Author Topic: OFF TOPIC RANT THREAD - BAWWWWWW  (Read 44062 times)

Offline kahara

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« Reply #290 on: May 17, 2011, 07:10:23 pm »
MSN taking five minutes to log in for the first time in months annoys me. LOL |:
Nuzzle me if you agree with me!
Bite me if you love me. (;


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« Reply #291 on: May 18, 2011, 09:16:26 pm »
I'm so fed up with studying for finals and preparing for the end of school, I just want out - NOW!
I've worked my butt off all year, getting A+'s all the way through, all the way through guys! ^^ I'm really proud of myself, but even someone as hard working as myself gets worn out with all of my friend drama and school work. It's so tiring.

I think I'm going to be taking honors next year, woot woot. ~

.. Okay that wasn't my best rant. >->


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« Reply #292 on: May 22, 2011, 12:25:58 am »
I just watched Inception yesterday... it was FANTASTIC 8D
yer... pretty good >.>
the ending was pretty epic

Offline RavenShai

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« Reply #293 on: May 23, 2011, 05:55:44 am »
We have finally moved to our destination but currently have to stay with a friend of our mom's until we get a place of our own.

First, the trip was awful. Had to fit four kids and an adult into a bucket seat moving truck. Two of us crunched in the middle while the other two shared a seat, and we had to fit a kennel with a cat inside and a dog in there. Very cramped and all of us got sick from the small space and heat XP
It took us two days to complete a 7 hour drive, we had to keep stopping to stretch and get fresh air because it was literally painful to sit in there x.x
Then, when we were so close to our destination, we ran out of gas and pulled to the side of the highway. Good news was we were near town, and that we had the insurance or whatever so the ones who gave us the moving truck had to get us and take us to where we can get more gas. Bad news, they took an hour or so to get there -.-
But hey, we're finally here x3

Second, the friend of my mom's were staying at is, well, annoying...
She's nice and everything, but oh. my. gosh!
Its like she thinks we're all five year olds Dx
Teaching us how to cook when I myself have cooked before (telling me how to stir, I know how to dang stir -.-), how to fold towels, and sheesh she was even telling me how to walk our own dog! D< Like I don't know how to use the leash. Another thing was that she has a cat of her own and she was going to have our dog and cat introduce themselves to her. Our dog (a chihuahua) wasn't to bad, she was actually really good. She saw the cat, barked, but backed off and left her alone. Our cat, on the other hand, got into a full fight with the other cat. Ours is male and the other is female. Now, reason why I've said this was because before I have said that this would happen, exactly. I had told everyone once our cat saw the other cat a cat fight was going to take place, and I was right -.-
But our mother's friend insisted they meet :/
Another thing is that now we have both in seperate rooms. Well, at night our mom's friend wants the animals trapped in their kennels. I did not like this, our cat had to stay in that thing for days now and I didn't want to force them in there! He was literally going insane. Everytime we put him in there now he meows like crazy and starts scratching at the bars, his cries so heartbreaking T_T I'm surprised his nails weren't torn off. One of the reasons I hate this so much is that he doesn't even have to be in there, he's locked up in a room... Broke my heart Dx
Oh, and she will NOT stop talking! I would be doing something, and she will keep trying to start up a conversation. It wouldn't be so bad but when she talks it has to do with some kind of lesson, like what I should do or something (which I hate with a passion being told by anyone unless I actually ask for it), even though I already know it, and its always something I am absolutely not interested in, and I am someone who just hates talking. Also, I can never complete a sentence anyway -.-
I especially hate it when this happens when I'm reading. Just today, it took me an hour to finish reading one paragraph of my book because she wanted to speak with me xP
I also really, really, really hate that she acts like we're all stupid. Like how we do not know what she's talking about, not paying attention, and so on. Just a moment ago, she asked if we could fix our cat's kennel. Reason why it was broken because he somehow got free and one of the locks got loose, so not really broken but yeah. Well, I was trying to explain to her that the lock was missing, we couldn't find it. She kept repeating the same thing over and over again as if she thought I didn't understood her D<
"Bring it on over, we can fix it with the spare time we have, bring it on over!"
I kept telling her the lock was missing but I guess she didn't believe me -_-
Another time was that we were getting our packing stuff organized, we were at the moving truck in the back placing everything inside so it was ready to go. Now, while back there she said to grab the "white thing" (exact words) at the side of the truck. I turned and there were about five objects that were white. I turned back and asked exactly what it was she wanted, but she only said the same thing. I had to walk back and forth until I finally found out what it was she wanted. And these were only a few things that took place while we were here. *Sigh*
I am now very dizzy, light headed, and have a head ache -_-

Extremely good news, we are leaving her place tomorrow, hence why we had to load the truck ^.^
Again, she is really nice and can be an awesome person, but not someone you would want over all of the time and to live with...
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 06:00:17 am by ~Katsa~ »
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...


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« Reply #294 on: May 23, 2011, 11:22:16 am »
Interesting. Sometimes my grandparents get like that, always telling my how to do stuff :|
Wouldn't trade em for the world though ;]


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« Reply #295 on: May 23, 2011, 08:48:15 pm »
I just finished all of my essays, everything done, all set for summer with only a full week of school left.

And my English teacher throws me a last minute essay. -.-


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« Reply #296 on: May 24, 2011, 12:20:51 am »
ugh- I'm in the same boat- just got a 8-page essay finished and turned in- but I still have a 3 pager and a book of poems due XP


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« Reply #297 on: May 24, 2011, 03:00:50 pm »
Ick. Darn those teachers, thinking we can do just about anything they throw at us. |8

Offline Emberflame

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« Reply #298 on: June 01, 2011, 04:49:45 pm »
two things. SIBLINGS!!!!!!!

My 6 year old sister yells and whines at anything! my 8 year old brother was trying to help her and shes like " ________ !!!!!!!!!!!! " ( u said no names XD ) now we move on to my brother. I'll ask him to go outside with me and he'll just sit and stare at this game called Wizard 101 and go " O.O no " stareing at the screen. UUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! another thing with my brother. one word. " MOMMM! " at 9:00 at night! I'll be in the best part of a book and he does it! 20 sec. later: " MOMMMMM! " I yell " ______ go get her! why do you want her!? " usually its lik a good night hug or something but one night in particular he answers " I want her to sing me a lulaby. " O.O y 8 YEAR OLD brother wants my mom to sing him a LULABY! UUUUGGGGGG!

( THANK YOU for makeing this thread XD )

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« Reply #299 on: June 03, 2011, 02:52:10 am »
So someone who I thought had flat out ignored me for no reason decides to rudely pop back up again. Dammit just go away, continue to ignore me and leave me alone :\