Author Topic: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |  (Read 51249 times)

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #140 on: July 14, 2015, 07:53:32 pm »

Finn Collins

Finn shrugged "Maybe, It's worth a shot. I mean we will be out there-" He gestured out towards the trees barely visible above the buildings "-for more than a week. Any weapon that could help with hunting or defense is gladly welcome." Seeing her gesture to hurry, the man quickly caught up, taking care to watch her closely. Finn entered close behind, taking in the broken cabinets and cupboards with narrowed eyes. Someone had definitely been here before them, and so he was on high alert. Glancing around, he focused on the few that were still closed, approaching them and placing a hand on the handle, knowing even before he tugged that it was locked. "If we can find water or something, I can break the locks." Looking over his shoulder at Simone, he turned and waved his hands slightly. "I have temperature manipulation. The repetitive freezing and melting of water in boulders often causes them to crack and break, I'm sure I can implement that science here."

Walking around the room, making sure to keep Sim in his line of sight, Finn inspected the broken cases, looking for slight impressions in the layers of dust that had accumulated over the years. In a few, there were obvious shadows where hand guns had sat, the wood underneath dark compared to the the parts that had been bleached by the sun. Other parts of the shop were hard to distinguish, quiver racks lined one wall while another had large hooks, for what he assumed held sword sheaths. "Quite the collection." he noted as he ran his hand along the wall, his long fingers coming to a stop when he reached another door. The heavily rusted electronic lock could have only meant one thing; he had found the safe room. "Hey Sim, take a look."

Teddy Collins

Teddy had taken off his sweatshirt and tied it quickly into a small bag like Finn had taught him, leaving the boy in only a fitted gray shirt. Stuffing the cans of food into the make-shift bag, Teddy hummed slightly to himself; maybe they would be okay after all, at least 2 more days of food had been found and no doubt the others were out there still searching. Soon the sleeves were stretching under the heavy load of cans and he tied them together into a strap. His head shot up when he heard Remington calling from another room, but he sounded alright so Teddy continued to rummage around the kitchen, picking up a rusted carving knife. He turned quickly when he heard the fast approaching footsteps, the grip on the knife tightening before he realized it was just his partner. "Oh Hey Rem. Don't be so worried, I'm the expendable one of us." Knife still in hand, Teddy slipped on the shirt-bag, putting it over one shoulder and headed back to where Remington was before he had come looking. "I guess they thought they were set for food, probably just raiding for fun." he said quietly, opening another locker. Inside was an old flip phone and few keys on a key chain, nothing much. Other lockers contained a few coffee mugs, the coffee long evaporated, but still able to hold liquid. Placing them in his bag, Teddy continued to dig through the abandoned belongings.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #141 on: July 14, 2015, 08:49:41 pm »

Simone Howey

Glancing behind her, a smile appeared on the lasses lips as she noticed Finn had followed. Now entering the building completely she'd stop, glancing around the small shop with a scrunched nose slightly. Everything seemed to be coated in dust, the cupboards especially. Approaching one of the small cabinets she'd pull open the small, wooden door. A sigh blew past the womans lips as nothing was there~ nothing but dust that was. Running two of her fingers through the collection she'd shrug "Someone has definitely been here ... wouldn't say very recently though, maybe a few days or even a week? ..." she'd shrug, Simone then seemed to sniff up, then nodding in agreement to what she had said. Her sense of smell had sure heightened since her powers were activated. Brushing the dust off of her fingers she'd turn her attention on to Finn as he spoke of one of his powers and the locks~ it sounded like a plan "Guess we're looking for water too ..." she'd shrug, backing away from one of the cabinets, kicking small stones from in front of her as she headed across the room, continuing to rummage through cupboards and cabinets hoping to find something. Takhars leash had now been dropped and he seemed to be carelessly wondering through the front of the building, staying close though.

