Author Topic: What happened?  (Read 3995 times)

Offline Hakumi

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Re: What happened?
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2016, 08:03:53 am »
I can only imagine if there was a lot of people registering all at once...the server might crash because of the overload. Plus staff would have to sort through individual users and such and that alone can be stressful which is why registration is random.
I can kinda understand where you're coming from from all of this and your opinion matters too, but again, it can take some time and as long as the community helps and do what they can, then the game isn't going to be in dire danger. ^^;

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Re: What happened?
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2016, 10:01:21 am »
I have been around for a very long time so I can say some clarity on some of the topic on my view point. In general games have high and low points of people being active. in some cases during this time in general its school and with summer coming closer, finals are coming. So, from that standpoint alot of personal lives affect activity on games in general. I've notice this in other games as well if you played them long enough so its not just Feral Heart. But going back to your previous question as for registration I believe back when it was implicated it was for the reason that to many people were making accounts and therefor with the huge amount of new accounts in the system its to much for the network perhaps. See with more people online the more lag you will have. Yes there was a point where it was open 24/7 and it was a staff unanimous decision to try to cut down on lag and place that "registration close" idea in effect. Besides, I know ALOT of people who make accounts and they never use them ever again, waste of space.

1: Timezones are there yes but I've checked daily and this doesn't come close to the original numbers from back then.

2: We don't have those numbers anymore and its such a small fraction why are they still closed. We need new players to keep the community active, which it is no where near the activity it was back then.

3: As for the hacking issue that isn't too big of a deal but I am indeed surprised it has happened at all.

1. Back then when I was active I do remember the numbers being higher as well, but like mentioned before, all games have a high and low interest with time. Timezones do play a part since usually at this time no ones on. But what I get people don't understand that its normal for a game, even one as old as this to have low and high "user rates" ill call it.

2. In my opinion, its not quantity that makes up a community, its quality. Like you can have like....say 600 active people but the community is bad. Like Archage or even League for example. The people here are good for the community and I wouldn't really change that.

3. Wrong...major wrong. Privacy and security is a big issue regarding service to its customers "players / users". Its a violation under law for web that everyone's personal security and privacy in general is kept and out of harm. Taking it to FH terms, if a hacker was to hack your account and was to do offences that would get you banned, then you cant claim hack since its a HUGE head turner if your telling the truth or not. With the recent events that happened on Raz account it put alot of users in danger and accounts compromised so the extra window is just another step of security.

I do come on game sometimes to see how the game is doing at times, and I do see where you are coming from on a personal level. Back then the game was flourished with lots of people, even late at night when I used to roam around actively and there was no such thing as having another window open, registration closed, and even general chat. Do I wish it would go back to what it was at times....meh..not really. Sometimes change is for the best, and community wise alot of drama happened back then alot. Now adays its very peaceful. People can still make a account so its not like they closed it all the time. Staff also change as well and they each do their best for us in general to make the game-play experience more enjoyable by hosting events, party days, movie dates,etc. But yeah before I get off track cause its like 5am that's my viewpoint on the topic. People go and people come, its the life of a MMO. As far as I know besides IT, Feral Heart is the only game that offers this kinda service I think so people will still come and join regardless of registration closed at times. 
I Stalk from time to time...I have moved on to other things but do miss this place. Good times
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Re: What happened?
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2016, 11:45:57 am »

3. Wrong...major wrong. Privacy and security is a big issue regarding service to its customers "players / users". Its a violation under law for web that everyone's personal security and privacy in general is kept and out of harm. Taking it to FH terms, if a hacker was to hack your account and was to do offences that would get you banned, then you cant claim hack since its a HUGE head turner if your telling the truth or not. With the recent events that happened on Raz account it put alot of users in danger and accounts compromised so the extra window is just another step of security.

What I meant was keeping a browser open to play the game isn't a big deal not the actual event of being hacked itself sorry if that came out wrong. I don't think keeping a browser affects anyone using the game at all tbh but I would like perhaps a link in the updates spot so when you load the game it's more accessible.

And I do know for a fact that registration was closed because of the amount of people and it would cause the server to crash but I also don't want the numbers to go back to that point. I just want a decent 1.2 to 1.5k players on daily which can be easily done to be honest.

And yes there are some times where it is better as to what fh is now in comparison to the past with bonfire island being a horror that toke a lot of time to get clean. And the issues with people "dancing" it was no doubt a horrible time once in awhile. However now fh is quite clean there is no horror stories from bonfire coming around. There is no "dancing" from what I've seen and that is exactly why I wish the community was allowed to get bigger.

