Author Topic: The Residents of Inferno Park!  (Read 11515 times)

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The Residents of Inferno Park!
« on: February 07, 2016, 07:00:30 pm »
Fire's Characters

hello! i see you have encountered my character list! these are the residents of an island called inferno park. also known as: my main characters.

a few things real quick: i age my characters as if they were human. also, their backstories are in my personal canon feral heart worlds (found here)

Fire of The Inferno's Call

Fire, a red wolf with a kind heart.

Name/Nicknames: Fire, Fi, Kasa

Gender: Female

Age: 13 Years

Species: Wolf

Group: The Residents of Inferno Park

Ranked as: Resident of Inferno Park & Member of The Inferno's Call

Detailed Description:
Fire has silky, fire-red fur. She has stripes on all four legs that stop about midway; With nine in total. There are four big stripes, and five small ones that wrap around the big ones. Her face has spots all over, minus the ears and muzzle. Two of these spots, located right above her eyes, are bigger than the rest by two times. Fire's tail has three black circles on the top of it, with a reddish-brown color in the middle of them. The one at the base of her tail is smaller than the rest. Her tail-tip is black, as well as around her eyes. Fire's eyes are a very light blue.

Fire has a long black mane that covers her right eye, preventing her to see through it from how thick it is. Her mane is also very messy, and there's a section of it on her back. The fur in her ears are gray, and her nose and paw-pads are the same color. The inside of her mouth and tongue are redder than normal, colored the same way her fur was.

Fire has the Inferno's Call band; A red band made by Laila.

Fire is a very Kind wolf. She is always helping those in need. She is also very Adventurous, and loves exploring to an extent. Fire is a Calm wolf, and doesn't get angry easily. She is Quiet around strangers, but very Hyper towards those she knows.

But, Fire happens to be a Coward. She hates getting into fights, and will turn tail if possible. She is also very Naive, and can be easily tricked. Fire is also Autistic, meaning she doesn't work well in large crowds or anything else around strangers. Being Autistic means she can also solve puzzles quicker than others.

Fire was born in a wolf pack, both her parents being proud Fighters. Something had went wrong when she was born, and said problem caused her to be an only child, and born fire-red. As she grew, she was made fun of for her fiery fur and earning the nickname Fire. When she reached normal Apprentice age, she was unable to be taken under a Trainer's wing due to her inability to hunt effectively and her cowardly nature.

A few years after she was supposed to have been trained, Fire was exploring on her own when something had caught her eye. Said something was a World Portal. Fire heard about them from another wolf, but she had thought they were a myth. She had been curious and touched the World Portal, and suddenly appeared on sand with many other creatures nearby (it's the Cape). Fire ran from the creatures, scared, and found another Portal (old Fluorite). She quickly touched it, ran away from more creatures in a more grassy place, and ended up in a cave, tired and in shock.

Resting there for the night, Fire was awoken by a soft but intimidating voice. She opened her eyes to a black cat with a white tail-tip, and violet eyes. Fire backed to the wall of the cave, and said cat apologized for scaring her. The cat introduced herself as Faraji, a cat who was trying to escape her old home. Fire asked if they could stay together for a while, to which Faraji agreed.

A year passed with the two surviving in the Worlds, until they accidentally ran into a brown wolf one day. The wolf was surprised, and apologized quickly. She had been about to leave, but Fire asked her name. The wolf replied "Laila", and that she was just trying to find a friend. Faraji had denied, but Fire agreed immediately. Laila, excited, gave them the ability to travel to her home, and there it was the three lived together, unaware they would soon have six others joining them. They dubbed the world "Inferno Park", and named themselves "The Inferno's Call".

Fire, the flame, Faraji, the smoke, and Laila, the earth.

Friends: Faraji, Laila, Ashen, Ashleaf, Emerl, Naoma, EmberFlower, and Avis.

Enemies: Anyone who has bullied her in the past, and bullies in general.