Crouching down, almost on to her knees, Simone would brush away the dust and rubble~ maybe something was beneath this mess. As she continued to look under the rubble, Finns slightly distant voice caught her attention. Looking up the brunettes brows would raise and her head tilted slightly. Shrugging she'd pull herself up off of the ground, making her way towards Finn. However, as she made her way around what appeared to be the counter you'd pay at, a wooden chest caught her attention. Smiling a little she would approach the object, brushing the dust from the top~ the sign appearing to be warn away. Pushing the lid up, a smile appeared on the lasses face. Placing her hand down carefully she'd grasp a knife and what appeared to be a broken gun which could easily be fixed, as well as a few other knives and such they'd be able to place on the end of sticks~ this making her sound like a jungle freak. Picking herself up she'd walk in to the room holding the items "Found a few blades and broken weapons in a chest behind the main desk ... what we got here?" she'd question, entering the room with Takhar by her side.

What she's wearing, but without the bag;

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #142 on: July 14, 2015, 09:20:43 pm »


Powers: Air Manipulation, Healing

Mykael smirked as he listened to Rylee, taking a few steps forward and examining the buildings directly nearby. Stepping over bricks and pushing his way through some dead shrubs, he saw a large building quite a few blocks away. He could tell by the faded logo and tipped over shopping carts that it was some sort of store or supermarket. There were holes and dents in the brick wall, and a large portion of the store had been completely destroyed, but Mykael figured it was worth a shot. Even if the building had already been raided, perhaps by the people living there before the radioactivity came about, he knew it couldn't be completely empty.

Mykael came running back to join his partner, wiping a dead leaf off of his arm. "There's a store down there," he said, motioning towards the blurry white building in the distance. "There might be something we'd be able to get there. Probably food or medicine or something." Following Rylee, he stared at the ground to make sure he didn't trip on any bricks or rocks or anything. "Eh, I think it's stupid. Especially this... 'test'. Dropping us in an abandoned city isn't going to help us, just pretty much make us hate those doctors more. Well, at least that's how I feel about it." Mykael adjusted his sweatshirt before pulling the hood up over his head. "Ugh. It's just so creepy and eerie here."

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #143 on: July 14, 2015, 11:14:13 pm »

Remington Crosse

Status: Healthy
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

Remington's navy eyes flickered towards the rusted kitchen knife firmly grasped by none other than Teddy. Raising his arms in a defensive stance, he gave a small, lopsided smile.  An amused breath slowly left him, which seemed more like a relieved huff, just as he lowered his arms; one fell at his side, the other rested on the satchel. "You need help with that?" Remington questioned in a soft voice, picking up some of the canned goods to stuff into the leather satchel, hopefully diminishing the weight of the sweater.

At Teddy's comment about being expendable, a small, displeased grunt left him. "For once, I'm at a loss of wits to even make up some snarky remark." Remington said with a slow shake of his head, just as he straightened up and close the satchel. It was obvious it was brimming now, the indentations of the can's outline visable through the cheap, fake leather. "Also, you up to date on your tetanus shot? That thing's pretty rusted.." Remington curiously examined the blade with his navy eyes, before glancing away, focusing somewhere else.

"Well, lucky us they left. I just hope they're still not lurking about." Remington commented, following silently behind Teddy as they returned back into the employee's room. Opposite to the lockers there was a small shelf, in which Rem's curiosity led him to. For the first three droors nothing but dust, gum wrappers, and a dried out erase marker lay.

 However, on the fourth shelf, which Remington had to crouch to examine, was one of those old, retro gameboys. Picking it up, Remington waved his partner over, his eyes glistening in excitement. "I can't believe it." He said in awe, just as he tried to turn it on. When he was faced with a blank, dark and dead screen, his face fell, even if he tried to hide it. "Well," He commented with an offended scoff, the disappointment obvious in his tone, "I can try to fix it, maybe. I don't know." It was more of a feral instinct that told him he could fix it, rather than his own confidence.

