Author Topic: Players rude to younger players?  (Read 5067 times)

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Players rude to younger players?
« on: September 08, 2015, 01:05:18 am »
Kids are everywhere in the FeralHeart community but recently I have seen them being treated poorly by older members.

  Anyway, my point is I was walking in bonfire looking to roleplay with someone. Then all the sudden some 'Literate' people started to get bombarded by a little kid. They were saying some snarky comebacks, and being a little rude to the kid. Apparently she wanted to join in a roleplay, when they said no she started to take a little serious. But that's normal in a kid anyway. So I try stepping in, trying to handle the situation in a non-hostile way but yet they blocked the kid.

I understand their intent on blocking the kid, they were annoyed but it could've been handled without the kid's feeling's hurt & the very horrible remarks at her. I hope this can be brought to attention of the staff because I have been seeing this happen way to much and I think it needs to stop.
Let me know how you think about this, have you seen a kid get bullied by an older player?
« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 01:07:24 am by RebelEcho »

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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2015, 01:30:46 am »
I have seen it lots of times, and I can recall once when I was young and n00by being bullied by a group of older players

I was on a blue winged wolf character that I had just made, and I was very proud of the look. So I go walking along the outer "beaches" of Atlantis, sat down somewhere, and then three of four winged wolves came up to me. They were immediately all very rude to me, saying that I was a n00b and making fun of my character. They said they "owned" the area that I was in (being so young at the time I didn't know how to give the proper "this is a public map and blah blah blah" speech, and just trying to run me out.
After a while I decided to stick up for myself and gave them a pretty good comeback (if I do say so myself), and they were all like "I'm gonna report you for that, I just got a screenie!", even though I said nothing against the rules or anything.
And of course, I believed them in what they were saying about me getting in trouble, so I left. It still pains me to this day of how I could have handled the situation >.>

Here's another thing that I witnessed/somewhat experienced about a week ago; I was sitting in Ficho, just silently listening to everyone, when all the sudden a neon green dragon character comes rolling in, asking if anyone wanted to be their mate. This one person responds with something like "oh sure I have a dragon character that could become mates with your character"
Neon dragon (after not hearing the person the first time): "anyone wanna be my mate?"
Other person: "oh I guess I could"
Other person: (I assume they finally F3ed the neon dragon, because then they responded with something like this;)
Other person: "oh wait, never mind. Your character is ugly and dragons shouldn't ever be colored like that"
So I politely whispered that person, explaining to them that everyone in the game has the freedom to create their characters however they wish and that there is no "right" or "wrong" way to create a character. They ended up sending me rude whispers (nothing rude enough for me to grab a screenshot though) and it ended with them blocking me

But yeah, I agree; it's sad to see younger players get bullied by the older ones
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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2015, 02:08:39 am »
Oh boy... I've seen this way too much, maybe less than some but enough to be pretty mad at the behavior on these kinds of games sometimes.

Even I've been harassed when I was younger and literally didn't know any better. There were some points that people were patient with me, but sometimes just came out to be plain rude. The worst story I have is trying to get into a mapped roleplay, and it seems like the leader of the wolf pack in the end got impatient with how confused I was with trying to be "literate" like they were.

In the end, the packmembers swore at me and kicked me out. Only one person followed me though, and honestly I wish I could remember their username 'cause that must've been pretty brave... This was years ago, all the way back when I was like nine or ten (I'm not sure if I told them or not? I think I did?) so by now I could easily forgive, though the faint memory still makes me feel a little sad at their behavior.

Something similar happened in Flourite Plains with me, too. Very similar, ending in same result excluding the swearing. Some people in that group were actually really sweet to me, and tried to give me the chance to join the RP but sadly that was thrown out... Someone did follow me in the end too, though.

Sorry for the rambling, I like storytelling apparently. Lol. But yeah. I don't remember happenings with someone else /on this game,/ likely because I have a horrible memory or just don't interact much.

To sum up my post, yes. I am really sick of stuff like this happening... Kids are much more sensitive to this stuff (Under 13, usually, but even teenagers can be sensitive...) and it makes me sad, although we can't prevent it. But we can at least try to help, you know? It makes me smile when people are brave like that.

