Author Topic: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse  (Read 29543 times)

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #40 on: May 10, 2015, 05:35:53 pm »


"Just because I need you doesn't mean I trust you."

   Felix woke up with a start.
    Had he heard something? Smelled something?
    He lay absolutely still in the swaying grass, and tried to pinpoint what had woken him.
    As for the sound, he couldn't hear anything. Nothing but the wind, that is.
    Wait...hadn't there been sound before? Some kind of-
    His eyes widened as the memory came flowing back into his befuddled head.
    The corpse-cat wasn't yowling anymore.
    That meant it was either a real corpse now...or it was trying to catch him off his guard.
    He slowly raised his head, and looked at the fence.
    No, it wasn't moving. Almost definitely not alive.
    He padded over to it.
    Yup, it wasn't alive. It was twisted at an odd angle, though. And there were some strange marks on it.
    He bent down for a closer look, and was hit by a stench.
    Part of it was simply the stink of rotting meat. But part of it was different. Less musky. More of a warm, acrid scent.
    He felt like he remembered the smell. It reminded him of of the colony-no not quite, but it reminded him of the streets, of...of...
     It reminded him of dogs.
     Those marks on the corpse were bite marks. Large ones. It looked as if at least one large dog had been here recently. And even though it stunk a bit, like all dogs, it smelled like it was alive.
      Had it seen him? Had it ignored him?
      And should he try to find it?
      The dogs on the street had never been particularly kind, especially to cats. They barked and howled and stole food and chased cats across streets and into alleys or trees.
       If he had been faced with this choice before, when Quenon City wasn't full of the living dead, he wouldn't even have considered going after the dog.
       No, he would have run back to the safety and numbers of the colony, and spent the rest of the day eating mice remains and fooling around with the other younger cats.
       But that was then. This was now. Some other cat from the colony probably had survived. Some cat had to have survived, right?
       But they weren't here. There was no one to hunt with, no one to play with. No one to talk to. No one to even help him with the basics of survival.
       And alone, he wouldn't last long.
       He had escaped the corpse-cat by sheer luck. How many other corpse-cats were there in the city? Dozens, at least. Maybe hundreds.
       It might be nice having company for a while. Even if was only a big, smelly dog. At least until he found a living cat he recognized.
       Felix took a moment to stretch his rather stiff muscles, and then set off quickly, following the smell of the large canine.

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #41 on: May 10, 2015, 08:22:58 pm »
  I was wondering what would happen if the other users in The Left Ones didn't return to the roleplay, and I realized it would probably die out.
    I think that would be awful. I'm a first-time roleplayer, and I really like The Left Ones. I personally think it's one of the best (if not the best) roleplays on Feralheart.
    I took a look at the Group Advertising Board, in the General Roleplay section of the Roleplay Forum, and it seems like a lot of roleplays that were in danger of dying out recovered after advertising there.
    Maybe you should think of advertising The Left Ones in it? It's a pretty unique roleplay as far as the Feralheart Forum goes, and as it is the description you made is amazing, with lots of visuals, a simple set of rules, and a solid plot. I'm lots of users would join if it was advertised!

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #42 on: May 11, 2015, 12:19:56 am »

Daciana & Reima

"So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those stars will always be there to guide you. And so will I."

The short walk was rather silent, Daciana didn't really have much to say about what happened, she had already warned the pup before they left, and had already spoke to her when they were at the fence. Letting out a grunt, she'd allow her muscles to rest, being tense caused them to ache ever so slightly. However, a low growl emitted from her maw as a crash seemed to have echoed from an alley, narrowing her eyes she stopped at the entrance. Turning her attention on to the pup as she headed towards the alley, Daci placed her paw in front of her and pushed her pack "Wait at the entrance, the last thing I want is you being eaten." Her voice stern as she narrowed her eyes a little, dipping her head before she set off. Stepping over the pup, she poked her head around the corner, nothing? She definitely heard something. Carefully she'd take each step, making sure not to knock, or stand on anything which would alarm whatever it was down here. Lowering herself a little closer to the ground as she entered the shadows, her eyes locked upon a small, what seemed white figure. More than likely a cat, the mutated canines seemed to prefer the open, from what she had gathered. Watching it carefully, a disgusted look filled her face as the feline stood in a small beam of light. The supposedly white cat was now grey, matted with blood, dirt and food, as well as it's long fur being tatty, one of its eyes ghost like and chunks seeming to be missing out of its flesh here and there. A disgusting site indeed. Watching it a little longer, she noticed the feline lower itself in to a crouch, and head towards the opening of the alley. Shaking her head "Oh no you don't!" she growled as she lunged out of the shadows, startling the feline as it hissed and threw itself against the wall. Managing the grasp its body in her maw, she slung it towards to closed end of the alley. Narrowing her eyes, her body tensed and her ears flattened against her head as she stalked towards the creature, snarling and growling, saliva falling from her maw.

