Author Topic: WAZINDO PRIDE - TLK Based RP and OOC Chat Group!  (Read 4581 times)


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WAZINDO PRIDE - TLK Based RP and OOC Chat Group!
« on: May 17, 2015, 10:18:32 pm »

"Wazi" means "Vivid" in Swahili. "Kishindo" means "Roar."

Hello one and all!
My game name is Elizabeth! (Do call me Liz.) My lion fursona is Awena.
A friendly user and I decided it kind of sucks not knowing where to find any good, long lasting, TLK based rp's with a nice map and plenty of friendly folks to just chill with. Wazindo Pride is for any and all players in search of a relaxed group with no real strict rules and a RPing universe centered around the world of TLK. Absolutely everyone is welcome!

Click here to find us on deviantART if you happen to have dA account :3

Chatting Rules
-Be nice
-Be courteous
-Be considerate
-Have fun!

RP Rules
-Give other players their space if requested
-No super powers
-Follow the guidelines of TLK universe
-No obnoxious, aggressive land claiming!
-Be considerate
-Have fun!!

"Do we have a specific map to meet up on?"
Indeed we do!
We meet together on the extremely talented Genesis9's Pridelands map! :D

"Can I play as my OC?"
Absolutely! As long as they could actually exist in TLK world and have realistic colors, the answer is yes!

"Can I play as a character from the movies?"
Oh yes. Nothing wrong with that!

"My character is not a lion. Can I still play as them?"
Meerkat, hyena, or even gazelle! No matter. You and your character are welcome!

"I don't know how to rp / I don't want to roleplay. Can I still join?"
Yes. We are made for the roleplayer and the chatter. Just hangout with us :)

"Do I have to be active?"
It would be preferable, yes. But if you're not gonna be around for a while, be sure to let us know!

"Is there a limit to how many characters I can have?"
As long as you can keep them all active, there is no limit!

"How do I apply to join?"
Anything from a "here's my huge, long, elaborate character bio" to "hey, may i join?" is acceptable! I guess you should just be willing to state if you're here for chatting or for roleplaying.


If you would like a guideline to setting up a bio for your character, you may (or may not) use this template for them :3

(doesn't have to be a lion)
(yes you may have in-roleplay prides/packs/mobs/etc...)
(obviously only applies to females)
Children Count:

Feel free to ask questions and don't be afraid to drop by the map! :D

« Last Edit: May 28, 2015, 03:15:03 am by xLizx »

Offline Zoeferet

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Re: WAZINDO PRIDE - TLK Based RP and OOC Chat Group!
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2015, 05:46:02 am »
Name: Anemy
Gender: Lioness
Age: 2 years old
Species: Lion
Mate: -
Pride: -
Personality: Not too sure yet. xp
Strengths: Hunting.
Weaknesses: Fighting.
Injury: -
Illness: -
Pregnant: -
Status: Not so sure what to put here.
Children Count: 0

I don't know if I should be posting this form but anyway, I'll join if that's okay ^^
« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 05:48:52 am by Zoey »


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Re: WAZINDO PRIDE - TLK Based RP and OOC Chat Group!
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2015, 07:03:20 am »
Its K >w<

You and your character are very much welcome :3 If you can successfully add the map provided in the main post into your game, you can meet up with us there, usually around priderock. To be really added to the group, look out for either me (Elizabeth) or the co-founder (TheFatMan1000) and mention this little conversation or whatever you feel is appropriate X) We are very friendly so never fear! LOL
Of course, we will only add the character you will be rping as :) You can add more to the group as long as they can all remain generally active. If you have any questions at all, PM me here, post on this thread, or whisper me in game :3 I'm usually online lol

Thank you so much for joining >w<

Offline TheChillFangirl

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Re: WAZINDO PRIDE - TLK Based RP and OOC Chat Group!
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2015, 07:13:37 pm »

I am very new to the FeralHeart thing, and pretty much new to forums/roleplaying.  However, I would like to join your group.  I might not be active for a few days to wrap up school (and a few weeks in June, but you can whisper(that's right, isn't it?) me about that, should you choose to let me in (:P)).

Here are the answers to your questions:

Name: Flamestorm
Gender: Female
Age: Three years
Species: Lion
Mate: N/A
Pride: N/A
Personality: Mostly nice, if you get on her nerves you do NOT want to be around her unless you are a very good friend.  More introverted than extroverted, but is very nice and friendly and loyal once you get to know her. Also, moderately clever. (Too much/too little?)
Strengths: Good fighter, decent hunter, and a good friend.
Weaknesses: Introverted, sometimes headstrong, and sometimes Loki like.
Injury: N/A
Illness: N/A
Pregnant: Nope
Status: Uh, I don't really know what this means (sorry!)....
Children Count: Zero

Two closing things: First, is it okay that Flamestorm has markings on her? I will probably do a half and half of roleplaying (learning to roleplay, I should say) and chatting, if that helps.  Also, where do I download you map from?

