Author Topic: ~|l| Zeraphim's Journal ~|l|~ - [Day 5 Released!]  (Read 2357 times)

Offline wolflinklove

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~|l| Zeraphim's Journal ~|l|~ - [Day 5 Released!]
« on: November 07, 2015, 02:00:46 am »
Zeraphim's Journal of Mysteries

Day 1 - Mysterious lands

I honestly have no idea where I've traveled to, today it appears to be some sort of plains with -- oddly enough -- domestic cats running around. This is the first I've ever seen cats free without humans. This place appears booming with buisness, clearly a lot of trading I believe goes down at this bridge that seems to be of stone which the locals call it, Stone Bridge. Lots of groups seem to run the area, large ones appear to just commonly chat among the locals - I wonder what lands they come from. This morning though I seem to have found one of my good friends supprisingly among the large crowd. I'm curious as to where all these other... creatures come from. Some appear to be similar to winged wolves but yet I can't seem to place my paw on what possible species they are... It's odd on how many new species I seem to find there these days. Apart from the hussle and bussle of the Bridge life there seems to be rather peaceful and serene group camps placed around the area, rarely do I see any form of bloodshed in the area. The birds around there always seem to sing out wonderful melodies, I should stick around those small woodlands more. The packs here though do seem to run their packs completely differently then those of my home lands, their leader appears to be called the Alpha while with the packs I grew up with they were called the King and along side the King they had their mate, the Queen. Some of these packs do have their strange ways, I wonder what it's like to live among them for your whole life! It's astonishing on how some of these packs survive by sticking in one place and managing on taking down the deer there! I do still wonder about my home land though, I wonder how it's like back there, how the King and the Queen are doing. Myself, of course, I was the Royal Messenger for the Lord and the Lady, I was rather shocked at the fact they wanted me to leave my home land to explore new places. Though, I must admit, the nights these days have been rather rough, 'tis rather hard to control myself at night with the fact I appear to get rather... murderous... at night fall. I've been sent out at night for who knows how many times but yet I always manage to make my way back there some how. Even when I go through the Forest Of Confusion I always find the gates of our kingdom. I really do question what I do at nightfall being that I barely remember anything, mostly just the slaughtering of other wolves that I stumble across at night. I've been rather worried though, I fear that I might have to do something to get rid of this family bloodline. My father and mother though, they were both the Lady and the Lord's head guards, clearly trusted among the royals. I fear that this "ability" might get in the way of me returning home but sadly I do not even know of the time I might be able to go home, maybe if this keeps it up then I probably wont head back home any time soon. What could happen to the kingdom while I'm gone? Could there possibly be a war happening with the neighboring kingdoms? I know the King would not allow such a thing to happen if I'm not there. I hope they try their best to avoid any and all wars while I'm off on the King's orders.

~Zeraphim - 11/6/15

Day 2 - Serious Questions

Lately I've been worried about my hometown, It has been quite some time since I last got any news on how they're doing and if they're still living fine without me there for the time being. I know I should not be stressing about this anymore then I should be but to be honest, hearing nothing new from the kingdom has me rather worried... Maybe a bandit raid had taken out their mail system. Yeah, that sounds about right on why they couldn't seem to get anything to me. Though, the thought of going back to my home in flames terrifies me. I might have to disobey the King's orders at some point because of all this stress. I just hope no assassins have made it into their court. But, on the other hand, I have made quite the lot of new friends, plenty to be exact. Whenever I check up on the Stone Bridge it appears at least one that knows of me comes over and chats with me for awhile before they head off with their group. I might be stressed slightly about my home but chatting lately seems to take my mind off of it for a bit. It'll just break the images of the kingdom in flames from my mind and switch to much... nicer things instead of thinking of assassins or bandits. I hope I'll be called back soon, it seriously bothers me to think of such things. The Lord and the Lady were such nice people, I wouldn't think anything bad of them even though my little issue at nightfall causes a rather large scene if I'm still in town at night. I really mean no harm at night but my thoughts seem to just be blocked by my actions recently. I hope this condition will hurry up and go away, I might have to visit or find some shaman to see if it's some weird curse. I surely hope not. I mean... I know I did kill a few harmless townsfolk once or twice but when you have no control over your actions it's really difficult to even stay away from the town. All those beating hearts just draw me towards them. I wonder what the townsfolk think of me at night. Do they see me as an insane monster that was let in by the court? Maybe they just seem terrified at the thought of me killing them. I really don't want to kill the civilians but my actions speak louder then my thoughts I guess. I have no control over it. Perhaps over time while I spend my time in plains I will gain power over it and regain my normal thoughts back since at nightfall my thoughts are shortened a lot whenever my bloodlust grows to be unbearable. Slaughtering the deer and rabbits before hand do not even seem to help one bit. The sounds of the heart beats of the other wolves... They just tell me to go over and stop that loud, obnoxious noise, no matter what my brain will think I just head towards that loud, unbearble sound while my muscles are screaming to stop. I wish this thing would just stop and go away. Maybe it is a curse, set upon me when I was just a meer pup. I was told I was always wandering near the shadey people of the town, the ones who do curses quite often on the enemies. I'll have some serious questions to ask my family when I am able to return home or even if my home has not yet been burnt to the ground...

