Author Topic: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |  (Read 51213 times)

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #30 on: June 16, 2015, 05:55:11 am »

Rylee Swan

Full Name:
Rylee Nina Swan
Swan, Ry by close friends
21 years old

?Swan is a certain character. Though she can have good intentions to do things, she is easily swayed to another side and view, making her a bit of a drifter. Swan also takes a great amount of joy proving that she is better at things in everyway, she is a competitor that only wants to win. Despite however, being somewhat of a drifter, Swan is not a drifter when it comes to friends. Once you're gained her trust, she'll follow to the end of the Earth. Likewise, if you make an enemy of her, she'll never forget. Rylee is a type that doesn't like being given too many orders but at the same time, doesn't want to be a leader, she'd rather let someone else do the harder work for her. Often giving off an intense vibe at first, Swan always asks questions and mostly looks to be a straight shooter. The only thing that she isn't a straight shooter at is her emotions, she's rather bad at expressing them.
In tough situations, Swan isn't one to back down. Her first action when it comes to conflict is to fight against it almost always head-on. This type of thinking and doing gets her in trouble rather fast, If you ask her, Swan will almost always say that the appropriate course of action is fighting.
? Clicks her tongue at random times
?When waiting for something or talking with someone, she often goes to feel her collarbone for her necklace.
?Rylee stands at around 5'6, with nice curves, brunette semi-curly hair that stops at her chest and brown eyes. Rylee has tanned skin but still manages to stay on the lighter side compared to other people she might meet. Swan's wardrobe normally consists of the same things. You can normally see Swan in mainly darker clothes, black pants, shoes or boots. Her shirts change though, often she'll wear a lighter color shirt to give her outfit some color but over it, she wears a black jacket most of the time.
? Rylee tends to keep the known part of her history short. If you ask her, Rylee will only say that she was the third child out of four and grew up lived in her siblings' shadows.
Crush: None, Subject to change.
Relationship Status: Single.
? Psionic blast:
The ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss or lack of consciousness.
? Cold and Ice manipulation:
Ability to reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and thus reduce temperature, can be used to control, generate, or absorb ice.

Supporter of the Heroes Project?:
No, Swan doesn't believe that the Heroes Project was a good idea, while she likes the idea of having powers, she doesn't support the project or have the same views. Swan is also not the biggest supporter of the government.
What do you want to do with your Power(s)?:
Rylee is more towards the side of living dangerously. She sees her new powers as an opportunity to do things she normally couldn't.
?Trained in hand-to-hand combat and is excellent at it.
?Always has a small heart necklace that was given to her by her mother.


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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #31 on: June 16, 2015, 06:34:03 am »
[Accepted! I'm add her and you may post.]

[I will move forward and post again after a few hours if the others haven't. When they return or are online ill fill them in on what they missed. Also, I dont require any specific tests, I just needed it to be more realistic so it wasnt just that your character had a cub as a pet, ya know? It makes more sense to have her found it in the clinic and took it under her wing. Its not a huge deal just want to keep it as realistic as possible ^-^]
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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #32 on: June 16, 2015, 04:11:21 pm »

{Alrighty I'll go ahead and change it.}
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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #33 on: June 16, 2015, 09:33:03 pm »
[Thank you for accepting me! This looks like an interesting roleplay.]

Rylee Swan
?Healthy, but tired
Interacting with: n/a

Beep! Beep! Beep!
A small alarm clock rang from the side of a small bed. Slowly, Swan looked over at the clock, letting it beep for a few more moments before getting annoyed with it and pressed the off button. She'd been awake for at least two hours already, having woken up constantly throughout the night. She'd given up trying to sleep after the fifth time having woken up. Swan quickly sat herself up, giving off a short smirk. Today was the day she had been waiting for... Soon she would be out of this dreadful place and out in the open.

Swan got off the bed, and walked over to a small dresser. Despite it's size, the dresser held quite a lot, or at least that's what Rylee's mind thought. She opened up a drawer or two, pulling out various things from the drawers. A black, ripped pair of jeans, a nice blue tank top, her black -worn- leather jacket and, of course the heart necklace and short boots. Once she'd managed to dress herself, Swan walked over to the bathroom. Quickly brushing her teeth and hair, she looked at herself in the mirror. A small groan escaped her mouth as she noticed small bags forming under her eyes. Lightly pounding her fist on the counter, Rylee went to applying light touches of makeup. Only using some concealer, eyeliner and mascara, Rylee looked at herself now in the mirror. She looked slightly more rested than she actually was. Giving herself a small amount of perfume, Rylee set out to go, quickly grabbing a bite to eat on her way out.

