Author Topic: What's your Feralheart story?  (Read 4373 times)

Offline kaczuszka

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What's your Feralheart story?
« on: July 26, 2015, 09:16:25 pm »
So I'm not sure if this has been posted before so please delete this if it has :)

Anyways, what's your FH story? What were your first 'Nooby' days and your first groups? Where you one of thise people who just went with the flow and constantly sat at the Mc or begged for a mate? xD Here's mine:

So I joined on 2011, I've played FH for about four years now. Oh wow, how fast the time went .o. Anyways, I can't remember my first character I made, but I do remember one in particular and now It just makes me cringe everytime I think about it. The name was 'Blood Queen' she was a tall black wolf with red 'scar' markings. Back in 2011 I used to think that she was soo cool looking and everyone will be jelouse of her xD I decided to visit the mate centre, I thought that males would be crouton around her, wow cringe worthy. I even spoke in Local and mate begged in general :I Eventually I gave up on 'Blood queen' and made new characters. I cannot remember much after that but I have some other memories that happened in chronological order. I think that this was in 2013, when they 'Black pelt and skeleton markings with white underful' (or similar) was trendy. I cannot remember her name but I made a pack with her. Unfortinately I cannot remember the packs name either but I started out in Bonfire Island. I was simply sat somewhere next to the ocean talking to two males. (I have no idea how I met them, I might of been advertising in local about my group, those were still my Nooby days) They were both Literate unlike me who wasnt soo literate at the time. I think one of the males username was 'LuckyOmega' or something like that, Unfortinately I remember nothing of the other wolf. The pack I made became quite populated for some odd reason but most of them were unactive, the only two that were active were the male wolves I met at Bonfire. I met a wolf called 'Malfoy' and he became my mate, I think that I found him at the mate centre xD Then for some odd reason I kind of switched to the 'Unknown wolf' (The wolf I met in bonfire which I forgot the name off) and I think he became my mate? I remember telling 'LuckyOmega' about him and then getting lectured about how I shouldn't do what I did. So yeh, I was still Noob at the time.I cannot remember anything else from the group I made, neither can I remember much from my 'Noob Days' But I will wrote down some of my later memories =3 I mostly join packs whenever I'm on Feralheart and just to note, my characters were not Nooby anymore :p Anyways,  I won't write down names of the groups since I have a terrible memory, even though some of those memories were from two months ago. I remember joining one pack, they were recruiting in Flourite Plains. Nobody was active much apart from me, Silver (ado) Spud and Boseki. We became quite good friends and I was online 24/7 on my character. It was quite a ride, even though we mostly stayed in one place. I have to say, that pack was one of the best packs I have ever been in <3 Everyone was amazing and that pack made me express myself for the first time in forever :o I used to be shy and NEVER start talking to random people in FH without feeling Embarassed and to hide under my pillow (Apart from when I joined back in 2011 because I thought I was soo cool and I didn't care about anything) This group made me much more open and 'Fun' to be with, well 'Fun'  because they took away my shyness. Unfortinately one by one, they all became inactive and I barely see them </3 When I do, they are always with other people and never come onto their characters in the group :o There was another group I joined, It's pretty much inactive now but I did love that group aswell <3 I met MANY amazing people which I grew to treat them as my real friends. With them around I didn't care how I acted, we were all pretty crazy to be honest. I can name some people, Eclipse - HawaiiDragon, she is probably one of the best people I ever met <3 I used to every day whisper her and we would hang out and try to make a group, then once I ACCIDENT kicked myself out of the group disbannding it </3 There was also Rii, haha I was the first one to start calling her Pii. There was also the Alpha, somehow I forgot his name, sorry .o. But he was amazing too <3 I miss the times that we all spent together, and I dread the day that I will never see them again because without any if the people mentioned above, I wouldn't be what I am today. I am/was known as the 'Claimer' around the group, or the 'Huggler' I know that they probably are not even words but I make them up. In FH I use to hug everyone and claim pieces of them <3 Heh, I'm not trying to sound emotional here c: Okay, If she reads this then she'll probably kill me for not mentioning her here. I did forget her name, and I am dearly sorry for that </3 But she was in the pack with Spud, Boseki and Silver. She became another one of my close friends, she made me the crazy person I am today :p

So that is my Feral Heart story. I miss all of the people I met since a lot of them went inactive therefore I never saw them again. Most of them are still active, but due to my laptop being broken I cannot see them until two weeks.