 His hands fidgeted, itching to open the back and mess around with the wires. Surpressing this sudden, weird, urge, Remington offered it to Teddy, to see if he' like to look at it. If not, Remington would simply place it in his satchel, which was near ready to burst.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #144 on: July 15, 2015, 02:40:19 am »

Finn Collins

Finn glanced back to see what Sim had recovered, and smiled; at least they would have a few spears and maybe a gun for defense. He quickly stripped off his shirt, taking one of the blades she had found and sliced off the arms, "Thank you, that shirt was a little bit too tight." the man pulled it back over his head and raised his arms, smiling at the new found freedom. "Well it look's like I found the safe." he said quietly, pushing the door slightly. When it moved a few millimeters under his hand, Finn grinned and backed up slightly before running at the heavy door, slamming his body weight against it. Whatever held the door in place broke away and it groaned as it swung open, showing the years of neglect the hinges had been put through. Rubbing his shoulder slightly, Finn smiled and entered the dim room, making sure he could still see Simone.

The large black safe stood grand in the middle of the room, barely dented and almost looked untouched, except for the logs that had been placed at one corner, charred and black. The burglars had obviously thought they would be able to burn through the steel casing, but it was not unknown to Finn that their flames wouldn't get anywhere near hot enough. However and luckily for the test subjects, Finn now realized that he could melt the inner bolts kept the door from opening. Giving Simone a smirk, he placed his hand on the metal over one of two bolts that held the door closed, closing his eyes as he channeled energy into his hands. "These safe makers always were idiots, they thought if they could create a fire proof housing for the box, it would be unstoppable..." he paused and moved to the other pin quickly. "Well-" Finn removed his warm hand and grabbed the handle, suddenly jerking it with a bit of force "They were wrong." the door grudgingly opened, revealing red hot bolts, cut cleanly in half from the force of the door opening. Gesturing inside to the brand new long swords, assault rifles, cross bows, and piles of ammo and neatly feathered arrows, Finn gave a small bow.

Teddy Collins

Teddy chuckled dryly "Well, we're all pretty up to date with our 'vaccinations'." he continued digging when suddenly he heard Remington utter a cry of disbelief. He whirled around, ready to stab with his carving knife, but let his arm fall to his side when he saw what the other boy held. "No way man! The last time I saw one of those was when I was like ten! Finn had one, we would play on it whenever he wasn't at work or dealing-" Teddy cut himself off, eyes wide. Finn had always warned him about talking about their past, making extra sure that no one was supposed to know about how his older brother made money for the two of them. No one was supposed to know about the drugs. With a slight stutter, Teddy looked over at Remington, who held the gameboy out to him "You can't tell Finn you know a-anything about that. Not a word." he said, pushing the dead gaming system away. He sighed and went back to scavenging, thinking about the last time they had played on the old game boy.

"Teddy!" a voice called through the alley, and the ten year old boy crawled out from behind a dumpster to see his older brother running towards him. Finn didn't have any tattoos back then, but of course he was only 14. Teddy grinned, but the smile evaporated when he saw the fear in his brother's eyes as the other boy grabbed his wrist and dragged him back. Teddy stumbled slightly, but was regained his balance and ran after Finn quickly not sure what the situation was. The two boys ducked through the alleyways before Finn finally stopped, his chest heaving as his wide blue eyes darted around and moved another dumpster out of the way, revealing a small crawl space. Teddy crawled in, followed by Finn whom used a makeshift handle to pull the dumpster back into place. The space was dimly lit and dusty, but it was safe and often was home. Finn took a moment to explain the situation he had managed to get himself into, taking a little more of the profits than his share. Now the man was after him. "Don't worry though Teds, I've got a plan." Teddy nodded, pulling out the old game boy from his sweatshirt pocket "What is it?" "It's called The Heroes Project."
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #145 on: July 15, 2015, 06:47:25 am »