Fun Facts: If Fire had been born a normal wolf, she would have been auburn-colored. Faraji is slowly teaching her how to fight. Fire is terrified of thunder/lightning and bees. Fire's actual name is Kasa. Fire is right-pawed. "Kasa" comes from "Kasai", the Japanese word for fire. Fire will often act like a cat, due to Faraji's half-raising her.

Faraji of The Inferno's Call

Faraji, a Bombay cat with a kind but cautious heart.

Name/Nicknames: Faraji, Fara, Faraway (try not to call her that, it may end up in a clawed face!)

Gender: Female

Age: 15 Years

Species: Bombay Cat

Group: The Residents of Inferno Park

Ranked as: Resident of Inferno Park & Member of The Inferno's Call

Detailed Description:
Faraji is a pure black cat with a white tail-tip. Her eyes are a violet color. Faraji has an x-shaped scar on her left shoulder from a fight seen in her backstory. Her belly is gray, same with the inside of her ears. Faraji has a short brown mane.

Faraji's nose is pink, and her paw-pads are the same color. Her mouth is a natural color, and her tongue is pink.

Faraji has the Inferno's Call band; A red band made by Laila.

Faraji is a Hot-Headed, Untrusting, Quick To Judge, and seemingly always picking fights cat... To those she doesn't know. To the fellow Residents, she is Kind, Brave, and loves to explore. She is very Protective of her friends, especially Fire, and this makes her Semi-Paranoid. If a creature was to somehow become friends with her, they would find themselves being protected from little things all the time (for example: a leaf).

Faraji was born in a forested World, along with her sister, who was named Flare. Their mom seemed to only take care of them when needed, and when they were weaned, she disappeared. They never knew their father, and soon forgot their mother. For Faraji and Flare, it was just them. They hunted together, defended from other creatures together, and never separated.

Until one day, years later, they heard loud *boom*s nearby, which startled them awake. Flare took Faraji to check it out, and they saw humans, two in total, carrying some sort of metal and wooden stick (fyi guns). Said humans were seen firing the sticks at a rabbit, followed by another *boom* and the rabbit falling dead. Faraji was terrified, while Flare rushed forward to defend the forest. Faraji quickly followed suit, and the two engaged in a fight with the humans, dodging the sticks multiple times.

A shot had hit Flare in the shoulder, and the black cat with russet spots fell to the ground with a loud screech. Faraji rushed over to her, terrified and temporarily forgetting about the humans. She meowed frantically to her sister, who weakly spoke back to her. It was obvious to Faraji that Flare was dying. This fact hurt her so much that she yowled as loud as she could to the sky. The humans, though pointing the sticks at her before, slowly lowered them, looked at each other, and ran off.

Flare soon passed, and Faraji, struck with grief, carried Flare's body on her back. She took her to their favorite spot; A giant oak tree with bushes surrounding it, and buried her sister there.

Faraji then discovered a World Portal there. Not knowing what it was (no one told her ever), she touched it and arrived in a sandy place, with many other creatures around her. Faraji, though terrified, hissed and avoided the creatures, reaching another Portal and going through it, arriving in yet another place with even more creatures.

A while later, after avoiding as many creatures as she could, Faraji stumbled upon a strangely fire-red creature sleeping in a cave. Faraji strangely felt bad for it, and quietly called a short "hello" to it. The creature awoke, startled, and backed away, and Faraji apologized. She then introduced herself. The creature also did, calling herself "Kasa the Wolf". Faraji looked her over and named her "Fire" instead. Fire didn't seem to like it at first, but quickly agreed to it.

Faraji and Fire spent a year together, exploring everywhere, until one day they bumped into a brown wolf. Said wolf was startled and apologized. Fire asked her name, in which she replied "Laila", and how she was looking for a friend. Faraji didn't trust her, but Fire pulled her along. At first, Faraji avoided conversing with Laila, but after she showed them her home, she warmed up to her. They named Laila's island home "Inferno Park" and dubbed themselves "The Inferno's Call".

Faraji, the smoke, Fire, the flame, and Laila, the earth.

Friends: Fire, Laila, Ashen, Ashleaf, Emerl, Naoma, EmberFlower, and Avis.

