Author Topic: Players rude to younger players?  (Read 5066 times)

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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2015, 07:25:26 pm »
Though I've seen this I never really understood it. Who cares if someone is new to the game? At some point we all were, and we more likely than not will be "Noobs" again on a different site\game and I can say with certainty I don't ever wanna join a community only to be treated like a sub-human idiot because I'm young or new. I'm also pretty sure that the vast majority of these bullies would loath to be treated the same way they treat others.

 Frankly I've never been able to understand intentionally bullying someone whose new to a game either. If you create a community that is toxic to new players guess what? You won't be getting new players and your community will stagnate and more likely than not eventually die.

 I switched to another tab for a bit and forgot where I was going with this... Just pretend I made a point.

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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2015, 05:21:19 am »
I've done this before. Yet I'm bipolar so thats why i tell people never take me seriously. Once in South Pole there was a group (I'm sorry, Shouldn't say this but, Probably not old as they say) They were older with more realistic characters, While I was on my OC. I wanted to talk to them, but they all called me names. Defending myself didn't work so well because there was 5/4 of them and 1 of me. They called me things like "Youtuber wannabe" n'd stuff. Recently I've gotten into a arguement with someone and its on my DA. Basically they said hacks are on feralheart, and I said their was no hacks in feralheart, they got all mad at me n'd stuff. Like really??

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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2015, 10:56:12 pm »
Sadly I do see this sometimes. It's odd, because I expect more from our community. It saddens me too think that we are bullying kids just because they aren't old enough too understand all that we do. I hope that we all can try a little harder so kids can feel good in this community of Feral Heart players.
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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2015, 02:14:34 am »
Yes, that's so true! Sure, people get annoyed by other people on the game. Hell, I do. All the time. But that was kinda unnecessary for the older members. Who knows? That player may've been more literate than 'em. I've seen this one person make a very new-person looking character, neon, lowercase letters, the classic "shadow f wolfpup" thing, ya know? She then went and starting going off about "jon m y wolf pack!!!!!!!!" and everyone was telling her to be quiet and all, then she asked someone in my group I was in the join. They said they'd need an rp sample, and in front of everyone at Stone Bridge, she gives the most literate post I've seen. Just sayin'. .//shrug

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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2015, 12:42:55 am »
In my honest opinion, I think it's unjust to harass younger players, but this is really just normal behavior. Yeah, it's unacceptable to bully younger kids, but when you group preteens with older people, you are bound to see it happen.

If the older kids are flat out rude to so called "younger kids" because "their characters aren't realistic enough", "they don't roleplay as good as them", or other things that are pretty much exaggerated in the case, then yeah that's not good.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 01:04:09 am by jengatower »

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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2015, 02:19:55 am »
It is a very unfortunate thing to witness in the game. I have mixed feelings on this situation.
Today, I experienced something similar between a child member and some older members. The young member wanted to join in on a roleplay, but the older ones told her she couldn't join because it was a roleplay for just their group of friends only (plus they were roleplaying in party chat). She got upset over it saying how rude they were for not letting her join. Most of the experienced roleplayers didn't talk down to her, they only said they didn't want others to join their "private roleplay." She didn't want to take "no" for an answer and proceeded to harass them with threats of reporting them. Therefore, they blocked her.

I can understand how it would make someone feel to get rejected from a roleplay group or get rejected by other players, but can we really force people to roleplay with someone they don't want to. Life isn't always fair, and you can't expect to be invited into EVERY roleplay. If they don't want to roleplay with you then go find someone else to roleplay with. Some of the older and more experienced roleplayers don't want to play with younger or less experienced ones, but that doesn't really excuse them for being rude to them right off the bat. It also doesn't excuse the young players of continuing the fight by harassing the older players or threatening them after they say, "No sorry, you cannot join us." That's when I think it's okay to use the block button (if the fighting doesn't seem to stop).

Me personally, I like to include younger players into my roleplay bubble and give them a chance. If they start acting rude, then that's when I won't speak to them.

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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2015, 03:29:42 am »
It's really disheartening to read the comments on this thread because no one knows the full story of what happened. I have been a victim of the "kid" that was first stated in this thread. You really should get to know the full story before just assuming that we are "bullying" this person. I can tell you the full story, and whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you. (I'm leaving usernames and character names out due to privacy.)

