Author Topic: Information Thread Regarding Server Inactivity And Recent Events  (Read 106012 times)

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Re: Information Thread Regarding Server Inactivity And Recent Events
« Reply #60 on: December 03, 2015, 09:23:45 pm »
I understand how Cereal Soup and Moonrise are concerned about their game, and I do not blame them for such. However, I do not understand the whole idea of starting an argument within the FeralHeart threads. Staff has never claimed that these games were even involved with the whole event, however it was a statement by the so-called hackers to stirr up some drama.
At the moment, you're giving them what they want.
You're not making yourself looking any better by causing drama here, rather the opposite. - I doubt you're the only staff who have ever been receiving death threats.

It's not that we're just getting death threats. We're getting death threats SPECIFICALLY from FH users. If CS users were sending death threats to FH staff I would be on it in a heartbeat and not making threads about ' Well GUYS we just don't know the truth : - ) ?!?!! '

And now we all should be sorry and focus on how you guys were the targets just because we've gotten supportive messages.
Red you know well enough that that is not what I'm trying to do lol?!?! I'd like it if you would provide YOUR users with comfort that we're not attacking you. And I'd like me and Moon to be provided with IP's since that's information that you have that we don't. We were told you guys would provide it when you had it- so if you're at the point that you've opened up your server again, you must have account names, emails, anything.

Like I said before, if CS was hacked and they pinned this one on you guys- I would have IP's and names for you right away. You're taking your sweet time handing us anything so that I can look over my account database for any similar info. And since your users are concerned about the security of their accounts which is a SERIOUS deal- you should not be tossing guesses into the air.

You're being very rude and childish about a matter that could easily be addressed and talked about. We have no guesses thrown in thin air here and that's the reason why things has been worded the way they have. You should really consider excusing for this kind of behavior, and you're still going at it here in the comment section even though being kindly asked to settle down.

Just look at your posts for a bit and see what has been said. I will not involve myself with this sort of junk posting no further since I've been very clear. Do PM staff from now on regarding this.

Any more replies will be deleted if they continue to nudge about this here in this manner and I might have to restrict posting from the account if you insist on not reading these basic lines of text.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 09:25:20 pm by Red »
Former community manager of FeralHeart

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Re: Information Thread Regarding Server Inactivity And Recent Events
« Reply #61 on: December 03, 2015, 09:40:57 pm »
I understand how Cereal Soup and Moonrise are concerned about their game, and I do not blame them for such. However, I do not understand the whole idea of starting an argument within the FeralHeart threads. Staff has never claimed that these games were even involved with the whole event, however it was a statement by the so-called hackers to stirr up some drama.
At the moment, you're giving them what they want.
You're not making yourself looking any better by causing drama here, rather the opposite. - I doubt you're the only staff who have ever been receiving death threats.

It's not that we're just getting death threats. We're getting death threats SPECIFICALLY from FH users. If CS users were sending death threats to FH staff I would be on it in a heartbeat and not making threads about ' Well GUYS we just don't know the truth : - ) ?!?!! '

I, f'er one, am truly sorry f'er what has gone on b'tween y'er groups and the death threats from members. But let us remember what started all of this-members who were being quite immature and decided to put on a show and drag, sadfully, ye all into this horrible mess. There will always be immaturity 'round, and there is no way 'round it. The death threats from FH members are most likely more immature young kids who don't know when 'tis time to end it. Ye all cannot blame the staff f'er these death threats, as they had no part in it.

Adding more negative posts will just please this sect of people that started it all in the first place. We all must stick t'gether when things like this come 'round. Red does 'ave a right to keep the thread neutral, as 'tis not an opinion that is being stated. Yes, I'm quite sure that ye had nothing to do with it, but if ye were to think of it legally, one is not considered innocent until the whole matter is resolved and all the facts are laid out.

Do try to keep this thread peaceful. If ye do wish to speak more 'bout this, message Red as he stated b'fore. Making this a public matter will only let the ones responsible feed off this.