Jessamine Tarnberry

Lives: 8/9 remaining

A vague sense of disappointment hung over Jessamine as she and Tom exited the building they had been searching. She had hoped to have found at least something of use, but the only thing at least of a little value in their current situation that she had found turned out to be broken. Her mind lingered on the saddened earlier state of Tom as he had stared down at the mobile and she glanced up at him, half of her attention dedicated to her not breaking her ankle on all of the rubble scattered about. There was something about this place that didn't seem quite right. The doctor had said that it was completely abandoned; yet it didn't seem completely empty, and every once in a while Jess would catch a movement out of the corner of her eye that would be gone in a second.

Looking down at her ragged shoes, she sighed and kicked them off. They had little use to her now that they were almost torn to shreds thanks to the unstable terrain in which they had to climb through to get to where they were standing. Looking around, Jess' gaze landed on something half-hidden in the shadows of an alley. Making sure not to step on anything that could hurt her, she picked her way across to what was now clearly a large, sturdy pair of combat boots. Frowning, she examined them with caution. Had that been a coincidence? The fact that a pair of boots had appeared not too far away when she was in desperate need of them aroused a dark current of suspicion in her mind. Checking her surroundings once more, the girl slipped her bare feet into the boots after emptying them of any dirt that had collected inside them. They were a few sizes too big, but she tied the laces as tight as they would go to prevent her feet from slipping out. Testing them with a few stomps, a hollow feeling inside her chest told her that these shouldn't be here. That, like everything else around here, these boots should be at least a little worn from all of the turmoil the city had been through.

Quickening her pace in her new-found footwear, the confident glow that seemed to be ammiting from Jessamine had dulled quite a bit by the worry that formed a crease in her forehead and caused her to bite her lower lip. She stopped to stand beside Tom, her eyes darting around them. "Tom." She muttered, noting that it was the first time that she had said his name out loud. "I don't think we're alone." As much as she wanted to continue searching for food and weapons, she couldn't help but begin to panic at the slightest change of wind, or even the squawk of a bird. Great. Now we're back to the usual apprehensive, cowardly Jess. The cruel voice at the back of her mind made itself known yet again, ready to contradict every thought she had and increase every irrational fear she felt.
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #146 on: July 15, 2015, 07:16:46 pm »

Thomas Gales

Health: 10/10

The sun was beginning to tease the horizon, clouded over by a mask of grey, it cast a shadow over the already mysterious city, sunk beneath it's own dilapidated frames and buildings. The skeleton of the city, it's innards and falling structures, sighed beneath the weight of the debris decorating them. The street, barely visible beneath the leaves and rusting vehicles, hummed against the sound of the two partners making their way down it's length. Jess' eyes remained glued to her decomposing shoes, a sense of disappointment filling her gaze. Thomas' fingers traced the phone in his pocket whilst his other hand swung loosely beside him, these two colliding emotions oozing from the two sent them into a silent daze as the travelled.

Finally, it was the sudden lack of tiny footsteps that brought Tom to a hault. Jess was no longer by his side, but glancing down at the ground just behind him..her worn shoes were. She's missing and barefoot..wonderful. Suddenly, his eyes caught movement, and turning just in time, he caught sight of her. Jess finished adjusting the already laced boots she found, before reapproaching him. Yet, something was different in her visage. She didn't meet his gaze, and instead haulted right beside him, her eyes darting about in a nervous manner. "Tom." Her gentle voice announced his name, asking for his attention in a shy tone. She was anxious..about what?

At the sudden urgency she seemed to collect, saying his name let alone speaking at all worried Tom. Gazing down beside him at her, though she still had yet to meet his eyes, Tom raised a brow. "Yes?" He replied in a hushed tone much like hers. "I don't think we're alone." The words shot a nerve through Tom. Recollecting the movement he saw earlier with no explanation, Thomas knew his opinion. Yet, his words contradicted that.

