I believe that the word "noob" is very wrongly used. Where it was originally created on some forum or game somewhere over the rainbow, it was a term used to describe someone new to the game or forum. Now, the use of noob has spiralled far from the innocent use of describing a new player. It has become an insult, in some cases. Lots of people, to their credit, do only use it in the best of intentions, but a larger percentage don't. This is what constantly spins my head -- since when was it so bad to be new to something?
Noob, I've now noticed, is also used to describe people who aren't as strict on grammar, or, as some more stuck-up people like to call, "illiterate". Um, yeah, about that. I'd call myself a noob/newbie/newb simply because I'm new to the game and still getting the hang of things, but *flails* I'm not an "illiterate idiot". I guess -- actually, I know -- what I'm trying to say is that, even though the word's original use wasn't offensive, it certainly is now, by most people.
HOWEVER, I am not pointing fingers at anyone! Don't jump the gun just yet... Actually, just don't jump the gun.
I've also noticed that, along with people who don't find English to be their strongpoint (I know they're commonly made fun of, but give them a break - they're trying!), neons are often referred to as noobs, though, what people mean is that they are illiterate. This is absolutely appalling. The use of noob now, as far as my observation, is just to describe people who aren't very good at English, considering that that is the language most used in this game, though there are people who speak different languages (such as in the Cape...I, personally, love seeing the different languages being spoken. It gives the game a sense of comforting diverseness).
Yeah, I know I ranted a bit there... Sorry, not sorry. Long story short; I dislike the use of noob when it is meant to offend, which, more often than not now, it is.