I don't want this to pull communities apart. We should be sticking t'gether through this, as we are all in this t'gether.

i'm sorry dude im truly sorry but i can't read anything ur trying to say to me please

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Re: Information Thread Regarding Server Inactivity And Recent Events
« Reply #62 on: December 03, 2015, 09:45:46 pm »
I understand how Cereal Soup and Moonrise are concerned about their game, and I do not blame them for such. However, I do not understand the whole idea of starting an argument within the FeralHeart threads. Staff has never claimed that these games were even involved with the whole event, however it was a statement by the so-called hackers to stirr up some drama.
At the moment, you're giving them what they want.
You're not making yourself looking any better by causing drama here, rather the opposite. - I doubt you're the only staff who have ever been receiving death threats.

It's not that we're just getting death threats. We're getting death threats SPECIFICALLY from FH users. If CS users were sending death threats to FH staff I would be on it in a heartbeat and not making threads about ' Well GUYS we just don't know the truth : - ) ?!?!! '

I, f'er one, am truly sorry f'er what has gone on b'tween y'er groups and the death threats from members. But let us remember what started all of this-members who were being quite immature and decided to put on a show and drag, sadfully, ye all into this horrible mess. There will always be immaturity 'round, and there is no way 'round it. The death threats from FH members are most likely more immature young kids who don't know when 'tis time to end it. Ye all cannot blame the staff f'er these death threats, as they had no part in it.

Adding more negative posts will just please this sect of people that started it all in the first place. We all must stick t'gether when things like this come 'round. Red does 'ave a right to keep the thread neutral, as 'tis not an opinion that is being stated. Yes, I'm quite sure that ye had nothing to do with it, but if ye were to think of it legally, one is not considered innocent until the whole matter is resolved and all the facts are laid out.

Do try to keep this thread peaceful. If ye do wish to speak more 'bout this, message Red as he stated b'fore. Making this a public matter will only let the ones responsible feed off this.

I don't want this to pull communities apart. We should be sticking t'gether through this, as we are all in this t'gether.

i'm sorry dude im truly sorry but i can't read anything ur trying to say to me please

I, for one, am truly sorry for what has gone on between your groups and the death threats from members. But let us remember what started all of this-members who were being quite immature and decided to put on a show and drag, sadfully, you all into this horrible mess. There will always be immaturity around, and there is no way around it. The death threats from FH members are most likely more immature young kids who don't know when it is time to end it. You all cannot blame the staff f'er these death threats, as they had no part in it.

Adding more negative posts will just please this sect of people that started it all in the first place. We all must stick together when things like this come around. Red does have a right to keep the thread neutral, as it is not an opinion that is being stated. Yes, I'm quite sure that you had nothing to do with it, but if you were to think of it legally, one is not considered innocent until the whole matter is resolved and all the facts are laid out.

Do try to keep this thread peaceful. If you do wish to speak more about this, message Red as he stated before. Making this a public matter will only let the ones responsible feed off this.

I don't want this to pull communities apart. We should be sticking together through this, as we are all in this together.

Sorry, I am used to typing like that. I have edited it for your benefit, removing all text code as well.

Tmw you planned a ten minute nap but instead took a whole year.
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Re: Information Thread Regarding Server Inactivity And Recent Events
« Reply #63 on: December 03, 2015, 09:48:20 pm »
" No one is praising FH anymore and speaking way 2 much truth so i lock thred : - ( "
If you're really so oblivious as to whether or not MR and CS are involved- just zip it up : - )
That's enough of the attitude. If we see any more disrespect and rude behaviorto any users (including staff), action will be taken against the individuals who do this.
Straighten up. You're better than that. And don't pull the "Oh they just can't handle criticism" card. You know you're being sassy, and you're not going to make us want to help your cause if you give us the middle finger while you ask for it. Knock it off.