 "The city is abandoned. We're alone here.." his accent dripped from each word, and yet his words were lies. He, too, felt something here but to worry the girl more was of no benefit. Glancing back down at her anxious gaze, a soft sigh slipped his lips. His hand immediately found her shoulder, using a single finger to move the hair from her face and force her to meet his eyes, "It's getting late. I'm sure the others are on their way back, shall we? I'll be righg next to you." He lowered his voice, raising a brow before stepping aside and motioning for her to follow before continuing down the road towards the meeting area.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #147 on: July 15, 2015, 09:02:48 pm »

Simone Howey

As the bloke reached out Simone handed him the blade, raising her brows slightly as she watched Finn for a moment~ he seemed to be altering his clothing. Rolling her eyes "Yeah, I think I noticed the top was about to tear from your muscles ..." she'd smile, giving the lad a playful wink as she pushed her way through the door and in to the room. The lighting in the room wasn't very good, the lights were broke and there didn't appear to be any windows what so ever. Her brows furrowed slightly as she glanced around, unsure as to what Finn had actually found, a sigh of relief blowing past her lips as it appeared Finn had managed to find the safe~ which would more than likely hold weapons and ammo which would have came to their use, but also it appeared others had already tried to break in to it with no luck. Tugging on the leash with her free hand, Simone inspected the safe carefully, she didn't believe they'd actually be able to open this. Stepping back slightly the brunette would glance back at Finn with a questioning glance. The lass didn't have much to say at the moment and instead remained quiet, listening to what the male said and watching his actions. An impressed smile formed at Sims lips as she nodded her head "Good job ... remind me what your powers are again?" she'd question as she glanced in to the safe.

Within the same there appeared to be a lot of useful weapons and ammo loaded in the square container~ they were lucky this time. Although, Simone was unsure on how they'd carry all of these back to the group. Maybe there was a bag somewhere in here? Placing what she had found in the safe she'd step away, making her way towards the back of the dimly lit room.Despite the room being rather dark, she was able to see, just not too well. Carefully looking around she seemed to have no luck in finding a bag, only a small amount of ripped material and the shell off of bullets. Sighing, something seemed to wrap around the lasses foot causing her to stumble. Managing to stop herself from falling, Simone set herself down in to a crouched position, running her hand across the ground before a softer texture hit her fingers. Tilting her head the lass brushed away the dust and lifted a few heavy rocks off to the side. Grasping the object in her hand she'd hold it up "We're in luck" she'd smile as she dusted off the black bag. Heading back towards the safe she'd open the bag, carefully beginning to place their findings in the bag.

What she's wearing, but without the bag;

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #148 on: July 16, 2015, 12:17:31 am »

Remington Crosse

Status: Healthy
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

Remington froze for a moment, intaking a bit of air through his nose at Teddy mentioning dealing with his elder brother, Finn. His lips, which were naturally curved into a smirk, fell into a bland line. Now devoid of expression, Remington shook his head. The reminder of his younger sister in a hazy, smoke filled room clotted his thoughts, until he willed them away. Now, the emotions slowly surfaced once again. "Tell what?" Remington said with a soft smile, bringing his fingers up to his own lips. He "zipped" his lips, and tossed the key over his shoulder. "My lips are sealed." Remington said in a muffled tone, trying not to move his lips as he spoke like his lips were actually sealed.

Shuffling around the room to search for anything else in a lazy demeanor, Remington hummed quietly to himself. Looking out of the dust and grime ridden window, an orange glow filtered through. "We almost done here, Ted? It's getting late." Remington mused casually, giving a soft roll of his shoulders. With this newly added information on Teddy's past, Rem realized just how little he knew about him, or what Ted knew about Remington. A content expression reigned on his features for the time being, whilst awaiting Teddy to give the go if they could leave now. Nudging Teddy with his elbow in a playful manner, Remington gave him a reassuring smile. "Hey, we're okay."

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #149 on: July 16, 2015, 01:28:51 am »
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."