Author Topic: Thoughts on the Forum Side of the Feral Heart Community  (Read 5664 times)

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Thoughts on the Forum Side of the Feral Heart Community
« on: March 28, 2016, 04:27:10 pm »
So here's are some questions:

1.) What made you decide to use the Feral Heart forum? (Ex. Was it because you came needing help, or users in game mentioned it, or you were searching for game add ons etc)

2.) What did you think about FH forum community when you first decided to come on the forum? (Ex. Are they friendly or were you intimidated by older users etc)

3.) What did you think of the site layout? (Ex. Easy to understand, interesting, boring, etc.)

4.) Were you intimidated to post in topics or create topics? If so why?

5.) Are you a regular user of the FH forum & why?

6.) What do you enjoy most about the Feral Heart forum if anything?

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Re: Thoughts on the Forum Side of the Feral Heart Community
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2016, 04:33:13 pm »
Ah, interesting! Might as well answer these while I'm bored lol.

1. I literally was on yhe site one day and was like "Yo I wanna be a part of the fun here" xD

2. I was really shocked at how friendly veveryone was here! :D

3. I think it's interesting, and quite easy to understand.


5. Yes, because I like being able to play the games and help out floofs when I'm too awkward to talk to people in-game xD, but I also like flailing around the forums and seeing stuff.

6. I honestly like the people on the forums the most. (They're so friendly om)

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Re: Thoughts on the Forum Side of the Feral Heart Community
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2016, 04:42:07 pm »
What made you decide to use the Feral Heart forum? (Ex. Was it because you came needing help, or users in game mentioned it, or you were searching for game add ons etc) I use the forum because I like making friends and talking to people.

2.) What did you think about FH forum community when you first decided to come on the forum? (Ex. Are they friendly or were you intimidated by older users etc) They were friendly

3.) What did you think of the site layout? (Ex. Easy to understand, interesting, boring, etc.)
I would say it was interesting.

4.) Were you intimidated to post in topics or create topics? If so why? Sometimes because I might put the topic in the wrong category. xD

5.) Are you a regular user of the FH forum & why? Yes because I am friendly to other people, and try to help.

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Re: Thoughts on the Forum Side of the Feral Heart Community
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2016, 05:31:44 pm »
Interesting topic, Lordy!

1.) What made you decide to use the Feral Heart forum? (Ex. Was it because you came needing help, or users in game mentioned it, or you were searching for game add ons etc)
As I waited for the FH registration to open up, I'd view the manuals and look at topics to get an idea of the game so I wouldn't be that bad of a noob. I saw how nice and funny some of the members and moderators were and I wanted to be a part of that! For a while I actually preferred the forum over the game itself, and for some reason that scared me a bit >.<

2.) What did you think about FH forum community when you first decided to come on the forum? (Ex. Are they friendly or were you intimidated by older users etc)
I wanted to be like everyone here. Funny, kind, happy, and knowledgeable about the game. I wanted to help others and make new friends.

3.) What did you think of the site layout? (Ex. Easy to understand, interesting, boring, etc.)
I'd never really been on a forum before I joined, but I still found the FH forums easy to navigate and understand. I loved and still love today the color scheme and the way things work around here, so I wasn't upset.

4.) Were you intimidated to post in topics or create topics? If so why?
Nope! Not really. I wanted to make my name known at least a little so I could befriend others and always have someone to turn to when I was feeling down.

5.) Are you a regular user of the FH forum & why?
Yes, I am, and I'm proud to say so! I love everyone here and it's easier to find people to hang with if they post on the forum than if you meet them during the game in my opinion. The moderators are sweet and helpful, and so is the community. Plus,July guys think of the funniest activities for us!

6.) What do you enjoy most about the Feral Heart forum if anything?
Like most people, the community. Everyone has a smile on their face to welcome both new and old members and always do whatever they can to help. The past two years that I've been with you guys have been wonderful, thank you c:
« Last Edit: March 28, 2016, 11:13:18 pm by Echoz »

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Re: Thoughts on the Forum Side of the Feral Heart Community
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2016, 09:21:17 pm »
1.) What made you decide to use the Feral Heart forum? (Ex. Was it because you came needing help, or users in game mentioned it, or you were searching for game add ons etc)I did start hanging around when I needed help with some meshes and how to use them in maps. ^^

2.) What did you think about FH forum community when you first decided to come on the forum? (Ex. Are they friendly or were you intimidated by older users etc)Nah. I know everyone around here are nice floofs.

3.) What did you think of the site layout? (Ex. Easy to understand, interesting, boring, etc.) I see no problem with it at all. It's easy for me to understand, and I think the theme fits really well.