Thank you!
Natalie (asking character: Flamestorm)

I'm fubbernucked.


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Re: WAZINDO PRIDE - TLK Based RP and OOC Chat Group!
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2015, 08:23:46 pm »
Well I'm so glad you chose to join us even though you are so new :3 There's not a lot to it. It's all a matter of getting used to it >w<

Very nice character :) I like her. Just a slight note, being that her name is a little more WarriorCats than TLK, but you may keep it as long as you feel comfortable with her name. Who am I to judge? XD

On those little things you added, just remember that her appearance must be realistic and loyal to the universe of TLK. She may have markings, but they cannot be something out of fantasy. Spots, some stripes, scars, etc... Those are acceptable. Colors loyal to the palette of black, dark brown, tan, white, etc... Those are acceptable. If her markings are abnormal, be sure you have an explanation for them. All I ask from you is that you ask yourself one question about her appearance: Could this exist on an actual lion? If you find yourself with the answer "no," well... Yeah. Lol
You may also post her picture here if you're absolutely not sure and need help deciding.

The map we use can be found in the main post, or rather, right here >w< Find the download link in the description and continue from there. If you need help with downloading the map, you may ask me :) These things can be really difficult to install... Once the portal to the Pridelands has shown up in the Cape of Distant Worlds, meet up with us at Priderock... Granted that someone from the group is online >w< Find either me (Elizabeth) or the co-founder (TheFatMan1000)

If you have any more questions, PM me on here or whisper 'Elizabeth' in the game (if I'm online X3)
« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 08:26:50 pm by xLizx »

Offline TheChillFangirl

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Re: WAZINDO PRIDE - TLK Based RP and OOC Chat Group!
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2015, 08:41:44 pm »
Okay well I am totally not sure whether or not Firestorm's markings would be born onto a lion, but I do have an explanation (it may be if-y, I don't know): It's some sort of tribal marking. (I guess)

I'm going to upload a picture, so if anything needs to be changed, let me know.  I won't be offended or anything, I just wanna make sure that Firestorm is Wazindo ready (and if her name needs to be changed that is totally fine with me as well).

Oh.  Well.  Crap.

Turns out I don't know what address to use to upload my picture of Firestorm.  If you wouldn't mind telling me...?

Sorry :-\

Uh, yeah.  I shall download the map and join as soon as possible!


I'm fubbernucked.


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Re: WAZINDO PRIDE - TLK Based RP and OOC Chat Group!
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2015, 08:59:03 pm »
I could see the tribal marking as okay, but it's like I said. It really depends on exactly what it is and it's colors. An explanation behind the mark would be nice too.

Her name is really okay :) As long as you feel okay with it. It's a pretty name, really >w<

Well, the address, if you don't know already, is the URL of the page of her picture. I don't think directly uploading the picture from the computer would work. If you have a picture of her already on the internet (deviantART, photobucket, etc...), just copy the URL of the page with her picture on it and paste it onto a reply here :) I can take a look from there.

Example (using deviantART to post an address for a picture of our group's icon):
If I wanted to post the picture ON the reply, I just click the "Insert Image" icon in the toolbar and paste the PICTURE'S address between the "[ img ]"'s:

Offline TheChillFangirl

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Re: WAZINDO PRIDE - TLK Based RP and OOC Chat Group!
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2015, 09:11:32 pm »
Okay, well I can make the explanation of the mark easily.

It's just that I don't have any websites/accounts that I can post this to other than here.

I mean, I have a picture of what she looks like in game on my computer...

But I can try to describe her if you like...

She is a feline with most of the default physical features (i.e. muzzle, chin, forehead, etc.).  Her default emote is smile.  She has a lion tail, no mane, normal ears, and cheek tufts.  She has normal green eyes.  Her markings are as follows: Spiral body markings, Liger face markings, and Swirl tail markings.  These are all yellow but that can be changed if needed.  She has no wings or items.  Her pelt is an orange-ish-red-ish color, and her underfur, tail tip, and above/below eyes color are all default.

I really hope this helps! (Sorry about the picture trouble :))

I'm fubbernucked.


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Re: WAZINDO PRIDE - TLK Based RP and OOC Chat Group!
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2015, 09:22:25 pm »
Oh well that's okay >w<

Okay I get the picture :3 Well, if the marking is PART of her, like, permanent and she was born with it, it's not acceptable... However, if it's like paint or something like that, I can see whereas that would be okay. If that's the case, regarding her appearance, she would indeed stick out. Flamestorm shouldn't be surprised if she turns a lot of heads X3

Offline TheChillFangirl

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Re: WAZINDO PRIDE - TLK Based RP and OOC Chat Group!
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2015, 10:10:07 pm »
Okay.  Thank you for letting me join!  Yes, it would be painted on her or something like that.

It might take me a bit to get the map because for some reason deviant art is blocked on my computer.

I will see you soon! :D


I'm fubbernucked.