Swan walked slowly down the hall, passing other rooms on her way to the waiting area. Quietly she opened the door to already see some other people already in the room waiting for their turn to have their powers activated. As she entered the room, Swan looked at the end of the room to find a quiet area, walking quickly over to it. Making brief eye contact with only a few people, Swan walked past them to sit down and not say much of a word.


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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #34 on: June 16, 2015, 11:55:14 pm »

Thomas Gales

As it always did, routinely, the building came to life as the Sun bathed the world on its light. One by one theothers began to fill the room, taking their own spots and silently keeping to themselves. After what was an odd period of silence, the doors parted open and a familiar face entered, one all the subjects would recognize as the main doctor. "Alright, good morning guys. Who are you all feeling?" Tom remained quiet, glancing up from hus book for only a second before slowly closing it and tossing it aside. "Alright, well. As long as there are no questions..we'll begin. There will be a shot given to each of you, it will be rather painful, and you'll 've returned to this room and you may have free reign for a bit as you adjust. Then, in an hour or so we will take you into the courtyard and we'll test your powers out." He shifted his clipboard to one hand, "Thomas, I'll administer yours'. Other doctors will be in and out of the room getting you guys administered. Tom..come on." The doctor took a step back, holding the double doors open. Tom watched with a raised brow, but stood, releasing a sigh from his chest. He wasn't exactly one to show emotions easily but anyone who knew him well enough could see he was nervous. To recieve your powers was supposedly a reflection of which you were, and that's was exactly the sort of soul searching nonsense he wanted nothing of. Perhaps their powers would be random..
he followed the doctor through the doors, down the hall and into a smaller room. Much like a doctor's office, he sat on a seat and waited as he prepared the shot. "Now, this is going to pinch, but the medicine will burn worse." without another word, he sunk thr needle into his arm. Timeshare up, furrowing his brow and closing his eyes tightly until the needle was removed. The doctor offered an apologetic look, before having a nurse escort him back. "Now be careful..take it easy until we go to the courtyard. " she smiled, opening the doors to the sitting area. Tom paused, nodding to her before entering the room. He glanced at a few people, his lips parted to aid his breathing which seemed to be struggling slightly. His complexion fell a bit pale suddenly, but aside from the chills and the look of being ill he was fine. Turning on his heels he plopped down on his chair, laying back and resting his head against the top.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #35 on: June 17, 2015, 04:25:14 am »

Remington Crosse

Status: In pain, but healthy
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

As things began to move along, Remington found himself leaning forward slightly in the uncomfortable, plastic chair, which was too small and flimsy for his tall, lankly frame. The main doctor had emerged from double doors, a clipboard in hand, and a serious expression- as always. Out of the mere principle, he rolled his navy blue eyes. Do you get any more stereotypical as a doctor with the same haircut, sullen expression, coat, and glasses? Once the doctor's sermon, which was about as boring as reading terms and conditions- which, nobody did- was finished, he retreated with the first unlucky soul- A seemingly emotionless man who he remembered the name to be Thomas. Thomas Gales. As other doctors began calling off names, Remington inhaled deeply, exhaling with a subtle chuckle in attempts to calm his slowly simmering nerves.

"Wish me luck!" He said to nobody in particular as his name, Remington Crosse, was read from a clipboard from another forgettable face. Approaching the doctor, he held out his hand to shake it. "Pleasure doing business with you- My country, and I, thank you." His voice was devilish and held a tone so sarcastic it could choke a horse. Giving a dramatic salute to the doctor, they both retreated into a small room. It was a  basic setup, the table, chair for doctor, sink and countertop with basic doctor-like things in doctor-like places. Boring, to say the least. Now, ordered to sit upon the table, Remington did just that. His legs reached the floor, however, he still thought it was necessary to swing them like a child. Well, until he was told to stop in a harsh manner by the doctor.

