Author Topic: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |  (Read 51242 times)

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #130 on: July 11, 2015, 04:35:20 am »


Powers: Air Manipulation, Healing

Mykael mostly sat in the aircraft with his head resting on the wall, silently waiting for the ride to end. Feeling the plane slowing down and starting to land, his head popped up as he waited patiently for the plane to stop altogether. He wondered where they would have to 'survive', and thinking about that just made him more and more nervous. Letting out a deep sigh in an attempt to calm himself down, he gripped the handles of his seat to relieve the stress. His heart thumped loudly in his chest, and he was clearly worried about the events to come.

The aircraft finally landed, and somehow Mykael felt much better being out of the plane. His jaw dropped in awe, seeing the abandoned city that he assumed they would be placed in. The darkening sky over the ruins of the buildings did not help Mykael's fear and worry one bit. He listening to what the doctor had to say, knowing that it was probably valuable information he needed to know. He couldn't help but doubt that fact that the radioactivity in the city was harmless, and as the doctor went on his worry was replaced with a feeling of bitterness and anger towards the doctors and their 'tests'. As the doctor told them their task and how far away the next city was, Mykael knew that he probably wouldn't be the best at that. He couldn't walk a long distance, and had never exercised all too much.

The doctor then went on about mother wolves and their pups, causing Mykael to mutter angrily to himself. He glanced at Rylee, knowing that he would have to make sure to keep her alive in order for himself to live. What a stupid system the doctors came up with. They did all this work on them just to know that some of them might die. When they said that ripping out the devices would have them bleed to death and that their healing powers couldn't save them, Mykael frowned at the mention of his power. He never had thought about ripping them off, anyways.

The plane took off, and Mykael gritted his teeth in anger before calming himself down. He examined the area around him, letting out a sigh as he noticed a few glass shards on the ground next to him, half buried in the thick mud. Pulling himself away from the sight, he heard Rylee's voice and noticed she was talking to him. "Sounds good," he chuckled. "I'm not particularly in the mood for dying."

He listened to the group's conversations, only nodding in agreement to the idea of sticking together. He had no ideas to contribute himself, but splitting up and searching for supplies and then meeting back together sounded like a good enough plan to him. "Well... we should probably go search around in a building," Mykael said to Rylee, and upon saying that he realized his voice was shaky and quiet. Clearing his throat, he glanced at a puddle nearby and questioned the quality of the water. Probably best to avoid it, especially since it was randomly in the street. Although he doubted it, he hoped that maybe there would be a functioning sink in one of the less-destroyed buildings, but the reminder that the city was once radioactive caused him to think differently.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #131 on: July 11, 2015, 02:40:45 pm »

Simone Howey

Before the lass was able to walk anywhere or even turn to look behind her, Finn spoke up and an arm was placed atop her head. Raising her shoulders slightly she'd glance up with her brows raised, a smile formed at her lips as she let out a huff "Well, better make sure you don't lose me then .." she'd comment, allowing her brows to raise then fall back to their natural position. Turning slightly she'd stop, hearing the lad mumble something, tilting her head slightly giving him a questioning look before smiling and nodding to what he suggested their plan would be. For now Simone would remain silent, listening as everyone suggested ideas and threw in comments. Nodding once a plan had been made final she'd look down at the feline by her side "How we're going to get food I have no idea .." she'd mutter with a huff. Turning, she noticed few of the groups had already set off, Remington and Teddy seeming to be the first to do so. However, the brunette lass remained were she was, examining the city and the forest closer detail, before letting out a huff. Although what the doctors has said was true, she didn't really believe they'd just let them die- they'd put too much time and effort in to them to just let them die out here. Running her hand through her hair the small lass would turn, making her way across the rough terrain, pulling at Finns hand as she passed "Come on, pup ..." she'd smile, looking behind her for a second before focusing back on were she was walking Takhar by her side.