Now, as for those who are worried and have been attacked in because you are part of CerealSoup or Moonrise...
Right now, FH was majorly hacked less than a week ago. We're in the investigation phase, and it's Raz that's been busy juggling work and whatnot to do the vast majority of it. We can only do so much without his help, but even still we have come leaps and bounds to get ourselves back onto our feet. It's easier said than done, as I'm sure you understand. We implore you for patience in this. I apologize in behalf of our staff if we cannot provide you all of the information you desire.

However, FeralHeart's website is for FeralHeart, at large. We are not FH and CS/MR/IT servers. We will first set our own matters straight, in the same way a city that just suffered a crisis will make sure it's got its orders in line before reaching outside of its boundaries. As much as we do care about other communities, FH and its staff currently have a lot to juggle, and our own priorities (like making sure hackers and DDoSers aren't still coming after us) do take precedent. We expect these communities would do the same. However, this isn't my point.

You are asking for an official statement of CS and MR's innocence with regards to the hacking.
However.. We cannot know this, not yet. There is more investigation that needs to happen. As someone stated, we could make a "They're innocent!" post, and then turn around on our word if we find proof that they were indeed guilty. However, FH is not here to play the finger-pointing game. And if CS and MR are indeed innocent (as they probably are), you should have nothing to worry about, even if people question you. A single post on our website will not sway the hearts of those who are sending you death threats.
I myself would know.. Many of our staff have received death threats, sometimes to the group, sometimes to individuals. Some of our staff have even received graphic rape threats, myself included (yes, seriously, and it's not an unusual thing). I'm so sorry to hear that you all have also been attacked. No one deserves that sort of abuse, anywhere, even if it's online.
This isn't a game of "Who has it worse??" or some sort of "Suffering Olympics," though. We're here for our games and communities in the end, and the extra hoops we jump through are just part of the package at times, just like you guys are trying to help what you care about.

Nor can we confirm or deny these sites/games involvement, and it doesn't make them more or less likely to have been involved with the "hacking", we'd appreciate it if you users understand this.
^That's from our original thread regarding these matters, and specifically the involvement (or lack thereof) with other games.
Simply put, we do not want to confuse anything by posting information we don't know for certain. We highly doubt any entire game has decided to attack anyone; Rather, a group of disgruntled users hiding somewhere, perhaps involved in all of communities. We cannot know, even if you can see IPs and so on. There's more to it, and we do not have a record of every IP match (or lack of a match) to every single individual on every game and their staff teams. Do not pretend to know more than you do--for we're doing everything in our power to pinpoint the real troublemakers, and to neutralize them when the time comes. But we can't act too early.

Call us vague if you wish, but we're doing what will be best for the game in the long run--and not acting on anything until we're certain of it. Your innocence will come to light in its due time, and we will not blame you or anyone until we have the whole matter traced in its entirety--and even then, we aren't here to play the blame-game.

We really hope that the trolls and harassers will be removed from your communities, soon, though. It hurts to see anyone get attacked over.. Well, games. It's petty at the least. It seems like many games outside of us have been under fire since this, too, but time, patience, and resilience on the part of its communities and staff will bring things to light in their due time.

We can't fulfill your request right now, @Blackmail, Skulleh, etc. We can only implore you for patience from where we stand right now, less than a week away from very major events. We're human, too, and we can't see everything as clearly and as quickly as we want to.

Please PM me if you have any further questions or concerns.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 10:08:27 pm by WhiteLightHeart »
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Offline blackmailchan

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Re: Information Thread Regarding Server Inactivity And Recent Events
« Reply #64 on: December 03, 2015, 09:52:06 pm »
Now, as for those who are worried and have been attacked in behalf of CerealSoup and Moonrise...
Right now, FH was majorly hacked less than a week ago. We're in the investigation phase, and it's Raz that's been busy juggling work and whatnot to do the vast majority of it. We can only do so much without his help, but even still we have come leaps and bounds to get ourselves back onto our feet. It's easier said than done, as I'm sure you understand. We implore you for patience in this. I apologize in behalf of our staff if we cannot provide you all of the information you desire.

why would u even say this?!?!?

