Author Topic: How has Feralheart changed your life?  (Read 10852 times)

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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2016, 04:33:39 am »
Feral heart changed my life a lot, it inspired me to get out and think outside the box for once, i really enjoyed  all of the groups, parties, Role Plays, ect. I love FH and will never change my opinion  about it.The opinion is that feral heart is a great game. Thank you Kovu for creating a great game, FERAL HEART i used to play impressive title, but i was getting bored of it, then i found out about Feral heart, now that Kovu is not with us anymore, he must be making amazing games up there in the universe lol

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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2016, 08:28:47 am »
Oh yas. Feralheart was actually a big BADA BOOM in mh life. If I wouldn't met FH, I wouldn't love english that much, I WOULDN'T DRAW DIGITAL OHMEHGOD. I am who I am because of it.

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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2016, 03:16:31 am »
FH has definitely changed my life in a bit o' ways.
I've been playing since maybe a year after the game came out, and since then I have made some truly amazing friends. For example, I made my first online best friend on here. Even though a lot of them don't play anymore, I still make new ones every day and it amazes me how many great people come out of this game.
Another way that FH changed my life is that it improved my literary skills at a really fast rate. Because of being able to roleplay, my grammar grew tremendously, and I began to get better marks in my classes at school that involved writing. I really don't think that would of happened if it wasn't for this game. Also, because of roleplaying and chatting, I learned to type very fast on a keyboard without looking.
Finally, it changed my life because it opened me up to artwork, along with different styles of artwork. The people on here really inspired me to learn to draw better, and the game taught me more about animal anatomy. Now, I am satisfied with my art skills and digital art is one of my favorite things to work on.
I guess I could say I grew up with FH. Can't really imagine what my life would be like if I never joined.

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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2016, 07:45:13 am »
FeralHeart introduced me to some of the greatest people I've ever met. Before FeralHeart, I used to play an MMORPG called Mabinogi, which had a fine community up until 2010-2011 when it began to slow down and now it's a stagnant pond of people who stand around showing off their equipment or shy newbies who never speak a word. Now I only play it for grinding and to scratch that occasional itch I get to slay some dragons. I had my first FH account lent to me by a friend, and my auxiliary came later simply so I had an account I was fully in control of. I came across this game over a few obscure music videos on YouTube, and while most of them were dripping with edge or cringetastic to the max, the game itself intrigued me. I joined last summer some time in May or April. Fresh meat mmmmMMMM

I'll be honest, when I joined, I didn't even know roleplay was a thing. Since FH is just one big chat room, I wasn't sure what I was expecting out of it? All in all, FH is how I was first exposed to roleplay. Good god I ADORE writing and once I got into the groove of it there was just no stopping. That, and the people I've met on FeralHeart are the best people I've met in years online. I've had both my best and worst of friends here, and it gave me a chance to experience people of similar and different interests in many senses.

A last little drip I'd like to say that's a bit unrelated is that I like how FH isn't just stoic, serious roleplay. It isn't strict. You can mess around, have a nice little talk with friends, you know the works. You don't HAVE to have only the highest quality of RPs all the time, and I love that if you really want to, you can just hang out.
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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2016, 02:46:48 pm »
FeralHeart has taught me how to be confident and open in what I'm most interested in and what I'm a part of. Before I joined FeralHeart I've always had trouble coming to terms with being say a "furry" (I dislike the term but I've adapted) or bisexual.
However joining FeralHeart I've met so many other people that was just as scared as I was, and we comforted each other in our times of accepting and discovery. I developed more as a person and not just some scared child.
This game and it's community has made me proud of being the human being I have become, to not be scared of trying out new things. To not hide away from what is a part of me.
But that's not all, I've met some amazing people through this game- some that has become one of my closest companions to this day, one of them being my current lover!
Though it disheartens me when I see who was once a good friend of mine no longer playing the game, it's always a rush of euphoria meeting new people and becoming a sort of temporary (or long-term) happiness in their daily life. I get to meet and talk with people that I would've never even talked to let alone seen unless I travelled.
Not only that, I've learnt a lot of "internet lingo" through this game (like the day-to-day emoji's or "omg, lmao" that sort of stuff), even learnt how to RP with confidence. At the start I didn't even know what role-playing was, and because of that I was often scared of talking to others because they'd see me as a nuisance or "attention-seeking". But there are some people in this community that are so willing to put whatever they are doing on standby just to help a newcomer get accustomed to the atmosphere of the game that it makes me get a bit teary-eyed knowing that such good-hearted people actually exist in the world.
It showed me how it's okay to rely on others sometimes, that it's okay to not always agree with someone's opinions or lifestyles. Heck, this game even made me confident into learning how to draw digital without being scared of poor feedback. I'm glad I found this game when I did because if I didn't, I highly doubt I would've gotten to where I am now.
So I want to say; thank you. To the staff of FeralHeart and all of the members in the community, thank you. You helped me discover myself and I cannot stop being grateful for it. <3