Enemies: Anyone and Everyone, aside from her fellow Residents.

Fun Facts: Faraji hates humans, and often has to be held back if she sees one. Faraji will jump when startled, and will nearly attack whatever had startled her. Faraji is teaching Fire how to fight, because she decided Fire needed to learn how to defend herself. Faraji is scared that the thing that happened with Flare could happen again. Faraji is right-pawed.

Laila of The Inferno's Call

Laila, a brown wolf with a motherly heart.

Name/Nicknames: Laila, Lie

Gender: Female

Age: 17 Years

Species: Wolf

Group: The Residents of Inferno Park

Ranked as: Resident of Inferno Park & Member of The Inferno's Call

Detailed Description:
Laila is a brown wolf with a lighter underbelly. She has pupil-less, aqua green eyes. Laila has a white tail-tip and below her eyes. The inside of her ears are gray, and her nose and pawpads are the same color. Laila has a long, blue mane that barely covers all of her left eye, making it hard to see from that eye, but not impossible. Laila has a normal colored mouth.

Laila has the Inferno's Call band; A band made by herself. Unlike Fire and Faraji's, hers is on her left paw.

Laila is a Kind wolf, and will never get into an argument. She is very Polite. Laila is usually Quiet around a crowd, but alone with her friends she talks at an average amount. Laila is also a Pacifist, and hates injuring anything that is a creature. She prefers plants.

Laila is very Socially Awkward, having lived on an island her entire life (see backstory). She also is very Gullible, easily made to believe one has good intentions. This is also from living on an island all her life.

Laila was born on her island home, simply called "island". The island had a building that had been placed there, but no humans lived in their home. She and her mother were always together, but Laila had never met her father.. It was a peaceful life, they were the only creatures around after all. They mainly fed themselves from leaves on the trees and grass. Laila's mom taught her to never hurt another creature, unless it was for self-defense. Laila soon turned 13, and her mom began to teach her how to fight effectively. Her mom also showed her the World Portal of the island.

On Laila's 15th birthday, she awoke to her mother nowhere to be found. Scared, she looked all over the island, but to no avail. Laila couldn't stand being alone, and after just a few days she got too lonely and finally went through the World Portal.

She wandered through the other Worlds for a year, before one day she was sitting alone next to a fern when she was bumped into by a strangely fire-red wolf and a black cat. She was shocked and quickly apologized, preparing to leave when the red wolf asked her name. Laila responded politely, and said she was just looking for a friend. The fiery wolf jumped quickly to become her friend, while the black cat tried to leave.

Laila was happy she could become friends, and led the two to the spot where they could be able to go to her home. Along the way, she noticed the black cat, named Faraji, wasn't talking to her at all, and seemingly avoiding her. When the red wolf, named Kasa but called Fire, left to follow a butterfly, she asked Faraji about it. The black cat tried to avoid the question, but soon told her she didn't trust her. Laila asked why, to which Faraji told her how her sister had been killed, and how she lost her trust in anyone, scared it could happen again.

After learning that, and Fire returning, Laila and Faraji became friends soon, the black cat being promised about ten times that Laila would never hurt anyone. The three creatures then arrived at Laila's home, and asked what it was called. Laila said she didn't have a name for it, and Fire quickly named it "Inferno Park". When asked why she thought of that, quoted, Fire said "Because we're the Inferno's Call! Flame, Smoke, and Earth! And this is our home, Inferno Park!"

Faraji and Laila agreed to this, and Laila ran off and came back with some red materials shaped like 'o's. Laila put them on Faraji and Fire's paws, and put one on her own. She called them their bands. From then on, Fire, Faraji, and Laila lived together, unaware of the six other creatures they would meet.

Laila, the Earth, Faraji, the Smoke, and Fire, the Flame.

Friends: Fire, Faraji, Ashen, Ashleaf, Emerl, Naoma, EmberFlower, and Avis.

Enemies: Anyone who hurts her friends.

Fun Facts: Laila is a motherly figure to everyone in the Park. Laila will give anyone a lecture if they do something wrong. Laila is left-pawed.