4.) Were you intimidated to post in topics or create topics? If so why?Maybe at first? I don't like people to know just how dumb I can be, and sometimes I just confuse people, and I don't want to annoy them. xD

5.) Are you a regular user of the FH forum & why?I am. I usually hang around and try to help, learn new things about the game, say hi to new members, and just to goof off.

6.) What do you enjoy most about the Feral Heart forum if anything?Getting to help others, and just overall talk to the other floofs.

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Re: Thoughts on the Forum Side of the Feral Heart Community
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2016, 09:41:33 pm »
Oooo , Very Interesting Topic ~?

1.) What made you decide to use the Feral Heart forum? (Ex. Was it because you came needing help, or users in game mentioned it, or you were searching for game add ons etc)  What really made me decide was testing how far I can step out of my little comfort zone. I won't lie , I'm shy & me actually posting a little introduction on here actually made me feel good , Like I was taking that next step into being more confident. Also , After sticking around the forums ( even though I didn't really log in / post ) I started to find it more and more interesting in a way.

2.) What did you think about FH forum community when you first decided to come on the forum? (Ex. Are they friendly or were you intimidated by older users etc)  My first thought was simple. I was surprised by how welcoming the forum could actually be and how friendly everyone was. Everyone wanting to help & share their passions with others really made me smile. On the other note , I was actually quite intimidated at first because of the older users and looking at those 'stars.' At the time , I didn't really know what those meant and I automatically assumed that it was some elite group ( Crazy , I know ) and so , I would tend to shy away a bit. But once I broken out of that thought and looked past that , I started to really come around.

3.) What did you think of the site layout? (Ex. Easy to understand, interesting, boring, etc.)  I actually like how the site was laid out. It was easy to understand and very neat.

4.) Were you intimidated to post in topics or create topics? If so why?  Both. I didn't want to post because I was afraid of posting the wrong thing & the same reason implied if I wanting to Create a new topic.

5.) Are you a regular user of the FH forum & why?  I would say I'm just about a regular user. I like to keep myself updated with all new things that happens on the site. Whether it be some questions about the game or some artwork .... Or even welcoming so newcomers that gets to be a part of the game / community.

6.) What do you enjoy most about the Feral Heart forum if anything?  What I enjoy most .... I guess being able to share my passions with others and getting some feedback on it. Being able to continue to be a part of this community and getting the chance to meet some new friends whether it be just here , on the game or simply both ~?

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Re: Thoughts on the Forum Side of the Feral Heart Community
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2016, 09:49:41 pm »
Ooh, interesting questions!

1.) What made you decide to use the Feral Heart forum? (Ex. Was it because you came needing help, or users in game mentioned it, or you were searching for game add ons etc)

I'm not sure, actually. I posted on the forum about a month after joining but I can't find a reason as to why exactly I started using it. 

2.) What did you think about FH forum community when you first decided to come on the forum? (Ex. Are they friendly or were you intimidated by older users etc)

Back then, I thought a few of the members were rather rude, but otherwise I thought everyone seemed pretty nice.

3.) What did you think of the site layout? (Ex. Easy to understand, interesting, boring, etc.)

Back then, I didn't really have any opinions on it. Now, I think the site is admittedly fairly bland and glitchy, but extremely easy to use and navigate.

4.) Were you intimidated to post in topics or create topics? If so why?

I wasn't back then, but due to some personal reasons I am now, but it's not because of the community or anything! But when I first joined I was pretty carefree (and cringey, haha) and wasn't afraid c:

5.) Are you a regular user of the FH forum & why?

I'd definitely say I am. I stalk it every day, and post whenever I see a topic that interests me.

6.) What do you enjoy most about the Feral Heart forum if anything?

I enjoy the community, since its one of the most positive and helpful communities I've seen! Everyone's so accepting and gives everyone encouragement and help, no matter what they post. Sure, there's definitely a few bad people here and there, but the positive people in the community greatly outnumber them!

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Re: Thoughts on the Forum Side of the Feral Heart Community
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2016, 01:20:46 am »
Interesting questions~Might as well have a go at it c:

(Before I start with the questions, I might as well add that I'm an old member back from 2012 with a new account so I'm far from a newbie xD)
1) A while back when I had my old account around, I would use the forums to do preset requests, and that's how I got into the forum community. I love using my art to make people happy.

2) The FH community is 10/10, I gotta say. Both on the forums and in-game everyone is so nice and friendly, and I'm so happy that everyone is so easy to get along with.

3) The site layout is actually really easy for me to understand; I especially like how child boards are used to keep everything organized and keep related topics together.

4) I'm on and off about this one. Sometimes I get a little nervous and then other times I post without a second thought. I think that I get more nervous to post something when I know someone will be judging my post, such as art, presets, maps, etc. But when it's just a fun post or a friendly post on someone else's thread its quite easy for me.