~Zeraphim 11/15/15

Day 3 - Remembering Older Times

Considering the fact I've been lost in thought about my home town lately, I've been reflecting on all those times I wandered back to the town at nightfall, all the terror I seen on their faces before the bloody demise. It scares me... I wonder if the King sent me here just to recover from all the mudering I've done! I honestly didn't mean it at all, as I stated before, I have no control over myself at night... It's rather difficult to prove that I have no control at night. I recall I've even set fire to a few houses once at night to get rid of that...annoying, heart beat! Their heart beats are louder and mostly more obnoxious then anything I've delt with in my whole life! I wish they'd just fall silent! I'd hate to think that's why the King sent me away. I might just have to head back soon and storm right up to the Lady and the Lord and question them as to why they sent me away. I should head back right now. I cannot stand being in these plains any longer. It feels like a cage keeping me from my duties. I know I'd probably be scolded and stripped of my high-status rank but c'mon! It is not worth it being away for any longer! I could be the General leading them into war if the King wasn't so bloody stuborn. The royal court just needs to get off their royal stubbornness and knock this off. ...Though, I do remember this vivid memory... Here, I'll write it down;

The King was quietly sitting down on his royal chair, chatting with the Steward before I walked up, dipping my head in respect to the King. He simply just glared at me, as if I was a peasent in his precense. I simply brushed it off and began with my report, "Sir, the borders are safe. There are no bandits, or neighboring Kingdom spies about. But... If I could speak to you in private about this trip you've told me about once or twice?" The King nodded and got up from his fancy chair, I wish he'd stop his acting on how he was scared of me and just be honest. He had opened his mouth to start speaking as he led me away from the hussle and bussle of the main hall, he stopped and looked at me, "This trip is to hopefully clear your muders from nightfall. I'd hate to say it but you've got the whole town deathly afraid of you." I let out a sigh, 'Great, just what I wanted to hear. Something I already know of.' I cleared my throat slightly before speaking, "But sir, I cannot control myself at all. I've told you this numerous times. Their heart beats... They're obnoxiously loud! I cannot do anything about it! I've sent myself through the Forest of Confusion and managed to find myself back! I do not know what you expect me to do when I can only follow the sounds of heart beats!" My voice was raising the more I spoke now, I knew it was disrespectful to yell at the royals but he cannot expect me to just get this "issue" fixed in one night!

That's all I can remember of that time... Such high tensions. That's it, I've decided, I'm disobeying the King's orders and heading back by tomorrow morning. I cannot handle such stress about the thought of being away any longer. If he banishes me then so be it, he'll just have a whole dead town, burning in flames to answer to. If I kill him and the Lady too, then so be it. They do not deserve to live any longer.

