Author Topic: Azerus Geether/The Exclone  (Read 4777 times)

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Azerus Geether/The Exclone
« on: October 26, 2015, 10:32:25 am »
Azerus Geether

Art of Exxy (IMAGE HEAVY)

Above made by GallusVarius on dA. This is Exxy's shark form, which is specifically a thresher shark.(?)

Above made by me, Hugrf. This is a headshot of his common griffin form.

Above is an old headshot of Exxy's main form, made by me. It's awful, thus why I was reluctant to add it here. ^^' Some changes have been added overtime, such as he now has a full beard.

A picture drawn by me a while back. Shows Exxy's cat form, however it's usually a manx.

Shows Azerus' common rabbit form while he's seemingly wrestling with a cabbage. Made by me.


Yet again another old-ish one of Exxy's homotherium form, however it may have taken some changes (and he may not shift into that form very much anymore.)

Old, unfinished drawing of Exxy's common furry form. Good reference for his clothing, however.

Made by GallusVarius on dA. This is Exxy's werewolf form. (As you can see, humanoid-ish like Skyrim's werewolves.)

Made by xDragonxGirl on dA. This is Exxy in his cat form, with his friend Solara being in her dragon form.

Made by KaeDeeCubb on dA. Basically a "baby" version of Exxy in his cat form. x3

Made by GallusVarius. Somewhat older as well. There's a flying opossum though, that's good. |D

Made by KaeDeeCubb on dA. Exxy in his Swedish Vallhund form (His common dog form). He is twitching his eyeball, as you can see... A habit of his.

Made by CatWithBlueEyes on dA as a point commission. ^^

Made by GallusVarius on dA. Exxy as a thresher shark once more.

Made by GallusVarius on dA. A psychedelic version of the thresher shark form Exxy has, as the artist calls it. Made after the one below.

Made by GallusVarius on dA. The first psychedelic version of the thresher shark.

Made by KaeDeeCubb on dA. As the artist describes it, "Exxy found the fabulousity machine and... Yeah..."

Made by xDragonxGirl on dA. A picture of KaeDeeCubb's character Caroline, the artist's character Solara, and my very own Exxy in the same picture.

Made by Dashing-Grey (Same person as KaeDeeCubb) on dA. Exxy being a kitten and clinging on to his mother, Caroline, apparently.

Made by Dashing-Grey on dA. Here is what she described the scenario here:
Exxy: And I was all like YEAAHHH! And she was all like HWATTT!? And then it went all like BOOOOB! And yeah, it was cra-
Caro: You're drunk. We're going home.

Made by Dashing-Grey on dA.

Made by Dashing-Grey on dA. Exxyfeels, apparently. ^^

Thanks to a friend, I've finally made his Timelord appearance. <3 At least, the head. And yes, I know, the beard/hair is not supposed to go under the ear. Ignore that, lol.

His cat form's reference. ^_^

More drawings I made of his face. Yayy. Maybe if I combined this with the last thing I made of him, it'd be more accurate to his face.

MORE EXXY FACE. 8D Proportions are a bit off, but otherwise this is okay.

Journal doll of Exxy's cat form, made by ZzRazorClawszZ on dA. ^_^

Exxeh's cat form, made by Kynvuu.

Exxy teh catmuffin, made by TheAfrus on dA. Afrus is their forum name on here as well.

Exxy the sassy kat, made by Aclediptus on dA. I forgot their forum username, but I believe most will know whom I'm talking about. ^^

| Described as male often, however it isn't doubted that he can change that physically with his shapeshifting powers. But still. Usually male. 8I |

| Exxy, Exxeh, Ten, Azerus, The Exclone, Sexxy (thanks mom 8D) |

| I used to say it was simple, but... It's not. ;u; He's Timelord, with Timelord DNA that sticks to him outside of shapeshifting (Even messing up him, psychologically and physically). However, a main part of him is shapeshifter. |

| His actual age is predicted to be around 980 years to 1,010. He appears to be in his mid to late twenties, however, or can even appear slightly older with having been through stress. And age doesn't matter when you're immortal if ya know what I mean. ;{) I am sorry. I am very sorry. I'll see myself out. |

| Pale skin. Fluffy brown hair.. Full beard with a bit of fluffiness. Brown eyes, with his right eye having a sort of purple vein thing going on around the pupil and slowly growing. (In some forms, however, his eyes are fully purple/violet.) Dusty-red dress-shirt with a darkish brown vest and lighter colored pants. Shoes match clothing (As shown in one of the main form pictures.) Has a large amount of scars all over his body, such as one over the left side of his nose and another carved into his right cheek with a knife.

