Author Topic: .:Hieron Lykos:. A Tribal-Based Roleplay Group(High Ranks Open) (Canine)  (Read 1032 times)

Offline hakuigh

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.:Hieron Lykos:.

- Sited: - Mature - Ranked - Literate/Semi-Literate - SemiRealistic/Realistic -
2016 Wolf Pack - Created --, 2014
Reborn - April 14th , 2016

Our Logo:

Anyone is welcome to join us! There is no RolePlay Sample that you must give, but you should know English fairly well. This is a (Sem)Literate pack, simply know your basics of grammar and common English, it is all we ask.

Required to Join:
You need to know proper English.
You must be mature - meaning some people may swear, but MUST be decent and kept to a minimum, or you'll be kicked out.
You are allowed to have fun, be free and be silly. There isn't anything against that.

Rankings, and Tiers For Each Tribe
  • Alpha/Leader
  • Beta
  • Sentinel
  • Elders
  • Assassins
  • Lead Warrior
  • Warriors
  • Lead Hunter
  • Hunters
  • Lead Scout
  • Scouts
  • Lead Medic
  • Medics
  • Pup Watchers
  • Subordinates
  • Omega
  • Pups
High Rankings Are Open For a Limited Time!

Our Plot

Centuries ago, before the High Land was discovered, there was a series of tribes that managed to live wonderfully together in the northwestern part of that land. But the peace did not last as they had hoped it would, It was not long before war broke out between the tribes. Guided by their own greed and hate they turned on one another, No one could be trusted. The hearts of the people were burdened by the shed blood. This time became known as the 'Era Of Greif' because of the tears that were shed for all those that were lost. Eventually the small tribes formed together into four large tribes. These tribes were known as the Clandestine, Gloom, Torrid and Idyll.

The Clandestine hiding themselves in the forests on a sacred mountain called Seraphyll. Their tribal village unknown to outsiders. The Idyll residing on the western side of the Seraphyll Mountain in a valley filled with green lush. The Gloom tribe made their domain northeast of Seraphylll Mountain far behind the mountains deep within the woods and the plains of their land. The Torrid tribe, separating themselves from the others, made their lives in the most southern part of the area lodging on the cliffs and the meadows that rest behind them.

After almost a hundred years of tension and hostility between them the leaders of the four tribes arranged a meeting on the peak of Seraphyll Mountain. The night was dreary and cold, but it seemed to hold promise for the people of each tribe. Perhaps a peace agreement would be arranged they thought. Little did they know that their leaders still had revenge sketched into their souls. Though it had long been known that resentment and bloodshed upon that sacred mountain was forbidden, the leaders hid a weapon upon them that they may use it to cast their enemy down. As the four men came together they simultaneously drew their weapons. Before either could react a blinding light shot down and illuminated the entire mountain top. Time itself seemed to halt. It is said that ancestral spirits descended upon them and stood in the midst of them. Their faces formed with grief at what had become of the four tribes. This animosity had to stop.

The spirits decided what should be done, they had changed the people into beasts of the earth, simply not any beast, yet one of a beautiful mind, and graceful spirit -- The Wolf. Will the tribes ever learn to tame their wolven spirits?

Hostility still remains beneath the surface threatening to boil over. Will there ever be true peace?

Rules for In-Game
1. Swearing and cursing must be kept to a minimum, but it happens, we understand.
2. Respect your pack members, out and in character.
3. You cannot have powers or wings. Also, we are typically black/gray/white, or dark colors around that area that look semi-realistic. No bright or florescent colors. You are allowed to have items, such as the spikey wristbands or spikey collars, but no wings/or bright items (but you can have glow sticks). You may have any necklaces too.
4. Do not act hostile towards another pack even they were hostile first. You should not lash out without a good reason.
5. No mate begging or rank begging, this will give you a strike.
6. Blocking other members is not allowed, why be in the pack if you ignore someone? Bring it to the Alpha.
7. Please try not to bring drama into this pack. You can vent, but don't over do it to the point where we all just get into a bad mood.

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« Last Edit: May 02, 2016, 01:22:36 am by Gisele »
- Kiku, The Shy Little Bean.

Offline hakuigh

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- Kiku, The Shy Little Bean.