Meanwhile, Reima watched from a distance. The cat seemed startled by the sudden motion of the larger canine, which was somewhat amusing to her. Taking a few steps back, the pup would set herself on to her haunches, allowing her brown gaze to fall on to the streets, everything was a lot different now. Letting out a huff, her attention slowly turned back towards the battle. However something caught the corner of her eye, something moving in the distance. Leaping to all fours, she turned her attention towards the direction, her eyes following a tail as it seemed to trail past one of the near by corners. The fur looks rather tidy, this surely couldn't be one of those mutant beasts. Poking her head round, Dci still seemed rather busy and she didn't want to disturb her. Giving her shoulders a gentle shrug, she quickly made her way up the street, after the figure. The pups head remained tilted as she trotted across the pavement and around the corner. Soon enough, her eyes locked on to the creature. It seemed to be a cat, smaller than her. Letting out a quiet yip, she took several playful leaps forward. "Hey!" she'd call, wagging her tail she continued to take small steps towards the feline, her posture showing she wasn't a threat.

Daciana on the other hand was totally oblivious to the young pups absence. Her attention was drawn to the feline as it continued to hiss and lash out at her. Taking a step back, the lass stood upright, tilting her head at the small felines attempts to lash out at her. "You creatures really don't have brains, do you...." she'd mutter giving her head a shake, only to have her leg clawed. Growling, she lunged towards the feline, pushing her large paws in to its side, she ignored the bellowing shriek which emitted from its maw. Parting her jaws, she'd grasp the feline between them once again, giving it a few violent shakes before sending it flying one more, her lip now being cut as the cat clung on to her trying to escape. Getting slightly irritated, Daci decided to stop toying with the cat, and end its misery. Slamming her paws on to the felines head, then clamping her jaws around its neck, the thrashing body soon stopped. Hanging still from her maw. Dropping it to the ground, the Malinois spat clumps of the creatures blood from her maw, lunging towards a puddle she lapped up the liquid frantically, until getting rid of the sickening taste. Running her tongue across her lip, she attempted to clean the blood from her slit, then heading out of the alley her eyes widened. "Reima!" she called with a growl, yet panic in her voice. Pointing her snout in several directions, she soon managed to pick up the scent of the pup, a look of victory on her face as she darted off down the street and around a corner.

Skidding to a halt, her eyes locked on to the pup as she bounced forward, her tail wagging. Furrowing her brows, she allowed her gaze to rest upon the small feline which seemed to stand a short distance away. Narrowing her eyes, she quickly bolted forward, standing protectively at the pups side as she looked at the feline. Closer examination proved that the feline was not infected and in fact was a young kit, which appeared to be alone. Letting out a huff, sympathy took over the female as she looked down at Reima. "Sorry, Dcia. I just seen them and...." the pup soon hushed herself and plopped down on to her haunches beside her 'mother'. Nodding to tell the pup it was alright "Just don't do it again, I was worried." she huffed, before looking back at the feline. "You all alone, kid?" she questioned, her voice rasped.

(Maybe, I may consider that for the future. Although I'm not too sure about advertising that way. I'll consider it though but I'm glad you like the roleplay, it'd be sad to see it go in-active.)
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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #43 on: May 11, 2015, 12:59:13 am »


"Just because I need you doesn't mean I trust you."

   Two dogs filled his line of vision, a big one, and a small one.
    The big one was...big. The kind of dog that kittens imagined chasing them in their nightmares. She (the voice was rather raspy, but he thought it was a she) looked like she could snap his back in two without any effort.
     In fact, she could. He'd just seen her do it to a corpse-cat. If she had no qualms about going head-to-head with the living dead, what would stop her from doing it to him?
      The other one was also female, but much smaller. A puppy, maybe. Felix wasn't really the best judge of size, as his breed were naturally small. The puppy seemed friendly. She didn't seem afraid of the bigger dog, either.
      Maybe the best option was to talk to the big one, instead of running. She did seem interested in whether he was alone.
      Was that a good thing?
      He'd err on the side of caution.