So what's your story? Is it crazy? Or sad? Or did it just start? Please tell me :)

hi hello

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Re: What's your Feralheart story?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2015, 11:57:02 pm »
I have to say this is a pretty interesting topic, but yes I do have a story!

I found out about Feralheart from a friend in WolfQuest I signed up and I was in love with the game, playing a daily and all. The friend that told me about Feralheart became my mate short after and taught me everything to know, honestly I was pretty nooby meaning I was NOT at all literate and he was. My mate became really inactive and hadn't come on in months, and being nooby as I was I became really desperate for a mate, I met this other guy and shortly became mates with HIM. The character I mostly played on was a character names "Husky F Dog" *Cringes at name* I met alot of people that I fell in love with but where not gonna go into that...lmao. I was the shy person and was always afraid to talk to other, like you cx. I spent most of my time in Bonfire, and met a group of people I hung out with alot but they soon became inactive </3 I still miss them a lot. My nooby days were pretty borning, I didn't do much but sit around and stalk conversations. There are still tons of friends that I miss and never see :c.

As I got older, I met this one person whos name was Gangnam and he was probably the best person i've met on Feralheart, he is no longer active but I see him once in awahile. We hung out everyday, talked, hung out and me and him started the ' Blue Army' and this caused us to bond even more. Soon, I started to grasp feelings for him but that quickly ended when I was banned for a year. All because he was afk and I butt danced in his face, I was still a younge but yah. After I came back from a year I started a youtube channel and recorded music videos and random moments, I am still not as popular as those famous fh youtubers but I try.

And recently something has happened, which I think is the beginning of my new life on Feralheart. I met this really amazing guy named Drunk <3. We have been friends for months and we finally have gotten together and I'm extremely glad I met him! My story is just a mess of love and hate but anyhow~ I'm ready to hear everyone elses!
My DA is -
And my user in Feralheart is -Alanawolf

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Re: What's your Feralheart story?
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2015, 01:12:07 am »
I won't make a super long post about it but here is my story.

I was really young and really liked animals, with wolves being my absolute favorite. So I one day went searching for a video game where you could play as a wolf and any other animal. And so I ended up finding FeralHeart as an option.
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Re: What's your Feralheart story?
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2015, 02:01:08 am »
I've always been obsessed with animal games since I was small. I'd pretend to be wolves and horses and Warrior Cats with my friends at school and I'm pretty sure that's my earliest memory of role-playing. X'3
I had a lot of games you buy from the store, like Veterinarian games and pony games. Soon I got more involved in the internet and discovered Wolf Quest through YouTube videos of animal games. I absolutely adored that game despite the difficult role-playing style it had. Then my sister got involved with FeralHeart, where she played it for about a year and stopped. And then a long time later, I'd say about a few years (Which dates back to about 2 years ago) I was bored out of my mind on my laptop and asked my sister what the name of this game was that she used to play and she said, "FeralHeart."
So, I created an account and have been here since. X3
« Last Edit: July 27, 2015, 02:02:58 am by Lindsay »

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Re: What's your Feralheart story?
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2015, 03:42:19 am »
Mine's kind of a touching story, I guess you could say. ovo