Ashen the Wolf

Ashen, a gray and white wolf with an ironic fear of fire.

Name/Nicknames: Ashen, Ash, Grace

Gender: Female

Age: 12 Years

Species: Wolf

Group: The Residents of Inferno Park

Ranked as: Resident of Inferno Park

Detailed Description:
Ashen is a gray wolf with white forelegs up to her shoulders. She has light purple eyes. Ashen has a white muzzle and a white tail-tip, her tail having a ring-shaped marking around it that fades upwards right above her tail-tip. Ashen has a white streak along her sides, as well as white inside her ears and on her belly. Her mane is short and light-brown.

Ashen's nose is gray, and her paw-pads are the same color. Her mouth is regularly colored, with a slightly more pink tongue.

Ashen is a Kind wolf. She is also nearly as Hyper as Fire. Ashen is also very Playful, and will always ask to play games with the others. Ashen also loves Adventuring.

Ashen is also, however, very Secretive, and never tells anyone anything unless pressured. This also makes her a great secret-keeper. Ashen is also highly Naive; You only need to say one word and she'll be on your side basically. Ashen is also very Hot-Headed, and will get angered easily.

Ashen was born in a regular wolf pack as an only child. She had a normal life as a pup, though she was too hyper for her mom and dad to handle. She grew normally, learning through her father's training. She became an excellent hunter and fighter.

Around her 9th birthday, Ashen decided to sneak out of the den one day to explore the forest. She ran off quickly while also making sure she was unnoticed. Ashen took her time looking at everything she could, admiring trees, flowers, bushes, and everything else. It took nearly the entire day before Ashen decided to return home, but when she arrived she discovered everyone was gone. Only small traces of them remained, like the dens, shedded fur, and prey.

Ashen tried to find them, scared about being alone, but it had rained earlier and washed away their scent. After wasting the rest of the day and half the night, Ashen finally fell asleep in one of the dens until it became morning. She left as soon as she woke up, wandering the forest until she ended up tripping down a hole and falling into a World Portal. Something she never heard of mind you, readers.

The gray wolf arrived on a sandy place and quickly ran from other creatures into another Portal. She ran from more creatures and finally stopped, panting, in an empty cave. Ashen, exhausted, fell asleep in the cave. Soon, however, she was awoken by a voice yelling at her to leave. Frightened, Ashen ran away from them, almost getting hit by a wolf's claws. She stumbled once she was a safe distance away and fell to the ground.

It was there when a red wolf happened to see what had happened and ran over to her, asking Ashen if she was okay. Ashen answered politely, but was scared of the wolf. Seeing this, the fiery wolf introduced herself as Fire and said she was just wandering around and saw her being chased. Ashen was then taken by the red wolf to where she would gain the ability to travel to Fire's home.

Upon arriving there, Ashen was fussed over by a brown wolf named Laila, while a black cat named Faraji watched closely. Ashen learned quickly about her new home and the three creatures dubbed The Inferno's Call.

Friends: Fire, Faraji, Laila, Ashleaf, Emerl, Naoma, EmberFlower, and Avis.

Enemies: Ashen defines no one as an enemy.

Fun Facts: Ashen got her scar from tripping onto a branch, which cut her shoulder. OOC, Ashen is highly based off my main Sonic the Hedgehog OC, Ashen Grace. Ashen is right-pawed.

Ashleaf the Cat

Ashleaf, a light gray cat with strangely green markings.

Name/Nicknames: Ashleaf, Leaf

Gender: Female

Age: 14 Years

Species: Cat

Group: The Residents of Inferno Park

Ranked as: Resident of Inferno Park

Detailed Description:
Ashleaf is a light gray cat. Her hindlegs have a dark green leaf marking on the outsides. All over her hindlegs are darker gray stripes. Ashleaf's right paw is black, while her left one is white. The tips of her ears are a lighter green. Ashleaf's tail-tip is white, while the very tip of it is the same color of her ear tips. Her eyes are pupil-less and green. Ashleaf's tail is very fluffy.

