Author Topic: The Story of Anatar  (Read 2362 times)

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The Story of Anatar
« on: March 03, 2015, 11:31:05 pm »
                                                     "I am Anatar and this is my story."

     The man eyed the green and black dappled egg sitting in his yard. To him, it looked like an abandoned forest dragon egg. He didn't have a license to keep it, and it was against the law to keep a dragon in a four bedroom house with a fourty-foot-long and wide backyard. The man picked the strange egg up and turned it over, examining it. The egg, being green and dappled with black specks, surely did look unique.
     The man took the egg, holding it in both of his hands. He walked over to a large grey building labeled "Animal Control." He walked inside, a bell ringing overhead. The man at the counter looked up from his newspaper. "May I help you?" he asked. "I.. Uh.. I found a strange egg. It seemed abandoned and I bet you know how to take care of it.." the other man responded. "In other words, I would like to turn this egg in." He handed the man at the desk the egg. The man at the desk took it. "Thank you. We will be sure to take care of it."
     The worker walked opened a door that led to a hallway. He took a turn to the left and pulled out a key. He unlocked the door and locked it behind him. A chorus of barks, meows, roars, and howls filled the air. This was a room where the unwanted animals went. Here, many of the animals were abused by the workers. There were many cages that lined the wall with various animals in them. The man set the egg in a heavily meshed cage and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.


     A large dog glanced over at the strange egg. "What the heck laid that? A giant chicken?" he asked, jokingly. The room went up in an uproar as they laughed. A skinny Manx and sphinx mix was the first to notice the egg cracking. "Hey! Look what's happening!" It geatured with a paw to the cage that held the egg, which was shaking violently. "Dragon eggs don't do thats!" The cat said, lisping. "That's intere-" the large mutt was interrupted as the egg exploded. It quickly jerked its head to the side as yolk and egg shards splattered the walls of the cage- and even some of the animals faces.
    "What the hell?!" the mutt exclaimed, snarling. In the middle of the mess was a small green creature. The cat shook itself, yolk and egg shards falling off. "Damn! Dragon eggs don't do that! And plus, what in Starclan's name is... Is.. That?!?!" The cat said, gesturing with a paw towards the small green animal. The creature looked towards the mutt with what appeared to be empty black sockets where its eyes would be. The only traces that they were eyes were the red pupils in the sockets. "That ain't a dragon.." The cat said.
     "If you call me 'mama,' I will rip your head off and tear out those nonexistent eyes of yours!" The dog snapped at it. "Aww, leave the poor thing alone!" Said a feminine voice behind the creature. A bare, human like hand reached out of the cage's bars and touched the creature. In response, the strange beast jumped in surprise and whipped around. He stared at the animal, a chimpanzee, in the next cage beside it. "My name is Sophie." she said. "This is Bruno." Sophie said, gesturing to the large dog. "And that is Ph-" she was interrupted by the Manx Sphinx mix. "Pharaoh." The cat said, finishing Sophie. "Riiiiiight.." She said, sarcastically. "Pharaoh.. That has always been your name!" The cat whipped his head around. "You're just jealous you didn't originate from Egypt! My mother, the Sphinx, has evolved to be in the desert!"
     Bruno snarled at Pharaoh. "Shut your yap before I shut it for you!" Pharaoh just responded with a calm face. "I'll like to see you try!" Bruno growled at him and immediately stopped when the door swung open. One of the workers walked into the room with a bag of food. "Shut up you mangy animals!" the worker shouted. The hatchling responded with a hiss. The worker, passing out small scraps of food and small bowls of water, stopped when he saw the creature. "Well well well... What do we have here?"
     The worker slid his hand through a small slit in the bars, and the creature backed up in fear. "So, that wasn't a dragon egg after all!" Bruno looked closer at the creature. Whatever it was, it was tall with awkwardly positioned legs. Four legs were placed at the bottom of the creature, two in the front and two in the back. Each foot was equipped with three long black claws that could easily sever flesh from bone if it was large enough. The creature had a rather rectangular body with a square-like head. It had a formation on the upper mouth that looked like it had a small bridge. However, this was part of the mouth itself, while the corners of the mouth folded down in a permanent frown.
     "Back up, dog!" He spat at Bruno. He yelped and began to slink to the back of the cage, tail tucked under his legs. "So that was a Creeper egg the man brought in!" The worker said, examining the hatchling. The man unlocked the cage and picked up the Creeper roughly. Without hesitation, Bruno growled at the man, trying to protect the hatchling. The man threw the Creeper into its cage, a wire scraping against its eye. The worker took out what looked like a metal stick from his pocket. It was small at first, but he was able to extend it. He unlocked Bruno's cage and, taking him by the scruff, threw him against the hard floor. Wielding the stick, the man bashed Bruno on the head. He yelped again and again, and that caused an uproar throughout the room.
     Bruno was beat again and again, the sharp end of the stick tearing and ripping his flesh. Blood splattered the ground, and Bruno jumped up, teeth bared. He leapt at the man's arm, sinking his teeth into the soft flesh. With a jerk of his head, a long gash was torn in the man's arm. He man yelled and lashed out again- this time, mercilessly. He threw Bruno to the ground and bashed the sharp end against his neck. The stick broke through Bruno's skin and neck, blood spilling everywhere. Bruno's choking and gurgling filled the room and blood spilled out of his neck. He stared up at nothing, eyes glassy and fogged.
     The Creeper was paralyzed with fear at this monstrosity. He had seen someone beat to death in front of him. "Oh my god!" Sophie exclaimed, covering her eyes. Pharaoh shouts and cries mingled with the rest of the howls in the room. The hatchling stood there, a sickening feeling rising within. Were all humans this cruel? Did they kill for fun or survival? Questions like these swirled in the Creeper's head. It let out a screech and hiss towards the human.
     The human turned towards the hatchling and rammed the metal stick into the side of its head viciously. Sophie shouted the first thing that came to her mind- a name. "Anatar!" She shouted.The Creeper let out a small squeak and cowered in the back of the cage, dark red blood pouring out of various wounds. Its attention was caught by Sophie, who looked at him with a pitiful expression. Her large brown eyes met the hatchling's. "What.. What is Anatar..?" The hatchling asked. "Your name, I guess. It means brave in my mother's troop's language." The Creeper- Anatar- gazed around at the building.
Whatever this place was, the Creeper knew that it was anything but a shelter.