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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2015, 02:18:50 am »
I hope this can be brought to attention of the staff because I have been seeing this happen way to much and I think it needs to stop.
Pretty much any game like Feral Heart that you will encounter will have these situations arise at one point or another. As often as we try to put a stop to things like this, Staff can't be everywhere at once. Between handling behind-the-scenes matters, reports, and other things, we simply can't be in ten maps at once. Nonetheless, if you find yourself or another player in a situation where personal attacks, racist and/or offensive language, and bullying is being thrown around in the game, please screenshot the situation and report it to a Staff member. We don't like to see this behavior as much as anyone else does. The users who send in reports are a big help to us when it comes to making the game a better place.

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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2015, 02:30:07 am »
I have seen this happen many, many times. It makes me sad to see younger or newer players get bullied both for the way they speak and the way they look. Most of us started out like that, and we know how much of a challenge it is to get by without a bit of guidance. Players need to realize that they are dealin' with a human just like themselves behind the screen, and the hurtful things they say or do won't go without hurtin' one's feelings or worse. Arr, I agree with what's been said before me. There is nothing that can be done to completely prevent these things from happening, though lendin' a paw to the Staffers and reporting the situations as they come seem to be the best way to go.

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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2015, 03:14:22 am »
Its really a sad sight to see older players who are supposed to act as mature individuals downgrade and ridicule younger players on the game just because they're "illiterate" or "noobish" as they say. I've seen younger players get bullied on this game all too much and it really sickens me, especially because a lot of people come on this game as a little safe-haven to escape from the real world. I would know, as when I first joined this game back in 2011, I came here to escape all of my real life problems. The game actually saved my life, if you will. So it really upsets me when I see younger players and just other players and general getting bullied for their grammar, characters, and knowledge of the game.

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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2015, 06:27:53 am »
I have seen older members tend to be rude to the younger ones, but I tend to not truly be involved in those kinds of situations. I mean if they are nice to the member at first and the younger keeps persisting then it's fine if the member is blocked by them. Though if rude that's usually when I would step in to attempt helping. If the older members continue to be rude I will just drag the younger one away and help them find another group to be with. Though if it is the opposite, and the younger is rude(Which tends to lead to rowdiness and cursing) then I will tend to take a screenshot or ask for some possible assistance or.

I mean it disappoints me and bothers me when people tend to be rude to one another, but there is not much we can do about those situations then give the victim or both sides a form of advice and hope they take it. If not then they will learn with time later down the road.

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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2015, 11:11:48 am »
Unfortunately,  this is a hard truth I have observed numerous times in-game.
Particularly around Bonfire, though it is rampant everywhere.

It's almost as if creativity is no longer welcome.
Thw older members tend to strive more for realism in characters, I've noticed, so think it's their obligation to police and maybe even guide the young ones toward the same realism.
I've seen many of them be very rude to the new players in ways varying from harshly correcting grammar, to calling out an unrealistic character.

In a community where we are all supposed to be a big family that uplifts one another, seeing such behavior is quite sad to be frank. It is ok to mentor new players by kindly teaching them correct grammar or the like, and perhaps give pointers on character creation if asked, but for the most part I believe each character is unique, so bashing one's creation only reflects negatively not only on the player, but on the community.
It can also lead to a new player becoming self conscious of their character, or even lead to them leaving due to the harassment.
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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2015, 06:27:05 pm »
ugh, this has been bothering me for quite a while. it's rlly a sad show to witness some older guy ridiculing and degrading some youggin when they are supposed to the be mature players around. tbh thinking about it makes me feel sick. my 9 yr old friend comes here to play FH to get out of their harsh reality, and seeing 'mature' players destroy that for them is digusting, not to mention saddening. they have nothing better to do than to bully a young player for their realism, grammar and knowledge??? and i'm not the first to step up and confront these trolls about it, but i feel like even if you can't make a good arguement, atleast try to comfort the younger player. we all need to feel safe, especially when we've come to FH for that.

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Re: Players rude to younger players?
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2015, 06:34:04 pm »
Either I'm blind or I haven't experienced much drama in-game but I can honestly say that I've never seen this.
At least I don't think I have...
All the 'older' players I know and RP with are pretty mature and wouldn't have the audacity to treat 'younger' players as if they were beneath them.  The in-game arguments I've witnessed have had nothing to do with literateness but rather their language/behaviour towards each other about a certain subject.  
I don't know anyone who goes around telling everyone their age, but what I think you meant was 'newer member'?
And like warriorstike said, the moderators can't always be there to handle the situation.  They are not robots.  And in comparison to other roleplay games, I think FeralHeart has one of the most well-mannered, helpful communities out there.