Ashleaf's nose is pink, and her paw-pads are the same color. Her mouth is normal colored. She has a small tuft of hair on her head that acts as a very short mane.

Ashleaf is very Kind. She is also very Caring, and will seemingly sense when someone is upset and take care of them. Ashleaf is Quiet, and only talks when engaged in a conversation or for important reasons. The cat loves to explore new places.

Ashleaf is also very Socially Awkward, and has nearly no idea how to talk to strangers. She also gets Annoyed Easily.


Friends: Fire, Faraji, Laila, Ashen, Emerl, Naoma, EmberFlower, and Avis.

Enemies: Ashleaf defines no one as an enemy.

Fun Facts: Ashleaf hates being alone, same as Laila.

Emerl the Wolf-Dog

Emerl, a silver wolf/dog mix who is the most modest creature at the Park.

Name/Nicknames: Emerl (pronounced M.L), M

Gender: Female

Age: 9 Years

Species: Wolf/Dog Mix

Group: The Residents of Inferno Park

Ranked as: Resident of Inferno Park

Detailed Description:
Emerl is a silver creature with a white underbelly. Her tail is longer and thinner than normal, and has a lime-green tip. Below her eyes is a darker green, and above them is red. Emerl has colorless eyes, and they are more slitted than normal. She also has a black design on her back that's in the shape of a butterfly's wings.

Emerl's nose is gray, and her paw-pads are the same color. Her mouth is slightly more orange than normal. She has a green mane that is normal length.

Emerl is Energetic, but not full-on hyper. She is very Modest, and will always be the one to see the good in a bad situation. She is also brutally Honest.

Emerl has no experience around other creatures apart from humans, and will rarely engage in a conversation with a stranger. Emerl is also very Stubborn. Once she has her mind on something, it's hard to change her mind.

Emerl was born and raised in a human laboratory. She was part of an experiment of mixing many different breeds of wolf and dog together. The humans took care of her carefully, and dyed sections of her fur different colors to see if they would grow with said color.

Emerl liked her life. She was with both her mother and father, the humans played with her, and the other creatures around also played with her. She lived like this for a few years.

One day, however, when Emerl was six, her mom fell seriously ill. Seeing her not being able to recover, Emerl's father took her and ran from the laboratory, avoiding the humans as they ran. They both accidentally stumbled into the World Portal of the laboratory trying to escape and arrived on a sandy place. Emerl's father (let's call him Joe) took her further into another World Portal, just to make sure they were safe.

Upon arriving in a grassy area, Joe and Emerl avoided the other creatures and rested in the middle of a large area of land. Emerl had been exhausted the whole way and collapsed as soon as they were safe.

Joe was awoken from sleep one day, a year later, when a fire-red wolf accidentally tripped over him. She apologized and said she wasn't looking where she was going. Upon seeing Emerl's condition, she asked what happened. Joe explained politely to her, and then asked if she would take Emerl. The wolf, surprised with the question, stumbled backwards and, as quoted, said "B-But I can't do that! She's your pup, isn't she? Why must I take her?"

Soon, the wolf, who was named Fire, hesitantly agreed to take Emerl. Joe calmly woke up Emerl and told her to go with Fire. Emerl said a sad goodbye and hugged her father, knowing she'd never see him again. Fire then took her with her so she could go to her home.

Upon arriving at Fire's home, Emerl was tackled by a brown wolf named Laila, who fussed over her and made sure she was okay. A gray and white wolf and a lighter gray cat did a check-up for her and helped her recover from the travelling. A black cat just watched from the shade of a tree.

Emerl has stayed with the Residents ever since, soon becoming the second to youngest creature when an even younger pup arrived.

Friends: Fire, Faraji, Laila, Ashen, Ashleaf, Naoma, EmberFlower, and Avis.

Enemies: Emerl finds any sea crestures as an enemy, due to her fear of water.

Fun Facts: Emerl once told Faraji her past, which resulted in the black cat nearly attacking her and both Fire and Laila needed to calm her down. Emerl is a mix of many breeds of dogs and wolf. Emerl is terrified of water.