During the time I was introduced to FeralHeart through YouTube, I was around 12 or so years old. At the time of first finding out about the game, I was in a really dark place due to bullies at school. All of my friend either turned their backs on me or were the ones bullying me, so I was completely and utterly alone in it all.  This was around the time I began turning to the internet for comfort, and thus, leading me to FeralHeart. When I got the game it was pretty funny, and the first thing I did was get a mate and found out he was cheating on me with another wolf, and got really upset and I think I cried IRL about it and didn't come on the game until another week after.  
After I played the game for a little while longer I met people that I never thought I would and was introduced to something I hadn't had in a long time, which was kindness. The community on FeralHeart when I first started playing was so accepting and kind to me, and I felt very comfortable and happy playing the game. So FeralHeart eventually became my happy place, thus getting me addicted.
FeralHeart has introduced me to so many amazing people and honestly if I hadn't join this game and met those people I don't know if I'd be here today. One of those friends is my best friend of four years, Bri. On August 7th, 2012, I met my very best friend to this day. Her username was T0ast at the time, but she's long abandoned the game, though we still talk on Skype and Facebook! I don't remember exactly what happened, but there were some chinchillas in General, and they somehow caught the attention of her and I, and we all chased each other around Flourite Plains for at least 10 minutes before we all jumped into a cuddle pile of fluff.
We added each other on Skype that night and ended up jumping right into a Skype call, but we were both super duper shy so it wasn't very exciting. However, we ended up getting into a few more and those quiet calls become loud calls full of screaming and laughter.
For the past 3 years we've been best friends and we don't plan on changing at any time soon. We share three years of good memories, bad memories, laughter, tears of joy, tears of sadness, and basically everything. I honestly don't know where I'd be if FeralHeart hadn't brought us together, at least 75% sure I wouldn't even be alive. She's saved me in more ways than I can count, and I can say that I've done the same. We're each other's shoulders to lean on, and we always have each other's backs.

This is a long story, jeez.
But to put it in a simple sentence;
FeralHeart basically saved my life.

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Re: What's your Feralheart story?
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2015, 07:17:41 am »
Mine's kind of a touching story, I guess you could say. ovo

During the time I was introduced to FeralHeart through YouTube, I was around 12 or so years old. At the time of first finding out about the game, I was in a really dark place due to bullies at school. All of my friend either turned their backs on me or were the ones bullying me, so I was completely and utterly alone in it all.  This was around the time I began turning to the internet for comfort, and thus, leading me to FeralHeart. When I got the game it was pretty funny, and the first thing I did was get a mate and found out he was cheating on me with another wolf, and got really upset and I think I cried IRL about it and didn't come on the game until another week after. 
After I played the game for a little while longer I met people that I never thought I would and was introduced to something I hadn't had in a long time, which was kindness. The community on FeralHeart when I first started playing was so accepting and kind to me, and I felt very comfortable and happy playing the game. So FeralHeart eventually became my happy place, thus getting me addicted.
FeralHeart has introduced me to so many amazing people and honestly if I hadn't join this game and met those people I don't know if I'd be here today. One of those friends is my best friend of four years, Bri. On August 7th, 2012, I met my very best friend to this day. Her username was T0ast at the time, but she's long abandoned the game, though we still talk on Skype and Facebook! I don't remember exactly what happened, but there were some chinchillas in General, and they somehow caught the attention of her and I, and we all chased each other around Flourite Plains for at least 10 minutes before we all jumped into a cuddle pile of fluff.
We added each other on Skype that night and ended up jumping right into a Skype call, but we were both super duper shy so it wasn't very exciting. However, we ended up getting into a few more and those quiet calls become loud calls full of screaming and laughter.
For the past 3 years we've been best friends and we don't plan on changing at any time soon. We share three years of good memories, bad memories, laughter, tears of joy, tears of sadness, and basically everything. I honestly don't know where I'd be if FeralHeart hadn't brought us together, at least 75% sure I wouldn't even be alive. She's saved me in more ways than I can count, and I can say that I've done the same. We're each other's shoulders to lean on, and we always have each other's backs.

