Author Topic: Groups Listed As "Nope!"  (Read 6137 times)

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Re: Groups Listed As "Nope!"
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2015, 10:33:18 pm »
  • Impossible ranking systems: Ugh, there have been several roleplay groups that I've seen claim that it's possible to rank up. The first time that happened, I got my hopes up, only to find that the leaders favorite got the job. Rather than picking your friends, you should pick the most deserving. Plus ranking systems are unfair in the way that all of the higher ranks completely ignore the lowers.
I know what you mean about those impossible ranking systems. Sometimes, you wonder why even half of them are there. Sometimes, they may not even make any lick of sense. Hey, when I started a group, long time ago, I did this "impossible system" in another way. I would have a higher rank for each position there was with a total of five ranks and eight positions. Eight times five is what? ... Exactly. Yeah, I was a bit too complex at the time and one day finally realized, "you know, maybe I'm overwhelming people with this..." When you overwhelm yourself, nine times out of ten, other people are going to be, too.

I apologize! ;-; I just wanted to share some things I didn't like in a group as well as things I did like in the same post, and I didn't mean to say that we were talking about the groups as a whole, I just sorta sucked at my word choice. I will edit my original post.
It's alright, Turtlex, I just didn't want you to think we were aiming to put down anything or anyone. No problem at all and no one got hurt! Let's keep on sharing, eh?
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Re: Groups Listed As "Nope!"
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2015, 12:02:52 am »
Things that will make me say "nope" to a group are:

Websites-I can understand making a website if it's to show things such as the plot, rules ,map downloads, etc. But as said before me if it's mandatory that I HAVE to join on the websites forum or I'm not in the group, than that's a no.

Wolfspeakers: While everyone is allowed to role-play how they want, I just find it difficult to join a group that wolfspeaks. It's hard for me and I'm sure for others to understand what their trying to say and most of the words are used in the wrong context and don't really mean what they were trying to say.                                

Role-play samples: When I look at the advertisements for groups their are some groups that catch my attention until I see "RP samples required" and then I just lose interest. I understand that some leaders want to know the recruit's role-play style and level but why should we have to put all our effort for just a small sample to join? It isn't really necessary in my opinion.

Mapped groups: Downloading a map just for a role-play isn't my cup of tea. I prefer traveling across the public maps, finding a spot , and than just role-play. I don't want to have to copy a URL just to download a map to only go there and have my computer lag. I have been in groups that require maps and most of them make my computer lag which really takes away the enjoyment.

That's pretty much all I can think of on the top of my head. I'm sure there's more but I just can't think of any.  
« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 12:04:47 am by MantleJackal »
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Re: Groups Listed As "Nope!"
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2015, 02:49:29 am »
Things that make me say "Nope" to a group are;

1. If the group is "Literate", but posts annoyingly long posts that I don't want to be bothered to reply to. I understand long posts sometimes in a battle but why can't people just roleplay in shorter sentences? I used to love literacy until I realized, it slows down roleplay and wastes the day away while waiting for slow typers to reply.

2. Wolfspeakers. I used to have huge issues with this, people using such idiotic terms in what should be a normal sentence, but not as much anymore. I try to ignore them nowadays.

3. Power players. The common error is that people think they mostly exist in mapless roleplays. They do not. In some of the mapped roleplays I have been in, people have powerplayed so badly that they ignore each of my posts, thinking themselves more important than what I've typed. This isn't everyone and it does seem to be a minority, but it makes me upset.

4. Groups that claim they will have a map and they never do.

5. A group with a map that takes too long to download, or the map itself is god awful. (I do like some simple maps, but by horrible I mean some textures don't work, or the entire map just looks like it was thrown together by an ametuer... I understand someone who is learning, so it isn't that big of a deal but it ruins the RP experience)

6. Groups that ask me to make a map and when it's finished they abandon it for someone elses. This happened to me at least 3 times... with three different maps.
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Re: Groups Listed As "Nope!"
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2015, 07:14:05 pm »
1. If the group is "Literate", but posts annoyingly long posts that I don't want to be bothered to reply to. I understand long posts sometimes in a battle but why can't people just roleplay in shorter sentences? I used to love literacy until I realized, it slows down roleplay and wastes the day away while waiting for slow typers to reply.
I agree with the quotation on "literate" and I'll say "literate" role-plays have a different meaning than some people think. It's really "multi-paragraph" rather than literate. I mean, if you can read and write while comprehending what's being said, you're technically literate. I don't like when people place literate and multi-paragraph posting as the same thing, it's not.