      "I'm a bit older than a kid,"Felix calmly addressed the larger dog, hoping she wouldn't notice that his tail was twitching."I am alone at the moment, though. I lost track of my companions. My name is Felix. Who are you? And why are you here?"
       And does it involve mauling me to death?

(If you're unsure about the group advertising board, maybe you could put "open and accepting" or, "always accepting" in the thread title. That way users scanning the forum know at once that the roleplay is always open. The submissions might not be flowing in now because it doesn't really say anywhere that the submissions are open. I wasn't too sure until you told me, after all.)
« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 01:07:28 am by NovelsandChocolate »

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #44 on: May 12, 2015, 04:48:40 pm »

Daciana & Reima

"So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those stars will always be there to guide you. And so will I."

Reima allowed her eyes to wonder on to the land behind the cat, her tail wagging as she looked at the open fields. However, she knew Daci would disapprove of her running rabbit in them, seeing as anything could be lurking in the tall strands. Letting out a huff, the black patched pup pushed herself on to her paws, and turned towards the older female. Going underneath Daci, she would stand between her two front legs, her head tilted as she listened to the cats words, maybe this was a companion for her? Excitement soon sparked the youngster as she hurried from between the Malinois' legs and hopped in front of her, her back now to the feline. "Daci, can we keep him? Pleaseeee?" she'd beg, raising one of her paws and pawing at the older dog, hoping to get her attention and hoping that she would agree on this cat tagging along with them. Even if what she said didn't sound the same as what she meant, she knew what she meant. Her tail now viciously wagging and her ears were also erect as she looked at the much larger canine, her head arched up to look in to her eyes.

Allowing her brown auds to trail off of the unknown feline, they soon rested on the pup. She seemed to be excited about something, and all was soon revealed.  Letting out a snort, she looked at the younger cat then back at the pup. Daciana didn't really 'like' cats, from the ones which were around now that is, but she didn't like the canines neither. She was unable to judge on a living one, she hadn't really had much experience with them. Gently shaking her head "No, you cannot keep him..." she growled faintly, her gaze now seeming rather stern as she looked down at the pup "But...." Ri was soon cut off. Leaning forward, she placed her paw on the pups rump "Come here..." she grunted, pulling her paw forward, bringing the pup along too. Allowing the youngster to sit herself back by her side, Daciana lowered herself on to her haunches. Pushing aside the pups antics, she went back to the feline. Letting out a grunt at his first comment "Anyone younger than me gets called kid..." she shrugged, not wanting to seem harsh of course, she just done it with everyone. Even if they were fully grown, they'd still get called kid if they were younger. Hearing what he had to say next about his group, she took her time to look around. It sounded about right, she hadn't seen any living things around here, well cats that was. She had seen a few dogs. It was all quite strange really. Most of the cats seemed to be mutants or some sort.

Quickly turning her gaze to the cat, now known as Felix, she nodded. "Well, Felix, if you wish I guess you can tag along with us, until you find your group. Haven't seen any live cats around here for quite some time now..." she informed, letting out a soft huff. When suddenly something bumped against her leg. Rolling her eyes, a quiet chuckle emitted from the harsh lass. Reima had gotten a sudden feeling of excitement, once more, as Daciana agreed that the cat could come around with them. But, to not receive any further scoldings, she would quickly push herself back on to her haunches, her tail wagging as she looked at the cat with a grin "I'm Reima!" the pup quickly introduced, looking up at the larger canine then back towards the feline. "Yes, this here is Reima. I am Daciana." she introduced with a quick smile.

{Yes, I know what to post and such. I'm just not too sure if that would help, I usually just let people join if they see my rp. xD Although I will consider it.}
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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #45 on: May 14, 2015, 03:55:20 pm »


"Just because I need you doesn't mean I trust you."

   Felix watched the little dog (R- r something- Reima! That was it) dance around the bigger one, Daciana.
   He didn't particularly like the idea of being owned, like a kill you'd just caught, but in his (extremely limited) experience with kittens, they usually said things the wrong way. Puppies probably acted the same way.
    Anyway, from all the silly bouncing around he gathered that Reima was thrilled at the idea of some company. He couldn't see her stirring up any trouble. Maybe he could try to...what was it that puppies liked to do? Catch mice? Leap into the air? He could do that with Reima.
   Somehow the way Daciana gazed at Reima made him feel safer. Like there was nothing to worry about, even though there was.
   As Daciana growled out her assent, he slowly relaxed. He hadn't realized how tense he'd been.
    Now they only had to start moving. Any direction was good. Especially if cats had gone the same way. Daciana knew what direction to go in, right? She had to have a plan. He always did, or tried to.