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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2016, 05:47:55 pm »
It has changed me in so many ways! c:
  It helped me become more creative, become more social, and helped me become more open and nice to animals! :)

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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #26 on: June 30, 2016, 06:40:42 am »
Feral-Heart was a big factor in my life for 2 years or so, and I still regularly return to it despite taking a hiatus for a few months (a while ago, though).
Mainly I remember during a bad time in my life where I'd lost my dad to cancer, I could come onto this game and be treated with positive words and experiences. Along with this, I'd dropped into cyber school instead of public school and was able to still have friends.
That's another thing besides positive experiences and friendly users, is friends in general. I have about 3-4 online friends I met on FH back in 2011/2012, that I still talk to even in this current year. They've never left my side.

So basically, long story short: Positive experiences and life-long friends.

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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #27 on: August 07, 2016, 01:08:06 am »
When i first joined i didn't knew nothing about it i didn't had alot of friends so i registered/joined, it was good looking and i had thoughts of making friends because why not? it was boring without friends to hangout and talk to with, anyways i met really weird people.. but i liked it because they were like me and stuff, so it was a little boring and i stopped playing for 5 months, but i came back and i can see the community changed alot.

After coming back i lost my friends, but it was easy making new ones, i had to download and restart my characters (a fresh start) after all it happened, before i made 2 friends but that's not alot. So i decided reloplaying and foruming was a great idea, after all these things i did  i got alot of friends who supported me on my stress,depression,anxiety etc.. i called them my "besties" because of how much they were of help.

I also learned grammar/english because i was really bad at it back then i was having a hard time spelling and stuff which increased my grades and rep in school, i fought over the depression and anxiety i had with the help of my internet friends of FH.

Yes it changed my life

 my in-game username is "toxicwolf" and you'll rarely find me

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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #28 on: August 22, 2016, 03:11:20 pm »
I joined Feralheart a good couple of years ago. (Some time before General Chat was taken away..)

Feralheart was never 'just a game' to me. When I first started playing, my life at home and at school was no good. So Feralheart opened my eyes to an escape from reality that I didn't think I could ever comprehend. Whenever my family or school life would shatter I'd lock myself in my room and play Feralheart on my fat, old fashioned computer screen. My first account was 'FireEye' - and I still have it. ^_^

Feralheart gave me the ability to be someone or something else, in a new environment where I could restart over and over again no matter the situation at hand, and I got a little drunk off of that fact (figuratively of course..). Feralheart opened my nerves to the feeling of being appreciated and admired, as a friend and some times a leader - and opened my eyes to the reality of friendship and community, which is what Feralheart is. Feralheart is a large array of people from all over the world who come together over a single server to talk, laugh and play. Feralheart is a family.... and I will 'never' forget all of the times Feralheart has been there for me, and I will never forget Feralheart for that exact reason.

Even now, as I am grown, and I've moved out of my horrible life with someone I love very very dearly, Feralheart remains a glowing part of my life.


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Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2016, 04:50:04 am »
I joined FeralHeart wayyyyy back when I was 12 years of age. Back then I was completely and totally immature, my grammar and sentence structure left a LOT to be desired. Honestly even though there's been some severe downs and drama during my time in FH, I don't regret it at all. It's taught me a lot, and I enjoy my time in-game roleplaying. I feel appreciated, listened to, and I've got the ability to start something brand new if I so choose to. I also firmly believe my literacy would be nowhere near the level it is today if I had not joined FeralHeart, in-fact I don't think I'd care about literacy at all.
Three cheers for FeralHeart lol!

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