Anyway, multi-paragraph, can be fun, but on a game with a large group, it can get a bit tedious. If you're waiting for people to make their post out of ten or even five people, it can take a long time. Me, I don't mind reading and making creative paragraphs about what my character is doing. However, if you're someone who's often inpatient or likes to get a story rolling quickly, it can be boring. So of course, it's all about preference and not everyone share the same ones as far as posting style. Lately, I've been getting into a habit of creating shorter posts because people get more engaged and can play their characters right then and there, instead of having to wait. Also, you don't have to lash at someone for cutting your post off. :)

4. Groups that claim they will have a map and they never do.
It's always good to be prepared for a group you want to create. If someone has a mapped role-play, this is actually pretty common, I don't know why. If you're intending to have a mapped role-play, at least have the map already up and ready. When people join you and expect a map, try not to tease them with the anticipation of a mapped role-play with the group disbanding two weeks later because never having one.
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Re: Groups Listed As "Nope!"
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2015, 01:39:23 pm »
I dont mean to be a peeve, but what are WolfSpeakers? I havent played FH in a while.

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Re: Groups Listed As "Nope!"
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2015, 03:03:52 pm »
I dont mean to be a peeve, but what are WolfSpeakers? I havent played FH in a while.

Wow, you really haven't been here a while, have you? Basically, "wolfspeakers" are role-players who use a set of incorrect terms to describe or replace commonly known terms with something else completely unworldly.

Or in Layman's terms, people who use one word when it really means another, mainly when they don't know, themselves of its original meaning.

Now, of its origin, most people speculate it derived from a game called, Wolf Quest, from the painfully limited text you could place in the text box when on multiplayer. With said "wolfspeak" terminology used the in the same manner on this game as well.
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Re: Groups Listed As "Nope!"
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2015, 05:09:05 pm »
I dont mean to be a peeve, but what are WolfSpeakers? I havent played FH in a while.

Wow, you really haven't been here a while, have you? Basically, "wolfspeakers" are role-players who use a set of incorrect terms to describe or replace commonly known terms with something else completely unworldly.

Or in Layman's terms, people who use one word when it really means another, mainly when they don't know, themselves of its original meaning.

Now, of its origin, most people speculate it derived from a game called, Wolf Quest, from the painfully limited text you could place in the text box when on multiplayer. With said "wolfspeak" terminology used the in the same manner on this game as well.

Is wolf speak like saying 'fae' or 'led'? Due to WolfQuest and their stupidity, they took off many things that users cant even enjoy. So, with that  being said, wolfspeak is like when people just create words?

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Re: Groups Listed As "Nope!"
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2015, 05:23:11 pm »
I dont mean to be a peeve, but what are WolfSpeakers? I havent played FH in a while.

Wow, you really haven't been here a while, have you? Basically, "wolfspeakers" are role-players who use a set of incorrect terms to describe or replace commonly known terms with something else completely unworldly.

Or in Layman's terms, people who use one word when it really means another, mainly when they don't know, themselves of its original meaning.

Now, of its origin, most people speculate it derived from a game called, Wolf Quest, from the painfully limited text you could place in the text box when on multiplayer. With said "wolfspeak" terminology used the in the same manner on this game as well.

Is wolf speak like saying 'fae' or 'led'? Due to WolfQuest and their stupidity, they took off many things that users cant even enjoy. So, with that  being said, wolfspeak is like when people just create words?
'Led' is just their version of 'lad'.

'Fae' means fairie, but it is usedi n WolfSpeak.
And some people say WS originated on Furcadia, though it probably got it's giant kickstart from Wolf Quest.
We'll never really know.

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Re: Groups Listed As "Nope!"
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2015, 05:30:58 pm »
Okay. Thank you. =)

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Re: Groups Listed As "Nope!"
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2015, 10:32:11 pm »
I dont mean to be a peeve, but what are WolfSpeakers? I havent played FH in a while.

Wow, you really haven't been here a while, have you? Basically, "wolfspeakers" are role-players who use a set of incorrect terms to describe or replace commonly known terms with something else completely unworldly.

Or in Layman's terms, people who use one word when it really means another, mainly when they don't know, themselves of its original meaning.

Now, of its origin, most people speculate it derived from a game called, Wolf Quest, from the painfully limited text you could place in the text box when on multiplayer. With said "wolfspeak" terminology used the in the same manner on this game as well.

Is wolf speak like saying 'fae' or 'led'? Due to WolfQuest and their stupidity, they took off many things that users cant even enjoy. So, with that  being said, wolfspeak is like when people just create words?
'Led' is just their version of 'lad'.

'Fae' means fairie, but it is usedi n WolfSpeak.
And some people say WS originated on Furcadia, though it probably got it's giant kickstart from Wolf Quest.
We'll never really know.

I remember my friend talking about the limited dictionary on WQ. One of the ones she pointed out was instead of "mate" you had to say "meet" (or was it meat? I don't remember). I seriously thought AJ's chat was strict.