Other more visible scars include: Two marks, seemingly from a bite on his neck. One large one slashed over his chest (Is seen on his neck in some animal forms). One over his belly. Faint ones around his arms and ankles.

Because of his clone DNA as well (The one that, y'know, screws him up a little bit and makes him screech into random voids with suffering), he looks kind of like The Doctor/David Tennant. |

| PETS |
Exxy has a grey silkie bantam chicken named Flurfles, an orange tabby named Saden. |

| Azerus has befriended many over the years, for better and for worse. He's made enemies as well as friends, cared for many as well as wrecked many. (That sounds strange... Should I just say he's a bit violent too?) His closest friend currently is... Well, sadly, I am no longer sure due to complications OOC and IC. And also, even in their absence he considers many others close such as Sasha and The Doctor.

For his enemies it might turn out to be more complicated with some of them. Caden, for example, a man Exxy had known long ago, isn't enemy nor friend in his eyes but someone he'd remain cautious around as well as someone he might like to visit again. Other times he may have become enemies with a group, or a specific being who has harmed him or someone he loves. |

| LOVE |
| Over the years Azerus has loved many, and even married one named Abi. He's had different relationships, such as 'complicated' sorts that seemed to remain friendships in a way. His most recent, Nari Lokisdottir, went absent and came back, thus he doesn't know their relationship yet. But he does enjoy Nari's company, at least, and wishes to repair the damage done.

Now, he doesn't have anyone exactly. So lonely. ;U; |

| Thinks himself to be bisexual/pansexual, however he finds it rather confusing. |

| With Exxy being slightly crazy (For the lack of a better word) and that strange part of his personality he always had, he can be seen as rather awkward and weird with his bipolarness. For example he can be extremely hyper and happy in one moment, likely licking or poking someone's face, maybe throwing glitter, and in another moment he may be depressed to the point of feeling suicidal.

He can be extremely creative as well, whether it be for dark purposes or darker forms he can take on or for more happier purposes and happier forms to take on.

He's probably not afraid of challenging someone's words as well.

There's more details to that as well sometimes, with different sides occasionally showing up. However, let that be the basic summary. |

| Exxy seems to like being around children and to get along with them alright, since he has in a way adopted Sasha the furry child. However, in the past he has had some of his own, his first being named Micheal whom he raised in an arctic environment with Abi until he was four.

Micheal's whereabouts where unknown to him for years until he showed up when he had become an adult, yet sadly soon after died of an unknown disease.

His second child, Avi, whom grew at an extremely fast rate and caused Abi's death, died when she had become an adult in a mere few days. The cause of death, other than that, is unknown.

Since he has been traumatized by all this, he is unsure whether he honestly would want to have another. ...Buthe'ssolonely.;U; //brick'd//|

| His father, Igerin Geether, and his brother, Ferius Geether, are known family members. Caroline was the mother to the empty body she gave birth to, of which Igerin stole.

Igerin created Exxy and his brother in a lab experiment (Story here: and thus destroyed the whole town in the process, however tried to raise them anyway with another survivor whom was a female. This unknown woman died when the two young boys were four, and when they grew to be adults they ran off. Exxy lost his identity as Azerus for quite a while, in fact having never learned it until years after he found out he wasn't this strange man known as 'The Doctor'. Ferius thought of himself the same for a while, only learning the truth much faster than Azerus and instead made himself known as a Timelord anyway whom was named "The Phantom."

Years later Exxy met his father, yet after finding out more about the experiment and himself, and how Igerin was neglective of him as a child, he left and had even tried to (regretfully) kill him. (Although, he failed.) Azerus once met Ferius as well, but was betrayed in a fashion that made it hard for him to care despite the thoughts of how he could have gotten along with him. Ferius became allies with someone whom seemingly caused his own destruction, and is now deceased as well.

