Author Topic: This is actually, really important. (Concerning Harassing)  (Read 2633 times)

Offline RepeatingLyrics

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This is actually, really important. (Concerning Harassing)
« on: April 24, 2015, 05:58:38 pm »
Alright, first of all, I am not trying to offend anyone, or take people as a group and insult them, or anything like that. I am trying to actually do the opposite. I just wanted to make that clear.

So- What I really need off of my chest is the fact that there is a lot of insulting, offending, and harassing going on in the game, I mean- seriously. I am mostly speaking about Bonfire Island since I have spent most of my recent roleplays down there. I have read another post regarding this, and I find it extremely important that people should know that you can NOT judge people by their vocabulary, appearance, or behavior. Like, holy pretzel, what I have seen people do. It is almost scary.

There are people actually being very racist. I recall someone say; "NO RUSSIANS ALLOWED". In caps, and that is literally all they said. I called them out on it, though they simply told me that they actually meant it. I was dumbfounded. This is not what is supposed to happen on a kid friendly game.

Just go here for a second; (Link) And remember it. Don't just read over it quickly, I want you to make sure you print this in your memory. It is more than important.

People should be allowed to do what they like to do. Of course you can't use bad language, or go ahead and 'hump' everything, or harass people, or anything you should simply not do on a kid friendly game. You can't simply walk up to someone and tell them what you think about their character. I have actually seen it happen a couple of times that people harass others because they, for instance, have the name 'Simba TLK', though are too neon, or too unrealistic to be Simba. You really, can't do that. That is harassing, which isn't allowed. You could get banned if someone makes sure the mods know of it.

People should be able to be neon, to mix together unrealistic colors, to- make up random animals, to make overpowered creatures, etc. Without being called out on their appearance. People should be able to be not good at English, and still have fun roleplaying.

Let me tell you how I learned English. I entered Feral Heart knowing the minimum about English, and through people helping me with certain words (After I asked for them, it may not be taken right if you tell someone what they spelled wrong without them asking for it, as a tip for people who have a hard time with English, use (?) behind words you are not sure of if you spelled them right, if you would like to see if you spelled it right. 50% of the time there will probably be someone there to tell you if you did it right.), simply roleplaying with people of my literacy, with simply reading other people's roleplays, etc. etc. It was very hard if I was harassed for my literacy, which I can still remember happening.

I really believe that the so called 'noobs' could learn so much faster if you could just take a moment of your time to explain something to them, instead of ignoring them, mocking them, whatever. It would also be much more appealing for people to actually keep playing the game and learn more.

I honestly find it absolutely disgusting how people can... 'Troll', mock, harass, annoy, ignore the ones they should be helping through the game.

Just, let me make this really clear for people who find it hard to read a semi-long text...

You can not judge, mock, or harass people by their literacy.
Literally. Everyone, of every literacy- level... However you want to call it should be treated equally. You are not better than someone else if you are better with the English language, if you are more realistic, of your character looks more like the one from the movies. You can't take someone for less if their character does not appeal to you, or if their way of speaking does not appeal to you. We are all people and we all have at least some feelings, if I am correct, and they can be hurt. I know someone who has developed actual trust issues due to harassment. It is a serious problem, and I just shoved it in 'ya face.

This may seem hard. But the truth is hard. Everyone has probably took someone less serious for their literacy, and we should all look at ourselves and consider what we've done. Someone could seriously been hurt because we found them less than us. Some have passed that 'phase', some are in it. If you're in it, I would find it very pleasing if you at least attempted to see 'noobs' in a different light. Chances are that you were once them. Maybe you don't remember, but I would bet money on it that you would rather want help than getting mocked or ignored. If you're out, I would find it very pleasing if you would consider helping others out, call the harassers out on their behavior, though don't drag it out into a bigger problem. A simple '(User) that was not necessary. You could get banned for that', or something of that ilk would already probably make a change. For the people that are new to Feral Heart, You rock, keep going. Block out the haters. Don't take any shiz. Don't be afraid to step up to people, eventually you'll find someone who has enough respect to actually help you. Don't give up. Ya' ever need help I'll always be there, and I bet others will be there too. Be YOU. Nothing else but you.

That's all. I hope this changes something, since I really want something to happen to the situation I... WE have been accepting for way too long now.

PS: I just... You can't step into a roleplay as, I'm taking Kiara (TLK) as an example, Kiara while there is already (a less literate one) roleplaying there, and assume that people will start roleplaying with you because you are more literate, that is incredibly disrespectful. I should not have seen this happen this many times.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2015, 06:27:46 pm by Jenna »


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Re: This is actually, really important. (Concerning Harassing)
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2015, 07:26:33 pm »
Though you make good points, and there are somethings I was kinda diagreeing on, I do not thing change will come. I'm not trying be mean though, trust me ^^; it's just that more than half of the FH population don't even know the forums and no one in game tells them about it. I go to Bonfire everytime I am online, so I guess the stuff I see is a bit different. All I see are RPs, centers, and lag. I usually don't see harassment, but that could also have something to do with time zones. *shrug* Who knows, it might change eventually. ^^

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Re: This is actually, really important. (Concerning Harassing)
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2015, 07:56:29 pm »
I sorta of actually agree with Thyme in some points with the half of the fh population don't even jump on the forums unless there is major changes or the game server went offline. I have never seen this type of behavior in bonfire, especially with the racist point. Then again I do not have a say about how bonfire acts recently... . It seems to be so far that besides,  stone bridge which again... I rarely visit. Bonfire indeed stir up a lot of drama especially for newcomers. :x

Now I won't say that there will never be change, because it can change. It just depends on the person and their motivation on getting others change. If you find someone needing help whisper them, help them out. I'm sure they will appreciate it. c: However, No matter where we go whatever it is online or in real life, kid-friendly zone or not there will always be that certain someone that can ruin someone's day or experience.

