Author Topic: Chronomistic Wolf Pack  (Read 1010 times)

Offline SetoKaiba

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Chronomistic Wolf Pack
« on: March 20, 2016, 07:02:12 pm »
Hello, I am Torine. Alpha of Chronomistic. This is a brand new pack made just today (at the time of posting) and is need of new members. All information can be found on our forum.

I will briefly go over the pack for those who are lazy or want to check out the forum later.
This is a []Mapless[]Active[]Literate[]Semi-realistic[]Ranked[]New[]RPSR[] wolf pack. If you'd like to join, you can post here, the forum, or if you catch me ingame you may do that. You'll be able to find me under Torine, Sly (my Benevolent WP character) and Adara which is my Chavapa character. If you do catch me on whisper me your application. The app form is on the forum but for ease of access I will post it here for all your needs:
FH User:
Character Name:
Rank Wishing to Start With (you can change ranks whenever you'd like):
Character Age:
Character Gender:
RP Sample:

Please fill out the same ingame except for the username part.

There are way too many ranks to type so I'll just put the newbie ranks here:
Newbie Ranks:
Warrior (CMxW I-IV) - Warriors fight when asked to. They train guards and warriors lower than them. They can later become part of our 'military'
Guard (CMxG I-IV) - Guards basically guard. They protect our land and the wolves that inhabit it. They train other guards and warriors. They watch pups until the pups are at least 1 year. They can later join our 'defenses'
Healer (CMxHe I-IV) - Healers heal. Pretty simple. They go with hunters and warriors in case of emergency. Can later become a 'mage'
Hunter (CMxH I-IV) - Hunters hunt for our pack and find us food. They play a big role and without them, we'd all be dead due to lack of food. Can later become a 'master hunter'

If you have any questions feel free to ask them here.

