Author Topic: Villains  (Read 2030 times)

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« on: October 22, 2015, 08:13:33 pm »
(I apologize if there is already a topic like this, though I haven't seen one on the front page.)

Everyone's got at least one.
Villainous characters.
Whether it be psychotic killers, tyrant leaders, or just the simple mischief makers; we've all got at least one character that's bad in some ways. One thing that differs about our beloved baddies, whatever the type; is how we portray them.

So, how do you make you're bad guys? Do you make them for a group? How do they interact with others? Things like that. Basically, what makes your baddie special?
Another thing I noticed quite a bit lately, is bad guys going good. For instance, a brutish marauder may grow a soft spot for cubs and starts to become kinder.

I personally have quite a few troublemakers in my character selection. Though they may not all be truly "evil," they certainly aren't the good guys. Piston is probably my most truly evil character, however, being second in command to the rival group in an old roleplay. Despite being a tough, ruthless superior; he does have quite a soft spot for his crazed, demented son, Iggy (even though he's probably even more of a bad-guy than Piston).

So, what about your villains?
« Last Edit: October 22, 2015, 08:33:01 pm by Dr.Twisted »

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Re: Villains
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2015, 08:34:55 pm »
This is a very interesting Topic...

Usually I see people going for the more dark and stereotypical characters. Bad attitude, 'gross' colours, scars/injuries and all the other more villain type characters. True, it is easy to identify, though if you were the so called 'bad guy', then why would you let your identity be obvious?

I usually create my Villain type characters using lighter colours, this gives them a nice and friendly appearance. I do, however, have something to add to the character to give them that slight appearance that they are a villain. For Example; Green/Red/Dark coloured or shaded eyes, a thick eyeliner? type look. As well as a dark marking of some sort, but nothing absolutely obvious, maybe a darker paw pad? Something along the looks of that.

In general, I would probably have one character who is totally obvious, just for fun. Otherwise, they'd look to be the good guy/girl but gets away with anything.

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Re: Villains
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2015, 08:40:34 pm »
I agree with you, Bawfle, about the whole obvious villains thing.
I feel as if there are too many of those dark "emo-ish" killers without reason. I don't mean to rant, but many of them don't even have back stories.
Anywho, I actually like my villains to look as any other of their species, for the most part. I usually throw in "crazy eyes" (dilated pupils, bloodshot, etc.) for the evil look, if anything.

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Re: Villains
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2015, 08:48:20 pm »
Tbh, most of my characters are 'evil', bad, or just angry and grumpy. I don't have too many characters I would really call a villain, though.

As for making villains, usually either they start to develop into a villain once I get ideas for a plot, or whenever a roleplay calls for it. I hate having completely "KILLZ ALL RARARAR" characters, so I try my best to either have a motive for their killing/badness/etc. or usually they have a soft spot for someone and eventually calm down.

Overall, I like making characters that seem 'bad', but they end up becoming good. I like showing that even the worst can change for the better, like in my characters Knamaka (Who went from being super power-hungry and violent to a soft and proud father) and Koldo (who went from being cold and distant towards others and attacking like, everything in sight to having to care for an orphaned child).

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Re: Villains
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2015, 09:34:51 pm »
Oh darling, the greater majority of my characters are antagonists in some way.

Honestly, I enjoy playing a Villain in a Roleplay, as all bet's are off more often then not, and I can do whatever the Hell I want so long as it's a foil to the 'Protagonist' group/person/whatever.

I used to have '100% evil nothing good about' characters way back in the day but, most of my Antagonistic characters are more..... Civilized I guess? Or they just straight up don't care and do what they do because like like to do what they do.

I make them to either be incredibly creepy in behavior or appearance, sometimes both. I typically lean towards more, well how do I put this, 'Not exactly right with the law' behavior, or something of the like.

Truly I prefer more psychological villains and ones that aren't obviously found out/have a certain style.

Rarely have my characters been 'reformed', so to speak.
one came close but then she died so oh well
then again another one was just changed from lawful evil to chaotic neutral s o

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Re: Villains
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2015, 10:23:08 pm »
I do seem to have a lot of characters like that, but it's /much/ more complicated usually since most of the time I'm just making a character with weak/different morals rather than making a straight up villain.

I'll use my Skyrim character Borvis as an example. He had a bad childhood (Of which I never went into detail about, but I have a good idea of what might've happened.), doesn't care about people's lives, hates interacting with people, only cares for his small group with the majority being animals, et cetera. But I assure you it is possible for him to get close to someone else, although it's rare.

And I may have many characters like this too. One without morals, perhaps from a bad past even if it's simply not learning things the right way or learning them at all. Strangely I always liked that kind of thing, to roleplay immoral characters and stuff yet most of the time I don't particularly enjoy making them completely evil. I like getting attached to them too, so I guess that's why I like making them messed up like that?

I don't really make actual villains a whole lot, much less roleplay them I guess. Perhaps I could make something to cause chaos, such as my Voiceless (Long story short: My version of an undead creature.) Tecechnes whom thinks in a way much different from mortal peoples. But it's not much I really make a full-on villain, if at all.

