Author Topic: The||Great||Forest- 4 active clans, 14+ months old! Plot/Map Update!  (Read 8266 times)

Offline longjump

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Re: The||Great||Forest- 8+ Months Active rp!! New plot starting!
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2015, 06:00:44 pm »
Both of you have been messaged regarding your applications <3

New stuff happening this week! StarClan warned the medicine cats of a terrible disaster last Friday!

'Glory drakes are radiant, friendly creatures, that sparkle in the sunlight'

Offline Lionstarx

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Re: The||Great||Forest- 8+ Months Active rp!! New plot starting!
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2015, 01:40:08 pm »
In-Game username: Lionstarx
Character name: Froststorm
Clan: RiverClan
Gender: Female
Rank: Warrior
A little bit of info about your character, appearance/personality/backstory:
A gray tabby she-cat with icy blue eyes. She has a sharp tounge and isn't afraid to speak her mind. Doesn't trust easily but can be the most loyal friend. Enjoys fooling around and thinks violence is always the answer.

Roleplay sample: Froststorm slowly walked into the clearing, ears alert for any movement. A rustle in the nearby bush caught her attantion and the air smelled strongly of rabbit. She slowly crept forward ready to launch herself after her prey when a loud bark sounded in the distance and the rabbit ran away. Lashing her tail infrustration, she stood up, wanting nothing more but the claw the creature that made her lose the plump piece of prey.
- Welcome to the dark side! We have cookies! -

~ Warriors are awesome. And yes, you better agree with me. ~


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Re: The||Great||Forest- 8+ Months Active rp!! New plot starting!
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2015, 11:50:44 pm »
In-Game Username: LonewolfTGC
Character Name:  Ravenflight

Clan: Any

Gender: Male

Rank: Any

A Little Bit Of Info About Your Character: Raven is has a jet black pelt with sand gray stripes running down his back, on his paws, he has his right paw also the color sand gray.  Raven is an introvert and will mostly keep to himself, but when addressed and talked to, he tends to be friendly and kind to his friends and other cats he respects.

Roleplay Sample:  (Used from a past roleplay)   As the pitch black night sky shown overhead, it's bring moonlight shown through the open fields of the clan, making the den easier to see, when approaching the medicine cat's den a strong scent of mouse bile was clear.  

The dark furred tom turned to look at his new visitor, his head moving away from his patient.  "Oh, I didn't expect visitors, come and sit down, I'm not yet done with this one.  His words were soft and calm as he turned back to his small patient that seemed to have a small case of the ticks.  Putting some of the mouse bile into his mouth, he started to slowly apply it over the kit's ticks.    "So...  What brings you here?"  He said softly between licks.  

Turning away from the kit, the tom turned to face the new visitor, as the kit scampered off, clearly done and happy to get out of the foul smelling den.  "Let me guess."  He said softly as he began to smile, his pointed teeth showing through the smile while the fowl taste of mouse bile still lingered in his mouth.  "Is someone in need of some tick removal?"
« Last Edit: April 29, 2015, 03:49:58 am by Raven »

Offline longjump

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Re: The||Great||Forest- 9+ Months Active rp!
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2015, 03:41:59 pm »
(You have both been messaged regarding your applications <3). OH nO! Even though peace has been found, the stars are angry at the clans for nearly allowing their death! They've warned us of punishments to come... And for nearly a moon it has been raining.. and raining... and raining..

Three cats nearly died at the last gathering, when a tree branch snapped and plummeted to the ground below, and in a twist of terrible fate, ThunderClan's leader, Squirrelstar, was stripped of six lives in a terrible accident! Only days later ThunderClan's old ex-medicine cat, Rookshade, passes from a heart attack.

ShadowClan has been forced to abandon half of their territory thanks to flooding, and the swelling river is a concern to RiverClan.

Will StarClan just let us all drown?

'Glory drakes are radiant, friendly creatures, that sparkle in the sunlight'

Offline Ylrai

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Re: The||Great||Forest- 10+ Months Active rp!
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2015, 06:10:46 am »
In-Game Username: AprilGreenFlower
Character Name:  Ivykit
Clan: Undecided.
Gender: Female
Rank: Kit
A Little Bit Of Info About Your Character: Ivy is a grey kit with darker grey tabby markings, and green eyes. She is calm natured, and will be, when she grows up, rather intelligent. Before she joined the clans she was a kittypet.
Roleplay Sample:  The ashen grey kit lay curled up in the shelter of the abandoned foxes den, shivering from the cold, and the thunder and lightning. Her teeth chattered as she spoke with all that she could manage, a hushed whisper, "make it stop." Ivy spoke to no one in particular, her green eyes peering open to look around the den, as if someone was there... but no one was. "Please..." the words were caught in her throat, as she clenched her eyes shut once again.