Offline RepeatingLyrics

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Re: This is actually, really important. (Concerning Harassing)
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2015, 08:20:40 pm »
I do agree that racism is not so common, but it does happen. I've seen it before more than once- which is maybe because I do just sit in front of my laptop for long periods of time, just looking at other people's conversations (So stalkerish :U, but I find it really nice to just see what other people are doing. I am strange :/.) But I do see a lot of harassing, especially on top of the mountain in Bonfire. It's also the little things, that are hard to put to words really. People ignoring the less literate people simply because they don't want to engage into a 'low-level rp', or whatever. Maybe I join the wrong groups, but I do see it a lot.

It's also certain people, mostly the really, extremely literate people maybe. (Don't get offended, I am not saying that all extremely literates are ugly to others- :3.) That think they are above others. That's really what I am trying to say, that people are equal.

And what I was more meaning to do, was kind of, go more to the crowd on the boards that do see this. Word can of course spread, maybe sometime. It may also just be a little bit of a rant. I haven't had much sleep lately, so my mind is all over the place.

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Re: This is actually, really important. (Concerning Harassing)
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2015, 10:11:30 pm »
I agree with a lot of points here, such as it not being okay to be racist, or do anything inappropriate in a game that has children in it (Even if technically, they aren't suppose to be.). But with the whole thing about not wanting Russian speakers in a roleplay, that's perfectly understandable. Although the caps aren't exactly needed to get that point across.
Back again, let's see how long I stick around this time.

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Re: This is actually, really important. (Concerning Harassing)
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2015, 03:36:46 am »
To add, barely anyone on the game (especially bonfire) has a good sense of humor and it's embarrassing lol.

Yeah I have seen a rise of harassment and mockery in the game, mostly due to how good or bad people are at the English language. In fact, the reason people expect others to have a good understatement of English is because one of the reasons the language was created is to limit the language barrier, despite that it sounds like a language majorly from the country England by it's name. English is taught around the world, and some people are not native speakers. I heard that English is actually a very hard language to learn, depending on your native tongue. Because of that, not a lot of people will be absolute experts at the language and use big words in their writing. Plus this being an English-language based game, it's hard for some native speakers not only on this game, but everywhere to realize that not everyone knows how to understand English correctly. Even native speakers have trouble if they have a learning disability or limited brain processing due to other disabilities.

Overall, just because English is a widely used language it doesn't give anyone the right to harass anyone who has trouble with it. Not everyone is a native English speaker. smh

As with the character appearance, I've said this many times. The FeralHeart character creator if freely customizable for a reason.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2015, 04:13:52 am by OhKelseyYou »

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Re: This is actually, really important. (Concerning Harassing)
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2015, 05:05:51 am »
I do agree with what you say here in this topic, but it's unfortunate that there will be people who will not care about the game rules or have no consideration for other members. There's really nothing anyone can do to stop people from saying things that might be offensive to someone. There's really no way we can stop trolls from coming onto this game either. However, when you do see someone trolling, you can just block them. If someone is breaking the rules (like making racist comments), take a screenshot of their behavior and report it to the mods.

When it comes to people judging others based on character appearance or "literacy" in a rude way, best thing you can do is ignore them and block them. I've had people complain about some of my characters on how unrealistic they are, but I don't take their words to heart. They are just opinions.
Everyone has opinions.
Some are more biased than others.

How to start an Argument Online:
1.) State an opinion
2.) Wait....

What do I do when someone harasses/trolls me? I just block them. If they do something that calls for a reporting, I do so. I really don't waste time trying to tell them any different, because they honestly don't give a rats behind.

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Re: This is actually, really important. (Concerning Harassing)
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2015, 12:46:24 pm »
I think I'm gonna have to agree with Alizarin on this one.

Though you did raise some, really good points...

What Ali said really sums up my thoughts.

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Re: This is actually, really important. (Concerning Harassing)
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2015, 02:43:28 pm »
Oh my! Bless your soul for making this thread, this is the whole reason why I stay away from Bonfire. I've also seen some inappropriate things going on in the FH community, which SHOULDN'T HAPPEN. This is why I'm so shy on FH, I just sit there and wait for others to come to me. When I first joined, I felt as if literacy didn't effect my reputation. I then picked up patterns of others being mistreated for their 'poor' literacy, however my mom and dad don't use grammar when texting me. (Like no punctuation, capitals, and etc) This angers me a lot, people need to stop being babies about opinions and such. The kids on this game may have told someone in their family about things they've seen and are pulled off the game, which will make kid sadden and feel guilty for their mistake of telling others. However trolls are plain idiots to me sometimes, firing up someone else and a no for me. I HATE being fooled and even more hate it when the troll has done something harmful to me, that's why on FH I never talk in local unless needed. I only stay in whisper chat or group chat, silently speaking to myself and thinking of things. Fluorite/You Must be Literate Land needs to get their attitudes fixed or something, people with 'poor' literacy there are judged and ignored. They are thought as nothing except a ghost that speaks Middle English or something. People are stupid these days, I probably should just stop getting fired up by the fact everyone needs to learn about others' opinions. I honestly see nothing wrong with neon colors, they may hurt my eyes but who cares? Whether I like it or not the person get's to play life the way they want to play which results in differing opinions and even equal opinions. *Sigh* I'm going to my happy place also known as my imagination.
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Re: This is actually, really important. (Concerning Harassing)
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2015, 05:26:44 pm »
Trolls will be trolls i'm afraid. It's an unfortunate problem but there's not much that can be done; this is one of the main issues with a game that has basically no barrier to entry.

Just report and/or block when necessary. Trolls really aren't worth the hassle.