Author Topic: What happened?  (Read 4011 times)

Offline BlueKinTsukiko

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What happened?
« on: May 27, 2016, 07:28:37 am »
I know this may come off as rude, arrogant and maybe just a bit different but guys what the heck has happened to this game. It has been years since I've been on this game and when I came back just cause why not I see less then 200 players on, fh has been hacked and now we have to leave a window up. All of this seems a bit off...And tbh it is the most sad thing I have ever seen.

Why is the registration closed if we barely have players in the Flourite plains, we had at one point up to 2,000 sometimes even 3,000 DAILY. And registration being closed constantly lowered the player count so bad that not only is it less then 1000 players but now its in less then 500. We need to change this and its obviously something to do with this registration stuff since I've heard from people how long its taken for them to join. And to be checking daily for a registration to be open is ridiculous what game does that unless they don't wish to be around anymore.

I know this may or may not change anything but if you truly and deeply care for a game like this then perhaps you should look around and speak out about this. This can be changed maybe and if not then its no wonder why this game will die from low player count and less community each passing month.

Added this poll just so we can get a opinion that isn't bias.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2016, 07:47:43 am by Blue »


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Re: What happened?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2016, 07:32:01 am »
There are still plenty of players that come online. You need to take in account the timezone differences, and the fact that some kids have to go to bed early and have school. And the reason why the registration is open at random times was because way back when, so many people wanted to join that it would overload the serves. And the reason for the login page is too keep all of us players safe. It's a small price to pay to play safely in my opinion.

Offline Hakumi

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Re: What happened?
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2016, 07:33:20 am »
Do understand that staff is trying their best and they care about our safety 1OO%
Takes more than just months for the game to be the same, and quite frankly it might not be the same since the incident happened.
Talking about the hacking isn't really allowed to be discussed because it could bring up some drama but the community is still going strong despite this. Floofs do have lives outside this Realm and some might be in school, finishing up. Maybe it'll rise more in the summer.
As for registration, I've seen it opened more frequently, but it happens at random so there is no set time. I can say a lot more but you probably get the jist ^^;

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Offline BlueKinTsukiko

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Re: What happened?
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2016, 07:34:59 am »
There are still plenty of players that come online. You need to take in account the timezone differences, and the fact that some kids have to go to bed early and have school. And the reason why the registration is open at random times was because way back when, so many people wanted to join that it would overload the serves. And the reason for the login page is too keep all of us players safe. It's a small price to pay to play safely in my opinion.

1: Timezones are there yes but I've checked daily and this doesn't come close to the original numbers from back then.

2: We don't have those numbers anymore and its such a small fraction why are they still closed. We need new players to keep the community active, which it is no where near the activity it was back then.

3: As for the hacking issue that isn't too big of a deal but I am indeed surprised it has happened at all.


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Re: What happened?
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2016, 07:39:26 am »
Honeslty, I'm happy with the numbers. I've seen close to 600 at some points in time, and it has been that way since I joined two years ago. And as Hakumi stated, the numbers have dipped since then, but mostly because the players that never visit the forums don't know about the new login page, which is a shame. But there are still plenty of friendly floofs around.

Offline BlueKinTsukiko

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Re: What happened?
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2016, 07:43:35 am »
I've been here for quite a while, if I had to guess this would be around 2010 and it still seems off that there is this many members gone. I haven't seen it close to 600 and I've been eyeing it for this past week so Idk when you're on but it definitely hasn't been when I've checked. Which is a lot more then one would think.

As for the Moderators I do know they try their hardest and are doing this for free so I do have respect for them but this is a sad state for a game like this to be in.


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Re: What happened?
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2016, 07:48:25 am »
Well, to many players, this game is still nice, and we can still have fun. I'm really sorry you feel this way about it, but I don't really think anything is going to change as of now in the way of the registration times and the login page. It's just better off this way, otherwise, they wouldn't have done it. They could just as easily have shut the game down entirely, and nobody wants that.

Offline Hakumi

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Re: What happened?
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2016, 07:49:44 am »
Again...people have outside of the game. Some people want to experience new things. The game is still around, community is still here and newer faces are coming to the scene. Some people are content that the game isn't gone because the game has impacted them so much and they're taking what they can offer / give which is fine by them.
Timezones are huge and as arctic said, you may not see it during certain points of the day which is understandable and why you wouldn't see the numbers so high because of the time of day.
As long as the game is keeping us safe & not a complete ghost town, it's doing what it can to stay.
Staff is even opened to some newer, possibly fresh ideas to help or find alternatives but it still needs to be safe for players to prevent future mishaps. ~

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Offline BlueKinTsukiko

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Re: What happened?
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2016, 07:55:35 am »
That is just the thing, it does feel like a ghost town already in comparison to what it used to be. I know that too many people can be a issue but tbh if the game doesn't have enough players then the whole thing dies. I don't think all of the community is dead but I do feel like it was much bigger and better back a few years ago. Again this is just my personal opinion and I am curious as to what people think. But I feel a few months of open registration would go great and bring in some good numbers which is what I feel is needed for this game to get back the way it used to be.


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Re: What happened?
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2016, 08:02:28 am »
From what I have heard, when FH was first created, registration was left open for quite awhile. But it obviously wasn't working out, which is why they are doing this now. And it has been this way for a few years now. The same thing would probably happen if it was opened all the time as it did when it was first created. The staff do not want to mess with the servers constantly going down. As Hakumi stated, there are always new people coming in, so in all reality, this game is still rather active. And a lot of games slow down after a few years, it's just how it is. But as of now, I honestly don't see Feralheart dying out anytime soon. And I really don't even see it as a ghost town.