     Anatar scraped at the bottom of his cage, crouching. The cage had gotten too small for him and he was quite uncomfortable inside it. He hung his head and sighed, eyes flicking back and forth, examining the various cages that lined the walls. His small brown stripes and specks were almost invisible in the shadow of his cage. He felt a hand touch his side from the neighboring cage. "Hey. I can get us out of here.. All of us!" Sophie whispered to him. "The humans are the only ones who can open the crates. It would be impossible trying to open one if we can't get outside." Anatar told Sophie. "Aah! But I am smarter than I look! I have learned to open pens like these!" She stuck her hand outside the cage. Grasping the two pegs on the lock, she squeezed them closer. With a 'pop,' the cage door swung open. A chorus of happy barks and howls filled the air, and Sophie raised a finger to her lips. "Keep quiet! You'll alert the men!"
     Sophie, who was now free from the pen, grabbed the roof of Anatar's cage with her feet and proceeded to open his. The cage door swung open, allowing Anatar his freedom. Although he wanted to leave that wretched place and help the other animals escape, Anatar instead sat in the pen, observing Sophie and her actions. She freed a coyote that ran over to a cage containing a rabbit. Grasping the pegs in his jaws, the coyote was able to open it.
     More and more animals were freed, and for a moment they all forgot their differences- the predators that were hungry didn't atrack any of the animals that were lower on thr food chain. Anatar hopped out of his pen and padded towards a cage containing a raccoon. He studied the lock, which was too low for him to reach. Lifting up one of his forelegs, he placed the pegs between his long black claws. Closing his claws slowly, he unlocked the pen and the door swung open. The raccoon rushed out and opened a pen containing a possum. They chattered to each other for a moment before turning to Anatar.
     "Thank you for helping us, Anatar." the raccoon said to him. The possum nodded. After a while, all the animals were freed from their pens. A monitor slithered near Pharaoh while a pigeon sat on a fox's head. "What now?" Anatar asked Sophie. She thought for a moment before responding. "We open the door! I can open it. I just need a boost." She glanced at some of the animals before a coyote-the same coyote she rescued- spoke up. "I will help you." It said. The coyote lowered his head, allowing Sophie to climb on its head.
     "Alright. I have an idea. You stand on your hind legs with your forepaws on the door. I open the door and we break out!" Sophie told it enthusiastically. The coyote stood up, forepaws placed on the door. Slowly and gently, Sophie raised herself and grabbed the door handle. Jerking it down, the door swung open. A worker had left it unlocked! "And now, we run!" The animals barged out of the room and into the hall. One of the workers, alerted by the noise, grabbed the metal rod. Swinging, he knocked Sophie off of the coyote.
     She tumbled to the ground, struggling to stand up. Anatar, who was galloping awkwardly, turned his attention to the distressed Sophie. He changed his course and pounced at the human, his claws digging into his skin. The worker, however, was able to land the final blow to Sophie. The rod smacked her back with a sickening crunch while the worker was being torn apart viciously by Anatar.
     Anatar's attention was caught by the crunch of bone, and he quickly jerked his head. "Sophie!" His attention turned away from the worker, and he stood beside Sophie. "Oh, you bastards will get it now!" Anatar snapped angrily. He joined the stampede once again, running beside Pharaoh. Some people in the office screamed when the stampede approached, while others had phones and cameras out taking photos.
     The raccoon and possum scurried up Anatar, although he paid no attention to them. They barged out of the building, the glass doors breaking with the force applied to them. Anatar rushed into the forest, Pharaoh, the raccoon, and the possum running beside him. 'This..' Anatar thought, 'Is where I'll live.'

Sorry if I made anyone sad in any way! This is meant to help clarify the history and stuff about my OC Anatar.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 09:55:01 pm by Ashyak »

Offline Akatariel

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Re: The Story of Anatar
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2015, 11:37:05 am »
He's so cute, omg. <3
Akat Oddness Industries: Registering on sites with emails specifically for that purpose since 1942 despite not being born yet! Help stop useless 'someone has replied' spam and use site-specific email addresses. o3o

Well, this is my united states of wwhatewwah!