Without warning, his sleeve was lifted up, and the needle- a quite impressive size- was stuck into the pale flesh of his arm, more so near his shoulder. Like that of a regular immunization shot, only with a kick. A huge one. And, as he shuffled out of the office and back into the corridor, that is exactly what he felt. Like someone, no, not anyone, but a professional soccer player, had kicked him right in the abdomen. He held out until he plopped himself into his chair. Once his rump reached that uncomfortable plastic, he let out a small growl.

The wind felt knocked out of him, and for a moment, he doubled over, heaving for a breath. Remington's navy eyes widened and watered due to the sudden lack of oxygen, and the swirling headache. Letting in and out quick, short breaths from his nose, Remington slumped back a bit. Right now, he was focused on looking straight up at the ceiling and keeping his breathing leveled. When the doctor told him there would be a kick, he didn't expect the doctor to mean experiencing a lung-puncturing "kick." Hopefully, if Remington prayed hard enough, some figure from above would relieve him of his pain soon enough.

Despite all of this internal struggle, externally, despite the obvious wheezing and blurred vision, Remington wore a proud smile. This pain was merely temporary. Soon enough, he'd have something permanent. Powers. Even if he was a little apprehensive about what he would recieve, Remington decided to be humble and accept anything. Well, if it was stupid, he would indeed be a little ticked off if everyone else got something spectacular. But, he would try not to compare himself to his peers. Ah yes, the internal struggle of a teenager.

« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 04:20:05 pm by -Killjoy- »

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #36 on: June 17, 2015, 01:28:01 pm »

Finn Collins

Holding the steaming cup to his lips, Finn's eyes darted around the room, taking in everyone's behavior and slight apprehension. After checking on the rest of the people there, his gaze locked on his little brother and stayed there as he watched him carefully. He was worried about him and what these new powers could herald for him in the future, he also worried about the activation it's self. What if Teddy wasn't strong enough to handle the pain of activation? What if he ended up hurting himself with his new found powers? Finn's grip around the mug tightened and his knuckles turned white, there was just so much to worry about and so little time to worry about it. He watched as his little brother ventured over to greet a girl he believed was named Rylee, sitting down next to her with a cheery hello and a broad smile. This made him smile a little bit, at least Teddy was going to be fine socially, he would be able to make connections with others easily and that would make his after activation life a lot easier.

However, soon the doctor returned to the room, with a pained looking Remington and locked eyes with Finn. The man stood up, setting his red mug on the table beside the chair and glanced over at Teddy, who seemed to be unaware of what was happening. "That's good." he muttered to himself as he followed the doctor into the cold white room. After the doctor droned on about a few side effects and pain, he finally brought out the syringe filled with a clear liquid. The man had managed to jab it in and force it's contents into Finn's arm before he could even utter a sound. The effects were almost immediate as he suddenly found it hard to breathe and his fingers started to go numb. A woman came in, a nurse judging by her attire, and helped him stand, guiding him past the window into the reception desk. Finn's arm shot out and he grabbed 5 lollipops from the bowl next to the door, shoving a red one in his mouth before putting the rest in his pocket and heading back out into the waiting room.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #37 on: June 17, 2015, 02:23:56 pm »

Simone Howey

As the lass pushed the door open, she'd stop, the large feeling wondering in to the room carelessly. Looking down at the striped mammal, she'd soon cast her gaze on to the other patients, all seeming rather calm and collected despite the amounts of tests which had been done on them and, despite how long she had been in this hell hole, she was yet to actually make an acquaintance with any of the fellow people. Some seemed up to her standard as what she'd call a 'friend' and few of them, judging by what she had already learnt, were less likely to become a friend of hers. A low, rasped, un-threatening growl emitted from the feline as it rubbed its head against the back of one of the sofas, his jaws slightly parted showing his long, white teeth. Letting out a huff, Simone would shake her head as she entered the room. She'd best grab Takhar before he began pestering someone, then it'd be hard to drag him away. Entering the room she'd gently push the door shut behind her, now slightly ignoring most of the being, seeing as she was more interested in the cat before he started being a pest. Rushing forward, she'd grab the felines collar, giving it a few gentle tugs to entice Takhar to follow. Slinging the long, thick, leather leash over her shoulder, she'd make her way towards a small two seated sofa which was located in the back of the fairly large room. Within a few strides she was at the sofa and already sitting down, the large feline taking it upon himself to have a seat.

