Author Topic: ~Leaping Hurtles~ [Inactive since 14/07/2015]  (Read 14648 times)

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Re: ~Leaping Hurtles~ A literate/realistic human and horse RP
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2015, 10:59:51 pm »
OOC: Sooo.....Like anyone going to start? I'm not coss I suck at it :| *Hides in a box*
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Offline Wolflover224

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Re: ~Leaping Hurtles~ A literate/realistic human and horse RP
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2015, 12:18:49 pm »
Anyone can start))

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Re: ~Leaping Hurtles~ A literate/realistic human and horse RP
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2015, 05:45:19 pm »

(I don't do first posts either.... I can if no one else does so though.)
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Re: ~Leaping Hurtles~ A literate/realistic human and horse RP
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2015, 12:41:09 am »

Nightfall galloped towards the blue waterfall looming in front of him, gazing into its crystal clear blue water. The cold liquid lapped against his legs, refreshing him. Nightfall dipped his muzzle into the water and drank from the pool, refreshing him immediately.
(The pastures and locations in the wild are close to each other in each state. Everything is located in the middle of the state, while the locations in Mexico are located in the far north of the country.)

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Re: ~Leaping Hurtles~ A literate/realistic human and horse RP
« Reply #24 on: May 26, 2015, 10:16:30 am »


"Here I am, this is me. I came in to this world so wild and free. Here I am, so young and strong. Right here in the place, where I belong."

The palomino coloured mare swayed gentle to and fro, her large frame casting a shadow on the grass patches below. Everything had been relatively quiet in the plains lately, human and animal wise. Rather boring if she said so herself. Giving her cream tail a flick, the large equine began her move, staying in the same place for a while wasn't really her thing. Since being alone, there was nothing keeping her in one place, this giving her the opportunity to explore more places than she would have if being the member of a herd. Although, when she thought about it, being in a herd would be somewhat better. For one she wouldn't be alone, and maybe she'd actually be able to make acquaintances, something she hadn't done so far. However there was still time, but the nearby ranches may pose a problem, seeing as they're always looking for new brumbies to take in and tame. Something she'd need to watch out for. The mare was yet to come across any near herds, and even places she'd travelled to seemed bare in the herd department. Just wondering loners. It was a shame really, although she wasn't one to complain. Living alone giver her more freedom, but it did come with its costs.

Giving her head a firm shake, Cheyanna allowed her chocolate coloured auds to scan around the surrounding plains. All was quite, and rather still, apart from the small trees and vegetation which would sway to and fro with the light gusts of wind which blew through the large forested area. Flaring her nostrils out in a snort, the mustang kicked at the ground with her back left hoof, causing a small cloud of dust to make its way in to the sky, before quickly disappearing with the gentle breeze. Bowing her head several times, shaking her mane from her eyes, the large mare would continue on her way. Large, heavy hooves beating at the rough terrain as she made her way over small mounts and through the forest. Her head bobbing as she took each stride, glancing around carelessly to see if anything caught her interest. It was no surprise that nothing did though, it seemed rather empty and deserted around these parts, apart from the few pests and other animals which would loom around on their own, and the occasional group would pass. Not of her kind though. Allowing a grunt to emit from her long snout, Cheya decided to take a different route to usual, making her was towards the luscious blue falls which were located only a short distance away. Ground which she'd be able to cover in a matter of minutes. The greenest and freshest vegetation was often found here, not to mention the fresh flowing waters which lapped over the falls. That's where she'd be heading today.

Changing her course, the mare would force her way through the mangled bushes, forcing a small pathway through them from the weight of her hooves pressing against the foliage. Now being out in the open once more, the palomino would take a quick glance around, before locking her eyes on her new destination. Extending her legs, the mare would take a few slow and steady strides, before excelling in to a gentle canter across the plains, broad hooves thudding at the ground, forming small clouds of dust, until she stepped on to the old, and new fields of grass. With each long stride, Cheya was drawing nearer to the falls.


"If you climb in to the saddle, be ready for the ride."