It started when two friends of mine were just sitting around on their horse characters, just talking in whisper, when this border collie pup showed up. Without asking, he tried to force his way into a non-existent RP. At that point, they had kindly told him to leave since they weren't RPing. Well, he ended up refusing. He then proceeded to control one of their characters, and when they asked him not to and told the collie they weren't taking anyone into the farm at the moment, he got angry and went "demon mode". After a while, he disconnected and everyone figured that was the end of that. Well, we were wrong. The next day, he came back and did the /same exact thing/, just with more controlling. After being told once again they weren't RPing and wasn't letting anyone onto the farm, he got angry and got nasty with the same people. He then tried blaming it on a sibling, when he disconnected and reconnected within seconds. A blatant lie, if you ask me. This is where the rumours of the bullying start. Eventually, with enough people explaining what he was doing wrong, he apologized and stopped. Once he left for the day, we thought it was over. Far from it! He came back the next day, acting like nothing had happened and that he hadn't apologized. He tried force RPing MY character this time, saying he had been picked up by an owner I hadn't even thought of yet, and that he lived there. I told him I wasn't RPing and wasn't with a farm. After some talking, he left me alone and I thought he'd finally stop. I was wrong. He tried doing the same thing again! Four times in a row. At this point, a lot of bystanders had seen what happened and knew what he was doing. He got angry with us telling him the same thing we had been telling him, and started cussing us out, calling us the B word and dropping the f-bomb, in local might I add. At one point, he tried pulling the sibling stunt again. No one bought it because he disconnected and reconnected too quickly. Eventually he apologized for swearing and said he'd never bother us again. This was just yesterday. Today, my friend (the same one who had their character RPed without permission the first time), messaged me, telling me that the same person legitimately COPIED her border collie. Markings, colours, size, name, everything. He then tried to play it off as if he didn't know, and tried changing his name many times. Later on he got on a horse and tried to force RP the same people, playing it off as if he was getting bullied for her telling him not to force RP her character.

THAT my friends, if the full and true story. Like I said, believe what you will, but MANY people have seen this happen and know the full story. Please, don't accuse others for bullying when you DO NOT know the whole story. Ask, get the other person's point of view, then decide from there. Don't go in biased like most people do.

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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2015, 10:51:58 pm »
It's really disheartening to read the comments on this thread because no one knows the full story of what happened. I have been a victim of the "kid" that was first stated in this thread. You really should get to know the full story before just assuming that we are "bullying" this person. I can tell you the full story, and whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you. (I'm leaving usernames and character names out due to privacy.)

It started when two friends of mine were just sitting around on their horse characters, just talking in whisper, when this border collie pup showed up. Without asking, he tried to force his way into a non-existent RP. At that point, they had kindly told him to leave since they weren't RPing. Well, he ended up refusing. He then proceeded to control one of their characters, and when they asked him not to and told the collie they weren't taking anyone into the farm at the moment, he got angry and went "demon mode". After a while, he disconnected and everyone figured that was the end of that. Well, we were wrong. The next day, he came back and did the /same exact thing/, just with more controlling. After being told once again they weren't RPing and wasn't letting anyone onto the farm, he got angry and got nasty with the same people. He then tried blaming it on a sibling, when he disconnected and reconnected within seconds. A blatant lie, if you ask me. This is where the rumours of the bullying start. Eventually, with enough people explaining what he was doing wrong, he apologized and stopped. Once he left for the day, we thought it was over. Far from it! He came back the next day, acting like nothing had happened and that he hadn't apologized. He tried force RPing MY character this time, saying he had been picked up by an owner I hadn't even thought of yet, and that he lived there. I told him I wasn't RPing and wasn't with a farm. After some talking, he left me alone and I thought he'd finally stop. I was wrong. He tried doing the same thing again! Four times in a row. At this point, a lot of bystanders had seen what happened and knew what he was doing. He got angry with us telling him the same thing we had been telling him, and started cussing us out, calling us the B word and dropping the f-bomb, in local might I add. At one point, he tried pulling the sibling stunt again. No one bought it because he disconnected and reconnected too quickly. Eventually he apologized for swearing and said he'd never bother us again. This was just yesterday. Today, my friend (the same one who had their character RPed without permission the first time), messaged me, telling me that the same person legitimately COPIED her border collie. Markings, colours, size, name, everything. He then tried to play it off as if he didn't know, and tried changing his name many times. Later on he got on a horse and tried to force RP the same people, playing it off as if he was getting bullied for her telling him not to force RP her character.

THAT my friends, if the full and true story. Like I said, believe what you will, but MANY people have seen this happen and know the full story. Please, don't accuse others for bullying when you DO NOT know the whole story. Ask, get the other person's point of view, then decide from there. Don't go in biased like most people do.
how do you know that your story relates to this? and this thread is pretty much for general discussion, not gossip.

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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2015, 11:10:14 pm »
It's really disheartening to read the comments on this thread because no one knows the full story of what happened. I have been a victim of the "kid" that was first stated in this thread. You really should get to know the full story before just assuming that we are "bullying" this person. I can tell you the full story, and whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you. (I'm leaving usernames and character names out due to privacy.)