~Zeraphim 11/19/15

Day 4 - Nightmares Come True

Well, after who knows how long I've been away from the Kingdom it seems like the place fell apart once I left. In the day, the Townsfolk go around pointing fingers at others claiming them behind the recent murders. They all knew when I was here not only did I kill others but I did keep the other possible killers at bay but being that I had left by the King's Orders they've gone around killing everyone and leaving notes. At night, that's when it really falls apart, I've managed to keep myself under control at night but now I notice the somewhat trained creatures running around the town, sneaking into houses with slips of paper and a knife then a few moments later they come out of their entrance, knife bloody and a small smirk on their face. I'm worried about the King aswell, he has gone somewhat insane with a disappearance of the Royal Guard and then the recent murders on top of that. I'm surprised he hasn't kicked the bucket with all this stress. I had went and spoke with him the day I returned, he just about slit my throat asking me questions that most likely related to all the murders. I know it pains him to see his people being killed but they've started to Lynch the other townsfolk that they think are guilty for such things. The ones who are lynched cannot say a word since they have no evidence to defend themselves. This town has lost it while I was gone and the Lord is not doing a single thing, just scaring the Lady and their new child to death about his insane ramblings on how I never left and I was killing everyone, leading a group of murders too. I fear that I might be sent to jail soon and possibly executed. I may not have been gone long but I am not the mastermind behind these recent few murders that have happened while I was away. I have the order papers to prove so... You must believe me... I cannot dare think of what might happen if I get killed. Sure, these townsfolk are scared for the lives not knowing who will die next but I'll be patrolling the streets at night, trying my best to not kill anyone except for the murderers. If that fails I will tell the king to have me executed just to prove it was not me who was behind the murders... I might not wish to die but if it clears my name it would have to be done at one time or another. At least I would know it was for the sake of the town...

~Zeraphim 11/25/15

Day 5 - It All Falls Apart

I'm seriously worried about everyone. The houses of the towns folk have been lit on fire by others saying they've murdered the others in town. The Lord has lynched himself for some unknown reason, The lady and her child ran away from the town to find a much more calmer place. ...Others are walking my way... I know it's dawn but I can notice that a small bit of a sharp, silvery object is glinting in the faint sunlight... I have not a single clue on who's scent that is. Perhaps it's a new townsfolk coming to sit with me under this lovely oak tree in this forest of confusion while I write these silly journals. ...Wait... That one creature has started to pick up their pace... They're almost running towards me. They must be wounded being that there's a slight limp in they're step. The object they're carrying is pointed directly at me. I can faintly see the fire growing larger and larger behind them as they slowly run towards me, slightly limping as the sun rose too. Wait... Is that the trusted royal guard? I can see the crest on his chest plate! That guy's insane-- I-- (The page is torn off, a bit of blood splatters some of the writing. You can make out a letter clearly not written by Zera himself. All that is there is "H".)

Oh geez... Zera's figured out the mastermind but who's blood is splattered on the page? The Royal Guard or Zeraphim's? This part I shall leave up to ye guys to see who'll live and who'll die! Zeraphim's fate lies in y'er hands....

P.S. - I'll no longer be puttin' Update posts on! I'll simply put the Day released in the title. Hope ye all enjoy! Once ye guys decide Zera's fate I'll put up a Part 2 Thread o' Zera's Journal. I also 'ave a group made up around this story line! Also, again, sorry f'er the smaller journal entry again. But, I shall give ye a hint on who this mysterious "H" person is. It is, sadly, one of Zeraphim's older brothers. Zera's got two older brothers, FYI.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 01:21:05 am by ~Wolfer~ »

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Re: ~|l| Zeraphim's Journal ~|l|~
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2015, 10:54:16 pm »
Its a great topic I don't know about other people but I think it would be a fun Rp I would do it ;)
We are all perfectly imperfect don't let anyone decide who you should be just be yourself if someone calls you a mistake thats ok cause none of us are perfect


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Re: ~|l| Zeraphim's Journal ~|l|~
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2015, 02:14:11 am »
This is a beautiful journal. You give out very detailed points and make everything so interesting. :O I'll be watching.

Offline wolflinklove

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Re: ~|l| Zeraphim's Journal ~|l|~
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2015, 12:59:53 am »
Update! Day 2 is now up! A group revolvin' around this story may be started soon!

@Preach - Heh, thanks! I try my best bein' that this is my first story I've enjoyed typin' up. c:

@Hannah/Joy - I plan to make it into an Rp maybe soon. I'm not too sure, it depends really if I can manage to get floofs to join and read the story. c:
« Last Edit: November 16, 2015, 01:02:22 am by ~Wolfer~ »

Offline wolflinklove

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Re: ~|l| Zeraphim's Journal ~|l|~
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2015, 01:34:08 am »
Update! Day 3 has been released! A group shall be made once I type up Day 4!