Aimee had been up since early hours this morning, going around her usual stable hand jobs; mucking out the horses, feeding them, brushing them and letting them out in to their pastures. This was something the young lass had gotten use to, being here since she was younger and helping out, left her rather experienced in what she was doing. And it didn't take her half as long as it use to. Many would see what she done as a little off, city folk and all, although, she actually liked what she done. Getting down and dirty didn't bother the lass. She wasn't like most lasses, whom fussed about their appearance too much, nor was she bothered about getting dirty. Many would refer her as a 'tom boy' but that wasn't true either. She's just devoted to what she does, and will try everything, no matter what. Aimee was a big help around the stables, and often took on the slightest job, hoping to get everything out of the way, this giving her time to see the new brumby, Anaya, she had recently brought in. She was a stubborn mare. One which had threw her off several times, but this didn't scare her. Many times of being bitten, kicked and bucked off left the lass somewhat fearless of what may happen in the environment of a stable. Nothing she hadn't already handled. All that was left for her to do was let a few more equines in to the pastures, then she'd be on her way.

Anaya remained in the round pen, where most wild horses were kept upon capture. This prevented them from growing agitated and frightened in the stables, which may cause them to injured the property and most importantly themselves. For the past few days the large mustang had been charging in circles, bucking, rearing and neighing in attempt to get ones attention, or hopefully break free. The black horse came to a sudden halt, kicking up the sand beneath her hooves. Shuffling back slightly, she'd push her front off of the ground, raising herself in to the air and kicking out with piercing neighs. Her efforts getting her no where though, she still remained confined in her pen. Bobbing her head up and down, the mare began to snort, charging in circles once more, but at a slower pace, her tail flicking out behind her as she kicked out at the fence now and then. Sand clouds forming, but quickly being blown away by the light breeze which blew over the ranch. Suddenly, the banging of the fence and 'clang' of a chain caused the mare to halt, backing herself up ever so slightly in to the back of the pen, her eyes forward, locked on the familiar figure of a woman standing at the fence, looking through at her. Anaya stopped her somewhat crazy antics and took a step forward, pawing at the ground and nodding her head, snorting and grunting. Until she came to a hush.

Approaching the gate, the brunette noticed the mare pacing once more, appearing rather frustrated with being in the pen. Letting out a soft sigh, she'd stand by the fence, placing her arms on the small gapped areas and placing her head on her arms, watching the horse with amazement. She'd been watching this mare for quite some time. An amazing creature she was. And now, Aimee had managed to capture her, and possibly tame her. Although, she loved the wild side of Mustangs, and she wanted to ride her. Not break her completely. The youngster had been working with the horse for two days now, and each day she had made progress, however her wide side still shone through. Not once had the mare done anything to hurt her; bite or kick her, she'd just try and get away from her. A usual behaviour for a wild horse. Although, when seeing her in the forest, the mare approached her. Something which attracted her to the black beauty. Tilting her head as the mare stopped and backed up a little, Aimee nodded and pushed herself away from the fence, pulling off the small chain and walking in, closing the gate behind her. Standing almost in the centre of the pen, she'd hold her hand out, allowing the mare to smell it. Which she did. Reaching forward with her other hand, she'd run it down the centre of the mares head "There girl, I'm not going to hurt you..." she'd speak in a soft voice, hoping to reassure the mare.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2015, 10:18:56 am by Taylor »
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Re: ~Leaping Hurtles~ A literate/realistic human and horse RP
« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2015, 01:28:20 am »
So early in the roleplay? D: If you think you'll come back in the future, I'll put your characters up as inactive.))

Offline W00gi

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Re: ~Leaping Hurtles~ A literate/realistic human and horse RP
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2015, 11:01:26 pm »
Life is just a loop, untill you get too tiered to continue

Offline Wolflover224

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Re: ~Leaping Hurtles~ A literate/realistic human and horse RP
« Reply #27 on: June 01, 2015, 12:45:11 am »

Nightfall laid down under the shade of a large tree, ears perked and alert. He knew that he was straying into dangerous territory; a land which belonged to the hominids that lived in the area. His mother told him about these strange hominids, who had roamed the land in vast numbers before. Nightfall's ear flicked as an insect flew too close, and continued to watch the small hominid camp.
These hominids did not live in the same buildings that the others did, not did they thrive in cities or drive vehicles. The only vehicle available to them was a horse. He turned his head and glanced at the setting sun. He stood up and began trotting back towards his small 'camp', which was near the falls. When Nightfall arrived there, he began to settle down in a patch of soft grass. Nightfall laid his head down on the grass and rested himself there.

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Re: ~Leaping Hurtles~ A literate/realistic human and horse RP
« Reply #28 on: June 09, 2015, 12:42:02 am »
OOC: Bump?
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Re: ~Leaping Hurtles~ A literate/realistic human and horse RP
« Reply #29 on: June 09, 2015, 10:34:28 pm »

Go on without me, I'll post soon.
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