Author Topic: The Rune Wolves  (Read 29286 times)

Offline Kiyoi

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Re: The Rune Wolves
« Reply #30 on: June 29, 2011, 01:33:26 am »
aww, thats ok, take as much time as you need ^^

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Re: The Rune Wolves
« Reply #31 on: June 29, 2011, 01:39:52 pm »
Lol Sorry?
No no, its fine silly. lol
Help my Pokemon please! I love you forever!!!!

Offline aelitastar

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Re: The Rune Wolves
« Reply #32 on: June 29, 2011, 09:32:31 pm »
Maybe they can be twinsies! :D

Anyway, I really have been considering making a pack for these guys, but I've been distracted by other shiny things. >.<
shiny things are always distracting
I am not who I was when I last left here, from the years '11 through '13. I sincerely apologize for how rude and disrespectful I had been, and hope whoever I have wronged before can forgive my previous bad behavior.

Offline AliciaJewel

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Re: The Rune Wolves
« Reply #33 on: July 01, 2011, 12:49:21 am »
Amen to that. I recently got my hands on No More Heroes, so that's my current distracting shiny...

Offline aelitastar

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Re: The Rune Wolves
« Reply #34 on: July 01, 2011, 01:34:27 am »
Amen to that. I recently got my hands on No More Heroes, so that's my current distracting shiny...
>.< i need to stop eating cracker jacks because my dinner will be done soon >.> they are just so good
I am not who I was when I last left here, from the years '11 through '13. I sincerely apologize for how rude and disrespectful I had been, and hope whoever I have wronged before can forgive my previous bad behavior.

Offline KuririLove

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Re: The Rune Wolves
« Reply #35 on: July 02, 2011, 10:07:11 am »
I actually have 2 versions of the picture... lol 8D;;; The one at the top is un-edited with her real colors, the one at the bottom is... obviously edited. C: I tend to like edited pictures better. <3

Name: Marina
Age: Young Adult (19 Human Years, abouts? C:)
Element: Water
Personality: Me? I am... mature beyond my years, I guess you could say. I have little tolerance for pups and those who act immature. Honestly, I'm really rather rude to strangers and those that I doona see often, but once you convince me you're worthy of me trust, I'll open up a bit and relax.  Though, for some people I'm not exactly willing to admit that I like them... <.<
History: My history!? Puh.. My childhood was rather uneventful after the first month of me life. I was born from a fire element Father and an Air element Mother. At first they wondered why my Brother and Sister were of their elements, my sister being Fire and my Brother Air, but for someodd reasons I was Water. I suppose they only wondered because there was no record of the Water element anywhere in our lineage, except for one on me mum's side.
My da's side of the family was strictly Fire until he met my mum. Not sure why, musta been dumb luck since elements aren't supposed to run in the family. Apparently they hadn't been taught that, or... Maybe they had, they just forgot. I donna know.
Anyways, my parents got into a fight the day before my siblings and I were born. Mum and da separated a week after we were born, my da taking my sister with him. Mum told me da had said my brother would have been too hard to train, and he didna want me because he didna know how to deal with the water element. I hurt, sure, but mum must have spoiled me enough to fill the void, because it doesna hurt so much anymore.
My brother didna make it, he managed to get himself lost in the woods and lose control of his powers, burning himself to death while me mum was out hunting. At least... that's what we assumed happened. I was asleep in the den, where he shoulda been, and my mum found his body half burned and fully dead about 10 minutes away. He was only 3 weeks old, I doona know how he managed to do it, but he did. I suspect it wasn't him but... Mummy willna listen to me. :/
My mum ditched me within the tribe, claiming she had no idea how to train me.
I soon found out the real reason why she left me. A few days later she came to speak with me, and I was nearly crushed by what she said. She told me she was dying from cancer and couldna bear to die in front of me, let alone leave me to fend for myself. She had come back to tell me, only an hour before her death, because she didna want me to live with the thought that she loved me any less than a good mother would just because she left me with the tribe. The older Runes' had buried her nearby, and ever since she left me with them they trained me. I was grateful, because I wouldna have been so great at using my powers if she'd died and left me to teach myself.
I scarcely remember anything about her besides what she told me before she died, but I must have loved her, because my heart still longs for mum like it longs for fish when I havna had any for 3 months, that being, throughout the winter when all the fish are trapped under a 3 inch sheet of ice.
RP sample: I licked my lips and buried the remains of the fish, its' meat stripped from the bone and the bones licked until they were a shade of pearl white. Satisfied with my meal, I stood and shook out my pelt, staring into the water. I sighed and sat down, really quite bored. I grinned, forming bubbles in the water and letting them float freely. After about 10 minutes of bubble forming, I figured I'd try to make a bigger one. I stared intently at the water, narrowing my eyes and concentrating. As the bubble rose I relaxed a bit, letting it grow. After a while I figured if it got any bigger it might swallow me up, so I prepared to release it and let it roam. I blinked and turned suddenly, the bubble popping and splashing me with a thin layer of water as my concentration shattered. I huffed and looked around, swearing I had heard something. I obviously wasn't fond of being alone, and this was why. As I forced my muscles to relax, I turned and stared right into the eyes of the beast; the one I'd only seen in my most vivid nightmares. No, I wasna looking at him... I was looking at his reflection. I sucked in a breath and moved forward slowly, but of course it was a mistake. The last thing I remember of that night was a bone-chilling scream and the blood of an innocent pup being spilled, and I couldna do a thing about it, for I was no match for the great beast.