Looking around curiously, Sim would black her hand on the arm of the sofa, her other hand running down the felines back as it sat rather obediently at her side. Quite surprising since they only had a short time together. Taking this time to her advantage, Simone would once again try and gather a little more info on each individual. However, everything within the room remained rather silent, no one seemed to speak much. Looking down at the bi-eyed feline, a chuckle would escape the lasses mouth, then a scowl would take over her face as the cat would nip at her hand "Takhar gentle!" she'd scold quietly as she shoved the feline away gently, then pushing his paw away to stop him landing her a painful scratch. Despite Takas rough play, she knew he didn't mean it, he was a wild creature originally, so this life was quite strange to him, but he seems to manage. Putting her time and effort in to him over the short time she has had him seems to have helped quite a lot. She had to save him from testing. Letting out a low roar like sound, the black marked feline would roll on to his back pushing up against the lass, rolling her eyes she'd chuckle and roughly pat at the creatures stomach, until the door swung open and a familiar face emerged. Raising a brow, the lass remained quiet, listening to what the doctor had to say with a scowl sprawled across her face. At his words, she looked up at the clock, it was finally time. Soon they'd have their powers and be free, about time in her opinion, she had been here way too long. She couldn't wait to get out of this place.

After a few minutes of waiting "Simone Howey?" a voice would call, causing the lass to glance across the room, landing on a tall, dark haired male. Grunting, she'd pull the leash from over her shoulder and clip it on to Takhars leather collar, standing up she'd tug it gently, despite refusing several times, the tiger soon agreed to follow. "I think you should leave him hear" the bloke would speak clearly, with a deep voice. Looking at him she'd shake her head "Unless you want the room wrecked and someone attacked,  I think I better bring him with me." she spoke up "Fair enough, dear." and with that the short conversation ended. Carelessly making her way out of the room, Simone followed closely after the male, examining the bare walls as she walked down the halls, soon entering the activation room. Wondering in she'd look at the doctor who had a needle in his hand "Nice to see you, mind taking a seat?" "Don't mind if I do ..." she'd shrug, handing the leash to the male whom had escorted her to the room. Setting herself down in the chair, she'd look at her arm, then at the doctor. "This will be the more painful injection. At first there will be a pinch, and then a burn which will hurt a lot more. After, you'll feel a slight pain, but you should be fine." nodding her head, she'd sit back in the seat "Alright, lets get this over with ..." she'd growl. Watching the bloke pinch her skin, she'd then wince as the needle was forced in, the liquid then burning her arm as it entered, gritting her teeth she'd clench her fist, before letting out a low growl. Then, it was all over.

Not saying much after that she picked herself up and out of the seat, rubbing her arm slightly as she looked down. So far there was only a small amount of swelling, which would soon go down when the drug took effect, which would then cause her to feel a series of pain. Grabbing the leash off of the male, she watched as he pulled the door open and allowed her out, nodding a thanks she'd tug on the leash gently; the two heading out of the room. Feeling rather light headed, Simone slumped herself against one of the walls, placing her hand on her head then rubbing her eyes, the room seemed to be spinning slightly, and everything went blurred. A series of shooting pains seemed to go at a constant rate up her arms, face legs and her back, not to mention the lack of oxygen she was now feeling. Growling a little, the woman slid down the wall, her knees pulled up and her hands over her face. Letting out an echoing moan, she'd try her best to push the pain away. Hastily raising on to her feet, she'd clench the leash in her grasp once more, stumbling down the corridor against the wall. However, the pain was short lived and soon, only light shooting pains ran through her body. Although the sudden pain was obvious, her once tinted complexion was now white as she entered the waiting room.  Looking at the others she'd give them a light, quick smile before dropping in to the chair and crossing over her legs, petting the tiger to comfort herself as she waited to be lead in to the court yard.

