Author Topic: Huge complaints (SOLVED Please lock)  (Read 6553 times)

Offline Blush

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Huge complaints (SOLVED Please lock)
« on: April 12, 2011, 09:45:36 pm »
Working for a game company in the past and owning a few games myself, these bugs are SO easy to fix, but yet nothing is being done about them. I really like Feral Heart, but some of these bugs make the game impossible to enjoy and in my opinion the game should have never been released in such quality, even in beta.

The first thing is the bug with the groups. Why make a group and recruit members if I am going to have to find all my members over again? My sister and I had a huge group... and not knowing about this bug, didn't save it the rigged way we were "supposed" to. The whole group was deleted and now I have to reinvite all those members. What is the point in having a group then? Especially when they fix the bug, they risk deleting all the groups again. It is easier to just create my own forum and forget using Feral Heart's group system. It is rendered useless right now. It is an easy bug to fix, so save your new members some trouble and fix it. I had to create a forum for my group in order to insure my members don't disappear again. x.x

The next bug is this god awful collision bug. When I am falling through half of the things on the maps... especially at the Temple of Dreams, it gets annoying fast. Especially since I know how simple it is to fix these common collision errors.

And lastly, you never open a game without mods. There are barely any mods in game... but the forum is crawling with them. Why are there barely any in game mods? And half the time, they do nothing. The general chat is often full of cuss words, sexual content, and things that the young children using this website shouldn't see. I am deeply offended by all of the things I see in the chat because it is often young children using ten cuss words per sentence. I want to play the game, not listen to people talk dirty in chat! When mods do say something, obvious repeat offenders are not kicked from chat, ban, or even warned. I had two members harassing me in game the other day and a mod spoke up to say they had been reading everything. Well, for god sakes, do something! Those members were already well aware that mods could read the messages, they needed to be warned and told to back off. But that didn't happen. I was so fed up, I just told the mod I'd block the two members and ignore it. I shouldn't have to deal with that kind of treatment when they were obviously breaking rules and not once warned by the mod who had "read everything".

Yes, I can turn my chat off. But you know what? I shouldn't have to. You should make your members follow the same rules I have to. And reporting them does no good... they get a mild warning from a mod maybe if I am lucky.

Is there someway to apply to be an in game mod? I have the time to help and have helped with games before and it is fairly obviously Feral Heart needs some serious help on some things. I am sure this is because no one is getting paid and it is a small group of devs... but come on, guys, not having mods in a game that appeals to younger players is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

This insanely slow website could be fixed with a simple server upgrade and a simple look for whatever typo is causing "0: cURL Error Message: couldn't connect to host" to show up on pages.

I know this is a huge rant, but I don't know what else to do. I am at my wits end with the issues in the game I have only played about two weeks. These are serious issues that should have been addressed a long time ago. Having barely any mods in game is a safety issue. I really like this game and I want it to succeed... it just makes me mad that such a good idea is wasting away due to simple bugs and member on member abuse.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 10:38:07 pm by Blush »

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Re: Huge complaints
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2011, 09:53:58 pm »
You just have to wait, this games only been out about two months and from what i heard, it was overly rushed to get done! If you have groep issues, then you should just stop and wait  till the group issue gets fixed instead of complaining about it. I know its frustrating and sometimes we are impaitent, but they are working as hard and as fast as they can!

And with the whole mod deal, i dont think they rp much, i think they work on the game and site more but im not 100% sure on it and the sexual content, and foul language...thats just a part of life. Its the way some people choose to talk. Just ignore it if you can.
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Re: Huge complaints
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2011, 09:59:30 pm »
I think the only person who actually does proper work on the game itself is KovuLKD. The mods just watch what's going on ingame. And the game was extremely rushed, people started getting impatient so they threw out this early buggy version. We will just have to wait for the updates.

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Offline Blush

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Re: Huge complaints
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2011, 10:09:26 pm »
Well, it is the game dev's fault it was rushed and they need to realize people leave games like this because of the poor quality and bugs. It was rushed only because Kovu wanted to rush it and allowed too much hype too soon. They don't have a publisher and that is the only true reason for rushing.

