavina, or a small pack roleplay. Mapless and literate please! PM me or comment if interested.~
FH Username: PartyyRockinn
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