It started when two friends of mine were just sitting around on their horse characters, just talking in whisper, when this border collie pup showed up. Without asking, he tried to force his way into a non-existent RP. At that point, they had kindly told him to leave since they weren't RPing. Well, he ended up refusing. He then proceeded to control one of their characters, and when they asked him not to and told the collie they weren't taking anyone into the farm at the moment, he got angry and went "demon mode". After a while, he disconnected and everyone figured that was the end of that. Well, we were wrong. The next day, he came back and did the /same exact thing/, just with more controlling. After being told once again they weren't RPing and wasn't letting anyone onto the farm, he got angry and got nasty with the same people. He then tried blaming it on a sibling, when he disconnected and reconnected within seconds. A blatant lie, if you ask me. This is where the rumours of the bullying start. Eventually, with enough people explaining what he was doing wrong, he apologized and stopped. Once he left for the day, we thought it was over. Far from it! He came back the next day, acting like nothing had happened and that he hadn't apologized. He tried force RPing MY character this time, saying he had been picked up by an owner I hadn't even thought of yet, and that he lived there. I told him I wasn't RPing and wasn't with a farm. After some talking, he left me alone and I thought he'd finally stop. I was wrong. He tried doing the same thing again! Four times in a row. At this point, a lot of bystanders had seen what happened and knew what he was doing. He got angry with us telling him the same thing we had been telling him, and started cussing us out, calling us the B word and dropping the f-bomb, in local might I add. At one point, he tried pulling the sibling stunt again. No one bought it because he disconnected and reconnected too quickly. Eventually he apologized for swearing and said he'd never bother us again. This was just yesterday. Today, my friend (the same one who had their character RPed without permission the first time), messaged me, telling me that the same person legitimately COPIED her border collie. Markings, colours, size, name, everything. He then tried to play it off as if he didn't know, and tried changing his name many times. Later on he got on a horse and tried to force RP the same people, playing it off as if he was getting bullied for her telling him not to force RP her character.

THAT my friends, if the full and true story. Like I said, believe what you will, but MANY people have seen this happen and know the full story. Please, don't accuse others for bullying when you DO NOT know the whole story. Ask, get the other person's point of view, then decide from there. Don't go in biased like most people do.
how do you know that your story relates to this? and this thread is pretty much for general discussion, not gossip.

Jenga makes a fair point, this literally had nothing to do with your 'Situation'. Yes, I am honest and I did see you and that kid. But this is not what it's about AT all...Also, this isn't 'gossip' at all. It's called Game Discussion for a reason.

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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2015, 11:11:12 pm »
It's really disheartening to read the comments on this thread because no one knows the full story of what happened. I have been a victim of the "kid" that was first stated in this thread. You really should get to know the full story before just assuming that we are "bullying" this person. I can tell you the full story, and whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you. (I'm leaving usernames and character names out due to privacy.)

It started when two friends of mine were just sitting around on their horse characters, just talking in whisper, when this border collie pup showed up. Without asking, he tried to force his way into a non-existent RP. At that point, they had kindly told him to leave since they weren't RPing. Well, he ended up refusing. He then proceeded to control one of their characters, and when they asked him not to and told the collie they weren't taking anyone into the farm at the moment, he got angry and went "demon mode". After a while, he disconnected and everyone figured that was the end of that. Well, we were wrong. The next day, he came back and did the /same exact thing/, just with more controlling. After being told once again they weren't RPing and wasn't letting anyone onto the farm, he got angry and got nasty with the same people. He then tried blaming it on a sibling, when he disconnected and reconnected within seconds. A blatant lie, if you ask me. This is where the rumours of the bullying start. Eventually, with enough people explaining what he was doing wrong, he apologized and stopped. Once he left for the day, we thought it was over. Far from it! He came back the next day, acting like nothing had happened and that he hadn't apologized. He tried force RPing MY character this time, saying he had been picked up by an owner I hadn't even thought of yet, and that he lived there. I told him I wasn't RPing and wasn't with a farm. After some talking, he left me alone and I thought he'd finally stop. I was wrong. He tried doing the same thing again! Four times in a row. At this point, a lot of bystanders had seen what happened and knew what he was doing. He got angry with us telling him the same thing we had been telling him, and started cussing us out, calling us the B word and dropping the f-bomb, in local might I add. At one point, he tried pulling the sibling stunt again. No one bought it because he disconnected and reconnected too quickly. Eventually he apologized for swearing and said he'd never bother us again. This was just yesterday. Today, my friend (the same one who had their character RPed without permission the first time), messaged me, telling me that the same person legitimately COPIED her border collie. Markings, colours, size, name, everything. He then tried to play it off as if he didn't know, and tried changing his name many times. Later on he got on a horse and tried to force RP the same people, playing it off as if he was getting bullied for her telling him not to force RP her character.

THAT my friends, if the full and true story. Like I said, believe what you will, but MANY people have seen this happen and know the full story. Please, don't accuse others for bullying when you DO NOT know the whole story. Ask, get the other person's point of view, then decide from there. Don't go in biased like most people do.

I felt like I should jump in, though please be open to my point of view here as well.

I'm sorry for what happened to you two, people can get really nasty, huh? But that actually isn't what we're talking about. We know the difference. What we're talking about is when people bully others, specifically younger people, who actually done nothing wrong. But you went off-topic here. It's very obvious you're not bullying this person. You were handling the situation as it should because they weren't even listening...

So I don't see why you assume we're being biased?

I'm sorry if I'm going off-topic as well but I'm confused.