Avis the Fox Kit

Avis, a very young fox who sees Fire as her adoptive mother.

Name/Nicknames: Avis, Ave

Gender: Female

Age: 3 Years

Species: Red Fox

Group: The Residents of Inferno Park

Ranked as: Resident of Inferno Park

Detailed Description:
Avis is an orange-furred fox with a white underbelly. Her muzzle is also white, same with her tail-tip. Her legs are black. Around Avis' eyes is white fur. An auburn stripe runs down her head and stops at her muzzle. Avis' eyes are the same color as said stripe.

Avis' nose is gray, same with her paw-pads. Avis has a mohawk the color of her stripe. Her mouth is normally colored.

Avis is very shy around creatures, including those at the Park. She is very Friendly, however, and will encourage cuddles all the time. She is also very Polite, and never speaks rudely. Due to her age, she is also very Childish.

Also due to her age, Avis is Naive, and is easily tricked. She also takes off of Fire's Cowardly instinct.

Avis, unlike the others, was born in Fluorite Plains. Her mother seemed to not care for her, and when she was barely able to last on her own, her mother abandoned her in the middle of the plains. She didn't know what had happened, but all she remembered was a black cat discovering her and taking her to an island.

Arriving at said island, a brown wolf named Laila took Avis and fed her mushed up plants. Soon after, a fire-pelted wolf named Fire took her and curled around her, protecting her from the cold. The other two left them to cuddle while three other animals, two canines and a cat, came over to meet her.

Now, Avis sticks around by Fire's side most of the time, the two being as close as mother and pup.

Friends: Fire, Faraji, Laila, Ashen, Ashleaf, Emerl, Naoma, and EmberFlower.

Enemies: Avis finds no one as an enemy.

Fun Facts: OOC, Avis is based off of two fox figurines I have named Avis and Ave. Faraji had taken her to the Park because she knew Avis wouldn't survive for long on her own, and didn't want that to happen.

EmberFlower the Sikkita

EmberFlower, an odd combination of wolf, bird, and deer with an arrogant attitude. (NOTE I DO NOT OWN SIKKITAS)

Name/Nicknames: EmberFlower, Ember

Gender: Female

Age: 19 Years

Species: Sikkita (Bird/Wolf/Deer Hybrid)

Group: The Residents of Inferno Park

Ranked as: Resident of Inferno Park

Detailed Description:
EmberFlower is an orange color, with a red-orange back, legs, and tail. She has white on her muzzle, minus her chin, as well as inside her ears. EmberFlower's fur grows in smooth clumps. EmberFlower has large, orange wings on her back. Said wings have red-orange on the top bit of them, and white on the tips. A red-orange swirl-like marking is on EmberFlower's face. Her eyes are pure red, with streaks of the iris spreading outwards.

Ember's nose is gray, and her paw-pads are the same color. Her mouth is normally colored. Her mane is curled neatly around brown antlers, and is black with white tips.

EmberFlower is very Brave, and never backs down from a fight. She is also very Kind-Hearted, though it doesn't show much. She is also labelled as the 'Smartest Creature at the Park' due to her high intelligence.

EmberFlower is also very Arrogant. She is Impatient as well, and hates waiting. She is also slightly Truculent (quick to get into arguments).

EmberFlower was born a rebel, to put it plainly. When she learned how to take care of herself, she left her mother and father to explore the Worlds on her own. She lived alone for years in Fluorite Plains, perfectly happy being alone.

That is until, years later, EmberFlower happened to meet a gray and white wolf. The wolf introduced herself as Ashen, and stopped EmberFlower when she was about to leave. The two ended up talking about their stories, Ashen taking interest in Ember's history of survival. Ashen then mentioned an island with six other creatures on it, and asked EmberFlower if she wanted to meet the others.

EmberFlower hesitated at first, worried about the 'island' part, but agreed anyway. She had begun to like Ashen. Upon arriving at the island, EmberFlower met a fire-red wolf named Fire, a black cat named Faraji, and the rest too. She hung out with them for a while, but then Fire asked if she wanted to stay with them. EmberFlower agreed, saying she liked them, and that she decided it was time for her to meet new creatures.