What she's wearing, but without the bag;

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #38 on: June 17, 2015, 05:35:27 pm »


Mykael glanced at the table next to him, quickly grabbing a magazine at random. He boredly flipped through it, ignoring everyone else in the room as he tried to control his own growing nervousness. A man suddenly entered the room and spoke to them, but Mykael avoided eye contact with him. People were taken out of the room one-by-one, but when they returned, they obviously seemed to be in pain. This only worsened his fears, making him grip the magazine in his hands tightly. After what seemed like forever, a man entered the room and sleepily called out, "Mykael Ambert." Mykael turned to look at the man for a second before standing up and dragging himself over towards him. "Hey," Mykael greeted. "Hello. I will be your doctor today, please follow me." The doctor seemed nice, so far, at least. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and followed the doctor out of the waiting room and out into the hall.

The doctor looked at each door, as if struggling to remember which one he had to go into. "This one," he finally said, pushing the door open and letting Mykael inside. The room was tidy, clean, and incredibly uncomfortable. He sat down on the chair in the center of the room, awaiting further instruction from the doctor. His eyes couldn't help but wander over towards the sharp metallic objects on the counter as the doctor searched through a drawer. "Ah! Here we are!" he said, pulling out a syringe that was filled with an almost light green liquid. "Now, this may hurt a tad." "Don't worry, I'm very used to getting flu shots," Mykael joked, though he knew the pain of this would be much greater. He couldn't tell what the doctor's reaction was, his mask covering his mouth and nose.

Gripping the sides of the seat, Mykael took a deep breath as he waited for the needle to go in. The doctor positioned the needle near Mykael's shoulder at the top of his arm, and as the needle went in he felt an extreme burning pain throughout his body. He then felt weak, mostly in his hands and arms. He forced himself to stand up, and he then stumbled back out into the hallway. He leaned against the wall a few times as he slowly made his way back into the waiting room, falling back into the spot where he originally was on the couch. The pain had quickly gone away after he had sat down, and he took a few deep breaths to calm himself. "I'm just glad that's over," he grumbled to himself. 

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #39 on: June 17, 2015, 11:43:30 pm »

Rylee Swan
?Healthy - In pain (After Shot)
Interacting with: Teddy-shortly, Doctor

Swan sat quietly at the back of the room as one or two more people walked into the room to take their seat and wait for the doctor to come out. A minute or two of silence passed until Rylee noticed something out of her peripheral vision. Glancing over and turning her head lightly, Swan saw one of the boys in this Heroes project start to come over towards her. His name was something like...Teddy? She stayed quiet for a moment until he said a 'hello' to her and gave off a big smile. Rylee gave a smaller smile off, "Hi..."Rylee said quietly, speaking softer and lower than usual, as the room felt like an awkward silence to Rylee, she didn't want her voice to be very loud.

As her smile faded slightly, Swan turned her attention to the doctor. The doctor said a few words and started taking people in the back rooms to give them their activation shots. One by one, Rylee watched as the doctor took people in to give them the shots, when they all came out, they all looked equally terrible. Almost off of them looked pale and almost in pain. A cold sweat went through Swan as the doctor finally called her.
"Next is, Rylee Swan."Swan looked up and got up silently and walked towards the doctor as he opened the door. Giving a short glare at the doctor, Rylee entered the room quietly. After being lead down a white hallway and into a small room, like most doctor's offices, Rylee sat down on the table where one would normally sit. Her feet dangled about an inch or two above the floor. Waiting for the doctor and the shot, Swan stared at the tiled floor, not exactly wanting to look at anything in this dreaded room.

Her eyes flicked to the door as it opened to reveal the doctor, carrying a small tray with a needle and serum for the needle.
"Now, this will sting for a while. Try not to do anything until you all go out into the courtyard."The doctor said this in a cool, flat manner as he filled the needle. But before Rylee could muster out a response, it had seemed that the doctor had all ready filled the needle up and lightly lower the left side of her jacket, sticking the needle into to her arm. As fast as the needle had been administered, the shot was over. Swan rubbed the place of the shot as it started to sting. Her teeth clenched together and breathing grew harder slowly. As she was led out of the room and back into the waiting room, Rylee looked pale when she entered the waiting room with everyone else. Slowly, Swan walked back to her seat, focusing on her breathing as well as just making it to the seat. Her eyes flicked over to the young boy Teddy again, one of the few to have yet receive their shot. "Good luck." Was all she could manage to whisper for the time as Rylee plopped back down in her seat.