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Re: The||Great||Forest- 10+ Months Active rp!
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2015, 02:21:15 am »
Oh, this roleplay looks amazing. Could I please apply, if you're still recruting? (please still be recruting, please still be recruting...)

In-Game username: anahel
Character name (OPTIONAL): Slugwhisker
Clan (OPTIONAL): I'd like RiverClan, but if you need cats for another clan, that's great too.
Gender (OPTIONAL): Male
Rank(OPTIONAL): Warrior
A little bit of info about your character, appearance/personality/backstory (Super optional):
Apperance - a larger, heavier dark grey tabby tom. He's a longhair cat of indetermate breeding,  and has what can only be described as an ugly face, with a large chin, nose, and ears. He also has a white tail tip and golden eyes.

Just a note, I'm currently using mass markings for him. If you guys don't use mass markings, I can change this.

Personality, taken directly from his bio (and a bit of history): Slugwhisker, named for his dark tabby fur and outstanding hunting abilities, is a warrior, clan born and raised. He's a laid back, hard to anger tom. There's very little that suprises or worries him, he has a 'StarClan has a plan' attitude. Slugwhisker is lazy, even tempered, and submissive. He wants not to be a leader or a great warrior, only to hunt. That's his one talent, and he loves it. He's not much of a fighter, and is generally non-confrontational, save when his leader demands it. The tom is close-minded and refuses new ideas, although he's really quite intelegent and has a great political mind. (not that he'd let you know that, he only wants to relax) He has little pacience and gets grumpy with younger warriors. He does adore kits though, but never had any.

Roleplay sample: Slugwhisker sat silent and still in the bush, ears swivling and eyes darting for any sign of prey. He'd been waiting for some while, and it was beginning to get late, but still he percivered. It went against every instict in his body, from his nose to his tail, to return to camp without freshkill. In his mind, it simply could not be done. So he waited, muscels taunt and ready to pounce, scanning the forest for prey. His eyes caught on a flash of grey from beneath some particularily thick bracken - a mouse. The tom was on his feet in an instant, stalking through the undergroth towards the unsuspecting mouse. When he got close enough, he paused, crouched, and readied himself, tail twitching with anticipation. Then he sprung, a quick arc through the air, and crashed down on the mouse in a flury of teeth and claws. The mouse squeeked. His mouth lauched onto its head, and his jaws clamped tight, delivering the killing blow. Satisfied with how the hunt had gone, he lowered his head and shethed his claws, ready to leave. Then he ambled off towards camp, disapearing from veiw as his dark pelt blended into the overgrown woods.

returning 2011 player on a new account. just trying to remember how it all works c:
avi from here

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Re: The||Great||Forest- 10+ Months Active rp!
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2015, 05:59:57 am »
In-Game username: Zoeferet
Character name (OPTIONAL): Echosong (yes I know it is from the books but it's so cute I had to use it x3)
Clan (OPTIONAL): ThunderClan
Gender (OPTIONAL): She-cat
Rank(OPTIONAL): Warrior
A little bit of info about your character, appearance/personality/backstory (Super optional): -
Roleplay sample: Echosong scampered swiftly after a butterfly, the long green grass hitting her legs. The breeze gently tugged at her silver fur as she leaped into the air, her paws flailing as she tried to catch the butterfly in her paws. She missed and came tumbling down, and hit the ground with a thud. But, she wouldn't give up that easily. The butterfly had landed on a small, vibrant flower. Echosong crouched down and slowly stalked towards it. Then she grabbed it in her paws, but it fluttered out of her grip. She looked at her paws in defeat and noticed they were covered in a beautiful orange dust that shone in the twinkling sun.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 06:03:20 am by Zoey »

Offline longjump

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Re: The||Great||Forest- 10+ Months Active rp!
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2015, 12:34:34 am »
You have all been messaged regarding your applications ^^

'Glory drakes are radiant, friendly creatures, that sparkle in the sunlight'

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Re: The||Great||Forest- 10+ Months Active rp!
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2015, 02:45:17 am »
In-Game username: Popkat