I'm also trying to write in first-person for a potential book that I haven't started yet. o.o Constructive criticism on the personality, history, and role-play example are welcomed. x] And yes, I know doona, willna, shouldna, and the like aren't words, but Marina has a partial scottish accent. C: Yes, partial. Partial because I'm still working on my own Scottish accent. >< But why am I doin' that?! 8D Cuz I like Scottish accents, doona judge me lol. v.v'

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Re: The Rune Wolves
« Reply #36 on: July 04, 2011, 11:09:13 am »
Wow, the Rune Wolves have REALLY gotten should make a pack for them, or I'll have to do it myself. XP


Name: Rei (Rei as in "spirit", not "gratitudes.")
Age: Pup
Element: Spirit
Personality: She can be seen as "clever", "tricky", "hardy" and "tough." Whenever she gets bored or lonely, she'll look for any stray souls to talk to. Rei also likes to contradict others. Many other Rune Pups see her as mean and not so nice, but Rei is actually trying to help's just her way of saying "you're supposed to do this." Her Pet Peeve would be whiners.
History: Like all rare types of Rune Wolves, she was respected and cheered for when it came to social status. However, Rei does not approve of this, and she wants to be treated like a real Rune Wolf, not some special princess. There was no sob-story, no pack getting killed, no nothing. Just the life of a specially-treated Rune Wolf. However, there were some times in her puphood that were significant the time she slapped another pup for whining about her lost parents. (Not to be directed at anyone's character, just saying.) Rei usually liked to hang out with the male pups and play-fight with them...this led to her lack of "beauty-knowledge." Over time, Rei never thought about her beauty until another rune pup told her that she was truly graceful. That earned the pup a nip on the nose.
RP sample: The gray Rune Pup ran towards the males. "AHOOOOY!" Rei screamed as she tackled another pup. The air was clean, the clouds were gone and the sun was shining brightly. Perfection. A nice day for a spar.....and thankfully not a grooming session. Rei caught a glimpse of another pup running away from the fight. "HEY! GET BACK HERE!" She nipped him on the tail. "If you run away like that in a real battle, the whole pack would fall!" she scolded the other pup.

Offline AliciaJewel

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Re: The Rune Wolves
« Reply #37 on: July 05, 2011, 12:45:01 am »
However, there were some times in her puphood that were significant the time she slapped another pup for whining about her lost parents. (Not to be directed at anyone's character, just saying.)
Not to be creepy, but I freaking love you right now. xD

I really have been giving a Rune Wolf pack some thought, but I've been buried in other RPs lately. I'm not sure if I'd be able to keep up with it. @_@ But if you wanna make a pack, you have my full permission. Just let me know.

Also, Fredrica Bernkastel ftw.


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Re: The Rune Wolves
« Reply #38 on: July 06, 2011, 06:48:05 am »
Oh I wanna join! ^O^ *runs off to make character*


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Re: The Rune Wolves
« Reply #39 on: July 06, 2011, 07:52:05 am »
~Name: Zola (meaning silent/quiet xD)
~Age: Adult
~Element: Darkness
~Description: Zola is a medium grey with pure black swirls and piercing golden eyes that seem to look right through you to your very soul. (scary lol xD) She is a medium-large-ish wolf.
~Personality: Zola comes off as rather quiet as she hides in the background and listens to the talk of those around her, often seeking solitude. She does not speak often, but when she does, it is meaningful and has been thought through, normally surprising everyone with something no one had even thought of. Her way of thinking makes her great at creating strategies for battles. But because she tends to stick to the background, very few view her as a threat, in or out of battle. This is untrue, her battle side didn't match her other side at all. Easily angered, she is a strong she-wolf and is a fearsome opponent in battle. Despite all of this and the fact that her element is darkness, she is compassionate and will lend a listening ear to those in need of one.
~History: Zola grew up in the pack but always felt she didn't quite fit in. She rarely played with the other pups but instead would seek solitude in the forest away from the rest of the pack. Being quite and subdued, the other pups often made fun of her for being a weakling. However, this stopped after another pup made a comment about how she could 'take on Shadow any day blah blah blah ect. ect.' and Shadow gladly accepted the challenge. The fight lasted only a couple of minutes, ending with Shadow on top. The other pups left her alone after that.
~RP sample: Zola put her head on her paws and stared into the water at her reflection. She had come here after getting in a fight with another pack member, the worst yet. The others had barely been able to separate them, and they didn't try to separate wolves in a fight often. They let them fight their own fights, unless things got out of paw, like today for example. She knew the rest of the pack didn't fully accept her. Maybe it was because they only knew her bad side. Well, she thought, thats their own fault for always provoking me. But it wasn't, not really. She knew she shouldn't let them get to her so easily, but they did and she would lash out. She sighed. Maybe pack life isn't right for me, she thought to her self. Maybe I should just go. Right then she made a snap decision, one that would change her life forever. She got up and walked off through the forest, away from the camp, pledging never to return. But she would, and very soon, for she what she would find would change the life of the pack forever.
(This is notgoing to happen in the RP, it was just an example xD)
« Last Edit: July 06, 2011, 07:53:23 pm by Katy »