"we're not trying to play the blame game " you just legit said this. YOU said this.

FH is real spooky today

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Re: Information Thread Regarding Server Inactivity And Recent Events
« Reply #65 on: December 03, 2015, 10:04:30 pm »
Now, as for those who are worried and have been attacked in behalf of CerealSoup and Moonrise...
Right now, FH was majorly hacked less than a week ago. We're in the investigation phase, and it's Raz that's been busy juggling work and whatnot to do the vast majority of it. We can only do so much without his help, but even still we have come leaps and bounds to get ourselves back onto our feet. It's easier said than done, as I'm sure you understand. We implore you for patience in this. I apologize in behalf of our staff if we cannot provide you all of the information you desire.

why would u even say this?!?!?

"we're not trying to play the blame game " you just legit said this. YOU said this.

FH is real spooky today
I think that came across wrong, Blackmail. Let me rephrase~

" for those who have been attacked on behalf of CS and MR..."
"If you have been attacked because you're involved with CS and MR... Look here."

No one has been blamed. If it's any consolation, I went back and reworded my post, too, just so no one else gets confused by it.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 10:08:55 pm by WhiteLightHeart »
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Re: Information Thread Regarding Server Inactivity And Recent Events
« Reply #66 on: December 03, 2015, 10:12:27 pm »
I mean absolutely no offensive to Kovu when I say this but what was the reason that he did not give the Mods the Source code in order to properly update the game?
Not just update it when it comes to graphic and or glitches but when it comes to situations like this as well? This has always baffled me because it seems completely stupid that it wasn't given to the Mods so they could make updates easier.
   I love Feral Heart just as much as the next person in fact roleplaying is my life and I don't know what I'd without my characters. But I feel like if something big isn't done then there will not be Feral Heart. First with General shutting down and now with the servers like this even though it is temporary until a problem is found has driven a significant amount of people away. The servers used to go over 300/400 and those numbers have dropped. Newer games like Feral Heart coming out have better security updates because the Source Code is still in THEIR hands. Without drastic updates how will the game keep its self safe if something major happens?
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 10:16:37 pm by JustABrilliantMind »

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Re: Information Thread Regarding Server Inactivity And Recent Events
« Reply #67 on: December 03, 2015, 10:15:08 pm »
I mean absolutely no offensive to Kovu when I say this but what was the reason that he did not give the Mods the Source code in order to properly update the game?
Not just update it when it comes to graphic and or glitches but when it comes to situations like this as well? This has always baffled me because it seems completely stupid that it wasn't given to the Mods so they could make updates easier.

A very good question indeed. I think he just didn't want anyone taking the source code and making more servers like FH, like they did with IT. But that is just what I think the reason was. Apologies if I am incorrect.

Tmw you planned a ten minute nap but instead took a whole year.
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Re: Information Thread Regarding Server Inactivity And Recent Events
« Reply #68 on: December 03, 2015, 10:16:57 pm »
I mean absolutely no offensive to Kovu when I say this but what was the reason that he did not give the Mods the Source code in order to properly update the game?
Not just update it when it comes to graphic and or glitches but when it comes to situations like this as well? This has always baffled me because it seems completely stupid that it wasn't given to the Mods so they could make updates easier.
That's the question we've been battling for almost four years, I'm afraid. As far as we knew, he'd been the only one with the source code until now. He won't speak with us, no matter how often we attempt to reach out to him. He never stated that he wanted to game to be shut down, either, so we're just kind of left to maintain what we can, you know?

That may be biggest question we've ever had about the game. o: Maybe someday we'll have an answer, and hopefully from him, himself. We're always wanting to hear back from him.
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Re: Information Thread Regarding Server Inactivity And Recent Events
« Reply #69 on: December 03, 2015, 10:18:44 pm »
Question, for the "stretched out characters" being kicked/ban. I'm not 100% sure what you mean by that. Do you mean names, or as the character you are on, like the size of it made max out ect. Could someone please give me a bit more detail on this?

Thank you ^.^