Author Topic: Experienced mapmaker needed- Payment available!!!  (Read 877 times)

Offline KiwiBirds

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Experienced mapmaker needed- Payment available!!!
« on: May 06, 2016, 10:49:03 am »
Experienced Mapmaker needed!

Hello; I'm currently creating a wolf pack (Roleplay group) and we are in need of a map!

Firstly, in exchange for making the map:
-You will be given full credit for the map, of course!
-You can, if you wish, join the pack. You will be given a high-ranking position.
-As for the main payment- if you play ChickenSmoothie I would be more then happy to exchange some rare pets for your efforts! I have hundreds and hundreds of pets, including over 60 rares and 4 very rares. I would be willing to give away essentially all of these- if you'd like to be paid this way, let me know your CS username so we can arrange a deal!
-If you don't have play ChickenSmoothie, I can do art of some of your OCs- I can do 5-10 pieces of art depending on complexity! :> I can show examples of my art and what to expect, and we can discuss what characters to draw. I can also design OCs to your specifications, etc,,,
-Please let me know what kind of payment you'd like and we can discuss it! <3

Remember- please only apply if you are fairly experienced! I know this map is a very big ask, so don't feel pressured to apply. :>
Below is everything I'm looking for in the map. This list will most likely be your main reference point when making the map- I'll try to include everything I want in detail, but don't be afraid to ask me if you have any further questions or want something clarified :>

-Large Map area
-Customised skies:
(Night: Dark lavender-blue
Day: Light blue
Dusk: Orange
Dawn: Light pink)
-River running through map (Fairly deep)
-Very forresty
-River leads to the edge of the map (fairly tucked away from the territories) into a large deep pool with a large stone island in the middle (enough for quite a few wolves to sit on) with a crystal in the middle. There should also be some way to get to the middle of the island- a stone walkway, fallen log, or stepping stones could be some ways.
-Include other interesting areas or landmarks around the map.

This will be our pack's territory!
-Fairly large area
-Large waterfall (The waterfall should be fairly tall, with a large flat top so wolves can sit and walk around on it. The back should slope down gently so wolves can walk up there. The water should fall down into a deep pool at the bottom.)
-Large cave through waterfall
-The river leads through the camp into the deep pool.
-At some point in the river there should be stepping stones across.
-Some dens scattered around- these can be stone cave dens, underground dens, dens in logs, etc,,,
-Inside the waterfall cave and around the deep pool at the bottom there should be crystals
-There should be a large fallen log in between two hills in the camp which wolves can walk across.
-Make the camp really interesting!
-Use whatever mods you'd like to make it interesting- go wild with imagination!

There should be 2-3 other medium sized territories- a bit smaller than the main one.
-The river should run through or near the territory
-Dens: once again, any kind of den is fine!
-Remember, make them all unique and interesting! Imagine you were to stay at this territory. What would make it interesting and appealing?

-Sound effects
-Nice mods

-Include the greyscale map so I can highlight the territories and locations
-Include what mod packs you've used so I can download them!
-Check with me if you have any questions
-Remember the pack's theme is darkness and stealth- different ways into the camps, places to hide and sneak, and hidden areas would be ideal!
-If you'd like to uptake the job of making this map, please link me to any maps you've made before, or some screenshots of maps you've made before.
-I'm always active, so if could take screenshots of your progress every now and then that would be awesome! (Not mandatory though :))
-Take as much time on this as you'd like- but please make sure you have enough time to get it completed. My ideal timeframe would be under a month, but if it takes longer that's fine! Please just keep me updated as I have already had someone say they'll make a map for me, and then flake out and stop responding.

I know this is a super huge job, but I will seriously be indebted to you forever if you can make me a map like this! If you think you'd like to make this map, please let me know! Include past maps you've made if any, as well as what you'd like as payment!
Thanks so much, and remember, if you have any questions etc,,, let me know! <3 <3

« Last Edit: May 06, 2016, 11:34:48 am by MudCake »

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Re: Experienced mapmaker needed- Payment available!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2016, 04:18:01 pm »
I'd be willing to make the map. I'll link you one of the maps i made quite a bit ago.

Offline KiwiBirds

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Re: Experienced mapmaker needed- Payment available!!!
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2016, 08:37:28 pm »
Could you possibly send screenshots of it? :> Thanks a bunch!

Offline Arandomperson

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Re: Experienced mapmaker needed- Payment available!!!
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2016, 11:50:28 pm »
Here i put a few pics together into a download.