Other than that, no one else is known to exactly be related to Exxy. (Summmaarrriesss...) |

| Because of things in his past and his messed up "birth" in general, there tends to some things that pop up here and there that may be questionable...? For example, he has always suffered from a strange thing where he would randomly "shut down", with things like seizing and stuff occurring beforehand. Sometimes he'd come to blind, deaf, or anything weird going on, but it'd eventually wear off. Other times he'd awaken just fine. These moments have become more rare, thankfully, although they could still happen at any moment. They were once called "experiment-fails."

There may be mental disorders as well, such as a sort of PTSD, and other strange things such as, in the past, voices in his head and strange beliefs, and now, a little bit of bipolarness. (Not exactly Bipolar Disorder, though, I don't think.) |

| Not much is known of Exxy's backstory other than him protecting his brother, likely until his late teens. He remembers a bit of him thinking of himself as The Doctor for a bit of time as well, and all that after that which has led up to now 'course. However sometimes, he manages to remember some of his childhood, and him slowly losing his idenity to become a man named Alexander as well as after that, others he had made up. Sort of like DID/MPD. |

RED - Perfect Life

Athlete - Rubik's Cube

Flogging Molly - Seven Deadly Sins
^ Sorreh, I had to. <3

More may be added later! Also, sorry for the weird descriptions. |D
« Last Edit: June 23, 2016, 04:40:44 pm by hugrf2 »

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Re: Azerus Geether/The Exclone
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2015, 12:23:06 pm »
Okay, I'm done yew cheeky little durps. |D

Anyway, this is a remake of the bio I made for Exxy a long time ago. I decided to redo it instead of updating because I'm too lazy to. Logic. so here you go! ^^ I was planning on making it for a long time, but now I've gotten back into roleplaying him so I suppose it's time.

Hope you enjoy reading that huge wall of text and carpie carp. I'll likely update more later, but for now I'll keep this post as a saved space maybe and let this be done finally.


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Re: Azerus Geether/The Exclone
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2015, 08:17:56 pm »
What an interesting character! I really enjoyed reading about him. Very detailed. c: Great job +floof

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Re: Azerus Geether/The Exclone
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2015, 10:41:46 pm »
Why thank you, here I was afraid that people wouldn't like the update ^^' Again, your comment is appreciated!

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Re: Azerus Geether/The Exclone
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2016, 01:14:28 am »
Ahh, sorry for the double post, and the bumpy-ness... Even if I update again, I'll won't triple-post.

But anyway, yeah, updated! I kinda changed him a bit, added in some more stuff to make his story make sense, also added disorder/disability stuff.

Also changed Solleh's name, since she recently changed the character's last name. That's basically it, though. ^^

Looking back on this, though... Hrng, I hope I didn't make him out to be too sad.

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Re: Azerus Geether/The Exclone
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2016, 07:41:43 am »
Ooooh! A sharky!!!!
Would love to meet this fella in-game, he sounds awesome. <33

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Re: Azerus Geether/The Exclone
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2016, 03:57:24 am »
Whoopsie daisies I'm inactive on the FH forum, apparently. Thanks, though, Shurtle! If you ever want to roleplay or somethin', feel free to ask.~ I really miss rping Exxeh with my group. What do you mean by "sharky" though? Just curious.

By the way, I changed some minor things.

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Re: Azerus Geether/The Exclone
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2016, 04:03:18 pm »
Your charrie is very interesting indeed. I love all the different forms. And the bio is very well written. (:

Siggy and avi by me. PM me if you need anything, friends.

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Re: Azerus Geether/The Exclone
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2016, 06:40:06 pm »
Very interesting character and lovely biography!
artwork by dehvina

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Re: Azerus Geether/The Exclone
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2016, 05:51:45 am »
Your charrie is very interesting indeed. I love all the different forms. And the bio is very well written. (:

Thank you, I'm so glad you think so! ;_;

Very interesting character and lovely biography!

Danke! <33

Anyway, replying now because I just edited some stuff a little bit, like what happened with his father and stoof, other things, and an old thing his mom (OOCly mainly) used to call him. Nostalgia. cB

I also added a few things too, like his age and a little bit more backstory I had decided for him.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 06:11:56 am by Hugrf »