I realize cussing is part of life, but it is insane how much goes on in the game. Mods should control it. You are NOT allowed to cuss on Feral Heart, when I signed up, I agreed to that as much as everyone else. It may be part of life, but you agreed to keep it off of Feral heart when you signed up. So, people should control themselves and get a bigger vocabulary. XD

Group issues should be brought up, so they can be fixed. Bottom line.

The truth is, you never know how hard a game dev is working. Any of the games I worked for would have had the collision bug fixed within the first month. Even the ones that were not getting paid. It was understood how big of an issue that is... in fact, they held up release one time because of a bug like that.

The only reason to rush a game is a publisher and there is no publisher for this game. Kovu should have stood firm and said, no, the game isn't ready.

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Re: Huge complaints
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2011, 10:12:07 pm »
Just to clear this up, no. The collision is not easy to fix. We didn't have mesh collision in IT and I heard Kov say in a thread that he wrote the script for collisions in FH himself and doesn't know how to perfect it completely. This is gonna take a while to fix.

And you know what? People under 13 shouldn't even be on the Internet. THERE IS A LEGAL AGE TO BE ONLINE and that is 13 and up. So FH can't get in any trouble for having younger players who are having issues with the game.

I do agree that the ingame mods need to be a bit more active though. But that's me.

Cussing, it happens, the best advice I have is get over it or block the people who are excessively cussing. This isn't WolfQuest where we have a filter that blocks out nearly every word in the human dictionary.

-I meant no offense by this post, sorry if you took any of it personally. xD-
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 10:14:01 pm by Gem »

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Re: Huge complaints
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2011, 10:14:38 pm »
Oh, and waiting for the group bug to be fixed? I aready created a group with many people when I didn't know about the bug... I already created a huge forum for it... it would be a waste of time to now tell everyone, "Oh hey, there is no group now because of a bug." Now, I have to deal with the issue because I didn't know about it. My entire group has to be bothered by it (probably many times) when it would only take one person a couple hours of coding to fix it.

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Re: Huge complaints
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2011, 10:19:03 pm »
First off, look on Youtube, there is videos on how to code collision. Collision is a basic part of coding a game... if they don't know how to code collision, how are they going to code half of the other stuff promised?

13 year olds can use the internet. They cannot sign up for multiplayer games. 13 year olds is VERY young. It is a safety issue without mods. I have seen people giving out phone numbers, email addresses, and contact information left and right. People CAN be cyber stalked and kidnapped. It happens every single day and on websites poorly protected like this one. This is dangerous and can have Feral Heart sued. Maybe not for the cussing... but for the lack of protection for its users.

Offline Blush

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Re: Huge complaints
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2011, 10:23:41 pm »
I am not trying to complain to other members about Feral Heart. I am trying to get mods attention about these issues and Kovu's. If Kovu needs help coding, I know people who can help. I would actually code the whole website over for free and get rid of these bugs in the website. I think they have seriously gotten in over their heads and yes, we have to be paitent, but we have a right to demand more mods for safety reasons. I believe members have a right to be upset because the game should not have been released in this state.

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Re: Huge complaints
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2011, 10:24:05 pm »
Cyber stalking can get any game or site in huge trouble, yes. But it happens.. it's not something that can be stopped. I'm sorry to say that and I feel bad about it, but it's true. There are indeed seriously messed up people out there.
If that has seriously been going on in FH, this game can, and probably end up getting in big trouble unless they find a way to manage it better somehow.
The cussing won't get this game sued. It happens everywhere, but the cyber stalking and giving out personal information can. You are very right.

Offline Blush

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Re: Huge complaints
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2011, 10:31:53 pm »
It is something can be prevented, but people are still going to try. I have to be careful owning websites that people can join also to prevent such a thing from happening. It is terrible, but Feral Heart has very lax rules. Even on my websites, the cussing still happens, but our mods are on them quickly. Our mods go through a long live training on how to use everything and what they are expected to do. Feral heart needs to start taking this stuff seriously before they have thousands of members and the problem only becomes worse. I know from personal experience it will start with cussing and then go onto other things. Much more mature things that children so young should be protected from.

The silly thing is the small issues Feral Heart has can be fixed and the game can be enjoyed while we wait for new upgrades. I am not complaining about stupid things like not having wings, I am complaining about safety issues and things that actually make the game not run properly.