Hope I made sense, but basically it's all very "neutral-ish" for me. :x

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Re: Villains
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2015, 12:58:59 am »
Interesting topic indeed. I do have an assortment of characters, but I don't know if any of them are the villainous type.
I do have characters that have a jerky and rude personality, and some could consider them as having an evil temper. For example, I have a bobcat character named Benetaur in this family of bobcats I have created. I gave him a personality that is barbaric, crude, and impatient. In his backstory, his family refers to him as the crazy uncle/son/brother nobody wants to be around. Being a bobcat, he lives on his wild instincts to fight for territory, mates, as well as bragging rights. Even if he comes off as rude, ill-tempered, selfish, and unkind to some characters he really isn't evil. Sure he's killed a few warrior cats (as far as story goes), but he had his reasons for doing so. In the wild, any bobcat would kill a domestic cat if said cat invaded their territory, or posed any sort of threat. Even if he does have killer instincts, he still has a soft spot for his loved ones.

Another character I can think of to be somewhat of a villain, depending on how you look at her, is my manticore character, Melina. Manticores are seen as terrifying man-eating beasts. She does eat humans, so some may see that as being evil and gruesome. But to Melina it's only natural. Melina maybe a big, terrifying man-eating beast, but she's old and withering with age.


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Re: Villains
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2015, 11:54:48 pm »
My villains are very diverse, but a few stand out here.

First one is Msaliti, my elder spotted hyena. She is a clever and powerful hyena that used promise of power and imitation to take over the clan she was born in, eventually getting the old matriach killed, and becoming the new one. Her fur has a greyish tone, and her manes are a darker silver, signaling at her old age. However, Msaliti does not plan to pass away any time soon.

Another one is Elenjime. Elenjime is an angel with a canine-like body, banned to earth with his wings clipped after almost bringing heaven down to the ground after an attempt to overthrow the previous high rank. His fur has become darkened and his halo began to tilt, as he sunk further into his own anger and thoughts of revenge.

Jide isn't a particular 'villainous' character, but I decided to include her anyways. Jide is a nine tailed fox that hails from a large family. Said family was known for their way of controlling magnetic power, and were known as honored warriors and protectors of the weak. But when an enemy ambush massacred all of her family, she was left behind. Now seeking to prove herself in honor of her family, being the last one standing, she is prepared to destroy anything or kill anyone to reach that goal.

That's....Actually all I can think of right now. Sure there are others but ey.
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Re: Villains
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2015, 01:26:25 am »
Villainous characters.
psychotic killers
I have been secretly crying in the corner for this thread.


It's actually my gemsona who took the first turn to the dark side out of all the OCs I've ever made, I'm a huge sadist when it comes to fictional things. So I wanted to have an awesome character that I could watch suffer for my own pleasure, except she isn't exactly a villian.

She started out as something 'special' and was expected to be that way until.. something.. (Still am not considering releasing her to public completely) So then she finally go to Earth blah, blah, blah and became a full protagonist with a little infection of darkness inside. As time passed it began to slowly take over her and become faster and faster. It was the way she was meant to be and the anger, guilt, greed, sadness, and worry that had been stored in her for thousands of years. (Gems live forever until they get hurt and die) But she hadn't noticed yet because it was still very slow, then she met up with the CGs (Before you think she might be a bad OC it's normal in the SU fandom for your gemsona to interact with the CGs) and that was when it began to get faster. Soon it basically became half of her and she would twitch, smile, laugh, and etc at unnecessary times. But long before it became half of her she had noticed, and fought it from then on but kept it. She thought that they would consider her bad, but my gemsona had no idea it would soon basically become her. And it didn't take long for it to take over completely, where the old her is still fading and fighting.

So really she..

Antagonist --> Protagonist --> Protagonist --> Antagonist

But don't worry she'll be fine.. at least I think so.

Comment Replies:

I usually create my Villain type characters using lighter colours, this gives them a nice and friendly appearance.

Yeah, I did the same for my gemsona. My main goal was to have an eccentric, emotional nerd as a gemsona but instead of that ended up being a crazy, emotional, eccentric, weird, psycho, nerd person.. But she looks like a normal female woman.

or usually they have a soft spot for someone and eventually calm down.

Yeah, I had to make a soft spot for my gemsona otherwise it would completely ruin her. If you took the crazy part away from her she's a nice, caring, lovable, and playful person. And that's how Agate came to be! The worst part is that my gemsona may go a bit yandere over her..

Hmm...I really don't like having villain characters because it's either I don't like having a character who's being mostly threaten/disliked, or I can't play 'em properly. I have never done a villain vs good roleplay or anything with darker characters.

I'm the opposite.

Me When Trying to Make a Good Character

Me: Ok! Today we're going to work on making a friendly, innocent, and lovable wolf character.

-After having breakfast and is working on character-

Me: This guy's appearance needs some fashion sense.

-Gives a jester hat-

Me: His expression is really annoying me..

-Gives him a crying mask and makes him smile-

Me: He's a little too soft, this wolf needs a little darkness to save him!

-Makes him a psychopathic, crazy, not-used-to-be-like-this character-

Me: Wait.. wasn't he supposed to be lovable, caring, nice, and amazing..?

I used to have '100% evil nothing good about' characters way back in the day

I truly understand this..
« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 02:18:53 am by GreenXY »
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Re: Villains
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2015, 02:13:35 am »
[Accident post]
vanitas · he/they/it/fae