Were there problems in the past, oh heck yeah and it toke a while to clean up but in between the time of when things were getting clean and we had a much bigger fan base and users for fh I felt that was the best time for everything. And to be honest I think getting new users in to a clean environment for role playing as fh would make it even better. Because right around that time we had things like the Umafisi pride around, Red made a awesome map pack and we had multiple user's making a load of content such as Maps, Markings, Items, Presets and Objects. Which is the heart and soul of this game, it is exactly why we have lasted so far without updates from Kovu, the community makes everything work because that is all we need the community.

Hence why I like the idea of having a larger one because you can see in my past post from years ago I believe the soul reason this game is even around is because we make the content, we provide the stories and we make everything together. What I'm asking for isn't just for a large community I'm just asking for more of a community. I haven't seen nearly as much map makers as the past, or item pack makers or marking pack makers or preset makers. But perhaps one day those days could be back and there can be a large thriving community like it was back then.

And no I am not saying there isn't a community now, obviously there is otherwise I'd be talking to myself but I do remember what it was like to see multiple lion role plays around and multiple wolf role plays so you would never be bored and it was easy to find a group. That I think is all anyone could ever want, to find a nice group or niche and cliche with it.

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Re: What happened?
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2016, 12:50:29 pm »
These are no official numbers exactly, but my guesses would be that when the registration was open 24/7. Every third account were new unique users, while the ones in between were most likely just junk/secondary/lolsandgiggles type of accounts. Just because registration is open doesn't have to mean we get plentyful of new users.

FeralHeart(if you look up it's history) has been here since 2011 for users to play, and there has been many changes taking place over the years. I really want to put some weight on earlier responses that even though things has slowed down a bit from these "golden days" that many speaks highly of, the overall growing pain problems this community had and the quality for the players who do play the game has been noticed even though it's not as "fun" to some people.

Now please don't get the idea wrong, you're not the only one who wants a big thriving community, me, the players next to us, rest of staff, we all want a big wonderful place with lots of diversity and interesting users, but so much for that if hell breaks loose and there's no game to play, or site that is working well. It would just be dust left of what once were. Many of the things you do not like, do not approve of is some of the few reasons why FeralHeart is still here today, free to register, free to download and free to play for everyone who wants to. The game client itself may be stuck in time, but the community and what is required for it to actually function has and still get a lot of attention when needed, even though I hardly think this were your intentions your posts really make it sound like people who know very well why things need to be done a certain way neglect the game or just don't care whether it's slowly dying.

Let me tell you now that even though opening registrations 24/7 may let us see an increase in new accounts, and might bring us a few players quicker to this game than it normally would allow, the trade off might not be worth it. Not only is it easier to maintain the game when people don't mindlessly log on the game and start doing whatever and actually check around the community and site most of the time before playing for the first time, not only do we have less spam/flood accounts made whenever people feel like it even though they already have 10+ accounts(there's worse people than this), and not only do we prevent users from as easily making new accounts thinking they can get around bans by doing so, we let them see and understand the community, put less strain on things simply out of our control(like the game client) and in the final end, less strain on the whole community.

This is not a race to get more members or be the biggest out there, it's about taking care of what we have and ensure we will have it in the future as well. There is no reason to be silly about it and dive head in first. Some of the people who spent the most time, resources and dedication non-stop taking care of this place since the get go decided having random registrations would be for the best. I am sorry if it doesn't live up to your nostalgia and old memories of this place and we should always try to aim high for the future, but the registration is just one of quite a few reasons why this game might not have as many active users at once as you remember.

There has been many things going on over the years, and back when FH kicked off it had pretty much no "competition" for the kind of game it were. There was no Impressive Title servers up and running or other games similar to it, FeralHeart was hyped up with what everyone thought it would become and now 5 years later, it's the exact same game that has been(at least from my point of view) been the center of quite a few attacks and drama over the years that's caused more or less problematic outcomes for it's players.

The whole "hacking" that took place is one of them where we now must keep a page open to play the game in order to ensure that we don't have toxic players that know how, going onto peoples accounts that aren't theirs. If we could we would make a much better and clean way to manage the secure login so maybe people even wouldn't need to start their browser. But as facts remains, we have no way possible to edit how the game client works on that aspect since the game creator left and has no intentions to continue on the game right now, nor interest to talk about it. This browser login is the bets solution we have right now, even if it's not the best or most efficient way to play.

In this case it's sadly that we cannot live in the past and we need to think about more than a number, and I'm certain you understand that too. There's no direct plans on opening the registration 24/7 currently, neither is there much we can do about the login page as we must have it there to ensure our in-game accounts don't get abused and we have no possibilities to make it better as it looks right now.

You must understand while most users think of the next step, some of us need to think of step 2 or 3 as well. I can see your point and what it's trying to say, but I can also say it's not that simple even though just opening registration, make compromises to the login page security to make it easier to play, and just let's users do their thing and let someone clean up the mess would certainly not require much effort from anyone until the day things come falling down.
Former community manager of FeralHeart