Character name (OPTIONAL): Hazelfrost

Clan (OPTIONAL): WindClan

Gender (OPTIONAL): She-cat

Rank(OPTIONAL): Warrior

A little bit of info about your character, appearance/personality/backstory (Super optional):
-smaller, lean, Burmese cat mix
-short, thick, soft pelt (she sheds a lot c:)
-long whiskers
-cold, blue-hazel eyes
-Fit, athletic, but her fur hides her muscles

| Quiet | Soft-spoken | Patient | Cold-hearted | Stubborn | Melodic | Stand-offish | Nervous | Perceptive | Observant | Broken |

Hazelfrost was born into a tribe during the end of a harsh leaf-bare.  Her original name being Frost of Storm, the young she-cat was the last living kit in her litter of four.  After the deaths of her three brothers - Talon of Ice, Eye of Wolf, and Leaf of Birch - Hazelfrost was constantly scolded and frowned upon for "not saving her kin".  Being the youngest and malnourished, Frost of Storm ran away from her tribe at 4 moons of age.  She was nothing but fur and bones, and her heavy pelt was dull and dirty as she traveled through rocky mountains with nothing but her instincts and the little common sense she had.
Finally the horrid leaf-bare was over and the living skeleton of the former tribe cat could finally find prey to catch... in a two-leg garden.  During moon-high one new-leaf, the now 8 moon she-cat was quietly creeping through a two-leg garden when a large, black tom-cat jumped and landed in front of her.  In shock, Frost of Storm jumped back, her guard hairs rising on end.  Taking a step forward, the large black tom-cat looked down upon the emaciated Burmese mix, his deep blue eyes were kind but curious.  "And are you one of those forest cat?"  He mewed, his deep vocals seemed to carry with the soft breeze.  Frost of Storm lifted a brow and mewed in reply, "Um, well.  What do you mean by 'forest' cat...?"  She glanced left and right, now seeing a place to run and hide from the much larger tom.  The larger, black tom chuckled lightly, "You must be lost.  Come," he purred turning and flicking his white tipped tail, "my brother is going to freak if I do not return soon."  As the larger black quietly padded off, Frost of Storm would cautiously rise to her petite paws, and make her way behind the unknown tom.  A kind, strange presence filled the atmosphere around him.  A wonderful feeling, the Frost of Storm had felt very little of, and was even unsure if it truly existed or not.  / "Who are these cats...?" \ She wondered, her lost mind and frail frame quietly following a shadow-pelted stranger.
[I will post more later if I am accepted, just feeling too lazy type her entire backstory in RP form right now. c:]

Roleplay sample:
Her petite, fragile paws seemed to barely touch the frozen earth as she raced through the deepening snow.  The cold, white crystals beat upon her small head as the young Burmese mix flattened her ears to keep them from hurting more than they did.  Leaping onto a fallen spruce tree, Frost of Storm would lung forward, her dulled claws unsheathed as she would then latch onto a cold, stone ledge.  Her grip started to slip as she would kick out her hurting hind legs to try and find something to stabilize her weak bodice.  Finally finding a tree root to put her hind paw on, the young she-cat would pull herself up onto the stone ledge.  Weakly lifting her frail head, the young she-cat's dull blue and hazel mosaiced gaze would fall upon a small opening in the rocky ledge.  Galloping toward the small opening, Frost of Storm would crawl through the crack, her delicate underbelly sliding across the frozen stones.  The boney Burmese mix was shivering badly and chilled through when she made it into the small cave.  The wind was not not cutting through her anymore, but the ghostly howling echoed through the disturbingly still cave.  Though the opening in the cliffside was cold, it was not like the frozen earth that had been beneath her paws, or the snow crystals like tiny bullets, chilling her from inside out.  Frost of Storm curled up against the cave side and tucked her numb, frosted nose into her thick, dull fur.  Warm tears ran down the numbed, cold cheeks of the young she-cat as she missed the warmth of her brothers whom had passed on a few moons earlier.  As the few tears gently rolled down the now damp cheeks from the melted snow, Frost of Storm slowly began to fall into a peaceful sleep; the first she had had in so long.

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Re: The||Great||Forest- 4 active clans, 13+ months old!
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2015, 11:21:18 pm »
COMPLETELY revamped the thread to celebrate our one year anniversary! (even if I am a month late, oops!).

'Glory drakes are radiant, friendly creatures, that sparkle in the sunlight'