Since then, EmberFlower has become great friends with everyone, and even takes them out for a ride on her back!

Friends: Fire, Faraji, Laila, Ashen, Ashleaf, Emerl, Avis, and Naoma.

Enemies: Anyone who messes with her friends.

Fun Facts: OOC, I had been looking around YouTube and saw the Sikkita species and thought it was cool, so I made EmberFlower. EmberFlower acts cocky and arrogant, but if you mess with her friends, she'll go full on 'i-will-kill-you' mode. EmberFlower is scared of water, but tries to hide it. EmberFlower and Naoma are partners-in-crime, aka besties.

Naoma the Fire-Breathing Wolf

Naoma, a painted wolf with the ability to breathe fire... In tiny sparks.

Name/Nicknames: Naoma, Nao, "My Fellow Crime-Mate"

Gender: Female

Age: 20 Years

Species: Wolf

Group: The Residents of Inferno Park

Ranked as: Resident of Inferno Park

Detailed Description:
Naoma is a golden wolf. Five red spots in a sharp arch formation (biggest on the top) are on both her sides, and they go along her sides. The tips of her forepaws are red. Naoma's hind-legs are light blue with a fiery ending. Naoma's neck is black, and so is her belly and tail. She has red bulls-eye markings around her eyes, and light blue tear markings under them. She also has a red spot in the middle of her forehead.

Naoma's right eye is red, while her left eye is light purple. Her muzzle is white, same with the inside of her ears. Her mane is golden with red-turning-blue at the tips.

Naoma's nose is gray, and her paw-pads are the same color.

Naoma is very Kind; She cares about everyone. She is Protective of her friends. Naoma is also very Brave, and will never back down from a fight.

But, like EmberFlower, Naoma is Arrogant and Cocky.

Naoma was born in a World where the wolves who lived there could breathe fire like dragons. Naoma, however, couldn't use this ability throughout most of her life. Because of this, she couldn't compete in the daily competitions her pack hosted, and she was looked down upon by the others. It lasted like that for years, until on Naoma's 19th birthday, the annual "Adult Ceremony" came along, and Naoma had no choice but to attend.

When she was up to show off her flame, Naoma tried her best to make a flame big enough, but all that came out was a tiny spark. The wolves around her started laughing and teasing her, and Naoma, hot from embarrassment, ran away from the arena.

She ran away from her home. Cause she knew that she was just a useless wolf to them. She ran to the World Portal she was told about many times and jumped through, arriving on the other side and panting to catch her breath. Not very soon after, a winged wolf landed right in front of her and asked what was wrong. The two ended up talking to each other and became friends quickly, seeing how similar they were to the other.

The winged wolf, named EmberFlower, then asked if Naoma wanted to stay at her place, to which Naoma agreed. Arriving there, Naoma met the others, and they accepted her as the oldest member there.

Since then, Naoma and EmberFlower have been inseparable. They often get into trouble together, too.

Friends: Fire, Faraji, Laila, Ashen, Ashleaf, Emerl, Avis, and EmberFlower.

Enemies: Anyone who messes with her friends.

Fun Facts: Naoma and EmberFlower are literally never apart. Naoma usually is used to burn things that are unwanted in the Park, as she is slowly getting better at using her fire. Naoma and EmberFlower both don't know what a birthday is. If someone were to compliment on how Naoma's mane looks like a man's, she will lecture said someone on how it's not.

now that we got the Residents down, time to talk about their home, Inferno Park!

(ignore the blueberries)

Inferno Park was originally Laila and her mom's home. When Fire and Faraji arrived, and soon the others too, it became what it is now.

The Residents of Inferno Park are separated into different 'teams'. Let's see what they are.

Team "Inferno's Call"
-The three 'leaders' of the Residents.

Team "Ash"
-The ash-colored wolf and cat.

Team "Young"
-The youngest of the Residents.