Running her tongue across her plump lips she'd let out a huff, scowling slightly. The city was full of ash and rubble, not the mention everything would either be broke, rusted and food may be past its sell by date. However, there was always the chance that the doctors planted things here for them to find, to see if they actually could look hard enough and how they'd react. Pulling herself from her thoughts she'd glance at the tattooed male "Surprised they didn't get ideas from the Hunger Games ... but I don't see what they're aiming to do by this." she'd shrug, glancing at Finn quickly before glancing back to were she was going. The road was rather rugged and covered with rubble, her small feet falling in to small gaps would make her trip now and then, but she managed, following wherever Finn decided to go.

What she's wearing, but without the bag;

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #132 on: July 11, 2015, 04:19:22 pm »
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #133 on: July 11, 2015, 07:37:15 pm »

Remington Crosse

Status: Healthy
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

Taking his glasses from atop his head, Remington forked his fingers through his messy black hair, holding his round, color tinted glasses in his free hand, balancing it between the fingers that gripped his hat. Once finished trying to somewhat fix or tame his black locks, the glasses were perched back atop his head, mostly to hold back his bangs. Keeping a leisurely pace besides Teddy, Remington listened to him, hanging onto every word. It wasn't every day someone so willingly shared their opinion. Mostly, he had those conversations with himself, debating the good or bad in a situation. Looking towards Teddy, he simply gave a nod, and a forced, slightly pained smile. "I agree. We're at their mercy now. Nothing we can do about that.." Remington's voice trailed off slightly, deciding to keep to himself for now. Teddy's brother, Finn, didn't like him already, no need to make a second strike with Teddy with some stupid thing he would say.

As of now, he simply stood besides Teddy, navy blue eyes squinted at the door as it was forcefully opened. Trailing in the diner after Teddy, his eyes trailing around. It was old, rustic, with dust hanging in the air like a thick fog, making it uncomfortable for Remington to breathe. Casually, he stuck out his finger, running it along one of the countertops. Inspecting his dust ridden finger, he grimaced, nose crinkling in disgust. However, soon got back to Teddy, just as  he proclaimed to find something. "Well, that was easier than I thought it would be."  

Looking around for something to carry it in, Remington  offered the open base of his hat, if no bag would be found. "Nice work pup." Rem commented with a soft, amused chuckle, just as he exited the back room in  which the supplies were found. Down the hallway was an employee's room, left slightly open. This too, covered in dust. All exception to boot marks imprinted in the dust ridden floor. "Looks like someone was here, guess they didn't do much searching since they completely missed the food supplies." He commented with a small shrug, his voice a shout to Teddy in the other room over. Immediately, Remington began rummaging through the employee lockers. In a satchel was a watch, and some other useless pieces of junk. Despite that fact, Remington took the satchel, dusting it off with a open palm.

"You might want to check this out. See if you fancy anything." Remington spoke with his head tilted down to the satchel, opening it and studding his hat in it. Once situated later, he would closely examine the things in the satchel. For now, anything useful was their priority. As well as keeping Teddy alive. As of now, that was his top priority. Hitting him like a brick to the face, Remongton bounded into the othe room. His sneakers clacked on the floor, kicking up dust as he reached the doorframe. "Oh, sorry- Just- Just got nervous for a second." Remington would comment sheepishly, averting his gaze, as he realized Teddy was just fine.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2015, 02:43:13 am by -Killjoy- »

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #134 on: July 14, 2015, 04:26:27 am »

{Anyone going to post or shall I?}
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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #135 on: July 14, 2015, 10:48:34 am »
Please just post without me on this round, perhaps RudelyHonest could play Jessamine for today? I apologise, but I've been super busy recently and I'll get online ASAP ;3 Sorry guys
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #136 on: July 14, 2015, 02:28:21 pm »

Simone Howey

Simone had been ranting and raving for quite some time, obviously being annoyed with the doctors and their actions~ she didn't understand why there had just been dumped here. However, she did agree with Finn, they weren't the only ones here and it was probably some sort of plan, or trap the doctors had set the subjects to test them further on their powers. Now and then she'd cast a glance to the sky, trying to figure out how Finn had read them but she was no good at that type of thing and with her eyes off of were she was placing her feet, she'd trip a lot more often than she had once before. Growling quietly to herself she'd scowl, before gasping slightly as she was picked up off of the ground and slung on to Finns back. Raising a brow slightly she'd then chuckle "Such a gent ..." she'd tease letting out a light hearted chuckle "Having tiny feet doesn't help" she'd shrug, allowing her arms to gently wrap around the males neck, her hands near his chest as she pushed out her feet, wiggling them slightly before looking down at Takhar. The feline appeared to be fine, and walked along side the two.

