Author Topic: Standard Up! New, Recruiting Rp!  (Read 750 times)

Offline Aprilmayjune

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Standard Up! New, Recruiting Rp!
« on: July 09, 2015, 10:35:38 am »
~~***The Basics ***~~
Human Vs Anthro Roleplay!

The Brief History of the S.U
Man's science created many wonderous things. From electronics, to devices to get us around. To even hybrids of adorable pets we call family. But what if one day, they created something that was a monster. Something that wanted to be equal to the human race. Something that could also wipe them out.
The first year the creatures were introduced to the world they were seen as 'super' beings. The second year they were seen as friends. Friends to pets. Pets to slaves. Slaves to Enimes. Not long after the delcaration of war, the "super beings" banded together forming a group called the 'Levelers'. They were against humans. Humans were against them.
All for the bountifulness that their corpses could be sold for.

The Bone Collectors
Humans saw these hybrids as once praisable creatures. In today's world it's nothing more than horrible beast that do nothing but make for slaves or quick money. When the group of hybrids was created, a human group was also made. This was called "Bone Collectors". The BC consisted of hunters, bounty hunters and all those with good hunting and stealth skills alike. Each person carried around guns along with large body bags to carry their kills.
What they did with the hybrid's were up to whomever captured them. Some were bought and sold on the blacker market. Some where kept as personal house slaves. Others were killed for their pelts, eyes, bone marrow, and other bodily fuctions on the black market.

The Levelers

The Levelers were created into the world for one original purpose. To act as helpers to humans. Doing simple task like cleaning or babysitting to gardening or protecting the family home. However, over time they began to see the humans for what they really were. Greedy creatures who always wanted more than they could chew. Slowly they got more and more sick of their attitude. But also at the same time they were learning from them, adapting to their emotions and ways of life. With their new found abilities, they used them against the humans; toying with their emotions till they broke down in surrender. That didn't last long, however. Most of the hybrids that lived in towns were chased out, causing the Leveler's to form. Causing war and havoc to no end.

The Website: - Contains Map, Items and MM downloads
Ranks: There are 16 in the Levelers to pick, 17 in the Bone Collecters and 2 Netural Ranks. 1/16 - 0/17 - 0/Inf.

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