Author Topic: Creo(screenshots at bottom)  (Read 2028 times)

Offline WolfLover2550

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Creo(screenshots at bottom)
« on: June 14, 2015, 09:37:22 pm »
Appearance: Creo look a bit like a mix of wolves and deer, but more mystical. They are born with celtic or celtic-like markings on their faces and bodies which grow darker as they get older. Newborns (AKA fawns) have completely white markings and are very small, their size ranging upon their parent's but always small. A female fawn is born without antlers but grow them once an adult, a male fawn is born with small bull like horns but also grow buck antlers once adult. A fawn's marking colors will appear once they are an adult, and marking colors can be any shade of blue, green, purple, red, yellow or orange. Their pelt(not markings) color can be anywhere from black to brown to white, always natural colors. All adult Creo (male and female) have buck antlers and white rings around their eyes. A Creo's eye color always match their marking color and tail tips may be any color. Males are always bigger than females, and all Creo are taller than they are wide or long.

Behavior: Every Creo is graceful from the moment they are adults and move with deliberate steps. Despite their gracefulness they are not delicate. A Creo will defend their own herd to the death(the antlers help a great deal). Going along with their fierce protectiveness they will not tolerate any predators lurking on their territory(yes, they claim territory much like wolves), although they will leave any other herbivores be, even welcome them(Creo have been known to accept deer or horses into their herds). Creo take mates for life and love each herd member to pieces, often keeping in touch with offspring and having HUGE herds, up to a thousand sometimes. To show their affection they groom each other, sometimes for hours. Fawns are playful and clumsy, the almost exact opposite of the elderly Creo that prefer to lay in the shade, napping and conversing with their childhood friends, often entertaining the fawns with "when I was a fawn" stories. The younger adult Creo spend most of their time grazing.

Feeding Behavior:(thank you so much for having been reading for this long!)
As has been suggested, Creo are herbivores, eating most things from tree leaves to grass and berries.

As said before, a Creo's markings grow darker with age, being born with white markings and once their markings are black, they die(It has been suggested that the markings show their lifeforce, glowing when they are happy, darkening just a bit when they are sad). You don't need to worry about your Creo dying anytime soon though! Creos have a looooooooong life span, so long no one knows precisely.

Again, fawns are playful, elders wise, but all of them have a seemingly mystic aura.

Body Language:(although they can talk, they don't like to converse with predators or creatures too unlike themselves)
(sorry but im going to go into behavior a bit again) All adults are watchful and can sometimes have a deer-like jumpiness about them, looking up at the slightest sound. To alert others of danger, they stomp each paw one at a time in slow succession. If a predator approaches, they lower there antlers and toss their heads.

Offspring:(only one thing)
Creo usually have one fawn at a time, rarely twins and never triplets or more.

Now time for some screenies!

Adult Youngish Female Creo

Newborn Female Creo Fawn

Newborn Male Creo Fawn

Elderly Male Creo

I would love to see some other Creo out there so feel free to use my specie(please do not use MY characters from the screen shots) and I would love for you to PM me so we could meet up to RP in Creo char together! PM me if I left anything out that you want to know about Creo :D
« Last Edit: June 14, 2015, 10:06:58 pm by sarah »
Le Laser Duck Queen
Known in game as WolfLover2550

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Re: Creo(screenshots at bottom)
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2015, 04:26:18 am »
I can't seem to see the pictures correctly? Looks interesting though! I might make one.

Offline WolfLover2550

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Re: Creo(screenshots at bottom)
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2015, 10:24:07 pm »
^^ Thanks. The pictures were working before but I'll try to get them up.
Le Laser Duck Queen
Known in game as WolfLover2550