Author Topic: Umnedni Pride Role Play  (Read 32495 times)

Offline Renochi

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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2011, 10:29:43 pm »
((Woohoo, group huggles~ AND NOW, what we've all been waiting for! The epic quest for parents! >w<
Also, I don't mind RPing. Just so long as everyone replies. |D ))

Zidan flicked her tail, the bushy bit at the end weighing down its tip. She'd been laying under this tree for about an hour now, but this was getting boring pretty fast. Plus, it was hot, and that made her more than a little irritable, so, still not willing to move from her spot, she watched a large patch of tall golden grass as it swayed when a slight breeze passed. The grass had fluffy tips to the highest points of each stalk, similar to her tail, and this gave her an idea. Normally she wouldn't resort to such childish methods of entertainment, but there was a first time for everything, right? Grabbing the bottoms of a few stalks of grass, she plucked them from the ground with ease, and stalked over to where her younger sister was laying. Crouching down a little, she began to tickle Awiti's face with the fluffy tips of the grass playfully.

Yay it's longish. ))


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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2011, 10:34:22 pm »
Seeing his youngest sister in front of him, Runo makes minimal noise as he trots up to her now sleeping form. From what he had seen of her, she had woken up and then hopped down from the tree to do the same thing all over again. What a lazy cat she is, he thinks. Not even trying to conceal his sounds and movements, the lion brings himself to hang over her form while he stands over and provides a little shade. "You look comfy" he jokes. Looking over at his younger sister, he smirks at her before swatting her face lightly.

Taking his attentions away from the younger girls of his shared blood, Runo turns his head from left to right before he finally comes to ask, "have any of you seen Muren lately?"


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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2011, 10:38:01 pm »
-hugs- Yes I love to rp so im good with that~


The youngest of the siblings was running about, trying to climb a rather large tree, his creamy fur was getting covered in leaves and bark as he climbed a bit higher. He finally got to the spot he wanted, a branch near the top, and sat on it, looking down at his two older sisters and brother , who were under the tree next to the one he climbed. " .... " He grinned and wiggled his way to the edge of the branch and then jumps down on his unsuspecting prey. " rah! " he yelled out and tackled his sisters with a playful smirk.

Offline Renochi

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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2011, 10:50:29 pm »
Zidan shook her head slowly. "No, actually, I was beginning to wonder where he was. For all we know, he's probably climbing trees agai--"
She was cut off a a big, light-gold, furry mass landed ontop of her, and she, in turn, landed on Awiti. Who was still on the ground. What a great way to make a noise, Muren, she thought, irritated. Growling softly, she pushed her brother off of her back and got up off of poor Awiti, who seemed dazed. "Heey, why us? Why not Runo too?" she asked with mock hurt, but kept her eyes wide so that they would know she was still just being playful.

((Woo, [strike]dog[/strike] lion-pile~))


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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2011, 11:16:36 pm »
"I see--" he started but was soon cut off when a flash of gold resembling all four of them came smashing down from the trees and onto his younger siblings. Of course, it could have only been Muren and it was no surprise to Runo that he pulled something like this, but it still kick started Runo's heart from scared that he didn't know where his baby brother was so speed of light with shock. He could have been having a heart attack if he didn't know any better.

Runo then sat down and watched his sisters complain, "because he knows I'll sit on him." It was a simple answer with a few years experience under its belt, they just seemed to have forgotten that it could happen again.


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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2011, 11:27:17 pm »
Muren smiles lazily. " because. it would have been hard to tackle you ALL. " Snickers a bit and then sits up with a lazy yawn, then he lightly and playfully pushes on Runo's face with his paw. " And nu-uh you couldn't catch me to sit on me" The younger lion teased. He smiles and lays on the ground and rolls on his back looking up. " Its so boring.. " He grunts and pounces back up to go climb the tree again.
This time, half way up he slips and falls on his belly. " ow.. " He gets up, tail flicking back and forth a bit embarrassed he fell so easily.


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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2011, 11:34:03 pm »
"Good threat to make when you can't even climb a tree, baby bro" taunted the oldest sibling, smirking to himself and at the young brother of his. Yes, Muren was indeed the youngest of them all and he showed it very well. But then again, he was practically still a cub-- a kitten-- so he had some time left before his age would run off without him and he would have to catch up to being an adult sooner or later. It made Runo's face drop a tad when he thought about Muren growing up since he was the only cub out of the bunch left. He loved all of them equally, but Muren had to be one of the cutest there were.

Meanwhile his sisters were beautiful and maturing lionesses themselves-- he couldn't have been more proud to be their older brother. Sometimes though, he felt like he was a father to them as well. He sighed out and looked at his sisters, "we'd better go hunting, don't you think?"

Offline Renochi

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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2011, 11:50:55 pm »
Zidan let out a light chuckle. "Oh yeah, right. I remember that. I guess he's learnt not to mess with you, Runo," she said, smiling. Afterwards she just sat down and flicked her tail side to side again. After listening to Muren's responses, she flicked an ear. "Or not. And yes, it is a little boring, isn't it..."
For lack of any ideas for something better to do, she watched as her youngest sibling attempted to climb a tree again, but only attempting, because it seems like he failed halfway up and slid back down. "Heh, need more practice there, Muren?" she taunted, then stood up again. "Sure, that's definately more exciting than just sitting here and watching Muren forget how to climb trees," she stated nonchalantly, then sighed. "Unless we don't find any prey."


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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2011, 12:08:55 am »
Muren made a mock glare at them. " I did not forget to climb, I just slipped. " he huffed, but when he heard the word hunt he bounded back over to his siblings. " Ohh what are we going to try 'n hunt? " He asked excitedly. He was now to excited to sit down and was walking around them and when he did finally sit down, his tail was flicking to and fro excitedly. " could we try and find something big to eat? I'm pretty hungry. " He looked at his siblings longingly.


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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2011, 12:14:52 am »
Runo looked over to his siblings aside from the little male cub who was too excited to sit himself down for even a moment, "I don't see why we can't try and hunt something large". He was of course worried that his little brother wasn't going to be able to handle large prey like he would with smaller ones, but he was getting bigger and more experienced. Though Runo had the mind of male, and sought out his sisters' opinions as they were probably more maternal than he could ever hope to be.