Hearing Finn speak the brunette would tear her attention away from the distant rubble and forests, her eyes locked on to the large sign she had heard Finn mention. Hear head tilted to the right slightly as she felt herself being lowered~ dropping herself to the ground she'd nod "Thank you ... lets check it out" she'd smile, now making sure she was placing her feet carefully in order not to trip. Hopefully they'd be able to find something which would help them through this small epidemic although they might not need any of these weapons it would sure come in handy. Turning towards Finn she'd gesture for him to hurry "Think we'll find anything?" she'd question as she pushed open a door, some of the walls appeared to have been destroyed in placed and furniture had been smashed however, some cabinets remained in tact which was a good sign. Entering the shop quietly and carefully she'd begin to look around.

What she's wearing, but without the bag;

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #137 on: July 14, 2015, 05:47:28 pm »
[I will post later as im currently house hunting! Ill post and use reactions I think appropriate for Jess to use based on her personality.! Will do so in a few hours]
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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #138 on: July 14, 2015, 06:43:36 pm »

Health: 9/10

Psionic blast:
The ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss or lack of consciousness.
? Cold and Ice manipulation:
Ability to reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and thus reduce temperature, can be used to control, generate, or absorb ice.

Swan looked around briefly at the people who had remained, then back to her partner, "Would you like to pick the building little pup?" Swan said with a small smirk. As she looked back over the city, she looked at the buildings, most of them looked like they'd fall at any minute. "Let's try to find food or stuff for survival first." Rylee said, looking back at Mykael. She started to look at the city again took a few steps forward. "Let's go." Rylee said, not looking back at Mykael, but trusting that he'd figure out he should follow her near the city, at least until either of them came up with a better idea about what to do in this situation.

As the scene became quieter the farther she ventured away from the group, the more ruined the city looked. "This used to be a nice place?" Swan would say to herself as she kept walking, hopefully with her partner following behind her. Looking back to see Mykael she spoke, "So, what's your thought on this entire project?"
(Super short, very sorry)


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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #139 on: July 14, 2015, 07:12:42 pm »

Thomas Gales

Health: 10/10

It had been a small section of time since the group parted in search of anything useful. The town was desiccated, left to ruins amongst a forest of indescribable depths, to which they had no clue reached what lengths. Shifting amongst the rubble and fallen debris decorating every building's innards, Tom and Jess settled into a small mini mart. Jess offered him a small reassuring smile before disappearing into the aisles. Watching as she disappeared amongst the fallen shelves, Tom raised a brow at her sudden confidence smothering her stride and gate. He was sure it wouldn't last long, though the girl had occumulated the ability to be proud and outspoken, she wasn't quite capable of keeping it for lengths of time.

one step at a time..

Turning on his heels, Thomas took his own initiative and began searching the cash registers. Behind the shelves, between the rubble..nothing offered much aside from an untouched pack of cigarettes. Not my brand..pity. it'll do. The sudden crunching of concrete caught his attention as Jess approached with her wide eyes glimmering with pride. Within her hands laid a cell phone. "A cell phone..brilliant." He muttered with a small tone of astonishment, which quickly faded as he grabbed the device and learned its inability to turn on.

 "If it worked..Anything else?" Tom questioned, glancing over to Jess who frowned at the cellphone before shaking her head. Fumbling with the device in his fingers, Thomas pauses, running his thumb over a small sticker placed on the back of the phone. "Are you alright?" Jess' voice always astonished him at its smoothness despite its lack of being used. Furrowing his brow, he nodded "This sticker is from a Mighty Terror Ted package..I used to have one. My brother used to steal them from me, he was a little thief...just, coincidentally nostalgic. Shall we?" He broke from his slightly saddening mood, waving a hand at the door. Jess wasn't ignorant, and despite her worried look, she nodded, continuing towards the door with Thomas close behind, shoving the phone in his pocket.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.