This is a long story, jeez.
But to put it in a simple sentence;
FeralHeart basically saved my life.

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Re: What's your Feralheart story?
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2015, 04:44:45 am »
Man you all got such great stories.... All I've got is the saga of mediocre computers and laziness... I don't remember how I found this site I think I was like eleven at the time (thus explaining my poor username), anyway I got online made a typically bad character (I'm not kidding, she was exactly the type of thing an eleven year old would think was cool) sauntered around saying nothing as the socially awkward weirdo I was (and still am). But yeah no... First time I was playing I stumbled upon a ring of people standing and siting around something, super curious I made my way over and was almost instantly stupefied. Two players were in the center of the ring of people with everyone watching with the same fervor a person watches a slow-mo car crash (I'm over dramatizing) as we were all made privy to one player "dancing" over another who would just kinda look at us while laying on their back.

 'Bout ten minutes later my father said he has seen most of my friends hanging around the woods near the church parking lot and I went out to hang with them, after that experience I could not get my computer to run Feral Heart till about four-five years ago.

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Re: What's your Feralheart story?
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2015, 11:08:34 am »
man, i can't even remember most of my 'n00by' days on feral-heart.

i was probably around 9 or so, and i wanted to find a game like wolfquest. constantly looking up 'wolf games' i found feralheart. at first i didn't download it cause i had such a fear of viruses, but after looking around, there was no bad-mouth about the game so i downloaded it and made my account. i can't even remember my first few encounters with the game, all i know is that i made a whole lot of fight dog characters and humans. i just went around adding everyone and having an irrational sense of happiness. even when people sweared at me, i was 'okay :DDDD'

but then i eventually got bored, and then decided to download wolfquest instead. but maybe about 3 years ago, i came back? and that was in a really bad time for me. i felt deserted, anxious all the time. i eventually found a pack that was extremely active, taught me how to download maps and were generally nice to me! then i took another break because of the overwhelming hate that i'd experience in that time. and then a few months later, i came back and then found a new light in feralheart and continued from there. i've learned A LOT of things from FH, and i'm glad i found it, even though i still go on massive rants about it to whoever will give an ear. lol. 

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Re: What's your Feralheart story?
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2015, 04:09:45 pm »
I found FH through WQ and, unlike some other people I didn't really want to join because it seemed so unlike my beloved WQ(lol). I eventually looked into it and saw the random registration. Me: -_- no. I kept forgetting I had already looked at the website until one day I watched the website for about an hour or two, and the registration finally opened. Got an account and made my first char. Her name was Kelsie and she was such a sparkle char. She had a light tan pelt, blue celtic markings, blue eyes and wings. She also had a pet raven. I roleplayed around for a while, exploring and getting used to the layout. I finally made a background for her. It went something like this;
Kelsie was the daughter of the Alpha of Wind pack until one day an evil wolf came and turned the pack against her, so she ran away. The pack is still looking for her.
So I eventually met this person and their char had a crush on mine. Kelsie ran away in the middle of the night because her pack caught her. He found her crying by a hill. In hindsight it was hilarious. So we became mates and started a pack wich didn't last long. Now I am proud to say Im semi lit(hopefully on my way to lit) and have never used the mate center.
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Re: What's your Feralheart story?
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2015, 10:38:00 am »
When the original Impressive Title server was shut down, the staff introduced us to FeralHeart. So I pretty much just moved over to this game along with many other IT members. I cannot remember my very first day online, which was sometime in 2011, but I am certain I spent my first hours exploring all maps. Then I made a couple more characters and eventually made friends to have fun with. After a while I decided to join a pride and that is where some of my best memories come from. I had such a great time with them and I was upset when we all said our good byes to the pride. Nothing lasts forever. </3 I will never forget any of them or our fantastic roleplays. Other things I did were taking random screenshots, participating in dance-lines and spying on drama. Good times. c: I have not played FeralHeart for a while now, but it will be exciting to try it again after all this time.