    "I'm pleased to meet you," Felix purred out. "Both of you," he added, as he caught Reima's eye. "Where were you two heading for? I'm not that familiar with this part of the city. Or most of the city, really. Maybe you could tell me about it?"
   He fixed his eager eyes on the dogs, and strained his ears, waiting for any information. It was good to know things.

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #46 on: May 14, 2015, 05:10:51 pm »

Daciana & Reima

"So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those stars will always be there to guide you. And so will I."

Allowing her tail to slowly sway behind her, the large sandy coloured canine turned her attention behind her. As usual, the streets were empty and silent, nothing seeming to cause to much of a noise. Nothing ever did actually. Although the silence was nice, it was also rather irritating. She had always been use to the constant explosion, gun fire, shouting and heavy machinery. Now, she was surrounded by silence, the only thing seeming to match with this would be the constant chatter of her young companion. Dacia loved the army, but couldn't stay. Losing her sense of smell being the main reason, the radiation gave her it back though - well a little. Smelling things is one of her weaknesses, even if she does try and cover it up. Her sense of direction often helped though, seeing as she knew her way around the city, left many unaware and many being unable to notice she was actually unable to smell as good as most. However, this didn't seem to get her down, and she was still a fighter like she had always been. Narrowing her eyes, the Malinois gave her head a vicious shake, forcing herself out of a trance. As usual, something felt weird. Like something was watching them. Emitting a low grunt, she turned her attention back on to the small feline as he spoke Nice to meet you too..." she'd reply, her voice a lot softer than it had been before, but still rather raspy. Nice to meet you!" Reima yapped as she picked herself up off of her haunches and stepped out from between the larger dogs legs. Her head tilted slightly.

Running her tongue across her lips, Daci shoved the pup gently forward, seeing as she seemed to be holding back a little, not wanting to approach the unknown feline. However, with the gentle push, she took a few steps closer, then beginning the examine the young feline, she also began taking is his scent - blocking out most of the conversation, Daci would handle it. And that she did. Perking her ears at the felines question, she used her head to gesture down the way they had came "I've been here for a few years now, know this place like the back of my hand... It never use to look like this...." she huffed before continuing "Well, we've got a secure set up in one of the more quieter parts of the city, not too far from here. A fairly sized house with a fairly sized yard - and a large barbed fence around." the description was just faint, but probably enough. Daciana wasn't one to really welcome others in to their small pack, but Felix was young. If left out here alone he'd more than likely die or be mauled by one of the mutants. So this was something she'd do out of good will. Besides, Ri wouldn't be as bored now, having another a similar age. Daci herself didn't mind being somewhat 'alone' she seen herself only useful for keeping Reima and now Felix safe, unless the group grew - she'd see herself as an alpha. Of course, this was the closest that had actually been to having their group grow, others would stay for a few minutes then leave as quick as they could.

A sudden clatter from around the corner caused the females head to jerk behind her, a low growl emitting from her maw as her hackles raised and her muscles tensed. Making a 'shh' sound to hush the two, Daciana quietly turned and made her way towards the corner, slowly she'd creep forward, peering around the corner, there seemed to be nothing. Narrowing her eyes slightly, she looked down the other end of the street, nothing there either. Crouching down a little, she made her way slowly down the street and towards another. Looking down, she noticed a small group of two mutants, heading there way. Panic struck the female slightly, she was alone, and with two younger creatures much couldn't be done. She'd only be able to take them out one by one, but that wouldn't be necessary right now. Taking a few paces back, she turned and sprinted back towards her previous position. Reima had head the clatter, and looked at Felix, before turned her attention on to Daciana as she returned, scowling the pup tilted her head "What was it?" she'd question, excitement seeming to boil in the pup, until it was revealed that is. Letting out a low growl, she didn't stop, making her way forward she nudged Ri in to the direction they'd be heading. "We're going, now! Mutants are heading our way, and not just the small ones.." irritation showing in her voice as she gestured for Felix to follow, is he wanted to. The lass took no time in hesitating and wanting Reima, and Felix, if he decided to join them, 'home' safe and sound. The last thing she'd want would be for any of them to be injured, or killed.
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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #47 on: May 14, 2015, 09:59:45 pm »
Oh wow, sorry I have had finals and work, and I honestly thought this Roleplay died x.x I'm happy to see it back up. I'll definitely post soon)

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #48 on: May 14, 2015, 10:17:29 pm »

(That's perfectly fine, I had a sudden demand for coursework to be done by the end of last week as my exams started Monday, so the revision and such seemed to pile up. I'll be able to squeeze in time and such as much as I can to post. Hop in whenever you're able to, there is no rush floof. :P )
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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #49 on: May 15, 2015, 04:12:09 am »

"Ill show you what 'fighting like a girl' really means!"