5) When I had my old account, I was on the forums 24/7, so much that I even remember one time before I went on vacation, I checked it seconds before my flight left just to make sure I wouldn't miss anything on my plane ride. xD Now that I'm back with a new account and all I hope that I can be just as active as I was back then. I really miss this game and its awesome community so that's my motives to be a regular user.

6) Well first off, hands down I love how everyone is so friendly and welcoming. And then secondly, I think I mostly enjoy how creative everyone is. Whether its maps or presets or art, or even mods, everyone has a little something of their own to share with the community and I think that's the most exciting part of the forums.
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Re: Thoughts on the Forum Side of the Feral Heart Community
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2016, 10:06:09 am »

1.) What made you decide to use the Feral Heart forum? (Ex. Was it because you came needing help, or users in game mentioned it, or you were searching for game add ons etc)
Well, considering that there is a much more widespread in being able to communicate with other users via different threads and the like, I decided that helping out other people to get in-game, get things in-game, do stuff in-game, as well as playing the forum games and feeling more inside the community would help me feel more confident in myself as a FeralHeart member. In addition, I also enjoy seeing the stuff people can come up with, and it's a rather nice feeling to know I'm a lot more involved with events and I know what's happening most of the time (especially with the new login system). It's also a good feeling to help others  especially when it's making sure they feel like they're in a safe environment and are welcomed with open arms.~

2.) What did you think about FH forum community when you first decided to come on the forum? (Ex. Are they friendly or were you intimidated by older users etc)
When I first looked at the forum, I wondered if there were any other possible forum themes as it seemed quite dull compared to what other forums had, but I eventually grew into it and got used to it, and now I love the theme. The people in the forum were very welcoming on my Introduction thread which drew me more into getting around the place; and welcoming other new people to make sure they felt as welcomed as I did!

3.) What did you think of the site layout? (Ex. Easy to understand, interesting, boring, etc.)
It was very easy to understand, specifically because I've been around sites like these for a long time beforehand and therefore knew where to go. As I said before I originally thought the theme could do with an update, but now that I've grown used to it I'm absolutely in love with the way it is and wouldn't expect it to change. (:

4.) Were you intimidated to post in topics or create topics? If so why?
Not at all actually, I always double check my posts to make sure that they:
1. Make sense
2. Are related to the topic, and don't go off task

5.) Are you a regular user of the FH forum & why?
Yes, mainly because I enjoy posting in and around threads all the time, get involved in any activities and compliment other users for their works; and even give them occasional tips to improve/idea to continue their projects should I feel it necessary in case I feel like that person is holding themselves back from their true "destiny" with what they do. I also enjoy welcoming other people who are new, and makes me happy to know that they're feeling safe in the community.

6.) What do you enjoy most about the Feral Heart forum if anything?
Welcoming people in the Introduction threads! I was so happy and felt so welcomed and embraced when I made my own Introduction thread, and because of that it has influenced me in a good way to make others feel just as welcome as I had, so they felt just as good as I do on a daily basis.~

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Re: Thoughts on the Forum Side of the Feral Heart Community
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2016, 11:06:49 am »
the not-so-great erase shall answer your questions

1.) What made you decide to use the Feral Heart forum? (Ex. Was it because you came needing help, or users in game mentioned it, or you were searching for game add ons etc)
After playing the game for a couple of months, i was actually like "hey i haven't introduced myself let's introduce myself" and then i started coming on the forums more often than the game.

2.) What did you think about FH forum community when you first decided to come on the forum? (Ex. Are they friendly or were you intimidated by older users etc)
the community seemed very friendly and helpful, but i was scared of even replying to threads that a more-known member posted in last... but look at me now, i'm replying to threads that was created by one of those people! ( imstillkindaintimidatedthough;; )
3.) What did you think of the site layout? (Ex. Easy to understand, interesting, boring, etc.)
it's easy to get used to!! i like it! it's the original uninteresting forum, but something in here just makes it so enjoyable and  nice!
4.) Were you intimidated to post in topics or create topics? If so why?
yes. ...just yes. i still am, actually. well, i guess that part of me will never change! i don't really know why, it's just that i'm such a shy and awkward person...

5.) Are you a regular user of the FH forum & why?
yes! and, because why not! no, but actually, it's just that teh forum is much awesomerer.. is that even a word?

6.) What do you enjoy most about the Feral Heart forum if anything?
people needing help. i just really enjoy helping people online and being honest, even though in rel life im the complete opposite pfft

and there, that was my awkward, with short answers post!!
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 11:08:21 am by spare-erase-save »