Author Topic: Dreary ship with cages request  (Read 468 times)

Offline starkwolf

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Dreary ship with cages request
« on: April 20, 2016, 12:50:05 am »
I like the idea of a dreary ship with cages, it is an idea for a long-term (and fairly ambitious) RP in FH much later on. However, as I have made maps before I know that a ship would be very difficult (or at least I can't think of a way to make it work).

Important factors:

  • I would like the ship to have as dreary and run-down an atmosphere as possible.
  • The ship should have crates that can fit any sized character in them, but be as confining as possible (obviously there will have to be some way for characters to get in and out, just for the sake of moving from map to map)
  • The crates need to be as close together as possible, and preferably stacked on top of each other.
  • The room should match the appearance as closely as possible of a cargo ship from 1900-1910
  • There should be at least 12 crates, but only 6 actually need to be accessible
  • It should be simple to indicate which [inaccessible] crate a character is referring to. (e.g. different colors, "serial numbers" (way shorter than a real serial number though), etc.)

Helpful notes and allowances:

  • As long as the ambiance of a dreary ship is established, the rest can be left up to imagination. (i.e. all I need is a theatrical stage, not a cinematic set, though the latter would be awesome if possible)
  • Most pictures I am finding of these ships are primarily wooden, with some steel beams.
  • I am noticing in pictures that there are a large number of pillars, so it might be nice to include those.
  • I will need another portal to transport characters to another map, but you need not worry about it. I will have that other map, and can make the modifications to add the portal myself.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 12:51:42 am by starkwolfx »
Been away for a while. When I come back, I have an ambitious RP in mind. PM me if interested.