Name: Ilirhaeya
Age: 12 months
Gender: Female
Species: Cat
Breed: Norwegian Forest Cat


At a young age, Ilirhaeya was always known for her over-active imagination. She was always a bit on the tomboyish side, preferring to wrestle with her brothers than look cute with her sisters. Dreaming up ideas of saving others, like the dogs she used to see on TV, Ilirhaeya was known for being rather imaginative as a child. This idea has followed her throughout life, making the girl a very 'Just' character. She has a very strong moral code, with a defined concept of whats right and whats wrong. She holds to this code firmly, and feels that as a 'protector', its her duty to protect the weak and fight for what she believes in. This includes destroying anything she deems evil. This view of the world often gets the girl in trouble, for she is always trying to play 'the hero.'

At her core, Ilirhaeya is a very confident, headstrong cat. She likes to come off as a fearless, and being young, she often feels that she is invincible. She is very sure of herself, and because she is talented in many qualities and strong for her age, she has little fear entering most situations. Being clever has gotten her out a lot of situations, but her stubbornness and unwillingness to back down has gotten her into a lot of trouble. Naturally independent, the girl likes to feel as if she needs no one, for she is, 'Ilirhaeya the knight!', the one who is more than capable of protecting herself! Despite this, the young cat often feels like she must help others who are in trouble. She could never leave anyone to fend for themselves, and feels like its her duty to protect those who need it.

- Loyal
- Brash
- Impulsive
- Spit-fire
- Competitive/Desire to be better than others
- Clever/Witty/Intelligent

Ilirhaeyea was born on the streets to a tough mother and kind father. She was tomboyish from the start, and the main thing she loved to do as a child was to wrestle. She admired her mother for her strength and for her scars, and deciding that she'd like to be like the tough woman, Ilirhaeyea was quick to drop her femininity in favor of something a little more..rumble and tumble. This was the main reason why she was so much closer to her brothers than her sisters, for she and them often got into a lot of trouble playing in the mud and exploring where they weren't supposed to. This all shaped the girl until what she is today, a fearless, headstrong character.

Her knightly and chivalrous attitude seems to come from her father, who she also greatly admired. She loved his tales about the dogs on 'TV' who saved humans and others from their doom. She wanted to rescue others, and at a young age she became this little knight who 'saved' her sisters from their rowdy brothers. It made her feel proud to be praised, and this has stuck with her all throughout her growth. When she was just a little older, she and her siblings were introduced to basic street life training. Being the competitive kitten that she was, Ilirhaeya strived to be better than all her siblings. She pushed herself as hard as she could go, always trying to prove that she was better, that she was the strongest of the lot- and that seemed to shape her personality today. While her parents always laughed this off, this is what built the girl's cleverness and ability to think quickly in intense situations.

When disaster hit, Ilirhaeya and her family barely managed to escape. With the two of her weakest sisters turned into infected, she and her family had to leave their home to find a better place to survive. This is where Ilirhaeyea toughened the most. She needed to be strong for her remaining siblings, and she strived to prove to her mother that she knew how to survive. Her stubbornness is what got her mother killed, or at least, that's what she believes. One day, when she had been feeling particularly brave, Ilirhaeyea had wandered off to find food for her starving family. She had been attacked, and right before she could fight back, her mother leaped to save her. She had been shoved by her mother, told to 'run', and in this intense moment, Ilirhaeyea did.

This moment haunts her, for this was the day she lost her family. She hasn't seen them since, and she feels like she had abandoned them. Guilt often sneaks up on her on her lonely days, but she tries to ignore it and shove it to the back of her mind instead of dealing with it. She knows she needs to be strong, like her mother, and so, she will be.

Infected: No
Group(?): No (Subject to change)

Crush: N/A (Subject to change)
Mate: N/A (Subject to change)
Kit(s): N/A (Subject to change)
- Mother could technically still be alive (if anyone wants to play her.)