Team "Crimesters"
-The most Arrogant of the Residents.

Course, the members of these teams aren't singled out from each other. The teams make it easier to group them up, and to organize games.


How The Residents Were Created

Fire was made from me goofing off in the Character Creator, selecting markings I though was cool and coloring her how she is currently. She was originally going to be my runaround character, but then I gave her a personality, backstory, etc. And thus, all this happened.

Faraji was created when I wanted to make a rogue character for a Warrior Cats group I was in (but sadly left). Soon after making her, I realized I wanted her to be friends with Fire (and Laila). And thus, Faraji was now a member of The Inferno's Call.

Laila was a character I made for my mom when I also made her an account. Sadly, my mom wasn't interested in FeralHeart, and her account and Laila were just sitting there for a while before I decided to give Laila a new story and all that. Thus, Laila the mom.

Ashen was made when I wanted to make a character highly based on my Sonic the Hedgehog OC, Ashen Grace. Once I did, I decided "Hey! She should be friends with Fire, Faraji, and Laila!" and so forth.

Ashleaf was made when I wanted to make a preset based off of my cat OC, also called Ashleaf (it's a pun on my name). Once I did, I basically said the same thing I did with Ashen.

Emerl was made from me also goofing off in Character Creator. Her name is the name of a robot from the Sonic series. Yeah, creative, right? Anyway, then I said the same thing with the other two.

Avis was made when I wanted to make a preset for two fox figurines my sister said to name Avis and Ave. And then she slowly dove into the Park with the others.

I was browsing YouTube one day, and stumbled upon a channel called {J}uniperFrost. I saw she had her own FeralHeart species called the Sikkita, and wanted to make one. Then I saw she had left FeralHeart, but I still wanted to keep EmberFlower. So I did, and then she became a Resident.

I was bored and wanted to make a preset, so I goofed off on a wolf creator and found a design I liked. Then I made the preset and made a character for it. And then Naoma became a Resident slowly too.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 07:57:30 pm by babystrit »

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Re: Fire's Character(s)
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2016, 07:34:36 pm »
- Waves To Fire -
Lol , I like this character. From the pelt, to the markings , everything.
The way you have her posed by the water & then you look at her eyes. It's like a little warning, yet welcoming look.
I love the little information you put with this character, really well done there love. ~ - Le Nuzzles -

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Re: Fire's Character(s)
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2016, 08:08:28 pm »
Your character sounds like a very lovely person, and the pose in that screenshot is wonderful. Can't wait to see if you have any other characters to talk about. ^^'

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Re: Fire's Character(s)
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2016, 08:17:47 pm »
This is a really cool character! I love the color of her pelt. ? Her markings are very nice and that pose is adorable. :D

It's quite easy to share your preset with us actually, all you have to do is find the file in your FeralHeart > Presets folder. It should say USERNAME_[presetnumber]

You can then use the site to copy the mediafire link and make it easier to link too.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2016, 08:19:39 pm by Likuu »
artwork by dehvina


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Re: Fire's Character(s)
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2016, 08:43:45 pm »
The name is pretty catchy. I really adore your wolf's design.

Beautiful bio! <3

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Re: Fire's Character(s)
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2016, 04:04:22 pm »
-Added Faraji's Bio
-Added Fire's Backstory and Preset

Thank you, everyone, for the nice comments!

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Re: Fire's Character(s)
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2016, 09:05:05 pm »
I really adore your charries and the way you took the screenies. They're very aesthetically pleasing. I also like the bios. Great job. c:

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Re: Fire's Character(s)
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2016, 09:29:40 pm »
What gorgeous characters! I especially love Fire's design. Very purdy. Hope to see more charries from you in the future.
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Re: Fire's Character(s)
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2016, 03:42:15 am »
Pretty! :D
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 03:50:33 am by OutofBreath »
profile picture by IsabellaGraceS

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Re: Fire's Character(s)
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2016, 04:43:52 pm »
Updated! (Finally)

-Added Laila's Bio

...Yeah, that's pretty much it.

Thanks everyone for the nice comments again!